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  1. So, if I'm getting this right, the source of the OPs discontent is essentially a minor RP concern, correct? I'm all for satisfying RP concerns, no matter how trivial they may appear, but it's always a matter of comparing cost to benefit. As big of a modification of how zone to zone travel works as the OP seems to want would likely constitute the bulk of the offering for a small-sized issue (which is all we seem to get any more). That's just too much work for too little reward.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
    You do realise you're describing CoV here?

    And that's one big reason why I anticipate never rolling a native blue-side AT again, after GR.
  3. Because my (now ex) girlfriend was playing the game a lot more often than I was, and I got tired of getting /tells from her freaky ERP guild buddies whenever I'd log in.
  4. Eisenzahn

    Hero MM?

    More specificically, since I wouldn't be surprised if you're a bit out of the information loop as a first-time poster, here's what the Going Rogue expansion will let you do.

    - Take a Hero or a Villain into morally grey territory, becoming a Vigilante or Rogue respectively, who have access to the zones on both sides (but still use things like the Markets only native to their original side).

    - Take a Hero or Villain all the way across to now being a full member of the other faction, with access to their markets and whatnot.

    - Stick with your original faction, and earn extra rewards for doing so.

    - Start any AT from either side as a neutral character in Praetorian Earth, and decide through the storyline whether they're going to become a Hero or Villain.

    So no new pet-based ATs that we've been told of, or any New ATs at all for that matter, but All ATs are effectively going to be for Heroes and Villains both.
  5. I was already on board with putting AE in Pocket D, and I'm additionally on board with the expansions of that idea presented by the OP. Good work!
  6. And a slightly more serious attempt than my first...

    They came to me in a dream, many years before they came to our world in their warships. Many of the secrets with which I am empowered, I have secured by emulating the path of the All-Father. I have struggled to use them wisely, but I fear that I may have failed to exploit this particular revelation in a timely fashion. They came to me in a dream, while my body hung from a tree for nine days and nine nights. They came with fury and hate, and even though I knew I was innocent of any provocation, I knew just as well that their wrath was justified, that their honor was pure. The contradiction still vexes me, and I fear that there are patterns and plots at work beyond our perception. We will regret this war, far beyond what the toll of bloodshed and destruction alone can account for.

    This I speak with the Wyrding upon me, that you may know it for truth: We have been decieved, and so have they. We have been manipulated, and so have they. We have been provoked, and so have they. There is some hidden architect at work who stands to profit from our clash with the Rikti, some sly old worm who even now gnaws at the roots of the World Tree. I pray that our sacrifice will allow a sufficient reprieve in which to discover this instigator, but I have recieved no foreknowledge if it will be so. The runes are silent, my dreams are dark, and the Wyrding will not lead my tongue any further than it already has regarding the matter. I think it means that I am not permitted to see a future that I will not be a part of.

    I have made my choice, and if it must be that we will storm the gates of Valhalla tonight and demand a place at the feast, I am comforted. I have valued wisdom over glory, but in the end it is good to die in a way that will be remembered. Do not mourn me, for I go to earn my place among the Einherjar.

    They came to me in a dream, and Death trotted at their side like a loyal hound. They smote us with with weapons of devastation, tore holes through the world to call fresh cataphracts, cast burning light from their warships that could sear the flesh from a man's bones and then burn the bones to ashes as an afterthought. They came to me with a rage as terrible as the World Serpent, and I rode out with a host of the Mighty to meet them. In my dream, I spoke to the skies. And by the terms of one of the agreements made, one of the secrets earned while I hung for nine days and nine nights, the skies cast their defiance at my adversaries. The clouds boiled like waves of the sea, and lightning screamed like angels falling. In my dream, I laid low many of their champions before I fell, but I do not know if our goal had been achieved. In my dream, I died while many of my comrades still lived, gave my life to buy them time, and hope persisted beyond my demise. With the Wyrding upon me now, that you may know it for truth, I say that it will be as it was in my dream today.

