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  1. I'm not disagreeing with your proposed changes. Any buff is just a plus to me.

    What I was doing is pointing out that any statement that says "like a Defender" or "like a Blaster" or "like a Scrapper" or "as good as insert AT here" only further suggests that Kheldians *should* be compared to or *are* being compared to the other ATs--as if they are comparable, which (I think we've both agreed) they are not.

    The ONLY people who *claim* that their Kheldian has reached the "amazing" damage point (if that is indeed what you're going for with the AT--some people don't) are the people who have invested a significant amount of influence, time, binds, testing, etc., etc. into them. Other ATs (like the Scrapper) do amazing things right out of the bag.

    With Kheldians, you gotta work towards that. Which, if anyone thinks about it, *shouldn't* really be a "reward" for getting your first toon to 50.

  2. AlienOne

    Just for fun

    Originally Posted by CyberionLeader View Post
    Today I just felt like poking a bit of fun about CoX. Don't get me wrong I love the game, I just see a few things I think are a wee bit strange and/or funny.

    I would be fighting a horde of zombies/rikti in front of Positron and Valkyrie and wonder why they don't jump in to help. Don't they care that one of the city's heroes is being eaten, blasted to oblivion? - "Positron! Help me!" *Positron stares blankly from his pedestal down the street as I take my final breath*

    As we are trying to take down a Rikti bomb a citizen walks by it. The bomb goes off and more than half of the heroes fighting it get taken out by the blast. The citizen continues his walk as if nothing happened. - If the citizens cannot be harmed in any way, why do they need defending??

    Oh well, I figure we heroes still need to help protect the city's infrastructure and buildings for these indestructable citizens right? I watch as a rikti assault ship rains bombs down on the city covering both streets and buildings alike. In its aftermath...not a pane of glass is broken. These rikti must be dropping fireworks or something, but then one hits me and I go flying for a loop.

    So I figure we heroes are here in this indestructible city with it's immortal citizens for their amusement or entertainment. Cool!
    I think what would be cool is if the "major" heroes were actually wandering the zone they're supposed to be in and randomly helping people out... It'd be pretty sweet to have to "find" Positron wandering the zone to start the TF... Of course for the "make everything easy for me" crowd there'd be a major outcry, but I think it would add to the immersion.

  3. I actually agree that there are some changes that could be made to the Kheldian archetype--however, the Kheldian community as a whole can't seem to agree on exactly what those changes are... Mainly because we all play our Kheldians differently, and therefore have completely different views on what changes are most important to us.

    A tri-former has no interest in adding a mez protection for the human form, because he already has a form of mez protection. However, other changes may appeal to them (such as getting mezzed a 2nd time not interrupting a form change), whereas I have no interest in that change, since that's not how I play--but a mez protection "option" for human-formers would GREATLY appeal to me.

    All that said, I do have to point this out:

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    What I AM talking about is that we are dealing with an AT that does NOT have massive buffs/debuffs like defenders do. It does NOT have massive control like controllers. It does NOT have massive HP and aggro control like tanks.
    Again, Kheldians are not like Defenders, Controllers, or Tanks. They may have some "similar" capabilities, but they simply aren't those archetypes. I would guess that the Dev's argument would be if you want to have a massive buff or debuff, then play a Defender. If you want massive control, then play a Controller. If you want massive HP/Aggro, then play a tank. That's what those ATs are supposed to do. That isn't *necessarily* what a Kheldian is supposed to do.

    I still don't understand how someone could look at a maxxed out scrapper's capabilities and then say "why can't a Kheldian do that?"...

    ... Makes me want to say, "Because it isn't a scrapper?"

  4. Technically, "godmode" is getting through said mob without a single health point tick, but since the "godmode" in the context of this thread is entirely different than that, I figured I'd throw my 2 cents in...

    When it really comes down to it, there are only a few ATs that can handle those difficulty settings (namely a select few scrapper secondaries, kinetic controllers, and tanks of course).

