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It is for some and not for others, however if you follow the post that Zombie made then the techies here might be able to see if it's something that can be fixed on your end. I'd also suggest opening a support ticket with NCSoft. Even if they aren't able to help, simply making them aware through official channels that your issue is still ongoing may help them nail down why your specific configuration is still having issues, which may help them get something in for you in a future patch.
Aero doesn't play nice with CoH, especially with certain services running. This has been happening off and on for quite a while, with various software configurations. We had a troubleshooting thread going for this, shortly after Win 7 released if I remember correctly, and as near as we were able to determine there are certain services that, when interacting with CoH, aren't giving control back to the system to disable desktop composition (Aero) correctly when alt-tabbing. Many of these are anti-virus programs, but there were several other background services that did it as well.
Using windowed mode is one work around for the issue. The other, if you prefer to run in fullscreen anyways, is to set it so that Aero remains disabled the entire time that CoH is running. To do that you can right-click on your updater shortcut and go to Properties. Select the Compatability tab, and in the Settings section check off "Disable desktop composition". -
There are two different types of story arcs, major and minor. You can only have two major arcs at any given time, but any number of minor arcs, in addition to your open major arcs.
Unfortunately, this forum is for players asking for help from other players, as is the Tech forum. The people that you're trying to contact may not see this thread. That said, however, I would suggest PMing one of the community reps with this (Avatea, or TheOcho). They may be able to help you out with this.
Hit up the Tech forums, you'll find plenty of DOOM there at the moment ^.^
If I remember correctly, the settings for the game are stored in the registry, not a file. Messing with that generally isn't advised unless you're experienced. Have you tried the game's safe mode?
Quote:That DLL is an OpenGL file for your graphics drivers. Are your graphics drivers up to date?After running the updater i get this error and the game closes anyone know what i have to do to fix this. the crash says it happens ig4dev32.dll and when i read the crash report the only thing off is that it says EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION this happened to me for test of issue 17 but not the regular game now its the regular game and it must be something conflicting on my side.
Quote:This isn't a technical question that your fellow players can help you with, unless you're looking for help figuring out why you're getting database errors when this is obviously not a widespread issue. If you're not looking for help, this either belongs in the Suggestions forum, or needs to be PM'd to a community rep.Half the time, I get database errors out the nose on this one. I never know if a post will go through right away.
I just had to hit refresh 4 times just to get the boards to even show.
This forum was supposed to be more stable than the old one, but it's no where near so.
Please bring back the old forums. This one simply doesn't get it done. -
Quote:Not necessarily. Controllers get Power of the Phoenix from Thermal Rad. They don't have access to Rise of the Phoenix until Ancillary pools, so while it's not out of the question that he might have RotP, it's also equally likely the OP has the Thermal Rad power.I'm pretty sure that the OP is referring to Rise of the Phoenix, which is the same as the Fiery Aura power of the same name. So it's a self-rez, not an ally rez.
To the OP: RotP is a self-rez, in other words, you can use it to resurrect yourself when you are defeated. The reason it can be slotted for damage is because it damages and stuns nearby foes when you use it. It also provides 90 seconds of invulnerability, hopefully to get you out of the situation that got you dead in the first place. -
"Sniper Rifle" refers to the power by that name in the Assault Rifle set. This is the only power that it applies this to.
Here's the Paragon Wiki entry on the power.. -
Quote:Next Wednesday.Just a question... when is issue 17 coming out i brought the GR to play the demon summoner and it said april release and it gettin very close to end of april will it come out in april or release with GR??
Yes, you will continue to be able to play the game and use the forums until your account reaches the "Playable Until" date on your game account page.
Have you contacted Support about getting help? You might also try asking for player help in the Technical Issues section with figuring out if there is something on your end that can be done to relieve the problem you're having. If this isn't a widely experienced problem then there may be a conflict between the game and something else running on your computer. The people in the Tech forum are pretty bright, and can normally be a lot of help with this kind of thing if you're poilte about asking for help, and post the reports they ask you to run.
I'm sure...I've got two sitting on my desk at this very moment. These are the timecards I'm talking about though, not the game cards. The timecards are in the DVD-like packages.
The "Aion" timecards are actually normal PlayNC Timecards in an Aion branded package. They still have the logos for CoH and Lineage II on them, and are usable for any NC game.
Have you tried running it with the "Run as Administrator" option? It sounds like the program may not have permission to write into the directory it's trying to write to, in which case that should fix it.
Your username and password for the game may not be the same as your username and password for your master account. Can you still log into your master account on the main site? If so, you should be able to reset your game password there, and make sure that you're using the correct username.
If the credit card is on file, then you should be able to alter the purchase limit to as much as $250 in the billing options on your master account. A support article about the card on file and options for controlling purchases can be found here. Hope that helps!
I disagree with this suggestion. The game is already very newbie friendly...but there also needs to be items and features for advanced players. Those would be IOs and the market. "Newbie friendly" does not need to mean "everything accessable to every player". Certain things are made to cater to certain subsets of players. These features are among those. As it is, any new player can make their way through the tutorial, get some very good instruction about game basics, and then set about building their knowledge from there. There's even a tutorial available for IOs from level 10 up, and generic IO recipes are already purchasable. If you're looking to put set IOs into your build in the way the OP is talking about, you're no longer a newbie. If you're at the point where you're looking at these things, you're capable of asking what's involved. The system is fine as-is, and with a little patience you can get what you want over time.
Quote:There have been people invited in the past on many occasions that hadn't had an active subs for months at the time of the beta. Every once in a while you'll see one post in the wrong section, and then the post quickly get squashed. Anything we say about the possible criteria is pure speculation, and the fact that they change that criteria regularly makes that all the more true. And that's really not a bad thing.
I used to get into the closed betas when I played 6 hours a day... when my playtime went down the invites stopped coming.
I think they use a few criteria- time in game, time subscribed, past feedback, etc. If you let your sub lapse, you probably lose the time subscribed inroad, if you stop playing the game as much, you probably drop off the list for that too, and if you don't provide feedback in the betas you get into, you likely lose beta invite status as well.
If you have never been invited to a closed beta, you probably do not meet the minimums in one or more of the criteria categories.
My time is just too much in demand these days to participate in the game itself...much less the betas... so I wouldn't be able to accept even if I was invited now, unless they can beat the offer my current employer is paying me for my time.
Betas are interesting and all, but ultimately its just a company trying to get free work out of you. -
Quote:I agree, there's no doubt I'll go the route that gets me early access to the powersets, but I have to admit I'm a little disappointed that I won't be getting the free month. I just hope that upgrade pack isn't going to be a limited time offer, or I may have to let my account lapse in the summer to get it >.<In short, you can either:
1) Pre-buy the regular edition in March, and get dual Pistols 5 months early and Demon Summoning 4 months early, then buy the Complete Collection item pack on launch day for GR. You miss out on the free month though.
2) Wait for the Complete Collection, which gets you one month of free play (and CoH/V if you don't have them yet) in addition to the item pack. You don't get DP and DS until GR launches though.
So either way, you don't get everything unless you buy both. It depends on which you want more, a free month or early access to the powersets. Personally, I'll take the powersets. -
Quote:Ah, okay. Just making sure I didn't miss something ^.^Yeah, the "5 zones" thing is a bit of a running gag. It's pure speculation (admitted, good speculation, based on current zone design, but speculation just the same). Invariably, when someone is discussing GR, "5 new zones" pops up. My personal feeling is it will actually be 5 (one for every 5 levels plus one for "not in the city here there be monsters") but there's no real data to back that one up.