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Quote:I could get behind this. I've always disliked snipes because they're terrible to use once combat has begun in most situations.Detailed preliminary thought:
Default: Snipe power surrounded by red ring (visual on power tray)
Enter Combat: Red ring goes away, Accuracy and Damage Debuff to Snipe, becomes uninterruptable and instant attack (it's either off or on, nothing too complex)
Return to Default: 4(?) seconds out of combat, red snipe ring reactivates -
Quote:While not addressed to me, this comment makes me ask once again; what about all the text bugs/typos that have been in the game for years that I have personally reported via in-game ticket. Sometimes it's the minor details that color our opinions on something.Let me guess, you are one of those people that peruse an entire newspaper just looking for typos and poor grammar, and then say "This is all crap" without even reading the content of any of the stories.
It is quite simple. There is only time to fix so much stuff before a patch has to go live.
Again, we all love the game and most of us will continue playing until it loses that magic feel, but putting on blinders to existing inadequacies does nobody any favors. -
Rumor has it that EM is being looked at for changes in a future patch/issue. No timeline yet that I'm aware of.
As far as the short term, don't play him if you're not enjoying him. I'd argue that just about any pri/sec combo of any archetype is "viable". If you care more about performance than theme, the current /EM isn't the set to go with. -
I can put up with the initial:
"Heeeerrrreee it cooooomeees....." *WHAM*
because of the subsequent:
I haven't gotten mine very far, largely because of altitis and falling in love with my SJ/EA brute. Solo I think beam is decent and fun, but in a group setting it suffers from the same thing that any set with ramp-up time (disintegrate spread) does; groups just mow things down too fast to make use of it. This is more a problem with general game balance than the set though.
So for weeks now whenever there's a text bubble in a mission from somebody speaking to you who is not present (radioing in, different level,whatever), instead of it saying:
[Twinshot] I don't WANT your explanations, Proton!
It says:
[Caption] I don't WANT your explanations, Proton!
I bugged it in game when I first saw it. I searched here and am surprised to not find any threads. Please don't tell me this was an intentional change? There are some missions where it's hard to tell who is talking, and it is very annoying. -
Like most MM sets, damage is a bit meh until you get the second upgrade.
At level 25 nothing in either set would cause scatter. At 32 the arsonist's firebomb does cause things to run, and of course there's repulsion field at 28. -
It's all about the /FA for me. I've had a FA/Axe tanker for ages that I couldn't motivate myself to get out of the 20's, but I really like his concept. His new TW/FA incarnation should be a blast. Fury-fueled blazing aura on top of all those delicious TW AoE's? Yes please. Gonna be a tight build though, I want all of /FA, and tough/weave. Need to figure out which TW skills I like least.
I have not slotted for E/N. I'm capped with a well-saturated energy drain, and close enough without.
My latest creation is a SJ/EA brute. In the mid-30's I slotted my defense toggles, energy drain, and weave with 4-piece LotG, including the global. This get's me close to the ED cap, and gives some nice set bonuses. It's not a cheap route, but it's reasonable if you take your time with low-ball bids and run alignment missions regularly for merits to buy the globals.
I also slotted my single-target attacks with 4-piece kinetic combat to boost my survivability in the mid levels. Now that I'm 41, it's actually overkill and I'll pop out one or two of those sets next respec.
As a general rule I'm favoring +recharge. This leads to high uptime and stacking of energy drain, and a quick-cycling energize. Energize is amazing these days, so I recommend slotting it for as much recharge and heal as you can.
I haven't slotted my passives yet, but I'm thinking of going for 3-piece impervium for the psi defense bonus, one of those pieces being the psi resist global. Same for tough. With CJ, weave, and maneuvers this will put me a bit over 20% def to psi and 9% resist. Psi is a big hole for EA, and unlike other sets, our defenses are not positional, so no psi attack is covered by our powerset. -
I love this game, and have played it off and on since release. Overall they have put together a great game and keep things running fairly well.
Having said that, their QA/bug report system is highly ineffectual. Gamebreakers they're pretty consistent with, but mid-range bugs can go unchecked for months (at least), and I'm quite sure that minor bugs/text errors submitted in-game go straight to the circular file. As I'm levelling through old content (I never powerlevel) I sometimes read mission text that I haven't read in a while just to help immerse myself in the setting. To this day I see text errors that I reported years ago. -
Concept and theme are more important to me than overall power. That's why my Thug/Poison is still my main, I just love the character. Not that there's anything wrong with Thug/, but /Poison is another matter...
My biggest gripes have already been mentioned, but this is the internet so I'm going to repeat them:
1. Long activation times on the big single-target attacks
2. Anemic range on whirling hands. Dominators version is better, why the disparity? -
I'd personally drop one of the builders and pick up something else for fun or utility. With even moderate recharge you can have a builder ready any time you need one with three, even if they don't include IS. I haven't played regen in many moons, so I'm not qualified to comment on that.
I kind of glossed over the Oni question. Slotting a hold set's -end would only effect the hold, as explained previously. He can lock down non-resistant bosses out of the gate after his second cycle, so I wouldn't sweat it. If you really wanted to buff his controls, consider the acc/mez hami-o, but it's probably of dubious value.
