Any characters ready to go rogue?
I have a villain that will probably end up going good - it makes sense from his story AND because he's the only villain I have left on that server. (He's actually the antagonist in my AE arc *points to sig*). I might have a couple of heroes that will switch over, but I'm gonna have to think about them some more. A lot of my heroes have tragic, batmanesque origins, and a desire for revenge could lead to a fall from grace for some of them.
I have a villain that will redeem herself. I haven't made a hero that'll go evil yet though.
I rolled up a new character just for this, his name is Chanceux, he's a Bots/FF Mastermind that will be turning hero first chance.
My Blaster is definitely gonna go rogue as soon as it comes out, at least for a little while. He's really much more of an anti-social anti-hero, than your typical "good wins again!" superhero.
I want to have a villain go good, but I have very few villains and all of them are way too... evil. From an RP standpoint, there's no reason whatsoever that they'd turn good.

All my existing characters will stay where they are. I'm going to make some new ones and let them choose their own path as they go.
I have a villain who was made to "ride in between", so this expansion will be perfect for her
I don't think any other of my characters will take advantage of this, at least can't think of any offhand.
Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!
It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...
The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013
Depends on the nature of the temptation... all of my heroes are fairly conscientious, though my Blaster has a few unresolved issues and my Warshade is more in it for the action&adventure than any strong moral conviction. Similarly, I've a couple of villains who are more rebels with hair triggers than actually malicious, so they could go either way.
My main Villain was written with this in mind. He is a teen that was given powers when a group of heroes raided Aeons lab. He was just walking by. He recieved powers, but was in danger of dying, as his blood had been poisoned. Aeon found him, and told him he could cure him, but first, he had to help him get back what the heroes had taken from him.
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
For this I'd have t osay: Any or All.
I, typically, play Heroic characters. Even my villains are usually heroines fighting evil where they feel it will help the most (The Isles) The one "Villain" I do have who -isn't- a hero is just a thief who's stealing money to pay for her illegitimate incestuous son (Father molested her while she was in a coma) who is mentally retarded and has some medical issues.
But she could become a hero if someone pushed her in the right way...
I have one hero character whose back story was that she was a "borderline redeemed" villain. Of course I created this character way back at the beginning of CoH so I had to assume the villain part of her life had already completely happened in her past. Itll be cool if the Going Rogue thing will ultimately let us go back and forth because then I could roleplay her having a "relapse" into evilness and then come back again.
I have a few other anti-hero types who might skirt between one side and the other. Beyond that I assume I'll make some new characters to take advantage of the whole alignment thing from level 1 as well.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I thought about it, but no, probably not. Over the past five years, I've gotten VERY good at keeping my villains ideologically evil to the point where, even when they are sympathetic, they are never in danger of "turning." Even if a self-professed world ruler may end up helping the heroes out of the goodness of his heart, that still doesn't mean he'll stop trying to rule the world because power is all people understand and whatever heroes achieve will not last anyway, to strike a nameless example.
I might run the risk taking some of my villains close to the middle, however, depending on how Always Chaotic Evil the game will expect villains to be. I hope whatever system we get is a little more classy than portraying evil people chronic jerkasses who say and do mean things for no reason at all, and that characters can have class AND still be evil at the same time.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
One of my villains will likely end up blueside, but thus far, none of my heroes would go rogue. I do already have a concept in mind though, but it requires pistols, so here's hoping.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
I might run the risk taking some of my villains close to the middle, however, depending on how Always Chaotic Evil the game will expect villains to be. I hope whatever system we get is a little more classy than portraying evil people chronic jerkasses who say and do mean things for no reason at all, and that characters can have class AND still be evil at the same time.
[/ QUOTE ]
To put it in those terms while I can appreciate chaotic villains most of mine end up being the Lawful Evil/Neutral variety such as assassins or evil scientists.
In the case of the main one I mentioned earlier I see her as currently Lawful Neutral shifted from Lawful Evil. She came from a noble bloodline (raised by her extra-planar father) with established expectations on how to sadistically and oppressively subjugate her meeker underlings to Paragon City (home of her mother) where she started to sadistically and oppressively arrest criminals who preyed on innocents. Basically she evolved one set of rules to another but still enforces those rules rather harshly on what could simply be described as a different set of victims.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
None of my characters are ready to go rogue, because I don't know what the mechanics for going rogue are. It may very well be that I won't be able to have any of my existing characters go rogue.
But if turns out that it will be easy for me to have a character go rogue, I'll turn my brute Nerima Girl into a hero.
