Why do you pay for two accounts?

Ael Rhiana



Short one:

I know many have different reasons to have two accounts and although I can think on a few reasons, I would like to hear what is your reason to do so. I'm sure some one will have a reason I would had never thought about before. Oh and paying for my kid's account does not count, unless you also use it for some other reason.

Also lets not restrict this one to this game, I know the uses for dual boxing can fluctuate based on game so, if you dual boxed before in another game, please share your stories on that and the reason for it there too. Off course, I do still am interested mainly on the reasons for this game.

I don't dual-account in this game but will my previous dual boxing experience: I used to dual box on Final Fantasy XI with a ranger and a healer. The reason was that as a ranger I was able to fight enemies that could not move. These had still damage that i would not stand if not for a healer, this allowed me to "solo" in that game (contrary to what many thought, duoing in the game is very effective if applied to different encounters.)

So, how about you?



I picked up the second account before we could buy more slots. I have a few 50s there, I don't particularly want to lose them or re-do them.

And yes, on occasion I do run them both at once. Rarely, though.



I got my second account before they let us buy more slots. Unfortunately, we cannot transfer characters to our other accounts, so it ended up only being good for inviting myself into my SG. I decided that wasn't worth the cost, so I let mine lapse.

If they'd let us: 1) invite people to our SG and promote them when they're offline, and 2) transfer my characters to my main account, I'd buy a bunch more slots, and be a happy camper.

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1. Hook friends into playing since they can run the second account with full-access toons (no Trial Account limitations) while I'm on the first.

2. Spare account for CoH LAN parties where there's an extra person who doesn't have a CoH account.

3. Mostly though: Managing personal SG base, transferal of loot, marketeering, and other account housekeeping where two toons are much, much better than one.

4. Very rarely two-boxing. The second account may be used to deliver spare inspirations to a TF, e.g., EoEs to a LGTF.

5. Testing! Ghost Falcon has hooked up Beta Testers to get their second account in and it helps immensely being able to use two toons to test things, e.g., the effects of the new SuperSideKicking.

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Because I like City of Heroes.

And because 36 slots per server just ISN'T enough!

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



All the reasons listed above.



Because my (now ex) girlfriend was playing the game a lot more often than I was, and I got tired of getting /tells from her freaky ERP guild buddies whenever I'd log in.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - scorpany@yahoo.com or <sameasmyAIM>@aol.com (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Like others, I got it before we could buy slots, and before vetwards in fact. Now I only reactivate it if I want to play those characters.

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



When I'm in the mood to push myself, I run two brutes at once and see if I can maintain full fury on both. Not only do I carve through mobs at a ridiculous pace, but I have a ton of fun doing it - especially at very high difficulty settings that require inspiration management as well. But after about 30 minutes of that, I'm ready to do something less intense.

I'll admit I've benefitted from having two accounts, and have certainly been able to make more inf from having two. The perks of inf transfers being incredibly easy, SG management, and so on is just an added bonus.

And to be quite honest, even having two accounts full of characters on one server isn't quite enough!



I started playing the game on my boyfriend's account (@Aggelakis). I opened my own account when he started complaining about my monopolizing his account (@kellzilla). We split up, and his account (with more veteran time and several of my characters on it) became mine.

My current boyfriend also has an account, but rarely plays, so I use it as a kind of second account. I pay for it to stay active so that he continues earning vet rewards and I can use it anytime I want.

I renew @kellzilla once in a while for dual boxing (or tri-boxing if I am feeling ambitious), transferring items, or whatever.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I got two accounts because I want to be able on better populated servers again. So besides my old EU account, I got a brand new US account. Best of all, they got both the same Global Name.

Ps. If you got an EU and US account with the same Global Name, you receive feedback to your AE arcs on both accounts. Small but for me non critical bug.



I don't.

I pay for four accounts.

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



My Spawn wanted an account a few years ago for his B-day. It also allowed me to transfer stuff if my SG mates were not on.

Types of Swords
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My 1st reason for the 2nd account was base building.
We have content in this game that's only available to SG leaders and I wanted to experience it. And to manage and build a solo SG, especially for inviting alts, you need a 2nd account.
After playing around with a more or less broken base editor for some time (I had a large base worth several million prestige, with floating 2nd levels and countless decorative items) I decided that the effort to build a nice base with the tools at hand wasn't worth the time spent.

My 2nd reason was badging.
Some badges are soloable only with a 2nd account - like some PvP badges, for example. Others can be farmed with a 2nd account - like the Healing badges.
Since dayjobs, unsoloable badges (Pentad for example) and the way the change to AE and Epic badges was handled I lost interest in badging, though.

My 2nd account is inactive for some time now.



Because when I started playing I accidentally created a new game account instead of upgrading my first account. Doh!



I've only recently started a second account, for a variety of reasons, but mostly:

Because I wanted to bring other characters to RP and still have my established character there.

Because there are some alt ideas I don't want to play until they reach a certain level, so I can level pact with myself and forget about them until then. (Yes, I'm looking at you, VEATs.)

