Call Me Awesome

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  1. If I've invested the time and effort into getting a character above 35 (much less 50) then I'm not going to axe them. I do have a couple of high level toons that I haven't touched in 4 years but I've moved them to other servers to wait on either my interest to change or, in the case of the 50 Stone/EM tanker, for power changes to make them fun to play again.

    By the time I've taken a character to 50 I've anywhere from 80-250 hours invested in them... and I wouldn't have gotten them past 30 if I didn't enjoy the character at the time. Things change, friends may want to run something where "X" character is the best fit and, of course, the game changes and suddenly something becomes fun again. I don't PL my characters to 50 in 10 hours; I actually play them up the long way.

    As an example earlier this week I dug out an old Kin/Rad defender who had been sitting unplayed at level 35 for over 700 days. A respec to bring her up to current conditions and I'm having fun with the character and have leveled her up to 38 over the last couple nights. If I'd deleted her then I'd have had to start fresh at level 1 if I had an urge to play that set again.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Progressman View Post
    Or anything that ends with a '5' instead of a zero? I honestly don't know how I got this many left. >.<'
    Save them and add them to your monthly allowance next month. Just because you have money/points/inf/what have you doesn't mean you have to spend it all.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyal View Post
    From what I am understanding from reading this, correct me if I'm wrong. One of your alts has the mystic power, yet you have never purchased the magic booster pack or the mystic power from the market. Also the magic pack is not the same as the mutation pack; they were separate packs.

    So you have a bug where one of your alts has a power it shouldn't have?
    Originally Posted by SimonSayz View Post
    Then you got a bonus, congratulations. Unless there's something wrong with that particular character I'd suggest leaving well enough alone and enjoy your free power.
  4. Interesting; I apparently haven't seen that bug myself <knock on wood having only logged in about 7 out of 50 toons> but it sounds like a real doozy.

    Hopefully Support can get the missing stuff back.
  5. Call Me Awesome

    +4x8 question

    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    There are builds that can easily survive Carnies, but regardless of your build's defensive strengths, Illusionists will always be a pain in the rear to kill (what with the phasing). For that reason alone, I can count on my fingers the number of times I've voluntarily soloed a carnie mission at max difficulty.

    Still, even if a build is strong against Carnies, chances are it's weak against something else. Every build has weaknesses.
    True. The best build I have vs Carnies is my soft capped BS/Shield scrapper; thanks to the high def the death drain almost never hits, likewise with the various debuffs. I do have to be careful vs MI's and Dark Ring Mistresses since they have attacks that ignore positional def but I can solo 4x8 Carnie missions. It helps that most of them are weak to Lethal damage.

    The biggest PITA mobs for that scrapper are Knives of Artemis thanks to those damned caltrops.... I'm coming to kill you... eventually... The mobs I fear with that character however are the Devouring Earth Guardians and those Quartz pets they drop... if I let them drop that thing I'm very likely to be eating dirt a few seconds later.
  6. Call Me Awesome

    +4x8 question

    Lots of characters at their peak level of performance can manage solo +4x8 missions with most mob types, but they aren't going to be steamrolling by any means. If you define "manage" as "can complete the mission without too many deaths using all available methods of mitigation" then probably most Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes can handle it as can some Blasters and many Controllers. I wouldn't be at all surprised if every AT in the game has at least some build combinations that are capable of that trick.

    However one thing none of them will be doing is running QUICKLY. It simply takes longer to kill +4 mobs than it does to kill +2 or even level. No build in the game will be able to kill +4 mobs as quickly as it can kill +2 mobs. Yes, a few corner cases can move efficiently enough to make the time/reward ratio favorable but those are very few and far between and they'll still take a good bit longer to complete the mission.
  7. Call Me Awesome

    Slide power

    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    Note that i said I never see it, which is not the same as "nobody who has it uses it.". I'm sure that people who have it use it fairly often. I just don't see anyone using it, which makes me think it is pretty rare. Then again, I tend to play when there aren't too many other people online.

