Soulbound Allegiance and Imps
Added a note to pieces of the Soulbound Allegiance IO set that will warn the player that slotting this enhancement into a pet power that summons a pet that is lower than level 50 will result in the pet not benefiting from the effects of the enhancement.
[/ QUOTE ]
Uhhhhh ...
Does this mean that Fire Imps gain no benefit from this set?
And ... have they ever?
[/ QUOTE ]From the wording of it, it sounds like they never benefited and this is just a text change to make it known.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Added a note to pieces of the Soulbound Allegiance IO set that will warn the player that slotting this enhancement into a pet power that summons a pet that is lower than level 50 will result in the pet not benefiting from the effects of the enhancement.
[/ QUOTE ]
Uhhhhh ...
Does this mean that Fire Imps gain no benefit from this set?
And ... have they ever?
[/ QUOTE ]From the wording of it, it sounds like they never benefited and this is just a text change to make it known.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed, but either way, that's very very weak.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Well, this sucks. So i spent a ton of influ on something that is useless for my imps. I really need some clarification on this.
Added a note to pieces of the Soulbound Allegiance IO set that will warn the player that slotting this enhancement into a pet power that summons a pet that is lower than level 50 will result in the pet not benefiting from the effects of the enhancement.
[/ QUOTE ]
Uhhhhh ...
Does this mean that Fire Imps gain no benefit from this set?
And ... have they ever?
[/ QUOTE ]From the wording of it, it sounds like they never benefited and this is just a text change to make it known.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed, but either way, that's very very weak.
[/ QUOTE ]I hope its a bug otherwise I am pretty much done with the pet class. All other invention sets suck for pets anyways. I cant see why this enhancement set is so imbalancing. This is just more pet bullcrap like when they gutted lightning storm and other pets for no good reason.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Heh, glad I took out my 3 nuclis and soulbound proc and just slotted a set of expedient reinforcement :P
I hope its a bug
[/ QUOTE ]
Given that it's being described as a clarification for how it works in the IO's description, I don't think I see how it could be a bug.
I agree it blows, but it looks like they're saying this is how it is.
I cant see why this enhancement set is so imbalancing.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously doubt its got anything to do with it being imbalancing. I suspect it's a collision in how purples only work for security level 50 characters and the critters not being level 50 characters.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I hope its a bug
[/ QUOTE ]
Given that it's being described as a clarification for how it works in the IO's description, I don't think I see how it could be a bug.
I agree it blows, but it looks like they're saying this is how it is.
I cant see why this enhancement set is so imbalancing.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously doubt its got anything to do with it being imbalancing. I suspect it's a collision in how purples only work for security level 50 characters and the critters not being level 50 characters.
[/ QUOTE ]Again its still a weak cop-out just like all the other invention and pet stuff. First it was the taunt sets, then they gut all pets for recharge, and now this. Seriously if they cant work around the system then they need to hire someone who can. Its just not fair.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Its just not fair.
[/ QUOTE ]
Word for word, that's what my kids say.
If you want the devs to take you seriously, you should raise your level of discourse beyond that of gradeschoolers.
Added a note to pieces of the Soulbound Allegiance IO set that will warn the player that slotting this enhancement into a pet power that summons a pet that is lower than level 50 will result in the pet not benefiting from the effects of the enhancement.
[/ QUOTE ]
Uhhhhh ...
Does this mean that Fire Imps gain no benefit from this set?
And ... have they ever?
[/ QUOTE ]
They ceased to be enhanced by the set over a year ago. I first noticed that the proc stopped working around Feb 2008 and that the other IOs didn't work sometime late last year (I was only using the proc prior to that point).
I've been reporting it regularly with every Issue since it was broken. For some reason the devs never saw fit to recognize the existence of the problem.
To be fair to the devs, despite my repeated posts on this there would always be someone saying it worked fine. Usually because they mistook the proc firing on Summon cast for the proc firing on an Imp Brawl attack.
Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)
Well, this sucks. So i spent a ton of influ on something that is useless for my imps.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahh, this brings back I13 PvP memories. All 9 of my PvP toons powers and sets (totaling over a billion inf) were gutted in the interest of balancing for the newbies and cry babies.
The Devs alway provide an alternative though, just like we can get PvP recipes for 100-200 kills or purchase them for a low low cost of 50-700 mil per recipe. Just use up a free or vet respec if you have any, or buy one for 20mil and purchase a new set for your pets. Problem solved YAY!
