We have detected missing or corrupt game files, please run the "Repair" option in NCsoft Launcher...




I keep getting this message:

We have detected missing or corrupt game files, please run the "Repair" option in NCsoft Launcher to fix this. The game will now exit.
I have Repaired. It still happens.

Is this supposed to happen? Will it fix itself when the servers come up?



Good idea. I am uploaded and updated as well, but, JUST IN CASE... I am checking for consistencies too.



Is ANYONE else getting this? I need a fix for this. I just rebooted, no luck.



UPDATE: Tried repairing AGAIN (after the reboot) - this time it did something different. It's downloading something again - presumably the whole damned patch. For the third time.

ARGH. I just want to be there when Exalted opens up so I can claim my desired names! And at this rate, because their updater is a broken piece of junk, I won't be able to!



I get that too... Not tried reboot my comp and then repair yet...



15% now. At this rate it's still gonna be downloading when they open the damn server and everyone else gets let inside.



I keep getting this too. Even after I copied the piggs file over from the Beta files. Is there a fix? I'm running Windows 7 64-bit btw.



Same. Trying somethings but not works yet... And no answer comes any of techs people anyhow...

PS: I'm download it again need wait 2 hours for that this is sux...



As far as I can tell, the only fix is "keep repairing 'til it works".

Hasn't worked for me yet, but... *fingers, toes, and most major organs crossed*



My Launcher has never not done this, on this machine. Every time I have to update the game, it can take me as long as a week, because the downloads are super-slow, and errors out.

The ironic thing is that my old ancient computer ran the NCLauncher smooth as silk. I upgraded to a new machine in July and ever since then it's but nothing but a massive pain. I cringe everytime an update comes out since I know I won't be able to play at all for at least a couple days. I love this game, been playing since Beta - but the Launcher's really close to breaking me.



This is bad for my health. I'm so stressed out over this broken patcher.

I need to get into Exalted early. If I'm barred out because the game is broken, I'm gonna lose it.



We have detected missing or corrupt game files, please run the "Repair" option in NCsoft Launcher to fix this. The game will now exit.



Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
As stated, this does not work. I'm on my fifth repair.



Same here... Tried downloading the beta install (to copy over to the regular install folder to patch), but am getting an error there as well... I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate Edition... What's going on?

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Yeah, it's wierd. Why does my beta game work but not the new live version?



Copied my beta install over the live install, did a consistency check. No dice.
Copied my test install over the live install, did a consistency check. Worked perfectly.

Both my beta install and my test install are the same version. I wonder what the difference is. Now to wait for the servers to go online and accessible.



Finally up! Keep repairing, it will eventually work.



Is anyone else still getting this message? I worked all morning and got the download finished around 9:30pm central time, and it's giving me this message, tried to repair about 30 times so far with no luck..
Anyone have ideas?



I'm having the same issues noted here.



We have detected missing or corrupt game files, please run the "Repair" option in NCsoft Launcher to fix this. The game will now exit.
I've been getting this as well. Around six repairs so far. Will continue to do so a bit, but I'm kinda losing patience.



Same problem here. Totally sucks, I'm in Europe so I lost all day yesterday to the update, now it seems today will be lost for this error.



having this trouble as well please get this fixed!



My girlfriend is suffering from this problem, luckily for her, I'm not, so she can use my computer to play.

This is really distressing though, I've tried everything I can think of to try and work around this and nothing has worked.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



For me, ever since the new NCsoft launcher was introduced I've always gotten this error. Always. Every patch, every small update, I get this error. NEVER had it happen to me before with the old school launcher. You CAN still play the game though. Simply hit cancel during the verifying (You know, the part it runs before giving you the error) and the game will launch as normal and play as if there's no problem at all.

Edit: Just wanted to include that it gives you another prompt warning of crashing due to corrupt files, etc. CoH has been randomly crashing for years. There's times when I've skipped this verifying bit and have not crashed for weeks. It's all gravy.



Does not work, for me at least. I click cancel, and it asks to make sure i want to as it might leave it in an unplayable state (it already is software robot), and then when i click play it still tells me im missing or have corrupted files, so might work for some, not for me.
and of course either support is very slow in getting back to me, or i've just got serious patience issues.