Hero Merit bug, never changed alignment



Did the Part 1 of "who will die", and wasn't able to choose the hero merit. "You must have completed your most recent Morality Mission as a Hero reinforcing your Hero alignment to claim this reward".

Sent the bug/support tickets and still waiting on an answer after it was forwarded to senior support. The toon has never changed alignment, and only thing that I can think of that may have affected this was he levled after the 2nd mission of the arc, and I didn't go to train right away.

Anyone else have this happen? Thanks



this is not a bug but an intended change

yes it basically screws sub lvl 20 poeple out of the alignment merit from the first sig arc

you must have run a morality mish to affirm your alignment at least once in order to get the alignment merit, which you cant do till at least lvl 20



Interesting, so your saying even though the toon was created as hero, and never changed alignment, I still have to do a morality mission to be able to claim the reward? Funny stuff. Well, the toon is over lvl 20, so no big problem I guess, but created as a hero and never was anything else. Weird.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
this is not a bug but an intended change

yes it basically screws sub lvl 20 poeple out of the alignment merit from the first sig arc

you must have run a morality mish to affirm your alignment at least once in order to get the alignment merit, which you cant do till at least lvl 20
Correct, though I am not sure "screws sub lvl 20 people" is the correct term. After all, sub level 20 people can't earn (and aren't intended to earn) Hero Merits anyway. Additionally, these missions are all repeatable and you can always repeat it later and get the Hero Merit. It's more or less, "You can't use this yet, so choose something else." It's no different than not allowing you to claim threads or the Astral Merit if you aren't level 50.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
this is not a bug but an intended change

yes it basically screws sub lvl 20 poeple out of the alignment merit from the first sig arc

you must have run a morality mish to affirm your alignment at least once in order to get the alignment merit, which you cant do till at least lvl 20
Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Correct, though I am not sure "screws sub lvl 20 people" is the correct term. After all, sub level 20 people can't earn (and aren't intended to earn) Hero Merits anyway.
Are sub level 20's still allowed to go to Ft Trident and convert Reward Merits to a Hero Merit?

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Are sub level 20's still allowed to go to Ft Trident and convert Reward Merits to a Hero Merit?
That I don't know. Never tried.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Correct, though I am not sure "screws sub lvl 20 people" is the correct term. After all, sub level 20 people can't earn (and aren't intended to earn) Hero Merits anyway.
yeah, but then whats the purpose of the first sig arc if its lvl range is 10-20 lol, the main reason i do the sig arcs more than once is cause of the alignment merit lol (the first time i run it is for fun and seeing the suprises)

and even post lvl 20 people cannot earn the alignment merit if they never run a morality mish, i have several lvl 50 villains that never ran a morality mish that cant earn the alignment merit from it



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Are sub level 20's still allowed to go to Ft Trident and convert Reward Merits to a Hero Merit?
yes, i could with all the toons i did the arc with who were usually around 12-18 range

i believe the official reason given was that the buying power with an alignment merit is much higher and it takes like 2 hours (estimate on avg) to get to lvl 10 (prolly less time if your farming), so the idea was brought up that you could make a toon PL it to 10, run first arc 2x in a row for alignment merit then you could buy virtually any IO for free, then delete the toon rinse and repeat



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
yeah, but then whats the purpose of the first sig arc if its lvl range is 10-20 lol, the main reason i do the sig arcs more than once is cause of the alignment merit lol (the first time i run it is for fun and seeing the suprises)

and even post lvl 20 people cannot earn the alignment merit if they never run a morality mish, i have several lvl 50 villains that never ran a morality mish that cant earn the alignment merit from it
You do understand what the Hero Merits are intended to represent, right? You are being rewarded explicitly for affirming your alignment. They aren't something you earn just for staying a Hero, but for affirming that decision. If you have never met that requirement even once, then why should you be able to earn them?

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
You do understand what the Hero Merits are intended to represent, right? You are being rewarded explicitly for affirming your alignment. They aren't something you earn just for staying a Hero, but for affirming that decision. If you have never met that requirement even once, then why should you be able to earn them?
And we also need to recall that the first time you affirm your alignment you do not get an alignment merit -- you get 50 reward merits. You don't get an alignment merit until you run a second morality mission with that alignment.

Though I was rather disappointed with this change as much as the next guy, it makes the reward consistent across the board.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
And we also need to recall that the first time you affirm your alignment you do not get an alignment merit -- you get 50 reward merits. You don't get an alignment merit until you run a second morality mission with that alignment.