    Speak my name, Sons and Daughters of Midgard. Remember me, and the death that I now seek in your service.

    Malachi "Sturmlanzer" Schwartz
  7. From the lovely Lunaticia.



    Hay everybody, this is Luna! I'm on Omega Team (OMG can u believe it?!) and we r writin letterz coz they think we r gonna die over there. OMGROFLLOLOGRAM!!!!! AS IF!!!

    I want 2 giv a shoutout 2 my boys Shorty & Dingo, 2 my Gramma (HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAMMZ, HOPE U LIKE THE NEW OVEN MITTS, THEY R SHAPED LIKE A SHARK, LOL! ALSO I GOT A NEW SCRATCHING POST 4 UR CATZ, IT IS IN UR BASEMENT, ITS NAME IS C4T45TR0PH1L3 & IT USED 2 B IN THE FREAKSHOW!!), & 2 Doc Aeon (SORRY ABOUT TEUSDAY, HOPE THE BRUISES AREN'T 2 BAD!!!!!), 2 all the thugz & playaz in Ziggursky Correctional Facility Cellblock E Section 5, & most of all to the A&IOoMotHBoM(*), Mu'Chao, Mu'Rahn, Mu'Cho, Mu'Chacho, Mu'Shu, Mu'Lissa & Mu'Ria. I LUV ALL U GUYZ LOLZZ!!!!


    Luv & Kisses,
    * - Ancient and Illuminated Order of Mystics of the Holy Bloodline of Mu.

    The sad thing is, this is 100% in character. The excellent thing is, her optimism isn't entirely unreasonable... as a heavily IOed Electric Armor Brute, her odds against a limitless horde of Rikti aren't all that bad.
  8. I really don't anticipate a shift in recruiting priority for teams. Many (but not all) Hero teams will still operate according to a rigid set of party role requirements, but with a couple new ATs that can fill each role (Brutes & MMs can tank, MMs, VEATs & Corrs can support, all villains can DPS). Many (but not all) Villain teams will stick with the old standard formula of grabbing whoever and whatever is available and overcoming obstacles with big chunks of overwhelming but poorly coordinated damage rather than planning out any kind of coherent strategy, but with the addition of the two most damage-focused ATs in the game (Blasters and Scrappers) and other characters who don't necessarily count Damage Dealing as one of their primary functions like all Villain ATs do. Both sides will see some increase in flexibility, Hero Side much moreso because the migration of players seems far more likely to flow from Red to Blue than the other way around. But overall styles will likely remain consistent.

    What seems far more likely to me than team recruitment requirements changing is a change in what actual ATs are being played. I've got a few ATs I anticipate never playing again, once I have the option to pick something from the other faction that better fits my playstyle, but that's a matter of personal taste. Game-wide, though, I'd bet on a significant drop in Defenders in favor of a huge boost in Corruptors, and Heroic Masterminds becoming as common as any of the native Hero ATs. Brutes, I foresee catching up to Tanker numbers, but not to Scrapper numbers. Stalkers and Dominators, I don't imagine changing popularity much in either direction. And Hero ATs moving to Villain Side, I anticipate being extraordinarily rare. The one AT I'd bet on making a big leap from Blue to Red, surprisingly, is the Warshade... but that only in the RP community, where I've talked to a lot of people who are still disappointed Nictus weren't the VEAT.
  9. Personally, I slot all three shields with 3 Resists and 1 EndRed. Even with one of the most efficient endurance management tools in the game appearing in this set, I want to reduce my endurance use, so I can focus my use of Power Sink more on sapping enemy strength than replenishing my own.

    Lightning Field, I slot with 2 Endred, 2 Endmod and 2 Acc. Lightning Field's damage dealing component is secondary to its impact on enemy endurance, in my use. But I've only ever paired Electric Armor with Electric Melee, so it's not like I was hurting for AoE Damage. Out of all the powers in the set, this is the one most likely to vary in slotting from player to player.