Because at some point in the New Year I plan on making a dynamic duo and trying my hand at dual-boxing them to 50.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I used to work evenings and my wife started playing to kill time while I was away. She got into the game more than I would have expected, so I started a second account and got a second computer. The idea was that she would have one account and I would have the other, but she had made her first character on my account and reached the middle levels, so she didn't want to remake her and wound up making a few new characters there as well. In order to play with her, I had to make some characters on the 2nd account.

Now that I have 50's and characters I really like on both accounts, I can't drop one, even though my wife rarely plays anymore.

Est sularis oth Mithas



My 2nd account is currently inactive, due to lack of funds/job, but I started a 2nd account (and have about a year and a half's worth of vet time on it now) a while back for a (then) girlfriend of mine, so I could introduce her to the game and we could play together.

After we broke up, I started using that second account to PL my main account alts up, and also to build my own "SG Base empire." The SG I had been a part of for over a year still was not allowing me ANY use of enhancement tables, salvage racks, etc., etc., so I figured it was about time to start my own SG base and get those priveledges, along with experimentation of SG base building. My 2nd account helped out a lot with earning prestige for my new base.

I've also used it quite extensively for transferring influence between toons, promoting my alts to higher SG rank status, and expanding my ever-growing list of alts (up to 44 now on last count).

Soon as I get a bit more cash flow, that 2nd account is gettin' re-activated!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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I eventually had 2 accounts in EQ because it helped immensely with soloing (duoing) and with marketing (where you had to leave a character logged in at the market).

I picked up a 2nd account in CoH largely to try my hand at dual boxing and to run a solo SG. At this point I have several level 50's or near 50's on the second account. I don't dual box very often -- I'm not set up for it well, my two computers share one keyboard/monitor/mouse and switching between the two, there is about a 2-second delay for the monitor to display the other screen -- but, for example, in the last month I have used two accounts to:

1. Outfit several characters who are in someone else's SG, by using my own SG base to store enhancements or raid my vaults for useful enhancements that I have stored there

2. Transfer influence to said characters to help outfit them

3. Transfer crafted enhancements that I've gotten in drops on these characters to my base for future use (the other person's SG is fairly new and until a week ago didn't have an enhancement storage bin)

4. PL'd a new blaster from 10 to 20

5. Of the three characters I have in another person's SG, two are level pacted. I've played one (MA/WP scrapper) up to 42 and recently outfitted the 2nd (BS/SD scrapper) and played her for a level. It's an interesting experience having a character that you've never played until they're in their 40's. ^_^ I'm in love with shield charge though, so I may play the 2nd scrapper as much or more the rest of the way until 50.

6. Using dual accounts and one of my 50's, I slaughtered 100 Overseers on Sunday so that my BS/SD scrapper could have the rularuu sword and shield. I've done this a few times for other characters of mine, before they were able to do it for themselves.

7. Invited new characters to both my own SG, and for 2 of the 3 above characters in another SG, I invited myself.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
6. Using dual accounts and one of my 50's, I slaughtered 100 Overseers on Sunday so that my BS/SD scrapper could have the rularuu sword and shield. I've done this a few times for other characters of mine, before they were able to do it for themselves.
That's actually a great idea... I need to do that myself with a few of my low-level scrappers... Those Rularu weapons are just friggin' great!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I originally bought my second account for someone else to use, but they no longer do and never will again. In recent times I use it to get new characters into my SGs and to transfer stuff between characters.

I don't actually play on it, so it's not active if I don't need it.



It is so far past time for the devs to allow offline sg invites and promotions.

I have a second game account on my master account that I almost never use. Occasionally during freebie weekends, I'll log it on just for the halibut.

I have pondered taking ownership of my brother's two accounts since he now appears done with the game, but I'd really never have reason for more than one of them.

Be well, people of CoH.



I use to gun and drive my own vanguard / prowler in planetside as well as pilot and bomb for my own liberator / vulture. Fun times.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I got mine to start/invite my own SG. I also use it to PL. I have a fire/kin on my main account and i have a bunch of lvl pacts between newer characters on my two accounts. Mostly the support characters are on second account. Run the fire/kin with a support toon on follow and lvl up two toons at once. :-) I do still farm runs occaisionally, but mostly just TF or team on whatever character helps the team most, but at least im lvling two toons as I do it.

I have had my SG long enough that I was able to trade padding and get an almost full double prestige grant a couple years ago. Now I have all the base I want and all the storage i can get. I have 25-30 and 45-50 recipes memorized on my farm toon for the extra slots and he is now the enhancement maker for the SG. It all flows together well.

I had a bunch of characters and some of them started fitting together into theme teams, or were related somehow, and such. Eventually I came up with a set of 50 characters using every power set (some more then once) Only controller TA and Tank stone melee (i just do not like the look) are out. When I can add villian AT's to the mix coming thru praetoria to paragon, I will add more characters and be up to 71. Thinking about just getting a THIRD account or I will not be able to expand any further anyway.




I initially did a second account to dual box because I wanted to always have the buffs available that I desired. With time though, it has come more to be a place where I can have enough accounts on the server I prefer. I only dual box rarely these days. I have a better picture of where to find good teams now, so I can usually get the support to make the game pretty easy.

Too many alts to list.