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  1. I too like the design of villains more than heroes for the most part.

    What I do not like is the writing, which kills me because I am a fan of Shane Lacy Hensley. I guess he's not good at motivating evil.
  2. Ah ha ha ha ha.

    I remember someone arguing with me over this a few months ago.

    Someone posted about Soulbound Allegiance not working in their pets and asked why and I told them this could be the reason.

    And then some guy comes in and tells me I'm wrong. God I wish he was here now so I could laugh at him.
  3. I don't think the LRSF is even supposed to be beatable the way the game is balanced. We're supposed to need a team to take down 1 AV. Apparently someone thought it would be reasonable for us to fight 8 at the same time.

    Clearly anyone beating this strike force is exploiting somehow and should be reported.

    Oh man, and the badge you get is Servant of Recluse. That's it. That's your big accomplishment. You got to level 50 and beat the Freedom Phalanx. You've worked your way up to "servant." Great job!

    City of Villains is the most insulting game I have ever played.
  4. The LRSF is the reason my ill/rad controller and stone tanker are going red side as soon as they are allowed to. I've been playing since before CoV came out and I still haven't gotten to do the LRSF because none of my villain characters are "good" enough to get a team that can beat it.
  5. I'd like to think it's the Center writing the letters since that character never does anything. I'd hope a certain future event forces him to be more interesting.
  6. I played Diablo 2. I know a necromancer can do good things.
  7. While I hate your idea, this does make me wish for something that would let me change AT's on the same character. It'd have to be leveled up of course and it'd be like starting a new character, but with the same name as your old one.

    Can I get some /signs on this?
  8. Ah. I'm so used to those things not being much help I went straight to the forums.
  9. How do I get an enemy to say a player's name and refer to them by the correct gender?

    I've been looking for this since AE was on test and I have never been able to find it.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    On the flip side, I still see people sometimes who claim that X character was "retired due to ED" or is now "unplayable due to ED", which is hogwash.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, my rad/rad defender was my favorite character before ED and to this day I cannot stand to play him because of the damage loss ED caused.

    I felt that way about my blaster too but with the damage buff and defiance they added he's acceptable again.

    For the rest of my characters ED just meant I couldn't sleep through missions anymore.

    Inventions took a lot of the sting away but it took a while to get here. But I still hate my defender. I will always go for a controller unless defenders get a damage buff.
  11. I'll probably switch almost every character I have. Before City of Villains was announced I made mostly villainous characters who, for whatever reason, are doing good things in Paragon City. When CoV came out I made a lot of characters who I would prefer be heroes but couldn't because of the AT I wanted to use.

    Then there's Dr. Discomfort, a character I have multiple versions of on both sides of the game. He does whatever he wants, really. Beating up Lord Recluse for being incompetent. Fighting against the Freedom Phalanx to prove he's a stronger hero than they are. He's kind of a jerk.
  12. Doctor_Daedalus

    MA- "only" maps

    Would it be possible for the devs to make some MA maps of areas that wouldn't normally exist in the game?

    Stuff like

    forests (with a snow covered variant)

    The desert and arctic ones could even just be texture swapped versions of each other.

    It'd be a lot easier to make some maps like that rather than trying to create a whole zone to justify their existence.

    Also might be a good place to throw in weather effects without having to put a lot of work into it.

    They could also get around to switching some of the Portal Corp maps that are supposed to be taking place in another dimension. The war walls on some of those are kind of immersion breaking.
  13. Is there a villain equivalent to the Wedding Band temp power?

    I've found it really useful on my heroes and kind of miss it when playing villains.
  14. Man I hope you guys are prepared for the coming storm of people complaining about the outright removal of powers.
  15. Nevermind a mission, I would just like to SEE what Reichsman looks like. I imagine it as a cross between Statesman and a 5th column guy for some reason.
  16. This might seem unfair to other servers but have you guys considered letting characters transfer from Freedom to the other servers for free or at least for a reduced price?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd personally love to take on a few missions where you become a member of the freakshow.

    Or assist the Circle of Thorns in bringing ruin to the Banished, in Dark Astoria.

    Or assisting a couple 5th Column in helping start the fall of the Council on Striga.

    Making my way over into Paragon, let in through Crey to work for Crey's intrests.

    Lots of things that Villains could do. My loyalty is not with Recluse at all, and giving us a change of scenery would work very well in my eyes. It could even open up the door for more shared content, something I don't have a problem with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I remember right, the original plan for CoV was to let you join one of several different villain groups. I think they said there were 3. I always assumed it would be the Council, the Circle of Thorns, and Arachnos.
  18. So, uh, anyone know what the numbers are for the tier 2 and tier 3 empowerment stations are?

    Or if they stack?


    Oh I found them. LOL. 17 components for 5% psy resistance. What the hell.
  19. I might have said yes if it weren't for the phase shift nerf.
  20. Doctor_Daedalus

    Rage debuff

    [ QUOTE ]
    2 non-stacked cycles = 20 second crash and 2 endurance losses

    2 Stacked cycles = 20 second crash and 0 endurance losses.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see you conveniently left out the fact that if you stack the cycles the crash happens more. It's silly to compare things like that and leave out the fact that the second one will happen more than the first.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Stacking rage should result in the same endurance losses and the same crash regardless if stacked or not. This is an exploit plain and simple. You acting as if having to experience 2 rage crashes when stacking is more then experiencing 2 rage crashes when not stacking is simply bogus.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not more, but it's enough of a drawback that I don't stack rage anymore. I'll take endurance loss over standing around doing nothing even more than I do already, thanks.

    It's really unfair to call it an exploit. It's an unavoidable bug if you want to have 2 rages going at the same time.