    And as a final note... should your Electric Armor Brute choose to fly, with Swift and Lightning Reflexes both slotted with a level 50 Fly Speed IO, you can cap flyspeed without adding any additional slots to Fly itself. That's a nice trick that only Electric Armor and Super Reflexes can pull off.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    Out of curiostiy, why do you dislike it? It's no worse than you inviting someone else to your team. If you have a spot they could fill (depending on AT etc if you are a player who likes a specific make up) what do you have to lose?

    I do agree with the /ignore if they persist.
    Personally, I dislike it because the teams I'm on tend to have a very rapid pace (or else I'm not going to be on them for long), and responding to a sudden /tell is going to inhibit my ability to maintain that pace. I'm rarely very chatty on the Team channel for the same reason. That's no reason to explode in rudeness at someone, but it is sufficient cause for me to generally fail to respond. If they manage to get an invite by contacting someone else on the team, that's usually a signal that it's time to return to my solo adventures.

    But that's just how I choose to operate, and I have no expectation that the community would reflect anything similar in any 'unwritten rules', so a hostile response would be wholly inappropriate.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post

    Don't ask.

    It makes a Wolverine fan, like myself, weep bitterly.
    Remember the time Apocalypse stole his nose? Ha ha! Good times!


    Ok, sorry. That was cruel and unnecessary. I mock Wolverine fans because I am obligated, as one of the very few remaining Cyclops fans, to make sure people remember that there were two sides to that rivalry once. Of course, I do so with full knowledge that one of the only comic book 50-storyline pileups that can compare to the Wolverine Recovered Memory Retcon Parade is the Summers Family Reunion seating chart.

    white line = regular old kid (not featured)
    black line = kid from the FUTURE
    black dotted line = kid from another dimension
    black double lines = kid from the FUTURE of another dimension that's been retconned so it's not going to happen any more
    black double dotted lines = clone of kid from the FUTURE
    red line = ex-wife
    red dotted line = clone of ex-wife and ex-wife in her own right (additional seating may be needed for whatever demonic entities have arranged for her to walk the world of the living once more)
    red double lines = psychic love affair partner
    red double dotted lines = thing that looks like your wife, ex-wife, girlfriend, etc., but is probably just Mystique trying to steal your car keys.
    blue line = parent
    blue dotted line = parent's alien girlfriend
    blue double lines = parent's alien pirate spaceship crew
    blue dotted double lines = parent's alien rapist and father of your half brother (NOT INVITED)
    green line = sibling
    green dotted line = half sibling
    green double lines = thought it was your sibling, but the character turned out to suck so it was retconned, but if we didn't keep inviting him to family barbecues he'd starve to death
    green double dotted lines = alternate dimension version of yourself
    silver line = Mr. Sinister (connect one of these to EVERYONE)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
    Quick rundown of what seems to be happening:

    1. Collect presents. When enough presents have been collected...
    2. A Winter Lord (Giant Monster) spawns. When he is defeated...
    3. A huge present appears. Important: this is marked on the map. A countdown starts which is 'preparation time'. When the countdown reaches zero...
    4. Anyone who clicks on the huge present is teleported to Lord Winter's Realm. Lord Winter is a huge Winter Lord on top of a hill. Beatdown commences.
    5. At 75%, 50% and 25% health, Lord Winter summons the Winter Guardian... a GM Winter Lord. While the Winter Guardian is alive, Lord Winter can't be hurt.
    6. Defeating Lord Winter gets you 20 Candy Canes, 6 Reward Merits and the Lord/Lady of Winter Badge.

    I'm not sure if 1 actually causes 2, but from what Ghost Falcon said, I think it does.
    Ooh. I really hope my antiquated computer and sub-par connection can deal with that (the "teleported to Lord Winter's Realm" bit especially worries me), because it sounds like fun.
  13. Ninja Run being incompatable with Combat Jumping is disappointing, but I'll cope. It looks pretty excellent otherwise. How about Stealth, Invisibility, etc.? Just want to make sure my one and only actual ninja-themed character, my Nin/Nin Stalker, can use this thing without suppressing Hide.