    I hadn't seen Zombie Man's thread before he linked to it, but that right there shows that I am not alone in wanting it. There have been a number of "exclusive" things that have become widely available. I don't understand the rationale behind not allowing anyone to have this ever again.

    Eh, I have it but I don't find it useful frankly. I did use it for one character 5 years ago from level 1-14, then I got a real travel power and never touched it again.

    What the heck, if anyone wants the silly thing why not give it to them. It's just Sprint with a different animation.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    1. Create new toon.
    2. PL to level 10.
    3. Run first arc twice for 2 A-Merits.
    4. Delete and repeat.
    5. Profit. A 'once per week' reward can be earned a dozen or more times a day (depending on your appetite for tedium).

    That is what people were doing and that is what the change was intended to stop. So, it SEEMS the devs considered that an exploit but none of them have actually used that word.
    As opposed to logging in an existing hero who's already done the morality mission, running the first arc twice and the other two once and having 4 A Merits for about 45 minutes work. Admittedly you can only do that once per character. (The once per week merit for running an arc plus the bonus merit for the first time that character runs that particular arc)

    Yesterday I ran 4 seldom played characters through that process and netted 16 A Merits, split between the characters of course. In any case I can earn 15 merits per week since I've that many hero characters who've done one alignment cycle. Unfortunately that doesn't include my 5 Vigilantes.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    I am not only impressed that you listed so many, I am impressed that the devs had SO MUCH at launch.

    It still begs the question for me about why so many things involve the council. How cool would it be to jump in a radio mish in Bricks to fight the Prisoners?
    It would be terrible XP/Inf rewards; the Prisoners are greatly underpowered mobs for their level and their rewards reflect that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    And known issues with bases not producing power anymore? I have a small base that I use a Combo Power and Control Unit in, and I just noticed it's not getting power any more. That is to say, that even though the device should produce some power, none is being produced at all. The device that should produce power says it's non-functional because it doesn't have enough power. Which is odd because a Combo Control and Power Unit never needed in past power for it to start to function. That sort of defeats the purpose of the device.

    No changes have been made to the base and it was working fine.
    Rent has been paid.

    I'm out of ideas if it isn't a bug.
    Did you just pay rent after the power was shut off? If that's the case I've noticed an occasional bug where a generator didn't work afterwards until I went into base edit mode and moved it slightly to make the base use it again.

    Give that a try anyway; all I've needed to do is edit the base and shift the generator slightly one direction or another and the power comes back on. I've had this bug crop up a half dozen times over the years.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial Might View Post
    I'd probably go with:
    Agility Boost: This alpha tree focuses on boosting Endurance Modification, and secondarily boosts Defense and Recharge rate. The radial branch also boosts run speed, fly speed, and jump distance.

    The end mod to help keep those toggles on. Defense to raise my psi defense (all others soft capped) and recharge to keep Dull Pain at the ready.
    I'm not sure about the benefits of the endmod component; remember that you're probably already at ED cap for Endmod in Stamina and you don't have an abundance of other recovery powers. I will agree that the defense & recharge bonuses are attractive though.

    I still think Cardiac is hard to turn down for Invuln as you almost certainly don't have everything ED capped for endurance reduction and the resistance in the higher trees is nice for exotic resists.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Well, if you don't use it that often. I tend not to need the +HP much.And 5 slots to a power you don't use often. I'd recommend going Spiritual on Alpha anyhoo. And you could always pull the extra slot from Physical Perfection.
    Well, I don't need Dull Pain often, but when I do I usually need it fairly badly as I'm in one of those corner cases where things are going south in a hurry. Anyway, the Doctored Wounds set is cheap and offers good bonuses.

    IF I were to cut it's slotting that much I'd frankenslot recharge & heal.

    Honestly, he shouldn't have horrendous endurance problems. If he does, usually in extended battles, that's what Conserve Power is for.
    True, but if he exemps down he'll loose CP. Anyway even if I was sticking with 3 slots for Invinc and Weave I'd still at a minimum frankenslot rather than just going with 3 common IO's.

