Driven to drink

Ad Astra



I never drink. For any reason. In this family, it's taboo.

*downs a shot of vodka*

Yeah it's one of those days. When I woke up this morning, my first words were "F u c k i n g. B u l l s h i t". No joke.

Anyone else having abnormal changes in behavior?

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



I am a lil' mopey. Underwhelming to your reaction, sure, but there it is. :|

I *honestly, truly, really* had aspirations that I'd wake up, come in here to the computer room after showering and gettin' dressed and all, and finding out I was in a food-contamiation-related hallucination last evening and it was all a weird trippy depressing dream.


So now, I'm thinking about the next three months, and what I'm going to do with **ALL** my characters. Perhaps finally finish the AE story of the Sisters Dawn. Convince my brother to do some art for me regarding things I can't do in game, but want a picture of. (He is quite the artist, but has a family and is a night beat cop)

That sorta thing. And being mopey about the whole damn thing.

I want a large supreme pizza to drown it out, but I must resist.


I must ask, as I'm a curious sort of fellow... never drink, family taboo... yet you had vodka lyin' around? Or did you go get it?

And be careful. Vodka's nasty stuff at 180 proof. Or fun, depending. I haven't ever drank in a less than jovial mood, myself... but always to excess, I'm not terribly proud to say...

Except I have been known to literally drink everyone else in the place under the table, so there's that.


/Pinnacle represent.
//Binger... glad I drive, or I'd be dead, likely.
///Will *NEVER* drink if it's even remotely possible I'll be driving... and I drive all the time. So I hardly drink. But if I ain't drivin'? On like Donkey Kong. And yes, YOU will lose the contest, poser challenges.
////The best part? Mix 'em up, pour 'em in, outlast them all, go to sleep, wake up, and... nothing. Ready to do whatever, maybe a lil' thirsty.
/////I am an oddity in this thing called life.
//////Oh, kids, don't drink like I do. It's not good for you. Heck, it's not good for me.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
I never drink. For any reason. In this family, it's taboo.

*downs a shot of vodka*

Yeah it's one of those days. When I woke up this morning, my first words were "F u c k i n g. B u l l s h i t". No joke.

Anyone else having abnormal changes in behavior?
I'm a little nuts all the time, so... no.

Don't do anything crazy. Life is change and a lot of times it hurts, but this too shall pass. As bad as it is for the players, it's a thousand times worse for those who lost their jobs yesterday.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Yea, I fell of the proverbial wagon last night. Not alcohol but the strict diet I've been on since my stroke back in June. I was diagnosed as with Type 2 Diabetes as well as high blood pressure so I was on a low carb, low salt, low fat diet. It meant that pretty much all the food I use to eat over the past decade was a no-no. Upside, I lost 15 pounds so far, my blood sugar is down and my BP is nearly normal. Downside, I will never be able to eat unlimited breadsticks at Olive Garden or pasta in any Italian restaurant every again (portion size is much to large and I'm not paying $13 and only eat a 1/4 of the plate).

But last night I sought solace in the comfort foods I've haven't have since mid June. A pint of Ben and Jerry's, and entire bag of Smartfood, a large size Stouffer's Meat Lasagna. This morning my blood sugar was over 200, my BP high enough trigger the headaches I use to get regularly because of my high BP. So it's a hangover of sorts. Back on my diet this morning, going to the gym shortly, hopefully bring everything back under control in a few days.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Please take care of yourself, FX. You know you were always one of my favorite fellow players/posters.

I've been reading the forums for the past hour catching up and even though I've been absent from the game and the forums for ages, one can't ignore a community he spent eight years being a part of when said community was just kicked in the junk.

The sadness is understandable and shared. Keep your chin up, folks.

Be well, people of CoH.



I was driven to break my diet, and stay up until 5am last night...

That sounds silly, but actually I'd been doing pretty well for the past few months! So I guess you could say this has really affected me. Sigh.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Also, Olive Garden? I speak for every Italian in the world when I say, "Eww." That's Russian roulette, bro.
Yes but their breadsticks and salad were to die for. Nearly literally in my case.

Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm not normally a sharer (no Twitter, no Facebook or other social media presence) but the loss of this game is just one more thing I loved (pizza, fried rice, pasta, red meat, corn chips, french toast, donuts, Five Guys burgers ... you get the idea) that I've loss in recent months.

It was a minor stroke affecting my sense of touch down the left side. No real loss of muscle control or strength. It's been interesting seeing how my brain is trying to rewire around the damage. For a while it felt like I had a really bad sunburn on my left arm and the palm on my left hand felt like it had a bad case of road rash. Now it's just slightly numb or tingle. The biggest area that's weird is my left leg. My foot is still fairly numb and my lower left leg still feels like it's in an overly inflated blood pressure cuff.

