Rare IO's 4 Sale - Including Glad Armor Proc & Shield Wall Proc
Just posting to say thanks for the quick & easy trade just now (2.5 bill for a Glad Armor +Def IO for those who were wondering). Will definitely keep you in mind in the future!
Thanks for all who traded so far - great trades ! I still have a few things left, so message me to check on whats left, ty.
Most notably all the purples are gone, and I only have 1 each of the micro and ribo left. The glad armor lvl 10 proc is still there and only 1 lvl 50. And a Shield Wall.
I lurk a lot

Trade went well ! Thanks.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Traded for Glad Armor Proc - Lvl 50. Everything went very well. Thanks!
Did you by chance have another Shield Wall Proc?
I probably have one of those if you need it still Lib let me know.
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Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Think I've got it worked out. Thanks!
Just traded for a Glad's Armor 3% def. No problems at all, LaDiva was even nice enough to come to my server since I have in-game email phobia, lol. Thanks a ton!

"A true hero has the strength to stand against evil
without wavering where all others despair,
even if it means standing alone." - Kragothe Valour
Good seller, fair trade. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. There was some discoloration on the IO, but a little CLR got it right out!
Superb very patient and delivers
Do you know the way to ebay?
Thanks all for the trades so far !
The Lvl 10 Glad armor procs have gotten poor interest compared to the 50's so i'm going to lower the price on them to 2.5 Billion each. I have 2 of these atm since I turned in merits thinking they would be hot.
Shield Wall Procs I'll ask 2 Billion each.
Panacea Procs are 1.9 Billion.
Send me a PM or global me at @cornerstone in game.
I lurk a lot

Amazing and trustworthy trader !!! I emailed her the influence, she then emailed me the IO's. Perfect. Traders don't get anymore reliable than that.
Much thanks.
I had a very good trade with LaDiva. Sent her a tell and within a few minutes I had traded with her for one of the IOs I wanted. Was very fast and easy.
Toys still available.
I lurk a lot

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
More of the goodies for sale - send me a global with what you are looking for. First come first serve.
I lurk a lot

I've updated the first post with current quantities and prices. As usual first come first serve.
I lurk a lot

post deleted
Update as of 6-5-2011:
Glad Armor Proc - Lvl 10 - 2.5 Billion Inf (1 of these) Glad Armor Proc - Lvl 50 - 2.5 Billion Inf (2 of these) Shield Wall Proc - Lvl 50 - 2 Billion Inf (3 of these) If anyone is interested send me a PM or global @Cornerstone and we'll make arrangements. Thanks. |
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
TY for trade. I can now bid 1.3 bn for shield wall 50 and offer at 1.99bn.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
Dammit, Yomo! Some of us are buying at 2.5 Bn and selling at 2.9 Bn here!
(Yeah, I know where I'm going to slot it when I get stuck holding one in the big collapse.)
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
Sold, ty!
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
Update as of 11-22-2011:

Glad Armor Proc - Level 10 or 50 - 2 Billion Inf (merits handy for either)
Shield Wall Proc - Level 10 or 50 - 2 Billion Inf (I dont normally keep a 10 on hand, but will turn in merits for one if needed)
Panacea Proc - Level 50 - 2.5 Billion (couple)
If anyone is interested send me a PM or global @Cornerstone and we'll make arrangements.
I'm open for trades on these atm. Quite a few people have purples squirreled away and not necessarily billions of inf in hand. In the past I turned away more than a few purple offers since I didnt need them.
However, I have a few new toons working their way up and I'll want purples for them. So if you don't have influence and want to offer me 5 pieces of any of the damage sets (minus pet) i'd be game for a trade. Or enough of a purple pile to make me interested. The influence is more flexible for me however I'm willing to trade this way for the time being. I do trade in my favor, so I'm not doing charity runs or giving them away for less than value or even value. I do want to profit after all
What I have available (or enough merits to make) is the usual platter of procs as listed above.
I lurk a lot