    It's a bug. Not an exploit. Whether or not it's a bug worth fixing is up the devs. Maybe they'll decide they think it's fine the way it is. Maybe not.
  21. Oh good. I don't actually have the worst luck in the universe after all. I'm going to Vegas.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    If all you need is a Tank Mage (or whatever) to complete the overwhelming bulk of content in the game, then why have anything but a Tank Mage?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because I don't think it's fun, obviously. I don't play single player games with God Mode on the whole time, why would I play an MMO the same way?

    [ QUOTE ]
    In that scenario, there's no reason to team, no reason to not have a non-Tank Mage build

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No reasons at all besides finding it more fun than playing a tank mage, yes. Back before the nerfs, people were playing things besides tanks and regen scrappers despite their notoriously easy playstyle. Sometimes I felt like playing regen, but most of the time I felt like playing a defender. I felt like I had an awesome character despite not being able to herd half a map of enemies and burning them all to death. But I'm not the type of person to really care what other people can do with their characters unless I am on a team with them.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Changing Regen wasn't meant to improve your Blaster -- if that was the end, then your Blaster would've been changed. Game changes to one powerset don't change the absolute value of other powersets, they change their relative value.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know it wasn't meant to improve my blaster. But changing my relative value to another AT didn't really seem to make the game better for me PvE-wise.

    [ QUOTE ]
    See my discussion of inductive versus deductive logic above. In short, you presume that PvE balance is immaterial, and neither I, nor apparently the Devs, see it that way.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know the devs don't see it that way. I just disagree with them. The statement is true regardless of what the devs want the game to be like.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Remember that we've been seeing balance changes as far back as pre-I1, long before PvP was introduced. If your argument were true, and PvE balance is immaterial, then by extension, broken Smoke Grenade should've never been changed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fixing a bugged power seems a bit different to me than nerfing a power because people figured out how to use it effectively, but I understand what you are saying.

    I stand by my original statement. Balancing PvE isn't really neccesary because anyone can play any powerset they feel like. No one has anything that anyone else playing the game can't have. The only problem with overpowered things are people that complain about the game being too easy for them, which is easily solvable by removing powers from your tray until the game is challenging again. No onet needs the devs to change their powers to get a challenge out of the game. The only problem that could ever come of it is if the devs tried to balance future content around overpowered characters, thus screwing everyone that has a balanced character.

    All of this goes out the window with PvP though. All of a sudden these "god-like" characters become a problem for me when I cannot possibly kill them. Letting unbalanced characters run around in PvP zones would pretty much lock-out that content for anyone with a character that can actually die, so you can either play one too and enjoy new stuff, or play the way you want to and miss out on what is quickly becoming a big part of the game. PvP made balance truly neccesary. That is why people blame it for nerfs. It's true powers would be nerfed regardless of PvP, but it would not truly be neccesary for people to enjoy the game still.
  23. the reason PvP is blamed all the time for changes is because PvP is truly the only time balancing is all that neccesary.

    If my friend has a character that never dies and can one shot anything, and my character struggles, it doesn't matter as long as I enjoy my character and he enjoys his. If I don't want to team with characters I feel are too powerful, then I won't. This is pretty much what I did before everything got nerfed, and to be honest, I was happier before the changes. I had a fire/fire blaster and a regen scrapper, and regen got nerfed. It didn't really make my fire/fire blaster seem all that much more fun though, so I don't really see the point in the balance for the PvE game beyond psychopaths whining that their own characters are too powerful and evidentally can't be bothered to build their character in a way that is challenging for them.

    In short, PvP made the changes neccesary in order for PvP to work at all, whereas PvE really didn't really need changes in order to work.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    LOL Elite bosses are not supose to be solo-able. If your complaining you cant solo a elite boss the devs would be Happy as a clam. There not going to give you a buff to allow for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What on earth are you talking about? EB's are not supposed to be soloable? Are you crazy? Every character I have can solo an elite boss. Where did the devs say EBs were not supposed to be soloable?

    [ QUOTE ]
    MM are Overpowered in PVE pure and simple.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, they aren't, pure and simple.

    [ QUOTE ]
    At level 33 my zombie/dark had soloed everything including Heroes, when they were heroes in solo missions andnot elite bosses or bosses. He hasnt been below the next to highest or highest difficulty setting since he was level 15.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So what? And I seriously doubt you could solo Mynx as a hero. Or Backalley Brawler. Or any AV/Hero with an AoE attack of any kind.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh and those AVs and elite bosses keep attacking you through your pets because likely your debuffing them. Same thing happens on my dark, it happens because im running darkest night and tar patch on the AV. Same thing happend to rad defenders and controlers forever also, debuffs draw agro.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, it happens to me on my bubbler and I am not doing jack to aggro the EB.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Perhaps, just perhaps, a class as strong in PVE as MMs are, shouldnt be to worried about being also strong in PVP. And should just be ignoring posts like this rather then complaining that they take to much damage to take out a elite boss solo. I do believe similar threads are exactly how controlers got adjusted in issue 5. And before anyone might point out to take my own advice and remain quite, i dont play my MM anymore it was to cheap and boring. I rolled a dom. And if any AT needs the attention in PVP its Dominators. So count your selfs lucky to get any beneficial change, cause Doms got ignored completely.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The reason your mastermind seems "cheap" and "boring" is probably because you don't really have to attack, ever, because your pets do, and you rarely will die because you are more than likely smart enough to run away when things go south. In short, you just don't like the mastermind playstyle. The only way to really change how they play now and not completely destroy the AT would be to lower pet damage and up the personal damage drastically, but that would make us into Diet-Corrupters with pets.