    Or Enzymes. But they're just as (if not more) expensive.

    I've got a bunch of them saved up for my next alt build of Hyper. And if I didn't want to build him with flight capability (on huge models, rocket packs look like ***), I'd SERIOUSLY look at this build for myself.
    I guess we'll have to have somewhat different philosophies then Hyper; I agree with most of what you're saying; I just recall situations where DP being slotted out has been critical to my survival and too many times I've had end problems when I exemp below a target level; If I'm using a power I want to optimize it's slotting.

    Tulare, I haven't priced HO's recently but as I recall Centrioles (Dam/Range) were completely worthless (under 100k) and Peroxome (Dam/Mez) weren't much better. On the other hand Cytos (Def/Tohit/End) were up around 100 million over a year ago, they may well have gone up from there. That Devastation Hold proc unfortunately is much more useful than it is valuable; the recipe hovers in the vendor trash area and crafted it won't bring much, maybe 2-3 million. I like the proc on some squishy characters but it isn't going to make you rich by any means.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tulare View Post
    Thanks for all the builds and tips. My tank is already 50, he was my first 50, but he hasn't seen much action since IOs came in. One thing I keep seeing you all post is a lot of elemental defense, is there really that much elemental only damage? As far as pure type damage, I'm really only used to seeing smashing, lethal, and psionic.

    As far as budget, my main at the moment has just over a billion, and other than incarnate stuff (2 more T4s) I'd say he is done.
    If you've that much inf then you'll have no trouble completing your build. Hyper's build does bump up the F/C defense but it trades out with lower endurance, recovery and regeneration numbers. It's a valid option and up to you which way to go. Personally I'd add the 4th Eradication in the two AOE's for more hit points. Inf wise at a guess Hyper's build will run something under 200 million not counting the Numina & Miracle uniques.

    I do like the general power order better on Hyper's build. I was trying to leave the same general layout of your original one. I don't like the slotting of Dull Pain at all (it needs some heal, preferably 5 Doctored Wounds) and I'm not a real big fan of Hyper's slotting of Invincibility or Weave... I'd at the least frankenslot some endred in there. Since you're already 50 I recommend finding some Cytoskeleton (Def buff/Tohit buff/Endred) HO's to toss in Invincibility and max out all aspects of the power. They're liable to be expensive unless you already have them in storage but they're very nice here.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I think Kinetic combats on their own is lousy accuracy, not so much for Invulns or SS mind you but still. It's amazing how little extra work it takes to achieve Kinetic combats if you know where to look, being but of a team steaming different content helps abit though.
    Oh no question Kin Combat also has lousy accuracy on it's own; you'd need to frankenslot an Acc/Dam/End for them as well. An Invuln though generally has plenty of places to slot Smashing Haymaker so it doesn't need to spend the fortune on Kin Combat for what it can get at a tiny fraction the cost with Smashing Haymaker.
  15. One thing that jumps out at me is your attack slotting. The Smashing Haymaker set works great for an Invuln tanker and provides a decent S/L def bonus at a fraction the cost of Kin Combat... however it has lousy accuracy. You really want a 5th slot in your attacks for an Acc/Dam/Recharge or Acc/Dam/End from another set to get good accuracy and ED cap your damage.

    Another thing is that Foot Stomp would be better slotted with 4 Eradication and a couple of Scirocco than with the Oblit set. The Oblit is a good set, but it's strength is melee defense... it only provides half the values for S/L making it a poor choice for Invuln. Making the change I suggested will give you 1.8 endurance, 3.13% E/N defense, 2.25% HP and 10% regeneration.

    Looking at your bonuses you can loose one set of Smashing Haymaker and still remain soft capped; I'd pull the slots from Boxing and use them to add that 5th slot in Jab, Haymaker & KoB.

    I also think you could do better yanking some slots from Stamina & Health... I see you're looking for recharge bonuses but I'm not sure they're worth the slot expenditure.

