2571 -
The chance to really get yourself into the character is what kept me here all this time. None of that ridiculous "you now have such'n'such armor which helps your defense - and it's looks like a pink shirt, enjoy!" stuff. I owned my character by the way he looked and what I wrote into his bio.
Then AE came along and rose my chance to really sink into the world even more, my stories, my customs, my everything.
Can't imagine there's anything like those out there in the other MMO worlds. -
Stendec66 at hotmail dot com will get you in touch with me. That's about all I use or have, never been a Facebooker or anything else. If I ever do start another MMO, I'm going to name myself Clave Dark 5 again, just on case someone here runs into me - it's a silly enough name I'm sure no one else would want it.
I mentioned in another thread playing a team post-announcement that went up against some all-psi foes that were wiping the floor with us. After the second or third team wipe one of the other players quipped "I'm going to miss these team wipes."
If we fight against this and lose, this is going to be one team wipe I'm not going to miss out on. I will lay there on the floor of the sewers with a smile. Sorry, just can't do it any other way. -
Quote:iDalek, heh. Moffat and the rest of the show-people were trumpeting the phrase "every Dalek ever" in run-up to the ep. They said they'd tracked down as many as they could to include in some of the scenes, probably so they wouldn't all be just CGI and also because they only have, what 5 of the iDaleks. Come to think of it, I bet there are fans out there right now making screen caps with little arrows pointing to the different ones...Also.. it wasn't EVERY Dalek ever - what happened to the upgraded Apple iDaleks (ooh, pretty colours) from last series?
I've watched the ep twice now and I'm pretty sure I saw one of the iDaleks at least once in there. I believe I read they toned down the candy colors as well, so they probably don't stand out as much as they would have. -
9,945 now. I sent an email to my folks and asked them to sign, as well as my girlfriend. No, none of them play it, but they seem to like me, so...
I know it's not a panacea for our problems, but it might help persuade another co to buy, you know? Anything helps right now. -
I was playing with an 8-man PUG yesterday and we steam-rolled our first mission so we upped the difficulty, and the next map was full of those psi-based floaty-women... people (yeah, I'm not good on all the names).
Team wipe.
Team wipe.
Someone on the team, laying face down (as was I) piped up, "Man, I'm gonna miss these team wipes."
I'd even miss all-psi-team-wipes-in-blue-caves. -
Quote:This this this. My money, my axe, my fightin' spirit and my joy is ready.By the way, if you're aware of any attempt by the devs to mount some kind of studio/game buy-out, please let them know that the Titan Network and thousands of players are ready to fund it to the best of their abilities.
You've always stuck with us through thick and thin, and we're going to do the same for you if you need us. -
I was aiming to quit smoking... ack, my secret shame! To be fair, I aim at that a lot, still working on it.
Other than that I was rather down since I found out Saturday morning (right after I made yet another alt, double ack). Then I watched the new Doctor Who and felt better. Then worse again as I read the forums like I never do, keeping tabs open and refreshing them. Haven't been sleeping as well as I normally do. Then I went to work last night (night worker here) and for some reason the need to focus my attentions on that helped a lot.
I feel silly getting bent out of shape about a game of all things, but... it felt like losing a friend or a close pet.
But I do seem to be doing ok right now. -
Another vote here for paying my sub fee to anyone who'd keep the game going, Star-Wars-game-ruiners, Saddam Hussein's corpse, drug cartels, furries, Democrats/Republicans, you name it! If that comes to pass, then we'll see. Gaging the likelihood of them then ruining our game is a bridge to cross when or if we reach it, seems a little senseless to argue about it right now.
And obviously yes I would like the same devs to still work on it - seriously who wouldn't? The chances of that may be lowish... on top of lowish... but if we're gonna pie-in-the-sky this... (but then it seems a bit silly to discuss that right now too) -
Quote:I've always hated that as well, but didn't suss this as one of those moments - good catch! Except... not five minutes later we're given shots of "every Dalek ever" and a whole CGI Parliment of The Daleks.I hate it when a Sci-Fi flick tries to save money by Disguising aliens as a human or humans with very simple accessories. It shows real decay. I hope to never see them again, but I imagine we will probably be seeing these human daleks for the most part from now on.
I think the complaint you're looking for here is the Daleks were taking pains to be sneaky and disguise themselves, which is very un-Dalek-like. "If the Daleks decided they wanted to nab a couple of humans, why wouldn't they just send down a ship, hover down in their travel machines and blast anyone who got in their way?"