To put it in those terms while I can appreciate chaotic villains most of mine end up being the Lawful Evil/Neutral variety such as assassins or evil scientists.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've always maintained that "evil" (as well as "heroism") isn't really about what a person DOES, but rather about who a person IS. A person can spend the majority of their time petting kittens and kissing babies and lobbying for world peace, yet still be a blackheart monster on the inside who turns everything he touches rotten below the surface. I mean, hell! I've only seen a few instances of him, and I still know that Lex Luthor doesn't go around beating people up and saying mean things that make children cry
So, I agree with the quote in general terms - I don't want only Chaotic Evil characters to be the true villains because they DO the most evil. I want Neutral Evil and even Lawful Evil to be just as bad. A system to accommodate this would have to track not just the final results of an action, but the kind of person that is required to initiate it. And that could be hard.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I have a 4 1/2 year-old hero who I put on the shelf because I decided that, with her origin, she really wouldn't be running around smashing drug labs. Instead, I saw her as slowly sliding to "dark side", first by letting dealers go, then warning them of raids, etc. Now it looks like I'll finally get to play her again.
Comrade Chertov: Intelligent, charming & persuasive almost from birth, 50 year old Anatol Chertov (whose name means Eastern Devil) was recruited by The Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB) straight out of university. His flawless execution of operations in such diverse and far flung areas, as Washington, London, Iraq, the Congo & Serbo-Croatia, have earned him the envy and admiration of his both his peers and certain members of the KGBs upper echelon. It has also garnered him a network of fiercely loyal covert operatives from Novgorod to Nicaragua, as well as the sobriquet Red Wolf. Within perhaps one successful mission, of attaining the coveted Directors chair of Moscow Station, his lady, Svetlana Ordonova, a Prima Ballerina with the Bolshoi Ballet, disappears. While investigating her disappearance, the Politburo itself presses unfounded charges of treason against Chertov. He is thrown into Lefortovo prison. Two weeks later Anatol escapes. He defects, and has apparently gone underground in America.
He's a natural to go blue.
Kryterion: Damien Christian has always been a perfectionist. He was the neatest 5 year-old anybody had ever seen. So nobody was surprised, that when he grew up, he became obsessed with becoming the perfect man. He studied behavioral psychology, abnormal psychology as well as differing schools of philosophy and mysticism. He came to believe, that perfection could be attained through applied chemistry and micro-biology. So he applied himself to the study of these things. And in due course, he mastered those fields as well. The result of all this application, was a potent elixir. That transformed his body, on a cellular level, into a super strong, almost invulnerable tank. Unfortunately, he has absolutely no patience with even the slightest of imperfections, in either himself or others. And so far, no one has been able to convince him, that the perfect man, is not obsessed. Hes calling himself Kryterion now. Hes taken to wearing the most outlandish getups, and accosting people on the street. He is definitely headed for a major break with reality. But in the meantime, hes Hell on the criminal element.
He on the other hand, could snap and go rogue at any moment.
Do I have 'any characters ready to go rogue?'
Oh Helz Ya!
I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep
My Roster
I mean, hell! I've only seen a few instances of him, and I still know that Lex Luthor doesn't go around beating people up and saying mean things that make children cry
[/ QUOTE ]
He does steal cake though. And that is terrible
It depends a tremendous amount on how Badges are handled. I'd love to see my main Villain Badger become my main Overall Badger, and she's close enough to the shallow end of the Evil Pool that I could see her jumping over into the Hot Tub of Heroism. But not if she couldn't jump back, and hold onto the greater portion of her badge earnings on both sides (obviously excluding things like most accolades).
GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)
I'll probably switch almost every character I have. Before City of Villains was announced I made mostly villainous characters who, for whatever reason, are doing good things in Paragon City. When CoV came out I made a lot of characters who I would prefer be heroes but couldn't because of the AT I wanted to use.
Then there's Dr. Discomfort, a character I have multiple versions of on both sides of the game. He does whatever he wants, really. Beating up Lord Recluse for being incompetent. Fighting against the Freedom Phalanx to prove he's a stronger hero than they are. He's kind of a jerk.
I've always said (since the announcement of GR) that my only character that would turn would be my Warshade. But upon further thought, I may have a level 18 Thugs/Dark Mastermind that could possibly become a hero. As it is, he refuses to kill or cause undo hardships unto civilians. Right now he is definitively at the Work for Money schtick, but perhaps meeting the right group or people could make him turn.
All my villains will go hero unless there are some needless penalties to suck the fun out of life.
Bill Z Bubba has never been a "good guy." He's always made sure that by the time his enemies were ported to the Paragon Corrections Infirmary that they were far too gone to be saved.
He eats babies.
He'll be jumping back and forth as his desires see fit. You have GOT to love diplomatic immunity.
Be well, people of CoH.

My Brute, "Good Sun" on Guardian would be the perfect fit to go rogue. His story was that he was a hero and had a mental breakdown turning into a villian. He wears a heroic costume already.
I know there's too much talk about this already, but I can't help but wonder if anyone has a villain they'd like to see going good, or a hero ready to go bad, and what they're doing to plan and prepare for possible side switching. Writing new backstory? Tweaking the costumes lighter or darker? Saving up Inf?
Myself, I'm looking at my ar/fire blaster Firefawks, who was always a pyromaniac, fair folk-esque kid who happened to fight alongside the good guys, and today in Icon I adjusted his colours to a darker tone, gave him the Biker jacket and added a darker mask...
On the other side, maybe Hyperhero One will give the whole hero thing another shot, or Duokliss Mercuria will fight her demonic blood.