    Looking at your primary I'd slot Invincibility differently; if you're already 47+ then it's hard to do better than 3 Cytoskeleton HO's. If you're still leveling then think about the Luck of the Gambler or Gift of the Ancients sets... both of them have good arguments for going there.

    Resist Elements is your least valuable power (other than Unstoppable if you're soft capped) so I'd move it way back in the power order and use Res Energies for the Reactive mule. Personally I'd toss it in at level 49 and move the Fighting pool up accordingly or possibly put Spring Attack in there as an AOE attention getter. Speaking of SA you'll definitely want accuracy and recharge there; it's damage is kind of ordinary but it will work nicely to get the mob's attention on you.

    Here's a quickie revamp based on your power selections. There's room for improvement but it ends up with higher regen, better E/N defense, better endurance and endurance recovery and retains the S/L soft cap.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  16. Call Me Awesome

    Spybot 2

    Originally Posted by PerfectStorm View Post
    She should be able to access her school data, copy it off the hard drive to temporary media or even CD or something. I would recommend that she do this even if the system doesn't have to be wiped.

    There is a reason that computer repair companies opt to nuke and pave so often and so quickly ... it takes so much time to undo the minute details of the damage some programs can do to a computer. Getting the system back to "normal" and "quickly" probably means a factory restore after backing up important data.

    Good luck!

    I've had to do this numerous times... you can spend hours attempting to repair whatever's wrong and come up empty or you can spend hours backing up, reinstall everything and be good to go. Most of the time when something goes bad in a big way I find I'm better off to bite the bullet and reinstall from scratch.
  17. A small update on my SR tanker; last night I was playing with a friend's StJ/Energy Armor brute and noticed a disturbing trend. I was first into melee and had the mobs clumped tight then he'd attack and I'd immediately loose about half the spawn. I've NEVER seen that happen with an Invuln tanker and I conclude that the SR taunt aura must have gotten the Willpower treatment; it doesn't appear to hold aggro well.

    After a couple of missions I grabbed my StJ/Invuln scrapper and had no difficulty holding aggro from my buddy. Mid's claims MAG 4 on SR's aura... seems like the Dev's set it's duration extremely low. I do notice Mid's mentions a 1 second duration for Evasion (the taunt aura/AOE def toggle) and a 0.75 second duration for the other toggles. If that's true then SR is actually worse than WP for aggro.
  18. Spring Attack would be useful as an aggro tool if nothing else but there's no way I'd dump KoB for it. Instead dump Assault and lightly slot Spring Attack. Another PBAOE taken early is nice to have for tanking, particularly if you exemp down below level 33 for a TF or just to team with friends.

    I'll second the suggestion to put the purple set into Foot Stomp if you can afford it. I'm not a fan of slotting the FF proc or the -res proc at the expense of basic functionality of a power... the purple damage proc will do more for you. Also I really like Fire Ball on any tanker; it's a great AOE and a nice big ranged attention getter.
  19. Call Me Awesome

    Energy Melee?

    Personally I loathe energy melee since it's almost exclusively single target and it's only two decent attacks have such massive animation time. I've a Stone/EM tanker at 50 that I rolled up in issue 7 and took to 50 pre-IO. In that era before the nerf it was, IMO, barely adequate since ET was so fast. Post nerf I tried the character several times and found that on a team I was virtually guaranteed of corpse blasting with both ET & TF every single time I used either attack.

    YMMV but for me the set went from marginal to bad with the ET nerf. Twice over the years since the nerf I've pulled that tanker from mothballs and run a few TF's with her, each time I've come to the conclusion that I hate the set. I keep hoping that sometime the set will change and become fun again; that and the fact that I can't bring myself to delete a 50 are all that keeps that tanker around. I did move her last year when we had free transfers to a server I don't play on very often.
  20. Call Me Awesome

