Give me Toggle Suppression or give me DEATH!




Did that title grab your attention? Good!

I figured I would start up a new thread about this, after my "Should we be saying something about this?" thread seemed to get a good amount of support and seemed to coincide with very positive actions taken by the Powers that Be.

Basically, here's the deal. The Dev's are aware that Kheldians are under performing a bit. They made some changes that certainly helped, but we are still very far from "fixed." I wanted to start this thread not to complain or say "It'll never happen," but to make a strong case for what is one of the biggest issues Khelds face: TOGGLE SUPPRESSION, or lack thereof.

Let me explain...

We are Shape Shifting AT's. That's our shtick, we shift shapes and turn into these cool monsters that can do neat things. That's all well and good, and I know that some people take forms just because they say, "Wee this is fun!" but the thing is that it needs to be more than that.

We need to be able to perform at consistent levels, and overall our forms prevent us from doing that to the point where in a majority of cases it's more beneficial to either: A.) not take them, or B.) Take them as set bonus mules and not use them.

Here's a point for Warshades in particular: We have two toggles in our secondary set. How do you expect us to use them efficiently if we take forms? It is totally contradictory and flat-out silly to have a shape shifting mechanic that drops toggles every time you switch, and have toggles in that same set.

Now, I understand that the Dev's might think it overpowered to let toggles run in forms. I can understand that.... HOWEVER, it would not overpower us to have our toggles stop working, but not toggle off while in forms. This way, we can do our Nova thing, do our Dwarf thing, and drop back to Human Form to do our Human thing without having to "brb" for 10 minutes while we turn all of our frickin' toggles back on.

Anyways I'm sure that a bunch of other people can give more intuitive examples and all of that, so I'm going to click the *post* button and open this up for discussion in a second. Just remember, this is not meant to be a "Will we ever get it?" thread, this is meant to be a "Here is why we need it" thread.

We know that at least someone in Development has their eye on our forums, and we've already gotten some much needed changes. There's no reason why we should content ourselves with being partially fixed. Granted I understand that there are many other things to work on, and I'm not complaining here, I just wanted to take this opportunity to help the community make a convincing case as to why this is so important.



I agree THB, Its getting to the point now where all I toggle back on is Super Speed and Sprint just because I miss the boat on the next mob if I toggle the rest on. I, personally, would very much appreciate toggle suppression when shifting and hope for something in the future.

Oh....and a reduction to form shift animation time Even if it means a new animation entirely!


[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



I can recall a topic somewhere last year, where they stated the inherent power of Kheldian is to 'counter' the in between swapping, so u wont get mezzed/killed the moment you get out of dwarf form to use any human ability.

I always loved warshade/peacebringers, but the nonstop swapping just to activate a non-form ability (selfheal, buff, hasten) got a bit too much annoying. Each swap is a few seconds wasted, no problem outside of combat, but waiting an entire battle to just get hasten back up gets annoying, specialy if my warshade is going towards perma-hasten.

I still wonder, what is the gamebreaking aspect if kheldians at least could activate (or keep active) poolpowers? Arachnos Soldiers can do so, why cant we? Cant really say leadership or aid self is that gamebreaking that its not allowed.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I still wonder, what is the gamebreaking aspect if kheldians at least could activate (or keep active) poolpowers? Arachnos Soldiers can do so, why cant we? Cant really say leadership or aid self is that gamebreaking that its not allowed.
That's not really an accurate comparison, as both Khelds and VEATs can activate and use pool powers. The difference is, Kheldians shape-shift and lose access to those powers while VEATs have no such shape-shifting ability.

To me, it's kind of like how regens had it with the old Moment of Glory. Hardly anyone used old MoG, because it fought against the basic playstyle of the set. Not only did you lose nearly all of your HP, but it took away your ability to HEAL, which was the basic feature of the set.

