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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    If numbers are more important than a story or other payers who are fun to play with, go play with a calculator instead.
    But I DO already.... It's called "Mid's Hero Designer", and I spend more time in it than I spend actually playing the game.

  2. I've been preaching the "suppress toggles" thing for years, so you can definitely count me in on this.

    I play a human-only shade (if some of you guys didn't know), and I positively HATE having to spend 10 seconds re-activating Orbiting Death and Inky Aspect every time I get stunned or held on a TF. Yes, I got Clarion, but some of these things we're fighting on these new TFs hold THROUGH that. Now, I'm not complaining about being held--I'm simply saying that suppressing those two powers (jut like all my other toggles) rather than dropping the toggle completely would be the ideal thing for me.

    I could get right back into the fight as soon as the hold dropped, rather than spending 10 seconds trying to get my DoT and damage mitigation powers back up while the enemy pounded away at me (and possibly holds me again).

  3. AlienOne

    I-21 Respec

    I tried going for it when they first released that program, but gave up after getting 10 Hero Merits. I just don't have that kind of time--nor do I have the money... So, I was screwed either way.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    Z... I'm going to just be blunt about this. I'm not "disappointed" by this last-minute change of plans. I damned near LIVID about it.

    You guys have been telling us for MONTHS that the tokens would be awarded ahead of time and I know I'm not the only one who went ahead and picked up an annual renewal based on those claims. I wanted access to those costume parts and was willing to spend a fair chunk of subscription money all at once on the annual subscription to get them.

    If you didn't have the system in place and knew that it was going to difficult to impliment WHY THE HECK DID YOU KEEP TELLING PEOPLE WE'D GET THE TOKENS UP FRONT?

    'Sorry to be so hostile about this... But it's the first thing you guys have done that's really made me angry. I feel like I've played for a sucker.
    Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
    I feel that, with more responses like this, the Devs will start giving less information out about upcoming issues.
    I see a day when what we are told would go something like...

    Dev Announcement: In Some Future Issue Issue some stuff will be added that at least one person will like. Thank you for your time.
    Add me to the list of angry people who purchased a year's sub based on what they told us.

    I don't care how it affects your "information-hungry" mind. I'm livid, and I have every right to be.

  5. Worked for me as well... Took getting locked out and waiting for 15 minutes, but it finally worked.
  6. Same problem here... Could be the same issue as in the other thread--at least it seems so.
  7. Same here... Tried downloading the beta install (to copy over to the regular install folder to patch), but am getting an error there as well... I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate Edition... What's going on?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
    ever notice they always take longer than they need? LOL
    Who are we talking about here? Paragon Studios or Blizzard?


  9. Add me to the list of happy people... Amidst one of the most grueling school schedules I've ever experienced this year, I haven't been able to play much CoH as of late... However, I just HAPPEN to have the 2nd week of August off, so I finally get to participate in another double xp weekend, which I haven't been able to do for like 2 years!


  10. Yeah, that's why it was a pretty huge accomplishment for me... For all intents and purposes, there could have been a random hold that popped off at any time that would have completely ruined that run for me and sent me packin'

  11. Here's my human-only WS going against two +2x8 Malta mobs at once

    Took frikkin' forever, but this was well before all the incarnate stuff happened, as you can tell by the video upload date.

    Malta are my human-only's arch-nemesis, as they tended to take down all 10 of my toggles every 5 seconds it seemed, and I had no protection from holds or stuns... So, I was pretty proud of being able to even walk away from that battle knowing I'd downed both mobs.

  12. Thanks so much for the clarification!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Check out the dev chat highlights thread, it has a lot of good info (including a few people mapping the current system onto the tiers):

    A rough analogy I like to use is that each spot on the chart (except of the first one) corresponds to one 3-month veteran reward under the current system. So count how many veteran reward badges you have and that's where you'll start. Additionally for every full year you've been subscribed you get one bonus. Since the bonuses follow pretty much the same order as the current rewards (with a limited ability to reorder them) this is roughly equivalent to increasing your veteran rewards level by one step for every year you've subscribed.
    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

  14. I don't have time to read through all 28 pages... I'm just wondering--according to the slide, one Reward Token costs 1 Vet badge.