Ironically my stroke likely hit while rearranging equipment in my office for a new PC and monitor I just acquired from a friend for my birthday the day before. It was gradual and it wasn't until the next morning that the slight numbness I attributed to all the strenuous lifting (CRTs are quite heavy) and a long gaming session (thought my leg simply fell asleep because I was sitting on a hard chair for a long time) was now my complete left side including my face and torso.

Well off to the gym for my 1.5 mile quick walk.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



I'm probably lucky. Whenever I'm not 100% (which is 100% of the time) I really let myself go. Not dangerous self destructive behavior, but bad eating habits, not sleeping, not working, playing too much, very dark negative thoughts, etc. When I'm really low it of course gets worse.

In the past I've always lived alone, being more of a recluse than anything. It kept me safe and kept the world safe from my 'crazy.' For the last three years I've been living with my girlfriend, which has forced me to behave in a more "normal" manner. For better and for worse. As much negative press straightjackets get, they do stop people form poking their eye out with a fork.

Had I been still living solo, I would have ordered 5 pizzas and spent a couple hundred dollars on Steam games by now in an attempt to comfort myself.



I have been made physically ill.

I was fine yesterday morning - right up until I sat down at my computer after a doctor's appointment, and saw the news. Since then I have been nauseous, weak, and shivering, to the point where I have actually thrown up.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
I never drink. For any reason. In this family, it's taboo.

*downs a shot of vodka*

Yeah it's one of those days. When I woke up this morning, my first words were "F u c k i n g. B u l l s h i t". No joke.

Anyone else having abnormal changes in behavior?
Went out and bought a 1.75L Captain Morgan and 3 cases of Coca Cola. We'll see how long it lasts.

I haven't drank like this in 6 years.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



i havent and still wont drink anything

but since the news ive been feeling very moody and depressed, which is unusual as very few things make me depressed (the only prior experience with this kind of depression was when i broke up with my gf, but i got through it cause i still had coh)

now that coh is the thing thats about to get offed i dont know what ill do for emotional release aside from talk to the poeple that i been adding to steam/skype



I'm not a drinker, but I too have dived head first into comfort food. Friday night my duo partner and I stayed up until about 2:30 in the morning crying on each others shoulders on chat. Then Sunday night my husband and I took the girls to see The Avengers again, and things kept popping into my head like, "I'm not gonna be able to fly like that for much longer," and "I love capes."

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



I had a milkshake yesterday. It was a darn good one, too.

But I'm in training to be both a member of the healthcare team and a public health advocate. I understand--as well as anyone possibly can, I hope. On the other hand, I've been forcing myself to exercise and study even though I don't want to because it's my way of proving to myself and the world that I can overcome this.

Since 1948, the World Health Organization has defined "health" as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Socially and mentally, we're not doing well. If taking solace in otherwise unhealthy things helps, I won't tell you not to. I will, however, respectfully advocate moderation.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



While i've been a bit more more melancholic than usual the only thing i've been over or under doing that i could attribute to the news of the game's closing is getting even less sleep than usual. Which really isn't that good since i'm generally right on the edge of sleep deprivation since i am not by nature a morning person, or even really a day person, and i typically work 9 to 5. My sleep cycle when not on a set schedule is sleeping from around 5 or 6 in the morning to noon or 2.

Really that's about it. i'm not a heavy drinker by nature or inclination, caffeine aside haven't found any other drugs besides alcohol worth the investment, and generally eat a good diet even if i don't get enough aerobic exercise.

However, i do occasionally drive friends to drink. Mostly to clubs or bars where we hang out.

i think it's partially that i have a lot of other stuff going on without much spare time that 'helps' me not get too worked up over the game. i'm too busy dealing with a fsckton of real life deadlines and projects to even play much right now anyway. Hopefully after the art show in October i'll have more time.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I was aiming to quit smoking... ack, my secret shame! To be fair, I aim at that a lot, still working on it.

Other than that I was rather down since I found out Saturday morning (right after I made yet another alt, double ack). Then I watched the new Doctor Who and felt better. Then worse again as I read the forums like I never do, keeping tabs open and refreshing them. Haven't been sleeping as well as I normally do. Then I went to work last night (night worker here) and for some reason the need to focus my attentions on that helped a lot.

I feel silly getting bent out of shape about a game of all things, but... it felt like losing a friend or a close pet.

But I do seem to be doing ok right now.



I had some whiskey, which isn't too out of character - I keep a bottle of it by my computer for when I have computer problems so I don't get angry fixing the problem.

But I haven't been able to focus properly to write anything or study my textbooks since I found out and normally I'm a little busy beaver

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Bad insomnia, staying up refreshing the forums as well.

Alcohol sounds kinda good, but so does the ice cream - I think I'm going to send my husband out to get me some Dairy Quenn when he gets up today.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."