Just so you know: Tri Form Warshades can solo level 51 Arch Villains in normal content.




This is my friend AIB. He is the best Warshade I've ever met (and a pretty funny guy too!)

I killed lev 50 Chimera at +0 x8

  • (inspirs, no envenomed dagger, reactive lev 4, no IDF Commander)

Then I killed lev 51 Shadowhunter at +1x8

  • (inspirs, no env dagger, reactive lev 4, used IDF Commander)

Thinking Diagmag would have made it easier....

Someone on Dechs' build post (laserblitz?), was wondering whether or not a Shade could kill an AV WITH incarnate powers.

The answer of course is yes...sadly I could not figure out how to post this pic there to address his question...You are welcome to post it for me though...

So, do I get any street cred for this?

The answer is: Yes. You get tons of cred for this.



He also soloed siege...

It looks like I was sending him tells while he did this one, oops.



And.... Nightstar!



And now, Bobcat. I don't think there's much he CAN'T solo.



Yeah, you definitely get street cred for that.

This just makes me want to level my WS even more. I'm loving him right now and he's only a relative lowbie in his 20's.



What's that window/overlay listing damage bonus, regeneration rate, and recovery rate?




Stats monitor. Powers - Combat Abilities - open up the categories to see what's there - right click to add to the monitor. You can have up to 10 items in the monitor.



oh damn! I never knew that existed -- thank you!




I continued on and killed several more last night.

Neuron, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Malaise, Mother Mayhem (hmmm wondering if I am missing any???)

I sent the pics to TwoHeadedBoy. He may or may not post them. The UI is not displayed in those pics...so you'll have to trust me when I say they were AVs (+1 x8). (Maybe I don't have enough street cred yet to pull the "trust me" card. )

I am on Diabolique now...she is the first to present difficulty mainly b/c she...

- is on a map in which it is hard to maneuvar (finding more enemies (fuel) and keeping track of where she is running...LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!!!)
- is repeatedly using phase shift

At anyrate, I'll make certain the UI is up on any (and all) future AVs/Heroes I beatdown.

Thanks for providing Tex with the information Tal.

Later everyone.



In the current game, I don't believe there is any character that can't solo level 51 archvillains in normal content, given enough resources.

Even something like a FF/elec defender or Earth/FF controller can now buff Lore pets enough to do so.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
In the current game, I don't believe there is any character that can't solo level 51 archvillains in normal content, given enough resources.

Even something like a FF/elec defender or Earth/FF controller can now buff Lore pets enough to do so.
If by "given enough resources" you mean ANY and as many resources as one could possibly muster (e.g. temp Pet powers like Shivs, Warwolf bosses, Katie (or whatever her name is), etc. + 2 Warworks t4 Pets with -regen, + many great inspirations etc.) I agree.

But I do not believe that, my lev 50 Emp/PBlast Def and my lev 50 FF/Psi Def could do what my Shade did IF (and this is key) they used what he used for the fights...



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
But I do not believe that, my lev 50 Emp/PBlast Def and my lev 50 FF/Psi Def could do what my Shade did IF (and this is key) they used what he used for the fights...
You would indeed be surprised what Lore pets can do with Fortitude and Adrenaline Boost. The Emp is a sure shot at soloing AV's with just that.

The FF? Yeah, he'd have trouble. I doubt the Lore pets could down an AV in the five minutes they get. If you had T4 Reactive interface, though, it might be possible.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Ya, you kind of need to do it without the lore pets for it to be significant. Not that it isn't interesting to see.
I'll get back to you on this.


I summon the IDF Commander just prior to jumping in. He lasts 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

Most of these battles are over in under 3 minutes.



Hey, I'm not saying your 'shade isn't awesome as all hell. Indeed he is. I don't think I'd have the patience to try soloing an AV with mine.

All I'm saying is I have seen an empathy defender soloing AVs with just his lore pets.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
You would indeed be surprised what Lore pets can do with Fortitude and Adrenaline Boost. The Emp is a sure shot at soloing AV's with just that.

The FF? Yeah, he'd have trouble. I doubt the Lore pets could down an AV in the five minutes they get. If you had T4 Reactive interface, though, it might be possible.
If they were using what my shade used they would have the following...

1. 1 IDF Command + 1 Battle Orb Essence
2. Inspirations
3. Envenomed daggers (I used a few of these in some of the fights...don't know whether or not it is worth it)
4. Call to Power Buff (Hero Alignment)
5. T4 Reactive

They would not have Extracted Essences.

I really doubt that the IDF Commander (time limit is 3:20 btw), even with Fort and Adrenaline Boost, could cause it to happen.

Maybe....just maybe...with a really good build and very judicious use of the top tier inspirations...maybe...but I doubt it.



Originally Posted by Aneurysmo View Post
Yeah, you definitely get street cred for that.

This just makes me want to level my WS even more. I'm loving him right now and he's only a relative lowbie in his 20's.
AIB was the reason I made a Warshade over 2years ago. After teaming with him and watching Him wreak devestation on some of the hardest content. I made a WS CMDR Dark Nova. I consider AIB as the Patron War Shade for Protector. We still slice through STfs and Apex like Butter about once a week. Truely awesome Shade !

CMDR OPs Sends ****



Originally Posted by Grill View Post
AIB was the reason I made a Warshade over 2years ago. After teaming with him and watching Him wreak devestation on some of the hardest content. I made a WS CMDR Dark Nova. I consider AIB as the Patron War Shade for Protector. We still slice through STfs and Apex like Butter about once a week. Truely awesome Shade !

CMDR OPs Sends ****
Dechs was what made me want to level mine. I then got bored (too used to ripping through stuff on a highbie to slog out life on a lowbie) until my highbie team tried to do x4/+8 Carnie runs, only to faceplant at every group bar one member. You got it, a Warshade. He just ate through everything. It's was scary to behold.

Played Tri-Form they can be truly terrifying.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
I really doubt that the IDF Commander (time limit is 3:20 btw), even with Fort and Adrenaline Boost, could cause it to happen.

Maybe....just maybe...with a really good build and very judicious use of the top tier inspirations...maybe...but I doubt it.
Adrenalin Boost and Fortitude are incredible on Lore pets, I have no doubt a good Empath could do it.

I mean, if I can down a Rikti Pylon in 1:20(see video in sig), AV's should be easy.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Hey, I'm not saying your 'shade isn't awesome as all hell. Indeed he is. I don't think I'd have the patience to try soloing an AV with mine.

All I'm saying is I have seen an empathy defender soloing AVs with just his lore pets.
In order....


It only takes a few minutes .

Was the Emp DEF using the IDF commander and Battle Orb...or 2 attacking Warworks perhaps?



Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
Adrenalin Boost and Fortitude are incredible on Lore pets, I have no doubt a good Empath could do it.

I mean, if I can down a Rikti Pylon in 1:20(see video in sig), AV's should be easy.
Very nice work.

Of course, I see you are using Warworks offensive pets and not 1 IDF and 1 Battle Orb (non-offensive). (Check out the precise way I worded my doubt...)

I think you should give AVs a shot. It just seems like the next step. Or did you skip a step?

Are Rikti Pylons considered to be a greater challenge than AVs?



AIB's Pylon pictures:



AIB took down Chimera as a level 51 AV without Lore pets.