Which, to me, is the same problem we're running into with Kheldians. If you use the forms (as I assume the Dev's mostly expect us to) you are basically punished for using them by having all of the toggles within that very set drop. This means each resistance shield, and in the warshades case, damage/mezz auras have to be re-toggled when you drop back out to human. Not exactly a well thought out system. It would be one thing if it was just pool powers that de-toggled, but having all of our power-set powers go too? It makes no sense. I wouldn't expect the powers to stay active, but at the very least they should suppress when we shape-shift and resume service when we shift back.

Animation time is another gripe of mine, as spending a couple seconds getting hammered on while shifting forms isn't my favorite thing, but that is a smaller issue in comparison to this one.



Sorry, i meant to say: activate or keep active while in squid/lobster

One side i'm still happy at least IO bonus will still be active in dwarf (thats currently my own bypass of loosing hasten, just getting the equal ammount of recharge as hasten).

But is the system even possible of 'retoggling' the way we would like to see it? Hoverboard just disables everything without getting it back, getting mezzed with non-offensive-toggles will continue to tick your endurance (the effect is just nulified) away, alike the 'affect self' abilities like PFF.

I'm planning to rebuild my Shade into a 'form only' spec, no toggles, no outside powers, no nothing, plain dumppowers and slots for setbonus to min/max my efficiency while in forms. (recharge, dmg bonus, extra defense/resist, procs etc).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



/Signed...except the Death part.

I would say take it a tiny bit further and allow pool powers to continue working in forms, not just suppress, but suppress clearly 'human' toggles like Orbiting and Inky. I know some people think that might possibly be overpowering, but I cannot justify taking dwarf form otherwise except as a mule. If I simply have combat jumping and maneuvers running in human form with its shields, by switching to dwarf I am losing mitigation along with lowering my damage potential; all I gain is some hp and mez protection, the latter of which I can get elsewhere easily enough.

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Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
I know some people think that might possibly be overpowering, but I cannot justify taking dwarf form otherwise except as a mule. If I simply have combat jumping and maneuvers running in human form with its shields, by switching to dwarf I am losing mitigation along with lowering my damage potential; all I gain is some hp and mez protection, the latter of which I can get elsewhere easily enough.

Eh, that's true enough but I would still have a use for Dwarf if only for the auto hit taunt. I could see myself quickly switching over to fire it off, with shortened animation times, on both of my Khelds as long as when I got back to Human my toggles were still up.



If the shift times were shortened and toggles suppressed, I would pick dwarf for a quick mire or taunt, but I still would not actually use the form because I would be losing both damage and survival in doing so. The forms should be worth using for more than a quick buff.

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
But is the system even possible of 'retoggling' the way we would like to see it? Hoverboard just disables everything without getting it back, getting mezzed with non-offensive-toggles will continue to tick your endurance (the effect is just nulified) away, alike the 'affect self' abilities like PFF.
I'd love to not have to retoggle after returning to human, but I don't think I'd want to pay continuous endurance for the toggle shields while form shifted.

Maybe the tech used for DP's swap ammo could be used here? I suspect the +RES portion could be coded to work only while human, and the powers themselves could be set to stay on while shifted. Those two changes would allow the +RES to resume as soon as you dropped to human form. However, you'd still be paying endurance to maintain them while shifted.

To work around the continuous end problem, perhaps the powers could get a +recovery aspect that only worked while shifted? That way you'd still pay the end cost, but your recovery could be boosted to offset?

Hazel Black - Mind/Psi D
Stephanie Winters - Nightwidow
Jacqui Frost - Cold/Ice D
Jacqui Embers - Fire/Kin C
Simone Templar - Fire/MM B
Mallory Woods - Kin/Rad D
Sanguine Melody - Grav/Sonic C
Fumina Hara - Plant/Storm C
Nutmeg - Warshade
Lauren Wu



Originally Posted by Mezzosoprano View Post
I'd love to not have to retoggle after returning to human, but I don't think I'd want to pay continuous endurance for the toggle shields while form shifted.