I've had 2 ninja MMs, and never had problems overall end-wise just slotting standard pet sets, none of their attacks are that end heavy, and the oni's controls both have a damage component and thus are affected by the pet sets. -
Quote:This is correct. It's why most demon summoners put a generic end reduction IO in their lieuts and sometimes the boss. The healing demon burns a lot of end with his heals because they are not affected by pet damage sets, and the boss has an aura and I believe shiver which are not affected by the damage sets.The way I understood it is that knockback set IOs, for example, would only enhance powers which can do knockback. So if you slotted an Acc/End from a knockback set into your Jounin, it should only affect powers like Golden Dragonfly.
When you look at the real numbers in the enhancement screen, it sometimes lies in that it tells you that the Acc/End from the knockback set is affecting al the pet's powers when it really isn't. -
Quote:Tanker-level mitigation is easy enough if you do your homework, especially in a team environment where the buffs flow like candy. Some of us like to solo more often than not.If Tanker-level survivability is available to everyone "at the endgame" freely and easily, then why are you not playing FA?
Otherwise you are simply playing EA "just cause", to use your own words.
If Tanker mitigation is so easy, free and cheap to come by and is basically the standard for any and all content - the clear choice is always FA and every other set is a complete waste of time. Except on Scrappers, they can play SD. (Arcana already covered this, but it made sense to say it again).
I'm playing EA because I had never gotten one very high in the past, and hadn't tried it since the buffs.
I'm not playing FA because FA is a very specifically themed set, and doesn't fit the majority of my concepts. We don't all play to min-max. Not everybody takes fireball on their tankers or gloom on their brutes regardless of background.
My next planned toon actually will be FA; I've had a FA/Axe tanker for ages that I never managed to get past the mid-20's, mainly because I have altitis, but also due in part to him being a bit slow to level. He's going to be reborn with titan weapons, which is much more fun and engaging of a set than axe, and also fits the concept a bit better. Along with new costume options that weren't availabe when he was originally made, I'll be much happier to play him. My biggest decision now is between FA/TW, and TW/FA, but I'm definitely leaning towards the latter. -
Quote:Congratulations, you're our random giveaway winner! You already have that survivability, and we don't ask you to give away anything!I'd say I'd be willing to drop my damage scale from 1.125 to .8, and lose crits completely, when I want to play a character that has Tanker-level survivability.
Honestly, this is getting old. I'm very sporadic with my forum activity, but I've been around since release. This topic is as much about willfully ignoring the realities of gameplay mechanics and arguing with Johnny for the sake of it as anything else. Admittedly, he stacked the deck against him self in the early days by being much more confrontational and abrasive, but he seems much more reasoned and controlled these days (and I commend him for that).
All he's asking for is an identity for tanks in the end-game, because currently there is no need to play one other than "just cuz". Anybody that claims there isn't an imbalance at the end-game, is being willfully ignorant.
I used to roll tanks fairly often and one of my few 50s is a WP/SS tanker. Nowadays when I want to roll a melee type with high survivability, I just can't justify picking tanker over brute. My latest obsession is my SJ/EA brute, and he's already a monster for both damage and survivability at level 39. You know what I'd get if EA/SJ was possible? A lot less damage, a few more hp, and the ability to softcap easier without relying on specific set bonuses. -
Quote:His point is that they don't need that extra survivability, they already function as well as a tanker in 99% of content.
We have to ask this, because those options are not barred from you - you can always take them - but no Brute or Scrapper will suddenly get an extra 25% Base DEF, RES and HP to build off of.`
Instead you should be asking how much of your scrapper/brute's damage you're willing to give up to gain tank-level survivability (which you hardly ever, if ever, need). -
The 30's is about all you can hope for, and while it makes a difference, it's no soft-cap. My thugs/poison thugs are ~33% when in range of me and the enforcers. That's with 2x lvl-50 defense IO in enforcers, moderately slotted maneuvers, and both defense uniques. Short of taking a defense-boosting alpha power, that's about as good as it'll get. And even doing that would take you maybe to 38 or so, still a good ways from the cap.
You want to pair it with a set that has reasonable mitigation on it's own, this means generally thugs, bots, demons. I wouldn't even consider ninjas or mercs, they're just too squishy on their own, and despite poison's reputation as "the debuffer" it sorely lags behind other debuff sets on multiple targets.
I enjoy my thug/poison quite a bit, but he's by no means a powerhouse (+1/x4 is about as high as I go most of the time). I'd put bots last out of the three mentioned above simply because the assault bot tends to remain stationary, and noxious gas is best used on a boss henchman that will get into the fray and stick to enemies. -
I've never come up with a rad concept that I could stick with, but it's the only set I'd take the snipe on (in general I just don't like snipes functionally). You get to shoot photon torpedoes, nuff said.
She steals your soul with a glance from her big brown eyes, then exhorts you to get back to work!
A choice to reduce KB would be great, I've long advocated a -KB IO. That way you're making a sacrifice to alter the functionality of a power as it was intended.
Under no circumstances should they leave the bug as is. It's depressing to land Crushing Uppercut and have the target's feet barely leave the ground.