    Also, costume bits look sweet. There are several I anticipate using, even on non-Ninja Themed characters. Sounds like it would have been a good idea to throw it onto the Test Server for a bit first, though.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Coral club and Elder knife...not sure if both sides have access to those villain groups. They're too signature to no have as unlockables.
    So, Redcap daggers being only available to Heroes year round isn't a desirable outcome? Or is their limited availability during the Christmas and Valentines events considered sufficient?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    When the flashback system was first announced, I always assumed it was going to be a semi-co-op zone, with Heroes and Villains together, but with Hero missions only being able to be played by an all-Heo team, and Villain missions only able to be played by an all-Villain team.
    It wouldn't be a bad idea, really. They'd just have to put in a second Ouro portal leading out, and flag each one Hero or Villain only like the Pocket D exits. Mercedes Sheldon has shown that a single contact can offer seperate missions depending on which faction talks to her (so both Mender Silos' arcs are preserved), and the same code that applies to Daedalus and Sister Airlia could be used on Twilight's Son and Mender Tesseract. Mender Lazarus and the Pilgrim, offering an identical arc to both sides, could simply be coop contacts. I mean, our characters know they're recruiting people from both sides of the fence... or at least Villains do, when they keep seeing Flower Knight standing around chatting. And I can't imagine comboing up Ouroboros would make it unsuitably crowded, since the stream of traffic is so rarely lingering in the zone itself before using the Ouro portal as a bus pass, or even using the Pillar for its intended purpose and getting bumped off to some other zone.
  16. Eisenzahn

    No "More"

    Here's a concept I've been playing with in one of my MA arcs. Mission sequences that involve multiple directly connected instances, where you don't go back outside or even talk to your contact again. You get your instructions for a large-scale operation, and then infiltrate the location stage by stage from the inside.

    An example. In my MA arc, you still have to go outside, but the holo-contact gives provides some narrative about how that's "not really happening" before you jump back into the data stream. In the real version, you'd just find the door to the next mission inside of the current one.

    Mission 1) Investigate enemy base. An outdoor map. After defeating the boss there, the contact narrative would suggest that you actually found a key on him that allowed you access to the tunnels underneath the Croatoa Farmhouse they were fortifying, and went straight in.

    Mission 2) Sneak through the tunnels. Acting on a hunch that there's some more serious enemy activity going on here than was visible on the surface, your team heads into the tunnels to find out where they go. A series of sealed doors bar the way, but chances are you'll have defeated the scripted encounters with the security codes before getting to each one. The final door, guarded by a particularly fearsome boss, leads to...

    Mission 3) The enemy stronghold. Or right outside of it, at least. Looks like this is actually the base of operations, and the farmhouse was just there to guard the emergency escape tunnel. Too bad they got spotted fortifying it by locals or satelites or whatever. There's some kind of big horrible thing in the middle of the main courtyard, providing a mid-point boss. The trick is taking out all the snipers and patrols arrayed around that courtyard first, without aggroing the Big Ugly, so your direct fight with it can go uninterrupted. After doing so, you earn access to...

    Mission 4) The stronghold interior. With security so tight on the outside, the inside is pretty straightforward. Thoroughly packed with enemies, though. You'll have to be pretty cautious about pulling to avoid operating at the Aggro Cap from one end of the place to the other, where you find...

    Mission 5) The Big Boss's private accomodations. A brutal gauntlet full of mechanized defenses, traps and nasty critters, all leading up to the last fight of the arc.

    Each of these missions would be kept deliberately small, but packed with a lot of scripted events and tricks. The idea is to give each phase its own unique feel, beyond just a series of standard encounter spawns.

    One major concern would be the inability to visit vendors, SG base storage bins, the auction house, etc. For this, I'd a slightly lowered Salvage, Enhancement and Recipe drop rate, and an increased final merit reward to balance it out. Also, the end of mission EXP, Influence/Infamy and Prestige awards would be awarded all at once after the final mission. This is pure psychological trickery, to convince people to play through all the way. Finally, Inspiration drops would be bumped up, because you can't visit a store for more of them between missions.