    If that is the "bar" by which we're measuring Kheldians, then why don't we use the same bar on, say.... Anything else? How about my purpled out SR scrapper? He wouldn't be able to handle that. Does that mean SR is a "failure"? Hell no. Does that mean the Defender AT is a failure?

    It sounds as if this is leading to a "what is a Kheldian's role?" discussion. For some reason, it always comes down to a Kheldian being compared to a scrapper. A Kheldian is NOT a scrapper, and shouldn't be expected to play on the same playing field.

    Personally, I believe the "role" (if you want to call it that) of a Kheldian is to "adapt and overcome." Now, take that how you want to, but to me, "adapting and overcoming" can mean anything from filling a gap in a PuG that's needed (for example, just last night the tank dropped while fighting Ghost Widow on the STF... This has happened more than twice to me... I immediately drop to dwarf form and "filled the hole," and had absolutely no problems doing so), to being able to solo, to providing some extra damage.

    Is a Kheldian a Blaster? No. A Blaster is a Blaster.

    Is a Kheldian a Scrapper? No. A Scrapper is a Scrapper.

    Is a Kheldian a Defender? No. A Defender is a Defender.

    Is a Kheldian a Controller? No. A Controller is a Controller.

    Etc., etc., etc...

    In the end, a Kheldian is...... A friggin' Kheldian.

    Either you love it or you hate it. You can build it several different ways and still be effective, but don't expect it to be a Scrapper, a Blaster, a Corrupter, a Brute, or whatever other AT there is. It's a Kheldian. Don't try to make it be something it's not.

    That said... If you're used to playing a Blaster (like I started out) or a Defender, then playing a Kheldian can seem like "godmode" when it comes to surviveability. If you're used to playing a specific kind of scrapper or tank 2ndary, then a Kheldian may seem "gimped" to you, due to lack of mez protection.

    In short, playing my Kheldian feels like "godmode." Playing my SR or SD scrapper? Not so much. They're still fun (I'm very much a "scrapper" kind of guy), but still don't seem to compare to VestigeOne.


    Now that I think about it, several tanks may not be able to handle that difficulty setting, due to their lack of damage and the amount of time it would take to bring down that size/level of mob--they might be forever locked in the same mob, neither going down nor taking said mob down... Depends on what you're playing, I guess.
  5. Strange.... Epic DOES = Godmode for me...

  6. AlienOne

    No "More"

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Things I would still like to see:

    1) Merged Markets

    2) Shared resources per account (inf, enhancers, etc.)

    3) Completion of Powerset Proliferation

    4) An ability to convert KB effects to KD if you choose

    5) Revamped standard contacts (both CoH/CoV

    6) Ethos not causing ANY restriction on a characters ability to visit Paragon, the Rogue Isles or Praetoria

    7) Rikti Homeworld zones

    8) More of a reason to PvP

    There's a lot I think this game could still do.

    OMG Every bit of this.... Especially numbers 1, 3, 4, and 7!!!

  7. AlienOne


    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    WTF does that MEAN???
    Ball handler = juggler, and hair swinging = acrobat.

    .....Sorry, best I could come up with.

  8. Or just do what I do and make friends with a bunch of halfway competent controllers. I team with them all the time, and they know my playstyle well enough to make their "cages" type attack be the first one they hit, because in most cases, I'm already in the mob when they arrive.

  9. Well, hmmm.... I've got about 48 toons, so I'm not going to go into detail here on everything.

    However, I'll share a couple of my mains here:

    VestigeOne is my fav character to play on... He's a Warshade, and started out doing good. However, he has a pretty violent, dark side that turns many "pure" heroes off to his tactics (think the darkest possible Batman story you might be able to come up with). He's got good intentions, but he can't necessarily be fully trusted by the heroes to do exactly what he's "supposed" to do in order to "arrest" the bad guys. He's also (in his unpublished backstory) done a lot of "undercover" work, which seems to have messed with his psyche a bit. Therefore, I believe VestigeOne will be firmly planted in Rogue territory.