I really need some clarification on this.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Devs don't care about the paying customers time spent in game to build their toons. Just go with it and praise them a lot.
Hmm perhaps we should send a food basket with a thank you letter.
A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty.
Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...
To be fair to the devs, despite my repeated posts on this there would always be someone saying it worked fine. Usually because they mistook the proc firing on Summon cast for the proc firing on an Imp Brawl attack.
[/ QUOTE ]
I noticed this, also, but thought I was missing something, and kept the proc + one other SA enhancement in Imps anyway.
Blaaaargh, that means I've had useless purples slotted in Imps since ... ummm ... purples.
Ah ha ha ha ha.
I remember someone arguing with me over this a few months ago.
Someone posted about Soulbound Allegiance not working in their pets and asked why and I told them this could be the reason.
And then some guy comes in and tells me I'm wrong. God I wish he was here now so I could laugh at him.
The Devs don't care about the paying customers time spent in game to build their toons. Just go with it and praise them a lot.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well given that the entire reason for this change is to prevent more people from spending big inf on a useless IO, I'd say that pretty much invalidates your claim of "they don't care."
And before you say something like "if they cared they'd fix the bug", you have no idea how deep in the code the bug goes. Obviously if it was the same amount of work to put in the warning as to fix it, they'd just fix it.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Blaaaargh, that means I've had useless purples slotted in Imps since ... ummm ... purples.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, they worked at first. I think it was the 2-12-08 patch (Version 16.200801222.5T2) that broke them.
Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)
I hope its a bug
[/ QUOTE ]
Given that it's being described as a clarification for how it works in the IO's description, I don't think I see how it could be a bug.
I agree it blows, but it looks like they're saying this is how it is.
I cant see why this enhancement set is so imbalancing.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously doubt its got anything to do with it being imbalancing. I suspect it's a collision in how purples only work for security level 50 characters and the critters not being level 50 characters.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which is odd, because I recall one of the distinctions that was made between the purple sets and regular sets was that if you exemped more than three levels below the set enhancements, you were supposed to lose the benefit of the set bonuses, while with purples, the set effects would be active regardless of what level you exemped to, as long as the power they were slotted in wasn't greyed out. So it seems to me that the only checks that should be done for purple enhancements are (at the time of slotting the IO) "Is the character level 50?" and (when determining set activity) "Is the power disabled?" -- if the character was able to slot the IO in the first place, and they can use the power it was slotted in, the IO should function. If the IO is slotted into a power that summons level 49 or 48 pets, it doesn't matter -- the IO was legitimately slotted by the character; it should function.
"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
In the case of Imps, you're trying to enhance a pet that is summoned at L49. It's not a question of the power being greyed out or your toon being exemped. Purples simply have no effect on players and pets that aren't 50 -- and Soulbound is /not/ modifying anything you have, it's modifying the your imps' brawl. That is, apparently, the design, and the devs have no way around this.
There's no question of set bonuses or RSKing here.
Purples, as designed, simply cannot enhance attributes on powers for anything that is not L50.
I mean, it sucks. And I just over-wrote two Purples (the Proc and the Damage) because I'm not respeccing my dom, again. But ... it's a game, and I can deal with it.
Plus -- inf flows like water in this game.
In the case of Imps, you're trying to enhance a pet that is summoned at L49. It's not a question of the power being greyed out or your toon being exemped. Purples simply have no effect on players and pets that aren't 50 -- and Soulbound is /not/ modifying anything you have, it's modifying the your imps' brawl. That is, apparently, the design, and the devs have no way around this.
There's no question of set bonuses or RSKing here.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is not the way the purple IOs work; if they worked the way you described, a character who had spent the influence/infamy to six-slot a melee attack with Hecatomb, a ranged attack with Apocalypse, a damage aura with Armageddon, a ranged AoE attack with Ragnarok, a sleep attack with Fortunata Hypnosis, an Immobilize with Gravitational Anchor, and a Hold with Unbreakable Constraint would have all of those attacks become effectively unslotted and lose all set bonuses the moment they exemplared down below 50. Which is not how the 'very rare' recipes were presented. Two of the key selling points for the 'very rare' recipes were that the purple IOs had a bigger enhancement value, so they would provide a greater enhancement at all exemplar levels, and their set bonuses would stay in effect even if you exemplared more than three levels lower than the IO level.
"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
A L50 toon that exemplars down is ... still a 50, but her combat level (I believe that's the right term) has been clipped.