    The other major problem: What happens if people log out or are disconnected? Or if they use an Ouro portal or Base Teleporter to leave? Under ordinary circumstances, they appear outside of the door to the mission they were ejected from. But that's the door way back to Mission 1. Would they return to the team through that door, and be loaded directly to whichever mission they got kicked from, or where the rest of the team is now? Would they have to run through the now empty maps of the earlier missions to catch up? I suspect this is a big part of why missions are currently handled the way they are, and I don't have a good solution for this right now. All maps would be equipped with a Jail or small "home base" with secure medical support though, to avoid the most common reason for leaving a mission, getting defeated.
  17. My original assumption about Praetoria (which I'm slowly preparing myself to abandon, as it's all intricately woven into the stories of several of my favorite characters) has the turning point of Praetorian Earth being a version of Brass Monday where Statesman lost control for just a split second and killed Nemesis instead of merely vanquishing him. Discovering that he could outright kill a villain and not really lose any heroic status in the public eye would have started him down the slippery slope of evil, which eventually resulted in him just taking the whole place over and declaring himself emperor. This notion seemed satisfactory at the time because it accomplished the purposes of provoking a darker shift for Statesman without doing something hokey like saying "in this universe he was beat as a kid or something", a much more sinister suggestion that this is a path the Primal Earth version could very easily have found himself on, and at the same time removed Primal Earth's biggest player from the board so the divergence's history would be free to evolve in a very different direction without just a moral flipflop of some main characters occupying a world with an otherwise very similar timeline.

    This notion has apparently already been overturned, as Praetorian Cole was already a murderous thug as early as his first acquisition of superpowers, and a lot of other stuff is going differently enough (the nuke-tastic Korean War, and earlier rise of the Devouring Earth for example) that it's clear the divergence was a lot earlier. But it's still possible that the end of Praetorian Nemesis was in an early encounter with a much darker, much more brutal version of Marcus Cole.
  18. You win the award for most excellent thing I've seen all day!
  19. Almost all of my characters will go Vigilante/Rogue. This is because I overwhelmingly prefer the gameplay Redside, but Blueside is so much more populous. My concepts tend towards more murky moral and ethical foundations anyway, so this won't really be out of character for any of them.

    The exceptions: Euroclydon (my first and greatest Storm/Elec Defender) and Lunaticia (my Elec/Elec Brute and favorite character of all time) will be sticking strong with their original factions until I figure out what the impact of changing would be on their badges... since they're my two main badge characters. Again, both have very solid in-character causes to stick with their sides. It should come as no surprise that my most often played Hero and Villain are my most Heroic and Villainous characters respectively. But I could imagine both drifting to the other side and back, as well.

    My namesake, Eisenzahn, is likely to be my only character to immediately pursue the path of total redemption. He's a nasty guy, a killer for hire and self-described "scariest man alive", but he's always had good intentions (no matter how deep he's let them get buried), and I can imagine a solid storyline for his return to good.
  20. Eisenzahn

    Killing pigs

    Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
    Damn...and I was THIS close to buying FFXI instead of CoH. Seriously, I was holding both boxes in my hands while my Mom tapped her foot behind me.
    Heh... you lucked out. Don't get me wrong, it's a seriously beautiful game, an amazing artistic achievement in many respects. I've dabbled in over a dozen MMOs, and none compared with that one's ability to occasionally floor me with the haunting majesty of the setting. I still have literally hundreds of screenshots saved. That, and I really loved the way combat was set up, with the element of team cooperation and strategy in the Skillchain and Magic Burst systems, where you would have two or more team members combo weapon skills together to create a period of weakness to a specific element for your Mages to exploit. But after the 400th time in a row using the exact same optimized tactic with clockwork precision on an identical crab in some grimy tunnel without gaining a level, the appeal often diminished...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nadya View Post
    Here's what went down. /getglobalname 'insert name here.' /Tell @global. 'Hey are you using 'insert name?' "Not really. If you want it, I am sure you'll give it a good home." I then level the name to 30 over 40-60 days. Not that interest, nor after the LONG period do I even remember the global. So I put the name up for trade, trade it, then the previous owner sends me a PM saying it's only right I return it to him/her. Too late. It's gone. Oh well. I am then told I should be more careful. That I should be expected to remember their obscure global and tell them I no longer want the name they gave me weeks ago. Pfft. >.>
    Ah, yeah, that's definitely not the same as lifting something from the name thread. The other person's position just became a lot more sympathetic to me. I'm not going to say that you should have contacted them and offered the name back, but I will say that I would have.
  22. Eisenzahn

