going rogue purchase
Unfortunately, this forum is for players asking for help from other players, as is the Tech forum. The people that you're trying to contact may not see this thread. That said, however, I would suggest PMing one of the community reps with this (Avatea, or TheOcho). They may be able to help you out with this.
Unfortunately, this forum is for players asking for help from other players, as is the Tech forum. The people that you're trying to contact may not see this thread. That said, however, I would suggest PMing one of the community reps with this (Avatea, or TheOcho). They may be able to help you out with this.
I hate bugging the devs but in this instance it may be my only course of action. :O)
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Ocho and Avatea aren't devs. They're community reps, part of their job is to deal with things like this. The devs are the ones who actually make the game.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Thank you.
Ocho and Avatea aren't devs. They're community reps, part of their job is to deal with things like this. The devs are the ones who actually make the game.
As a refugee from the EU forums I'm unsure of who does what where, so thanks for the info. I have messaged one of the reps and hope to get a response within a reasonable time (whips and demons please!)
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Hi super dooper support team!!
Im have already raised a ticket about this twice without response. I work in customer support so i am trying NOT to act like a complete pillock and be as polite as possible to all nice support people involved.
For 2 days now I have been trying to purchase the going rogue pre purchase for COV and keep getting a "refused" error with no elaboration.
I recently changed addresses so that was the initial suspect, but altering the address details for my playNC account haven't helped at all. (my CC company have my current address).
Would it be possible to take a look at this please?
I'm getting a bit frustrated and close to turning into the sort of annoying customer I would really like to punch in the face if the boot was on the other foot.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464