TITAN Weapons questions
Good question.
My personal opinion is that scrappers will have the edge. Just seems that the way momentum works and having 4 AOE attacks would give scrappers crit the edge over the brute bar.
If you could build momentum and keep it brutes would win but the slow, fast, fast, slow way this set works out doesn't seem friendly to the brute bar.
Brutes get as much or more Fury from being attacked as from attacking. Given that TW's strength is in laying waste to as many enemies as possible, you're generally never hurting for Fury.
That said, I think Scrappers do take the edge in offensive power due to the monster crits and more opportunity than usual for crits. But since, again, you're going to want to be surrounded by tons of enemies, survivability needs to be considered. I don't think Brutes give up too much offense for the defense they get.
I think the current running for favored secondaries are WP (+recovery, no clickies to cause redraw), Elec (high resist, lots of end management), Energy (decent end management), and probably Regen for Quick Recovery, though then you have to deal with clickies.
WP works well with Scrappers and Brutes (though Brutes benefit more from the +regen aspect), Elec works better with Brutes due to the higher max resists, and I would venture that Energy works better for Scrappers since it's defense based.
Of course, I'm running an Energy brute because I've never done EA before, and Brutes get both Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection in Energy Mastery, while Scrappers just get Physical Perfection in Body. I've been greatly enjoying the character so far, other than the general squishiness a lowbie defense set has.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
Ding. An extra place to put a Proc +End (I know I said SOs, but these hardly count lol), and the decision gets easier. Thank you. Plus, Brutes Energy Mastery get Focused Accuracy. From another thread I saw something about how painful a miss is with TW. So, that further tilts the meter towards Brute TW/Inv/Nrg. Hrm, 3rd re-roll now. But whats a few more sewer trials in a gamers life?

Right now I'm going with Tactics over Focused Accuracy. FA's +to-hit increases the efficiency of all your Accuracy enhancements and bonuses, which makes it stronger than Tactics, but I'm not sure that outweighs double the toggle cost. (Although right now I'm looking at RedTomax and it's saying Tactics is more expensive than FA. Mids says the opposite.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
Another option I am going with since TW takes lots of endurance is to use the Kismet +6% to hit. It is a proc so the power needs to be active but you can slide it into an early defense power or combat jumping. Not quite the to hit of Tactics or Focused Accuracy but no endurance cost either.
Another option I am going with since TW takes lots of endurance is to use the Kismet +6% to hit. It is a proc so the power needs to be active but you can slide it into an early defense power or combat jumping. Not quite the to hit of Tactics or Focused Accuracy but no endurance cost either.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
It's all about the /FA for me. I've had a FA/Axe tanker for ages that I couldn't motivate myself to get out of the 20's, but I really like his concept. His new TW/FA incarnation should be a blast. Fury-fueled blazing aura on top of all those delicious TW AoE's? Yes please. Gonna be a tight build though, I want all of /FA, and tough/weave. Need to figure out which TW skills I like least.
Yeah I made a tw/fa brute and its incredibly tight but the sheer amount of aoe pain it can output is gnarly.
"Theres a saying that perfectly describes reading a majority of your posts, "Like being bukkaked with stupid."" -Demonata on JMan
I tend to prefer Brutes. However I did see one thing that made me lean towards Brute for TW anyways. That was Build Momentum. Build Momentum vs Buildup trades +damage for 10 seconds of momentum. This would impact a Brute less then a Scrapper. While both gain the same benefit from the 10 seconds of momentum. It's not exactly a huge difference, but it did help push me towards Brute.
The other thing, for me, is that I wanted to run TW/Elec, and Electric Armor is a bit better on a brute then on a scrapper.
Im thinking that too. This is going to be the thing that makes or breaks me getting a scrap or brute to 50. The damage, staying power and utility of a TW/FA brute seems to out shine a scrap.
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
Another option I am going with since TW takes lots of endurance is to use the Kismet +6% to hit. It is a proc so the power needs to be active but you can slide it into an early defense power or combat jumping. Not quite the to hit of Tactics or Focused Accuracy but no endurance cost either.
A steal

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
Another option I am going with since TW takes lots of endurance is to use the Kismet +6% to hit. It is a proc so the power needs to be active but you can slide it into an early defense power or combat jumping. Not quite the to hit of Tactics or Focused Accuracy but no endurance cost either.
And, the Kismet proc can be bought for one Hero/Villain Merit!
A steal ![]() Lisa. |

Update: I hit burn at the start of my attack chain and it is very nice and working as we dicussed it might. I doubt I'll bother with a scrap as my prior experience with it sourred me. Too squishy.
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
While the crits are incredible on a scrapper, Energy aura is a powerful secondary for Titan Weapon brutes. I'm almost always at cap fury in each mob I encounter.
It would also be worth slotting defenses with Luck of the Gambler in sets of four to get the 9% Accuracy Boost. Ditto with Crushing Impact (7%), when and where possible.
The fact is, TW shares the same problem as Dual Blades, just not as bad: Missing an attack will screw you over.
It would also be worth slotting defenses with Luck of the Gambler in sets of four to get the 9% Accuracy Boost. Ditto with Crushing Impact (7%), when and where possible.
The fact is, TW shares the same problem as Dual Blades, just not as bad: Missing an attack will screw you over. |
Danged! I have 3 characters already. All lowbies, and yes I know there are bejillions of TW 50s by now. I will say this, I bought both BM and StJ, and thought both were cool. I think I played beam rifle for 30 minutes, StJ for a week (35 or so). But Titan Weapons? Yeah, there's a couple 50s in this set. And that is from someone who hates redraw.
My main question is Brute or Scrapper? I have many 50 Brutes and like 2 50 Scrappers. I was thinking Titan Wpns would be a good Scrapper set, but I am reconsidering that. I know KM is better on a Scrapper, but not sure with TW. I got a feeling this crowd is gonna say it's better on a Brute, heh. But why?
Then...secondary? I've seen some posts about ElA. i am more interested in Will and Inv. I would love to roll a TW/Inv, but am unsure if the build can handle the End issues. Unsure right now if I will invest anything more than SOs into the concept.
What's the word on the street of Brutes?