    AlienOne (my Peacebringer) on the other hand, could be considered the "ultimate" hero (think Golden Age Superman as a Kheldian). Barring any future stories I may come up with as an "excuse" to get him to play red side, I truly believe he will be one of my blue-siders that will remain "true blue."

  10. Enigma's got some great advice there.... Although I skipped GE on *most* of my builds in my guide, there's still a build or two there with it worked in... If you're planning on sticking with leveling up a human-only shade from 1 to 50, I'd say DEFINITELY pick up all the shields, along with any sort of "control" type power you can get--GE being one of them.

    I should eventually include a section with a build for "leveling a human-only shade from 1 to 50"... As Enigma stated, my guide is primarily geared for "upper-tier" playstyles (post-level 38 play, or better known as "post-Eclipse" play). Although I've built my human-only shades to exemp down decently well for TFs, you'll find that human-only 'shades are a hell of a lot more satisfying (and conversely less frustrating) after you pick up the "game-changing" powers "Stygian Circle" and "Eclipse."

    Once you pick up Eclipse, your human-only Warshade playstyle will change completely. Remember, when you reach high-level play, you can always drop shields and add more attacks if you're able to get Eclipse "perma."

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
    On a similar note, I've never much cared for opera or hip hop. I know that others like them, I don't fully understand why because no matter how somebody might sing their praises the reasons just don't register and stick with me very well, I've reached a point where I'm fine with that, and I spend my time thinking about other things.
    That's probably the best comparison/explanation I've seen for why people like different forms and playstyles with their Kheldians.

    Some of us are min/maxers, some of us don't like form changing, some of us like a specific style (all melee or all ranged, etc., etc.), and still others might feel more comfortable with only 2 out of 3 of the forms. In the end (for most Kheldians I'd say), it's not about the numbers... It's about what Kheldian build "fits" us the best.

    One can build an "ultimate" build for a Kheldian (whether tri-form or human form or bi-form), and there will ALWAYS be people who say "I don't like that form" or "I don't like that power" or "I don't like that particular IO set"... Everyone's got their preferences...

    What's MOST important is making the Kheldian build that you like be the most effective it can be.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
    I say i17 will introduce the Cathedral of Pain and Raids back, since we were told they were coming back and it'd be unfair to exclude that from some of the player base.
    -The QoL changes with GR will probably be there too.
    -Maybe the new powersets.
    Watch video 3 of the Hero Con opening presentation (Q&A session)... Posi explicitly states that CoP and base raids are "on the table," but are not currently on their "list of things to get done before GR."

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Endurance cost on Sonic Repulsion could be lower for Defenders and Corrupters. The Recharge on Liquefy could be lower for both Defenders and Corrupters. It seems to me to be that it's because of Controllers that Liquefy has such a long recharge. In which case Sonic should differ on Controllers.

    These changes would make the sets more FUN without overpowering anything imo. FUN is what you should balance things around to some extent.

    Also Psionic Resistance added to Clarity. It's someones idea and I like it. It'll probably mean a greater end cost on Clarity but thats okay.

  14. I always keep it on one of my builds (I make one build human-form and the other tri-form), so I find it pretty useful to switch to in certain situations (especially those that require me to stay out of melee range--An option most melee range scrappers don't get while fighting, say, Ghost Widow).

  15. We've gotta put a stop to random people just postin' stuff on these boards... Can't have that junk!


  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    If people actually feel griefed by one red bubble, they should consider the fact that green bubbles are worth maybe twice as much rep when given. Take a look at how many people have red's that easy to turn someone from red to green. I've been bouncing them back daily.

    .....So, YOU'RE the one that ruined my game of trying to get the worst -rep on the forums!!!

    CURSE YOU!!!

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MageX View Post
    You missed my point.
    Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
    I don't think he missed your point, but rather actively avoided it. Much easier to try and undermine your argument that way.
    That's a regular tactic of NG's. It's exactly why I have him on /ignore.