    armors question

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Endurance on SS/Inv (or Inv/SS, on a Tank) isn't quite so bad if you take Energy Mastery and get Physical Perfection and Conserve Power/Superior Conditioning. Not sure how the latter works on a Brute, although that is a third place you can slot a Performance Shifter proc. With 3 of those puppies running I'd be legitimately shocked if you had any endurance issues at all.
    You don't need that really; all you need to do is slot appropriately for endred. Also, get the +end accolades (Atlas Medallion, Portal Jockey) for +10 points of endurance.
  21. Call Me Awesome

    armors question

    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    Debuffs can take you into negative values, so Cimerorans attacking a meleer with 0 defense will have you at -45% defense (95% chance to be hit) in seconds. This applies to basically every type of debuff except for Regeneration and Recovery rates, which floor at 0 hp or end per second.
    Indeed, the ITF can very quickly become brutal for a Regen... if you simply dive into a group and start swinging they will have you debuffed to the point that everything's hitting you every time in seconds. Even with Dull Pain and Instant Healing running they'll drop you before you can drop them.

    That being the case you need to use tactics and mobility to give yourself a chance to shed debuffs and regen every few seconds. It can be done but you're going to be walking a knife edge there. I'd say Regen is probably the worst set for that situation.

    I've run it with a couple of Regen scrappers, a Shield scrapper and Shield, Stone, Ice & Invuln tankers. Of the bunch the Invuln is by far the best on the ITF.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Netphenix5 View Post
    So in regard of iTrials, SR would be far easier to globally softcap (position-wise) than pretty much any other set, correct?
    True, however there's a few things in the trials that are autohit; the towers in the BAF come to mind here.
  23. Team with a Cold defender/controller and have them keep Frostworks on you... that's about the only way to cap your HP.

    Frankly you're better off building defenses than chasing for HP bonuses... all the IO bonuses are really small, on the order of 1.5% or less. By really sacrificing you MIGHT get another 15% over your accolades; no way you're getting even close to the ~65% you need to approach the cap.
  24. Well, you're greatly underslotting for resistance and, IMO, wasting slots in several places. For one the Panacea set really isn't that compelling for a tanker, particularly at that high a slot cost.

    Your attacks are underslotted as well and I think you'll miss Havoc Punch and Chain Induction.

    Really you're spending immense amounts of inf chasing perma DP; a high defense Invuln has no need for it. Frankly I may use DP on my Inv/Stone two or maybe three times a night tanking the high level TF's; I've no need at all to perma it.

    I would dump the hideously expensive PvP IO's and go for a more conventional build; you'll free up a bunch of slots you could put to use elsewhere for more benefit AND you'll increase your S/L resistance by 10% to the 90% cap. I'd dump Maneuvers entirely; Tankers get lousy mileage out of it and it's very high endurance. The purple sets are up to you but they aren't providing you a whole lot.

    Focused Accuracy is, in my opinion, a wasted power... it's tohit values are way too small for it's massive endurance cost. If you want the tohit then slot a Kismet 6% Accuracy IO (mislabeled, it's actually +6% tohit).

    I've found absolutely zero need for Unstoppable since I soft capped my Invuln; I kept it for a full issue and never hit it once that entire time. I dropped it and haven't ever regretted it.

    For comparison my Inv/Stone has a drastically less expensive build and manages to put out the following numbers:
    S/L/E/N def - 45%
    F/C def - 30% (pretty rarely encountered and I've never had an issue)
    S/L res - 90% capped
    E/N/F/C res - 35%
    Regen - 208% (no real need to chase more due to the opportunity cost)
    Total recovery 3.52%
    Total endurance 113%
    I do have a couple of purple sets, more as a gee wiz than anything else but they don't contribute materially to durability.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    In my mind, the mind set of the good tanker players and the mechanics of gauntlet means that tankers will never be obsolete. Or at the very least, I will always have a spot for one on my teams.

    Brutes are great and Tanks are great, and they both overlap some and they both have a place in the game.
    Yep, the true "You shall not pass!" meatshield tanker will always have a place on a team, and there's no AT that can match the Tank in that role. Brutes and some Scrappers can pinch hit but they won't match the ability a real Tank has, assuming good builds all around.