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  1. I would like to bring my dark/dark fender, hybrid is almost unlocked. t3 support core/radial available to slot once open.

    toon name is Blackthorne Rose
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by my awesome display name View Post
    Please reply to this post or send me an in-game email (@sundew) to reserve a spot. DD is limited to 16 players, so the first 16 to reply will be on the DD. If you will be running late, just say that you'll join us starting with the BAF. MoDD takes 30-40 minutes.
    Sent tell in game, but I'll bring my fire blaster for the BAF & UG bomb run. @chowder w/ Ms.Blaze
  3. Chowder

    Empty Zones

    I absolutely LOVE the faultline story arcs. I think some of the best content for solo/teams that get overlooked. It also can be very challenging since most of us don't IO out that early in a toon's career.

    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Besides for my hatred for Red Caps, I loved Croatoa. I sometimes run the arcs on new characters for the story. My love for the Fautlline story is undying though.
  4. Chowder

    Wentworth prices

    Also, I dump quite a bit of salvage on the market for obscenely low prices (going for the WW badges for sales, etc). Often my stuff goes cheap but fast, which is what I want trying to sell 1000's of items... (I get bored flipping stuff for the sales badges).

    and if that particular salvage is being flipped, you should be able to outbid the flippers by a margin to get what you want... OR place a lowball bid that probably gets filled inbetween the flippers' claiming of bought salvage and placing new bids...

    Might be able to get most of what you like much cheaper than your proposed caps. YMMV as always See Dealer for Details.
  5. I opened my alpha on my ice/ice/psi fender then ran a BAF, and rolled into the next iTrial (UGT)... t3 alpha, opened judgement & t2'd that... Few trials later I'm about to slot lore & open interface...

    and I have to stress this.... this toon is a VERY casual project... Generally, I alpha up on the task forces & WST's... I hardly ever seek shard runs... I have several incarnate alts some w/ multiple t4 alpha's... t4 alpha is an indulgence (only mandatory if you have alt ocd). But the other incarnate powers offer alternatives into the T4 range that might be worth the extra effort.

    I agree that level shifts are more critical than t4 performance.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post

    So tired of the epic boredom of the respec trials.
    /signed ad infinitum
  7. Chowder

    April's WSTs?

    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    It is indeed Treespec/Respec number 1.
    So very tired of the WST's being a respec... but at least redside they're quick...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    Tim Burton Presents: Johnny Depp in White Make-Up, Part 7 (or whatever they're at). Co-starring Helena Bonham Carter. Music by Danny Elfman.
    I LOVE that one... right there w/ my favorite episode of Gilligan's Island... You know the one where the Professor makes a way off the island out of coconuts, bamboo & tree leaves... just when they're about ready to escape, Gilligan screws everything up and they're stuck again... I LOVE that one!

    Or where Tom Cruise plays a cocky young guy... good times...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post

    Also not a fan of dark armor. I have 1 50 DA brute now, she's very tough, but meh. I like to see my characters.
    You can customize it so that your character is no longer an amorphous blob. I have a dark/axe tank that I didn't play for your very same reason. On a whim, I checked the customize options in the tailor and saw that a couple powers could be invisible or something like that...

    oh, and I hate Kinetic Melee w/ a passion.
  10. Just traded via email. Very smooth! Would trade again!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Ouch. The goal is to never use Vengeance.
    Uhm, I refer you to the armor sets w/ the tier 9 REZ power... I'd say Veng is made for fire armor, etc...
  12. This is what starts the pressure building in my {RAGEQUIT} button!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by R-Tech View Post
    The news was announced here:

    So Infinity, what are you planning on doing for DXP? I was thinking of throwing something together. Maybe some TFs or a weekend superteam.
    Our SG did a sewer crawl til we could do KR radios for the early bank missions. Then TF city until we couldn't stay awake. I remember being lucky enough to run Hess/Katie w/ peeps kind enough to share their unlocked TF's. 4-20 was a snap. Ended up w/ atlas medallion, TFC badge & a messy ITF run. I think we all got real close to mid 40's.

    I was thinking of doing something similar gold or redside this year. Leaning towards gold side since a good team can clean up, maybe w/ some pre-purchased enhancements to help ease the growing pains...
  14. Just traded for a Glad Armor +3 lvl 10. Very quick, responsive & trustworthy trade. Very much appreciated!
  15. Thanks for the trade! Quick & easy transaction. Much appreciated.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gmbtsgrl View Post
    I have enough hero merits for a Gladiator Armor + def Proc.Selling for 2.5 Billion. reply here or send an in-game tell to @mommy. I am on Guardian Server and usually on daily.
    I would love to trade with you. I have a couple toons on Guardian as well, we could trade there. I sent you an in-game email from @chowder.
  17. Lost 2 of my 6 slots available to be redeemed. On at least 3 different servers, I've lost open slots...
  18. [QUOTE=Sir_Foxbat;3566809]

    Seriously? Please tell me this is just one random player who obviously has NO clue what Kinetics does. I can't imagine that any other kin has had this happen. Right? RIGHT?


    I think maybe your "Danger Will Robinson! Danger" warning system is working fine.
  19. Thank you very much for your generosity! Much appreciated Fulmens!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    I have a billion or so spare inf to match. (I match 1-for-1, up to 200 million of your inf, for a total of 400 million inf -> 800K prestige.)
    I'd certainly be interested. Running on infinity currently.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombeh_Defendar View Post

    whats your point of view on this /Rad defenders?

    Irradiate w/ 6 shield breakers makes my day... I frankenslotted the rest of my rad attacks for set bonuses and debuffs. My primary is FF so I get to spend a lot of time tossing debuffs. Probably not as strong as a rad/rad but I wouldn't dismiss a ?/rad fender either.
  22. I wish I'd know earlier that the kin's & dark's target heals also debuffed the targets regen... Spam City on the EB's & AV's for more than just the healing...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Risq_ View Post
    I can select it so that there is a green circle around it by holding down the CTRL key + Left clicking the power, and it does auto activate like it's supposed to, but after four times the green circle disappears and it no longer fires.
    I'm not sure about the 4 times, but I do have constant irritation about the auto fire not working... I've bug reported, and was told that it was WAI, and I went on about my unhappy way... then it got worse, so I re-reported it...

    For me, the aggravation is mostly account wide.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Utopia View Post
    I've always wanted to name my imps or other pets like Masterminds can. I constantly refer to them by the names I give them, and wondered if anyone else did this.
    Bitey, Stabby & Grabby (he's handsy)... I would totally love be able to name my 'troller pets. Highest on my wishlest...
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    tried 4 times to get on infinity and got the same message just now.
    Unmaintain please... Got mapserved twice. Second one booted me... Welcome back to City of Heroes btw... We were running Posi 1 & 2 w/ returning players... One of them just finished asking about the 5th Column too (not sure if their return was by reactivation weekend or just because)...

    Not a great way to say welcome back!