    Killing pigs

    The standard MMO formula is... kind of like an abusive relationship. People may hate certain things, but if they're not offered alternatives until they've become accustomed to those things, they may become convinced that those things are actually positive.

    When I quit FFXI for this game, some of my old guildmates actually argued that things like quick travel times, solo gameplay, flexible build options, mild penalties for death, lack of competition over outdoor spawns, and a loot free (at the time) system of character improvement were bad ideas.

    And yet... these were the same people who would complain constantly over Linkshell Chat about having to wait 20 minutes for the airship to show up, or ride a Chocobo for half an hour to reach some obscure camp in the middle of nowhere. Or about the number of hours they'd spent sitting around in Jeuno trying to get a team going. Or about the number of months it took them to obtain all of the gear, spells, level-cap unlocks, secret zone unlocks and faction reputation necessary to be considered worthy of team invites within even a 5-10 level span. Or how much of a hassle it was getting a good camp location where you could effectively fight the monsters you were grinding for EXP without having to compete with a dozen other teams over the same spawns. Or the Notorious Monster system, which encouraged all kinds of ridiculous griefing and drama, and was the main way most players encountered RMT farmers in game. Or about how many times they'd died enough to de-level entirely, and how wary that made everyone of trying out any new content without following someone else's fine tuned strategy to the letter. Or the incredibly low drop rates of the high-end raid content, where you could go for months at a time without successfully completing an event, and even when you did, your chances were less than 1 in 100 of actually getting a reward. Or about how we'd been camping King Ranperre's Tomb for six hours, but some other guild was able to get the Vrtra legendary dragon spawn because they were using taunt bots, or because of server latency, or because it's just crummy design to put something like that on a 3-4 day timer and then load it with some of the best loot in the game, if you don't want players getting pissed at each other over it.

    What they didn't seem to realise was that these problems could all be summed up as Time Sinks. The game developers needed to keep subscriptions going by making everything as time consuming as possible. There was a lot of excellence and beauty in that game, but it was clear that it only existed to provide a minimum effective incentive to put up with the rest of it.

    This game... the developers seem to respect our time. And more importantly, they get involved. I haunted the official FFXI forums pretty much around the clock, and I didn't even know the names of any of the developers. Maybe that's because they were focused on communicating with their core audience, the Japanese players, but it's still a pretty unfavorable contrast to the way the developers here operate. They respect us and they listen to us. They may not agree with what they hear, but they bother to check in the first place.


  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SunGryphon View Post
    Do US hotels still skip floor 13 or has that gone out of practice?
    Depends where. Most places, no. But I know of some fairly recent buildings in Las Vegas, Reno and Atlantic City that still follow that pattern. I also know of buildings in those areas that keep the 13th floor open for business like regular. It seems to depend a lot on on the specific image the hotel in question is trying to present. I know of a few that avoid the question entirely though, by using the 13th floor for staff and administration, rather than having any guest rooms there. That seems like the smartest option to me, unless you've got a lot of superstitious employees.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Click on the neg rep that the person gave you to find what post they attached the rep to. Then click the little Report Moderator button under your OWN post and include in the comment that the person is abusing the rep system to bypass /ignore. The people that comment are anonymous to US, but not to the moderators. They can see all. And if someone is harassing you, they can and WILL be dealt with.
    Already did that. I just wanted to make that particular exploit public, as another major point against the Reputation System even being enabled at all.