Maybe the tech used for DP's swap ammo could be used here? I suspect the +RES portion could be coded to work only while human, and the powers themselves could be set to stay on while shifted. Those two changes would allow the +RES to resume as soon as you dropped to human form. However, you'd still be paying endurance to maintain them while shifted.

To work around the continuous end problem, perhaps the powers could get a +recovery aspect that only worked while shifted? That way you'd still pay the end cost, but your recovery could be boosted to offset?
Well stamina now works in forms, which would largely offset it. If it was actually a problem they could just make a very minor increase to recovery bonus already given to the forms.

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A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
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A few options (not saying they're better, just brainstorming):

Change the toggles to auto powers. People already argue if they are good enough to be worth taking. Make 'em Auto powers, let it work in the forms. No suppression, no worries.

Another possibility: activation and recharge times on the toggles set to as close to instant as the game is capable of. Drastically reduce form shifting time. It's not as much of a problem if you can make a macro or just click-clikc-click all are back up in less than a second. The reason it is an issue is that it takes 4 to 45 seconds to retoggle depending on pool powers and lag. I know, I've been in the hospital in an iTrial toggling while watching the clock.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
A few options (not saying they're better, just brainstorming):

Change the toggles to auto powers. People already argue if they are good enough to be worth taking. Make 'em Auto powers, let it work in the forms. No suppression, no worries.
What toggles are you talking about? It would be pretty weird if Manuevers, Weave, Combat Jumping, Orbiting death, Inky Aspect, etc were auto powers.



Well the biggies are Orbiting Death and Inky Aspect; both have long activation times and root you, which is a pain even if you're in human form and get mezzed, let alone if you're constantly shifting between forms and may also have to toggle things like Shadow Cloak, Combat Jumping, Weave, etc.

I agree that the ideal solution would be toggle suppression whilst in Nova/Dwarf so that you can return to human form without a 30 second window of uselessness.

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
I agree that the ideal solution would be toggle suppression whilst in Nova/Dwarf so that you can return to human form without a 30 second window of uselessness.
No ... the Ideal Solution™ would be to fold all three Human Form Bubbles into the Tier 1 Auto Power, key the Buff Strength to the Forms (human/nova/dwarf), give everyone purely Costume/Cosmetic Inherent Powers which toggle on/off the AURAS that the Bubbles used to give us (so they don't have to be Always On) that cost No Endurance to run and have no combat effects, but which suppress while in Nova/Dwarf Forms ... and then either reshuffle some of the Power Tiers to fill the available 3 slots ... OR ... create 3 new powers for Peacebringers and Warshades to occupy the slots previously used by the Bubbles.

Odds of that happening? Break out the calculus and integrate ...

Limit --> 0

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Eh, that's true enough but I would still have a use for Dwarf if only for the auto hit taunt. I could see myself quickly switching over to fire it off, with shortened animation times, on both of my Khelds as long as when I got back to Human my toggles were still up.
When i made my tri-form build I rarely used dwarf at all. Actually, I only use it for the taunt and solar flare's KD during the AV phase of a Baf strictly for the migitation.

Keeping the toggles would make me more reluctant to actually pick my toggle powers, rather than grabbing only the heals, LF, and dwarf.



I've been preaching the "suppress toggles" thing for years, so you can definitely count me in on this.

I play a human-only shade (if some of you guys didn't know), and I positively HATE having to spend 10 seconds re-activating Orbiting Death and Inky Aspect every time I get stunned or held on a TF. Yes, I got Clarion, but some of these things we're fighting on these new TFs hold THROUGH that. Now, I'm not complaining about being held--I'm simply saying that suppressing those two powers (jut like all my other toggles) rather than dropping the toggle completely would be the ideal thing for me.

I could get right back into the fight as soon as the hold dropped, rather than spending 10 seconds trying to get my DoT and damage mitigation powers back up while the enemy pounded away at me (and possibly holds me again).


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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