    I'd really like to see that fixed. If you have someone on /ignore, I'd like the ability to COMPLETELY ignore their existence. I don't want to see that they've posted, I don't want to see that they are a member on these boards, nor do I want to see what they wrote quoted by someone else.

  18. Thanks!

    Yes, that's no bosses... Would have probably had to use external pets or a Warburg nuke or something along those lines if bosses were involved, because it takes a long time to take them down. By "long time," I of course mean "longer time than the bodies I'll have available to heal off of..."

  19. Argh!!! The unclosed tags hurt my eyes! They really need to fix that with Mid's... I think they plan to in the next update, if I'm not mistaken...

    That said, I'm really glad the "click this link to open the build" works, because that's how I prefer to view builds anyway...

    Question: If this is a human/dwarf build, why does it seem you've concentrated more on ranged defense than melee/AoE defense, which would be what'd you'd have to deal with more in a human/dwarf combo? I could see building for ranged defense if it were a human/nova combo, but human/dwarf playstyle suggests that you'd be in melee range way more than firing from a distance....

    Other than that, I like the frankenslotting you got there... And it looks to be an extremely cheap (but effective) build.... I'd just look at building for a different category of defense (if that's what you were aiming for--if having that much ranged defense just happened to be a bi-product of the sets you wanted to use, then ignore my comments on "building for defense").


    I'd also look at trying to put a bit more endurance recovery in there if you're planning on staying in human-form for any length of time and keeping on all those toggles you've chosen... That's not a really good ratio of endurance recovery to endurance consumption, once you start getting into fighting.
  20. AlienOne

    Uber veterans

    Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
    This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

    for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
    48-month badger here...

    First toon I ever made was an Elec/Elec Blaster named "MurderOne"... He's lvl 50 now, but I rarely ever break him out to play him--primarily for 2 reasons: I hate how often Blasters die, and I've found another AT I like better. However, I won't delete him for sentimental reasons. He started out on Justice, and I paid to transfer him over to Freedom when I decided to start playing regularly on that server.

    Other than MurderOne, the toon I've had the longest (that I actually regularly play on) has been AlienOne. I believe I've had him for (maybe, can't remember) around 3 years or so. By "regularly," I mean I log him on at least once a week or so...

    The toon I log on every single day to play is my Warshade VestigeOne, and his human-form build is my absolute favorite way to play City of Heroes. He's been in existence for approximately 2 years, if my memory serves me correctly.

    My love for Kheldians has basically changed the way people know me in the game. When I first started playing CoX, people knew me as "Murder". Now, since playing on Kheldians 24/7 is what "defines" my CoH experience, people know me as "Alien."
  21. Thanks for the update, demonic...

    Much appreciated.

    And envious that I couldn't go. :P

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Alien, I swear there are two people in your head (current avatar is quite appropos)... one nice and excited about things, the other bitter and vindictive.

    BAB specifically posted on this after the Kheld changes, and said it wasn't really intended... but kind of said that there wasn't much that could be done about it or something. Sorry about being vague, but it was a long while back now.

    Even without that post, you have to use common sense to see if it's WAI. Let's see, the devs provide something new for Khelds so they can get out of their mezzed state, making Dwarf form more viable. Then they purposely make it so you can get mezzed while transforming? Okay. That makes no sense, and matches up not at all with what I know of BAB and Castle from their posting.
    I can't find their posting on that, but ok. I believe if they said something along the lines of "wasn't intended," it most likely had something to do with the form change activation times, which they so far haven't wanted to change at all--thus the "can't do much about it" you're referring to.

    Now, if they were to shorten form activation times, I'd totally get behind something like that. Not only would you be able to *possibly* avoid a few mezzes while activating, it would most definitely make the form-shifting feel a lot less "clunky" for me.

    And yes, I'm highly "vindictive." One can't tell me to "suck it up" when I make a suggestion and not expect me to call BS when I see those same people complaining about a very similar subject, just because THEY'RE the ones "inconvenienced" by it now...

