City of Heroes - Error




Been trying to download the latest data so I can be ready for Freedom/i21.

I got to about 60% complete when I now get a constant error. I've tried rebooting, and repairing. All repairing does is get to the same 60% point and then pop out the same error.

The error is:

Error Code: 58 (FileGroupApplicationErrorRollbackNotAttempted):

Errors occurred while applying the patch,

and a rollback was not attempted.

The product is likely in an inconsistent state and should be repaired or reinstalled.

The patch application errors are as follows:

The server did not return the file size. The URL might point to dynamic content. The Content-Length header is not available in the server's HTTP reply.

What gives?

Why don't you just convince the Devs to make you Level 55, that way, you'll never have a reason to actually PLAY the game? -To The "Oh No I've Been Nerfed" Folks.



Specifically the file it gets stuck on is THIRDPARTYSOFTWAREREADME.txt

Why don't you just convince the Devs to make you Level 55, that way, you'll never have a reason to actually PLAY the game? -To The "Oh No I've Been Nerfed" Folks.