E-mailing stuff

Bill Z Bubba



Trying to send an attached enhancement via e-mail simply to the toon name and get this:

"Emails with attachments can only be sent to global names."

I'm sending this from a hero to a hero on the same account. NO hero to villian or vice versa, I know that won't work.

2nd try added "@my global hero name" in the "To" box and immediately received an e-mail with my attached enhancment to the toon that was trying to send it. (Did this get sent to all my heros?) So my logged hero can send stuff to himself...big whoop.

3rd try edited the "to" box to "@my global, hero name" added a comma. got this:

"Emails with an attachment may only go to a single recipient."

Someone please slap me with the heavy hand of knowledge so I can feel like 2 inches tall and like a complete idiot for not reading the obvious directions which I've neglected to follow...




So then....my number 2 attempt was correct... i guess it's just to difficult to get it setup to send attachments to one singular toon..u have to send it to every God forsaken alt you've ever failed to delete. But then...what's up with my 3rd attempt? That auto message seems out of line...unless somehow it thinks those are two different globals... this is one thing Champions and Warhammer did well was the e-mail setup and attachments. This just seems goofy. For the record I still like cox better



My guess?

"Emails with an attachment may only go to a single recipient."

You have multiple recipients.

Also, emails with an attachment can ONLY go to a global name.

Your global name is receiving the email. Once you delete the email, it's gone from all your alts. You won't need to delete the email 32 times.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Kryon1z1 View Post
So then....my number 2 attempt was correct... i guess it's just to difficult to get it setup to send attachments to one singular toon..u have to send it to every God forsaken alt you've ever failed to delete. But then...what's up with my 3rd attempt? That auto message seems out of line...unless somehow it thinks those are to different globals... this is one thing Champions and Warhammer did well was the e-mail setup and attachments. This just seems goofy. For the record I still like cox better
Your sending it to your global therefore it will show up in your email no matter what tune your on

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