    At best, that's highly hypocritical.

  23. Whew! That was a looooooong read! I can't believe I missed the bulk of this discussion... I guess work has been distracting me more than usual as of late

    I realize some of my responses to people I will be quoting below may cause some aggravation, misunderstandings, and possible flame wars, so I hope to cool a bit of that down by stating beforehand that everything I am stating in this post is based upon personal experience or personal opinion (or a mix of both). I've already proved that a Warshade can take on the most mez-heavy and aggravating mobs out there (at +4x8 too, thank you very much, Bubba!), so I'm not making this post to "prove" anything. If anything, the tests I've already done prove the "effectiveness" of the AT. By "effectiveness," I don't mean DPS. Effectiveness to me means "taking down the enemy and living to tell the story." If you can solo a mez-heavy mob at +4x8 while playing a HUMAN-ONLY Kheldian, I'd say that ANY Kheldian combination (bi-form, tri-form, human-form) can be just as effective if not MORE effective than what I've already proven.

    Considering that "test mobs" (at least according to some of the number cruncher types) consist of +0x8, I'd say that's a heck of a lot easier than some of the tests I've done, and would quantifiably prove the "effectiveness" of the AT. It may not prove the "speed" of the AT, but regardless of speed definitions, any AT can be "effective," considering the tools the Devs have given every AT. Just ask any TA/Archery Defender.

    What I'm doing here is merely pointing out my opinions regarding some of the stances taken in this thread to hopefully lead up to my final viewpoint on the Kheldian AT. I don't want to make assumptions that VEATs are better or HEATs are better, I just want to address this "Kheldians are fail" that a lot of people seem to feel at some point in their HEAT career. So, if you'll indulge me please...

    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    Human-only WS: I've heard...interesting stories. Probably not outright terrible, but not really gripping either. If a really heavily disruption-based character appeals to you, I could see it being a neat idea. Otherwise, it would be kinda underwhelming considering...
    LoLz. Not sure what to make of this statement, but what sort of "human-only-Warshade-flagship-dude" would I be if I didn't respond to a statement like this in some way?

    Well, if by "disruption" you mean "damage mitigation," yeah, of course it's a neat idea. It's actually more than that, but I won't go into specifics here.

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    And to the ends of the Earth I will fight against mez protection in the human form. If human had protection, there would be no need for dwarf form at all.
    And if any indication from the arguments in this thread that Khelds are supposed to perform like Scrappers have ANY merit whatsoever... I will fight FOR mez protection in human form "to the ends of the Earth." To me, THAT is the underlying difference is between a human-form Warshade and a Scrapper. My human-former can keep up a constant damage resistance cap against the SAME +4x8 mobs any good scrapper out there can take, all while giving some major damage along the way (albeit without crits). It may take me a few seconds longer to take down that mob than a scrapper would, but I would bet you it'd be MORE due to the fact that the scrapper has mez protection and I don't. Sure DPS would factor in (that's blaringly obvious to any dunce out there, of course), but the real difference in long-term performance against ANY of the aforementioned "test mobs" (CoT, Carnies, Malta, etc.) would be the mezzers. A well-built scrapper would not think twice about rushing straight into a mob. A human-former like myself (even though well-built) would have to take an extra second to determine the best strategy/attack chain/enemy target for taking down a mez-heavy mob, as well as deal with the negative effect of standing there mezzed with maxed resists and not being able to do anything about it (if there were no break frees left).

    No, there are MANY more factors to consider with a Kheldian going into a mez-heavy mob than there is with a scrapper, so trying to compare the two is a moot point.

    I am not claiming the person who I quoted above was comparing scrappers and Kheldians... I was making a generalized statement to anyone who thinks the two SHOULD be compared for any reason... The "fighting against mez protection in human form" is the best basis why they should NOT be compared to eachother. Give human-formers constant scrapper-like mez protection, and then come to me about whether scrappers and Khelds can compare to eachother.