An Imp is /never/ 50. An Imp is never summoned at 50. An Imp is, tops, 49. An Imp is not a 50 that's exemped down to 49. An Imp is, for all intents an purposes, a L49 toon that cannot have the stats of its powers modified by a purple because purples only work on 50s.
Exemplaring does not factor into this /at all/.
Raise Imps level back up to even with the caster.
Give imps inherent acc, def, res, and dmg debuffs to make them the same power that they were at - to the caster, only with the code seeing them as lvl 50.
Sure, there may be practical reasons why it's not that easy, but conceptually it should be that easy, no?
Just to add: I have to agree (*shudder*) with EvilRyu on this one. It's really not fair for one pet powerset among all the others to lose out on the purple pet set. Parents: sometimes your kids are being immature and just complaining. Other times, things are Actually not fair. Calling it what it is does not automatically reveal immaturity.
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.
Raise Imps level back up to even with the caster.
Give imps inherent acc, def, res, and dmg debuffs to make them the same power that they were at - to the caster, only with the code seeing them as lvl 50.
Sure, there may be practical reasons why it's not that easy, but conceptually it should be that easy, no?
Just to add: I have to agree (*shudder*) with EvilRyu on this one. It's really not fair for one pet powerset among all the others to lose out on the purple pet set. Parents: sometimes your kids are being immature and just complaining. Other times, things are Actually not fair. Calling it what it is does not automatically reveal immaturity.
[/ QUOTE ]
That still doesn't solve the problem where exemping to any other level makes it so the imps don't benefit.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Raise Imps level back up to even with the caster.
Give imps inherent acc, def, res, and dmg debuffs to make them the same power that they were at - to the caster, only with the code seeing them as lvl 50.
Sure, there may be practical reasons why it's not that easy, but conceptually it should be that easy, no?
Just to add: I have to agree (*shudder*) with EvilRyu on this one. It's really not fair for one pet powerset among all the others to lose out on the purple pet set. Parents: sometimes your kids are being immature and just complaining. Other times, things are Actually not fair. Calling it what it is does not automatically reveal immaturity.
[/ QUOTE ]
That still doesn't solve the problem where exemping to any other level makes it so the imps don't benefit.
[/ QUOTE ]
A reason why hack solutions are generally the worst solutions.
EDIT : And that would only fix it for fire imps.
They would have to go through and do it for EVERY henchman that never spawns at level 50, as well.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
A reason why hack solutions are generally the worst solutions.
EDIT : And that would only fix it for fire imps.
They would have to go through and do it for EVERY henchman that never spawns at level 50, as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't apply debuffs; use the existing exemplar code. Masterminds always summon their henchmen at their level; when you get two tier-1 henchmen, they're ex'ed one level down, when you get three, they're ex'ed two levels down. Fire imps are always ex'ed down one level from the summoner.
"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
A reason why hack solutions are generally the worst solutions.
EDIT : And that would only fix it for fire imps.
They would have to go through and do it for EVERY henchman that never spawns at level 50, as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't apply debuffs; use the existing exemplar code. Masterminds always summon their henchmen at their level; when you get two tier-1 henchmen, they're ex'ed one level down, when you get three, they're ex'ed two levels down. Fire imps are always ex'ed down one level from the summoner.
[/ QUOTE ]
Again, they would have to go through and do it for Every henchman and pet that never spawns at level fifty.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
A reason why hack solutions are generally the worst solutions.
EDIT : And that would only fix it for fire imps.
They would have to go through and do it for EVERY henchman that never spawns at level 50, as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't apply debuffs; use the existing exemplar code. Masterminds always summon their henchmen at their level; when you get two tier-1 henchmen, they're ex'ed one level down, when you get three, they're ex'ed two levels down. Fire imps are always ex'ed down one level from the summoner.
[/ QUOTE ]
Again, they would have to go through and do it for Every henchman and pet that never spawns at level fifty.
[/ QUOTE ]
That might not even work -- what happens if the toon exemplars? You create exemplars of exemplars? That sounds like one of those things that'd cause all sorts of unforseen problems.
Added a note to pieces of the Soulbound Allegiance IO set that will warn the player that slotting this enhancement into a pet power that summons a pet that is lower than level 50 will result in the pet not benefiting from the effects of the enhancement.
[/ QUOTE ]
Uhhhhh ...
Does this mean that Fire Imps gain no benefit from this set?
And ... have they ever?