    Does that mean I have to give up my vet badges? I realize I get to keep the bonus associated with the vet badges, but I am wondering about the badge itself. Does that disappear?

    Thanks in advance for the clarification.

  15. Awesome! Glad I came across this in time!
  16. Nice job, AIB.

    I like to see cool stuff getting accomplished by Khelds.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
    I thought I'd gotten a decent grasp on how this was going to work from the dev chat
    thread, but this part tossed me back into confusion:

    While I like that, it means I no longer understand how the Tiers work exactly. Say you're
    a veteran player, with quite a number of months behind you. Can you place them wherever,
    at any time, and all the Tiers are automatically open to claim rewards from from the start?
    Or do you have to fill out lower tiers to open the higher ones? Or do you "unlock" tiers
    just by virtue of having a certain number of months behind you, like the current reward

    This also seems to imply that if you are a VIP player, the VIP Tier 9 may be open
    automatically from the start to them. Is this the case, or again, do you have to fill out the
    lower tiers to open the VIP tier?

    The summary from the dev chat implied if you were a Veteran, you would have these tiers
    auto-filled for you or tiers had to be otherwise unlocked in some ascending-order
    way(Things such as "may start at Tier 7"), so I'd appreciate greater clarification on how
    exactly this all functions.
    As would I. I wasn't able to attend the dev chat, and would like to know exactly how my vet status will affect this tier system. Can we get some specifics? Like, "if you are a 69 month vet, it would place you here, and if you're a 21 month vet, it would place you here" and so and so forth...

    Either way, it looks very promising.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    *Gasp* He's back!

    Be careful that you get the correct T3 version. They all have minor differences, and I believe only one or two of the four are actually permanent.
    Well, technically, since I'm still in school (and only on summer break right now), I'm not back... I'm just "lurking."

  19. Thanks for the info, Dawun... I wasn't familiar enough with it yet to know this, so that's quite hepful to me. I'll just stop at T3 and move on to getting incarnate powers on another toon after.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    There are always returns you can buy on the days of.
    Doesn't help people across the U.S. who would need to make plans in advance to travel (in my case the East Coast) there--for the very very slim chance you MIGHT get a returned ticket.

    This announcement should have been released much, much earlier--like when they were FIRST planning on going--and possibly when there might have been some tickets still available.

  21. Thanks! People like myself that can't make specific times due to r/l commitments REALLY appreciate you recording it so we can watch!


    lol, my fav part was the first nerf gun shot and "Tunnel Rat" saying "Sonofa__!" XD
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    You don't list the actual bug with this power: If you're held, stunned, or slept, offensive toggles are supposed to toggle off (Oppressive Gloom toggles off), but Inky Aspect only seems to be suppressed (well, at least, I assume it's suppressed, I'm desperately clicking and not paying so much attention to see if it's working).
    I'd MUCH rather a power be supressed than detoggled any day of the week.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by St0n3y View Post
    How is having the Anniversary badges being account wide like the Vet Badges are, in any way like purchasing all the Vet badges and Anniversary Badges?

    I must have missed something in the infinate wisdom of a ZM post.
    It's not anything like it.

    I'd have to agree with you here, S... I have all but one of the anniversary badges spread out over several toons--they just aren't on my main badgers. Would be nice if, since I've already proven that I was there during those events, that badge could be account wide, so the toons that I ACTUALLY want the badges on (which in a couple of cases were created after the event) could have the badges too.

  24. Wow... This lengthy list of bug fixes is pretty impressive... Great job, Devs!

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It could be in the yard of the Vanguard compund - captured tech being studied
    Sounds like a plan to me...
