THREE open story arcs??
There are two different types of story arcs, major and minor. You can only have two major arcs at any given time, but any number of minor arcs, in addition to your open major arcs.
I thought you could only have 2 story arcs open at any one time. So WHY do I now have 3 story arcs open??
Also, remember that you can now have 7 active missions rather than just three.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

There are two different types of story arcs, major and minor. You can only have two major arcs at any given time, but any number of minor arcs, in addition to your open major arcs.
I bet this has to do with the fact that you can now have 7 open missions.
I bet the number of story arcs also increased. Although I am not sure what it would be changed to. I would guess 3-4.
Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership
I'm just disturbed that you would pass up any of those three you don't like. I love them, they're challenging in their own ways, and lots of story-content to boot.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
The old major arc limit may have been stealth-changed. Keep picking up new major arcs and see what the limit is.
For help seeing the difference between major or minor arcs, hover your cursor over the icons, or, see the link in my sig for a once-and-for-all fix.
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The story arc limit was always confusing and bizarre, so if they got rid of it, good for them!
I never knew you could have a limit on story arcs, only active missions...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
The old major arc limit may have been stealth-changed. Keep picking up new major arcs and see what the limit is.
For help seeing the difference between major or minor arcs, hover your cursor over the icons, or, see the link in my sig for a once-and-for-all fix. |
Since they went from 3 open missions to 7 open missions, I'm kinda guessing that the max open arcs now can't be higher than 5, unless they went with no-limit. We'll see, I guess.
I'm just disturbed that you would pass up any of those three you don't like. I love them, they're challenging in their own ways, and lots of story-content to boot.
I hate having to temporarily turn off XP so I don't outlevel the level range I'm working on because I get into a long story arc while looking for the badge mission. So way back in the day when story arcs were forced on you (you often got locked into an arc just by looking at the first mission of the arc, even before you actually took the first mission), I decided the only way to get around this was to take a couple of low level arcs early and never complete them, and voila, I would never see another arc. Until this surprise.
Silly rabbit, arcs are for Orobouros.

Well, you know, I've been here 5 years now, and now I kind of eschew the story arcs while I'm in the process of leveling up. I'll wait and Oro them if I want to run them again. The only thing I do look out for while I level normally is the badge missions, and the arcs kind of get in the way of getting the badge missions.
If you do the badge missions via Ouroboros, you get merits (most of the time), which you don't get if you do it the other way around. So switch your priorities, and do the arcs while levelling, and the badges by flashback!
If you want to, that is. But that's my preferred method.
If you do the arcs, you get the big juicy arc complete XP bonus and level up quicker, plus merit rewards to pick up tasty IOs with. If you do badge missions, you get a badge.
If you do the badge missions via Ouroboros, you get merits (most of the time), which you don't get if you do it the other way around. So switch your priorities, and do the arcs while levelling, and the badges by flashback! If you want to, that is. But that's my preferred method. |
As an update, I now have these story arcs open:
1. The Clockwork Captive
2. The Bonefire Plot
3. The Freakshow War
4. The Rise of the Vampyri
5. Corporate Culture
So that's now five open major story arcs. There's a couple more still I can get at my level (The Unity Plague and The Library of Souls), so we'll see if I can open any more.
Looks like they did away with the limit. Which might explain why they don't try to make the minor arc icon look different than the major arc icon since unlimited major arcs makes the distinction moot.
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I giggle at the word "Bonefire". Apparently, I'm 12.
The best comics are still 10�!
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WARNING: I bold names.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Looks like they did away with the limit. Which might explain why they don't try to make the minor arc icon look different than the major arc icon since unlimited major arcs makes the distinction moot.
My own research indicates that the limit is you can now have FIVE major story-arcs active. Once I got to five, I ran missions for a new contact Lou Pasterelli. I ran ALL his missions he offered me until he went "inactive", including all the "Defeat X" type missions they normally offer alongside the regular missions. Never once did he offer me "The Unity Plague", which is his story-arc.
So I'm going to assume the new limit on major story-arcs you can have open at once is now five. Where did you hear that they removed the limit entirely?
Ok, last update.
I went back to Tina Chung and finished the story arc I had open with her because I still needed the Corrupter badge. I got the Corrupter badge and then went back to Lou Pasterelli, who had already given me all of his missions except his arc "The Unity Plague". (I had five major story arcs open at that point, but now I had four because I had finished Tina Chung's arc.) Boom, he gave me the first mission of "The Unity Plague", because I no longer had Tina Chung's arc "The Freakshow War".
This seems like definite confirmation that the max number of major story arcs you can have open now is five.
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Neat!! That's good to know. Thanks for the detective work, NekoNeko!!

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Since there are some story arcs that I simply cannot abide (I'm looking at you, "The Vahzilok Plague", "The Wheel of Destruction" and "The Envoy of Shadow"), when I was in the level 10-14 range I made sure I picked up "The Clockwork Captive" from Athena Currie and "The Bonefire Plot" from Lorenzo DiCosta, and did not finish them. This way I could also easily run through the rest of my contacts picking up all the badge missions I wanted without being slowed down by the rest of the story arcs.
Well, imagine my humungous surprise today when I stumbled into "The Freakshow War" from Tina Chung now at level 30 on my way to trying to get the Corruptor badge mission. I thought you could only have 2 story arcs open at any one time. So WHY do I now have 3 story arcs open??