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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The I20 overview says that the Well has gone mad - so it can't always have been like this - so perhaps it's been corrupted in some way, and maybe we need to restore it to its proper state at some point in the future?
  2. The pants on the Super Stunner make him look goofy compared to the rest of the Freakshow. "Hey, I'm a player model with a few NPC parts!"
  3. Looks campy as ****. Just terrible.
  4. As with all Marvel comic-based movies I'm not interested unless it's done by Marvel Studios.
  5. Just being able to recall pets to your location would be a boon.
  6. At this point I'd be happy just to be able to color the henchmen.
  7. I personally have no need for more than two slots per character (most only need one), but I can understand why some people need more.
  8. Cynical_Gamer

    AT&T data caps

    I regularly hit the 250GB cap and I rarely torrent. HD videos + digital download games = hitting the DL cap fast. It's crap, but it's not as bad as some people have it.
  9. Cynical_Gamer

    Why no /sonic?

    I want /Rad damn it! Must create nuclear robots.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    Ohhh... PepsiCo, the Haliburtan of the food industry. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Pizza Hut
    What did they do to Pizza Hut?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    How about ... not putting them in boosters?

    I give NCSoft money for them, sure. But having them just *available* is good, too. For instance, finally investigating the Blood of the Black Stream leading to modern (and ancient) Egypt... which would be a perfect place for both the middle eastern dress mentioned above, extra bow/shield options, kilt/top/dress options, hair options and the like.

    Or finally diving into coralax lore more (yes, I went there) - add both more mutated/coralax pieces, as well as the "fishy" bits above.
    As long as it doesn't have to be unlocked. Or failing that, let it unlock for the whole account.
  12. Down the the Animal Pack, Up with the Shark/Fish Pack!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canadian_Medbot View Post
    Was I the only one who found a bowl of CC, while delicious, would turn the roof of my mouth into hamburger?
    That seems to happen with any cereal that isn't in flake form.
  14. The problem is that most modern remakes respec out of their mez protection and pick up Flurry.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Correction: you choose not to play Storm because you can't color it the way you want. Nobody is stopping you from playing it besides yourself.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Nah, the monologue from the Dolph movie can be discarded.
    I've never seen the Dolph movie, what I was referring to was the Garth Ennis Punisher run. The internal monologues really fleshed out the character.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    So when is the DUKE NUKEM movie going to get made?
    The world outside of video games is not ready for the Duke.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    To be honest the VEATs are the one place where the PPPs do make thematic sense. I can get people not liking the VEAT story but the PPPs make perfect sense within the context of that story.
    It makes thematic sense for ones who stay villain-side, but not for hero-side ones. And besides it's more of an equality issue, no other AT with access to either APPs or PPPs is denied access to the other. If PPPs work for the VEATs then APPs should too.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    for the most part Primal Earth Metahumans (NPC ones) are kinda dicks.
    I'd say that's a major understatement.
  20. I think it's crap that Snowstorm and Freezing Rain in Storm Summoning are forced to use the limited Ice color selection. I can't play Storm due not being able to color those two powers in the way that I want.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    You the aliens from Indy 4: Kingdom of Crystal Skull?
    But there was no Indy 4.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Of course, given Villains can access all the APPs now, the Patron Pools are more or less roleplay, for the most part. The balancing pass helped, but the APPs on the whole, are still better.
    Not having APPs on the VEATs makes me .
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Rising Stars as a TV series not called Heroes.
    Glad to see I'm not the only one who saw the similarities. It's also the reason I could not get into Heroes, Rising Stars was so much better.

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Punisher: the Dolph version was garbage and Punisher Warzone did worse then Howard the Duck. The Tom Jane one was ok. Get a viable script, see if Jane wants to return or else cast someone new, give it the rated R rating since it IS the Punisher and this time make the movie RIGHT.
    The biggest thing it needs is an internal monologue to show the depth of character that the Punisher has.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    That's just it though... They are on another plane, a different level of existance. They are gods-- primal forces of the universe. In the movie, the implication is that they are space aliens with advanced tech. While the net result is the same, it is the tone and feel of the character that changes.
    I'm not getting a "space alien" vibe, I'm getting a "different plane of existence alien" vibe.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    And a freebie question: Would the option to customize powers further by costume, so much so that you can lock out powers (or lock them in), be of interest to anyone?
    No, but I would like to be able to tie a costume change to the activation and deactivation of a power (like Domination, Rage, etc...).