On the other hand, it does lead in to the whole "nano-cloud turning people into Daleks" motif, which I think was meant to be another element Moffat tossed in to help re-scarify the Daleks (a stated aim he had in writing this episode). You'll also note Moffat cleaned up after himself nicely here by blowing up the Asylm afterwards. Any writer or show-runner who comes along after him and re-uses this will be the one to blame, not Moffat. -
Thanks for posting these! Seems I'm going on a kick to try and save as much as I can right now - music, these vids... wunner when I'll be able to open them again without feeling the same way though. :/
Quote:Ooh, so glad someone else thought of this. I just went through and saved them all...Music (someone linked this in the Farewell thread): http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Music
I had a retro-scifi one where the player is playing a commander of the lunar base who gets asked by Space Command to go check out that happened to Mars base, who's radio transmissions stopped a couple of weeks ago. In true Lovecraft fashion, you arrive to find it empty and discover field notes about the now-gone Martian civilization. That barbaric race had a religious ceremony that transferred the minds of their dead to new host bodies... you guessed it, spaceman zombies! It was about 80% done when I gave it up for lost due to the way NPC dialogue spammed when you first walked into the base. Title: The Catacombs Of Mars.
Another was a "fairy tale from the Rogue Isles" about "the most frightening $AT ever, $name!" In a simply told story, it detailed (in 3rd person) how $name met and hoodwinked The King Of Monsters (written to sound like a cranky four-year-old) into helping $himher do a couple of jobs. Then $name stole the King's gold and then still got him to help $himher steal "the Secret Of Fear" from some (renamed) Redcaps. Title forgotten. Featured my fave line: $name meets the King dressed as a business man but without pants. "$name complimented the King Of Monsters on his costume but asked where his pants were. 'Bah, pants are stupid!' >" I'll miss that line. It ended with a miss and the threat to "go sleep or I'll really give you something to be afraid of!"
I had some notes for at least half a dozen others, but those were the best of them. I'll miss the ol' MA> :/ -
Grumble grumble! It was no Love And Monsters, not by a long shot.
In fact I thought it was pretty damn solid from beginning to the end. Certainly helps take my mind off... well... you know... -
Well done, I'll get mine in the mail on Tuesday.
TSW looked interesting to me, but from what I could see of it, the creativity I enjoyed expressing in this game just isn't there; I'm not here just for the punchy-punchy moments. The friend who got me into this game also dabbles in CO so maybe I'll look into that, even though I know it's going to be a failure in comparison. :/
This was my first MMO as well. -
I haven't cried and may well not, but damn if my day (and beyond) wasn't ruined - I'd just finished making yet another cool alt when I got into Atlas and heard the news. "Don't take my toy away from me, I just got this one!"
I found it hard to sleep last night too. e.e -
In some ways I regret investing myself creatively in this game as much as I did - because letting go and trying to find a new creative outlet is damn hard. Maybe we shouldn't have invested ourselves in something we had no personal control over (such as a for-profit biz like this) and instead have aimed for something we would owned lock stock and cape, such as a painting or a work of fiction.
Then again it was nearly 100% all the way up till now, so why regret? But perhaps we should aim to make 'better choices' in the future (I still have trouble seeing this as a bad one). -
Same here - my first and very possibly my only. From everything I hear, the elements I liked about this game are simply not available any where else.
I always enjoyed your lists and this wasn't one of them.
Still enjoyed it a lot though. -
I hadn't realized that everyone really got the boot over this. I was thinking of you and how you'd been working on the super secret new project and assumed that was still an on-going deal... and yet that's gone too. Very Sad.
Best of luck to you in the future though!
And if you ever get stuck at some point in your life and feel down, look back and know just how much your "mere" wage-work meant to so many of us and then feel better, ok? -
Quote:I bounced over to their website and took a look and liked the idea of it, but I think what I'm really going to miss about this game was not so much playing (not that I didn't play) but creating. It was always a great place for all sorts of ideas I might get for characters, stories, etc. The fighting and level progression was secondary. I'm trying to think of a good replacement for that creative outlet in my life right now, one that also shares my work easily with others, and I'm not sure another MMO will be that.I loved them. I'll be playing The Secret World, if you or anyomne else wants to continue fighting the fight.
it's not the same, but it's not bloody WoW I guess.
Or I might hop on TSW very soon, who can say for sure? -
This may count as cross-posting as I just replied in your other thread, but... I missed you this past year+ that you didn't post or do AE stuff; then again, who was doing AE stuff anymore, really? Precious few of us. Ah well.
I hope your future is bright! -
I'ma miss all you guys too, it was a shame we got sort of ignored as a community within the game and (more or less) ended up falling apart. It was the AE people I got to know best in this game and the ones I'll miss the most - even Venture!