Though I was rather disappointed with this change as much as the next guy, it makes the reward consistent across the board.
Not sure what change you are referring to here. The 50 merits the first time you affirm thing is not a change. It's been like that since the alignment system was introduced.

As far as that goes, I think it may be worth noting, you do NOT need to affirm your alignment twice, and earn a merit, in order to claim a Hero Merit at the end of a SSA. As long as you have done it once, and gotten the 50 merit reward, you can immediately go claim a Hero Merit for doing a SSA.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Okay. Lowbies CAN generate alignment merits at Fort Trident (and thus, should be able to do so red-side too).

As proof, I took my level 17 bubbler (Bubbleshot) on Exalted, claimed my vet merits (she had more than a few from TFs already), and pulled exploration accolades in Steel Canyon and Atlas Park to round it out to 50 merits.

Already have her working the market so 20 mil wasn't hard to come by.

Click on the images to get full-size (WARNING! 1920x1080!)

And, in case you think I photoshopped it out. Here's a link to the video.

As such, it's majorly suck-tastic that people on low-level characters who are able to run the SSA missions aren't being given an option to take a reward that IS otherwise available to them.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Okay. Lowbies CAN generate alignment merits at Fort Trident (and thus, should be able to do so red-side too).
Generate, yes. Earn, no. Two very different things.


As such, it's majorly suck-tastic that people on low-level characters who are able to run the SSA missions aren't being given an option to take a reward that IS otherwise available to them.
They are not being given an option to EARN a reward that they can't EARN through any other content. The only other way to EARN Alignment merits is by affirming your Hero or Villain alignment.

Would it make you happier if they made it so that characters under level 20 cannot generate the Alignment merits so that they are completely consistent with the lowest level you can somehow get them?

I didn't think so.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Generate, yes. Earn, no. Two very different things.
Going to need some Pantene on those split hairs.

Seriously, the difference between the two is meaningless in the context we're talking about.
The end result is that a person who has NOT partaken of the Alignment system is in possession of AN ALIGNMENT MERIT.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



None of this is really relevant, as the change was made to plug an exploit. Fair or not, SSA alignment merits for sub-20 characters aren't coming back unless someone both comes up with another way to avoid the exploit and can get the resources allocated to implement it.

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Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Though I was rather disappointed with this change as much as the next guy, it makes the reward consistent across the board.
Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Not sure what change you are referring to here. The 50 merits the first time you affirm thing is not a change.
You used to be able to earn Alignment Merits from the SSA without having confirmed your alignment.
THAT change.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
You used to be able to earn Alignment Merits from the SSA without having confirmed your alignment.
THAT change.
Ah, wasn't aware it was ever even an option. Still, I don't see this as an "OMG! WTF?!" moment.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
You do understand what the Hero Merits are intended to represent, right?
then why are you able to purchase them?



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
None of this is really relevant, as the change was made to plug an exploit. Fair or not, SSA alignment merits for sub-20 characters aren't coming back unless someone both comes up with another way to avoid the exploit and can get the resources allocated to implement it.
What "exploit"?

Simply defining anything you happen to be arguing against as an "exploit" doesn't make it so.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Oh well, interesting discussion, and thanks for the input all. Support did get back to me and confirmed the need to run an alignment mish first.

I guess all those good deeds I did up to lvl 34 didn't really mean anything, heh. Their game, their rules. Have fun out there!



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
What "exploit"?

Simply defining anything you happen to be arguing against as an "exploit" doesn't make it so.
1. Create new toon.
2. PL to level 10.
3. Run first arc twice for 2 A-Merits.
4. Delete and repeat.
5. Profit. A 'once per week' reward can be earned a dozen or more times a day (depending on your appetite for tedium).

That is what people were doing and that is what the change was intended to stop. So, it SEEMS the devs considered that an exploit but none of them have actually used that word.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
1. Create new toon.
2. PL to level 10.
3. Run first arc twice for 2 A-Merits.
4. Delete and repeat.
5. Profit. A 'once per week' reward can be earned a dozen or more times a day (depending on your appetite for tedium).

That is what people were doing and that is what the change was intended to stop. So, it SEEMS the devs considered that an exploit but none of them have actually used that word.
As opposed to logging in an existing hero who's already done the morality mission, running the first arc twice and the other two once and having 4 A Merits for about 45 minutes work. Admittedly you can only do that once per character. (The once per week merit for running an arc plus the bonus merit for the first time that character runs that particular arc)

Yesterday I ran 4 seldom played characters through that process and netted 16 A Merits, split between the characters of course. In any case I can earn 15 merits per week since I've that many hero characters who've done one alignment cycle. Unfortunately that doesn't include my 5 Vigilantes.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes




"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy