Yet another pointless (except for $$$) reboot




Hollywood is finally listening! After all the years of clamoring from hordes of fans, a reboot of the Tomb Raider movie is finally on the way!

Well, it's about time! It's been 10 whole years since the original movie with Angelina Jolie came out. That means there's about 1/3 of a generation who has only been able to see the original movie. That's just wrong, verging on criminal.

Come on Hollywood, get this done fast! And while you're at it, could we get a remake of the Thor and Captain America movies? I know they haven't even come out yet, but why wait?



....if they make it with Scarlett Johanson, all will be forgiven >.>

I've already forgotten about most of you



Actually, considering how mediocre the previous Tomb Raider movies were I could see this being a pretty good idea.



Just how financially successful could a non-Jolie Tomb Raider reboot be at this point? I'm not saying she did a perfect job as Croft in those movies - just saying she was a big name star playing the role.

I figure this probably only makes sense if they're planning to release another Tomb Raider game around the same time as the movie. Might as well have a 2 hour commercial running in the theaters to promote your next game.

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Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
....if they make it with Scarlett Johanson, all will be forgiven >.>



If they had just made Tomb Raider a little more like National Treasure, except with more gun battles and T&A, it would have been golden from the start.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
If they had just made Tomb Raider a little more like National Treasure, except with more gun battles and T&A, it would have been golden from the start.

Really? I felt just the opposite. There was almost nothing about National Treasure that I liked.

Regardless, I completely agree with the notion of more gun battles and T&A. Every movie could benefit from those.



Is anyone even all that interested in Tomb Raider anymore beyond fanservice-y fan art and the like? I'm not saying that this won't necessarily be good and fun, but maybe it's time for a different video game property featuring a kick-awesome heroine to get the Hollywood treatment.

Metroid. You know you want it.

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Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Really? I felt just the opposite. There was almost nothing about National Treasure that I liked.

Regardless, I completely agree with the notion of more gun battles and T&A. Every movie could benefit from those.
The second one was fairly bland, but I enjoyed the hell out of the first National Treasure. At the very least, they effectively brought out the sense of adventure and discovery, which the Tomb Raider films didn't really do.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
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Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Come on Hollywood, get this done fast! And while you're at it, could we get a remake of the Thor and Captain America movies? I know they haven't even come out yet, but why wait?
Soon, we will skip directly to the reboot, not only without the need for the initial release, but without anything at all on which to base the movie. I bet the makers of The King's Speech are kicking themselves for not promoting it as "a reboot of the action-packed stuttering king mythos."

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I figure this probably only makes sense if they're planning to release another Tomb Raider game around the same time as the movie.

Survey says..... Yes



Is it just me, or does it seem like with all these reboots/sequels that "Hollywood" is showing a severe lack of imagination? I mean, can't come up with better storylines than ones that have already been done?



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Well, it's about time! It's been 10 whole years since the original movie with Angelina Jolie came out. That means there's about 1/3 of a generation who has only been able to see the original movie. That's just wrong, verging on criminal.
When the potential audience is almost exclusively adolescent males, a decade is more than enough time for turnover.



Originally Posted by Phewmite View Post
Is it just me, or does it seem like with all these reboots/sequels that "Hollywood" is showing a severe lack of imagination? I mean, can't come up with better storylines than ones that have already been done?
Actually, Hollywood has always recycled stories, both from other media (books, plays, etc.) and from earlier movies.

My problem is that the original Tomb Raider (which sucked, but that's not the point here) was released only 10 years ago. Hell, they're rebooting Spider-Man, and it was released in 2002.



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post

Survey says..... Yes

So putting Lara through hell and looking as tho she took the Kratos school of trials is what fans want?



Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
So putting Lara through hell and looking as tho she took the Kratos school of trials is what fans want?
Hmm agreed. If I wanted a new Lara Croft it'd be a porn flick. Speaking of.. are there any Lara Croft parodies?



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Actually, Hollywood has always recycled stories, both from other media (books, plays, etc.) and from earlier movies.

My problem is that the original Tomb Raider (which sucked, but that's not the point here) was released only 10 years ago. Hell, they're rebooting Spider-Man, and it was released in 2002.
Disney used to re-release their animated movies every seven years or so in order to catch the latest generation of children. Similarly, back in the Silver Age of comics, it was axiomatic that the readership would turnover every five years, so writers and editors freely recycled plots and ignored continuity.

As mainstream Hollywood orients its product around younger and younger demographics, remakes/reboots/recycling will increase in frequency.



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Hell, they're rebooting Spider-Man, and it was released in 2002.
To be fair, they're rebooting Spidey because the original director cannot complete one with the original cast and timeline within the timeframe they need. Licensing/contractual reasons.

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
As mainstream Hollywood orients its product around younger and younger demographics, remakes/reboots/recycling will increase in frequency.
Spider-Man: 2002
Spider-Teen: 2012
Spider-Tween: 2021
Spider-Boy: 2029
Spider-Little-Boy: 2036
Spider-Toddler: 2042
Spider-Infant: 2047
Spider-Newborn: 2051
Spider-Fetus: 2054
The Conception of Spider-Man: 2055 (Warning! Rated NC17!)

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Using the most advanced Computer Graphics and Super Advanced AI systems (and the extensive library of <Fill In corporate studio's name> ) we will be delivering to you Choose your own movies!!

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Now... the power of the reboot is YOURS!

(Coming next summer: Varying Plot Choices!!)

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'm actually doing my dissertation on how much Hollywood and the industry focuses more and more on the 'New Shiny!!' and less on actual solid content and plot.

Needless to say, I think the people authorising stuff like that should be thrown out for lack of imagination and being pure money launderers. Sadly, thats the state of the world these days...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
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NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Yes, I understand taking stories from other media and turning them into movies (HArry Potter, Tomb Raider, etc.) or even the rereleasing of older movies, though Disney only does it in regards to the DVDs.

I'm talking the total lack of creativity for new stories so just remaking:
Tomb Raider
True Grit
SAW 4 million...
Xmen: this one's bad too (a.k.a. Wolverine 2)
Mad're kidding right?
Dirty Dancing
Mission Impossible 4
Red Dawn

And this is just a few. I could even understand making some of these during the writer's strike...but now? Can you guys not come up with anything original?



Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
Metroid. You know you want it.
Only if they make sure that NOTHING from Metroid: Other M makes it into the movie.


I want to see Samas Aran, not that whiny idiot that borrowed her suit for that game. I swear to god, it was so bad I almost expected a Metroid to come out of the shadows, sparkle in the light, and declare that it loved her.

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Originally Posted by Phewmite View Post
Yes, I understand taking stories from other media and turning them into movies (HArry Potter, Tomb Raider, etc.) or even the rereleasing of older movies, though Disney only does it in regards to the DVDs.

I'm talking the total lack of creativity for new stories so just remaking:
Tomb Raider
True Grit
SAW 4 million...
Xmen: this one's bad too (a.k.a. Wolverine 2)
Mad're kidding right?
Dirty Dancing
Mission Impossible 4
Red Dawn

And this is just a few. I could even understand making some of these during the writer's strike...but now? Can you guys not come up with anything original?
Rambo and Mission Impossible would be sequals, and not reboots, sooo...what's the problem there?

X-Men is a prequal so it's right in there with Rambo and MI.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Rambo and Mission Impossible would be sequals, and not reboots, sooo...what's the problem there?

X-Men is a prequal so it's right in there with Rambo and MI.
Same with the SAW movies, unless there's a reboot planned that I haven't heard of. And by all accounts the True Grit remake is freakin' brilliant, so it makes a pretty poor example of a reboot that shouldn't have been done.