    Originally Posted by Kendai View Post
    Because unlike VEATs, HEATs have NO MEZ PROTECTION. Well they do, they just have to sacrifice all their damage for it, whereas VEATs don't sacrifice anything...

    Everyone knows that VEATs > HEATs atm. Even the devs do. Of course, nothing will likely be done about it...
    Well, while I would not go as far as saying VEATs are greater than HEATs (I believe that's a subjective statement, not a "proven by numbers against a specific mob in a specific situation in a specific time, here's the video and the spreadsheet thank you very much" statement, I WILL agree that VEATs having mez protection and HEATs not having it (except in a specific form that isn't comparable to the other forms in a long-term fight) is a huge difference.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    It amuses me greatly when people ignore math while laying out baseless blanket statements in support of their opinions.
    Glad you're amused, Bill. Not everyone likes to use math (nor I believe should HAVE to). Math is great, but in the end is only PART of what factors into a Dev's decisions on designing an AT. I believe there's a few other things that factor in there as well. I doubt I'd have to name them off to the likes of you, but I will say that if all the "math" were exactly the same, or only had "minor" differences, we may as well not have varied ATs, right? The whole point of having a "chooseable AT" that might get the same thing done in the long run (kill enemies, go to the next mission) isn't the maths required to get that accomplished (although that's important for balanced gameplay)... It's to appeal to a wider playerbase. Someone like the OP may have at least started out a while ago feeling like Khelds are "fail." Someone like Memphis_Bill may like creating more than 1 PB or WS because he doesn't think they're "fail."

    The math isn't going to assure that everyone plays every AT the same way. The math assures that the game remains balanced. The varied ATs and the way that they're designed is what (hopefully) assures that the game appeals to the broadest audience possible.

    So, in the end, "requiring" that the entire playerbase use math when stating their "blanket opinion" on an AT, or even merely making statements that you're "amused" when they don't... Is just plain ridiculous.

    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    To be crude:
    VEATs are a bar of gold - take any piece, and you have gold.
    HEATs are a cow pie with a diamond in it - unless you know what you're looking for, you're going to get poo.

    I submit that both are playable, and both can be powerful, but one is clearly better designed - unless you feel that "good design" is synonymous with "difficult and inaccessible except to the persistent or well-informed." And if it is, I pray to god that you do not design anything I ever have to use.
    I submit that "good design" is having a combination of the two (building on my previous point), so a broader playerbase is satisfied. Having both VEATs and HEATs is "good design," as having one appeals to one part of the playerbase, and having the other appeals to another part of the playerbase.

    Some people prefer the challenge in "finding the diamond in the rough" performance-wise, and some people don't. That's the way of the world, and game designers are stuck with dealing with that.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    VEAT's are not a challenge, they toggle up and they go - that is poor design for a game. Anything that involves no or little challenge/skill is poor design if it's main purpose is entertainment.

    With a VEAT a great player is only going to be slighlty better than a poor player because there is simply no way to do much wrong, with a HEAT the bad players are exposed for what they are - this is a frightening concept for some.
    Again, I say that's "good design," because VEATs appeal to a part of the playerbase that doesn't prefer the same challenges people like us do, Princess... In the end, appealing to a larger base of players and expanding your subscriber numbers is what the "big picture's" all about.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Yes, let's weed out all those paying customers that play to have fun! Let's get rid of them! We'll make sure that this is City of Spreadsheets so that only those of us that don't mind spending a billion inf on our builds can do anything of worth!

    Let's return to the days of rooting mez protection and toggles that lock you out of other toggles because that will bring back CHALLENGE!!! You want your negative energy damage resistance? Say goodbye to your S/L damres!

    /sarcasm off

    How's that Khel of yours do solo at +4/x8 by the way?
    LoLz. Nice post, Bill... I do love me some sarcastic humor!

    Although, I think maybe you should have put the "/sarcasm off" AFTER your last statement...

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    My warshade is still the most fun I've ever had playing this game, and no amount of solid math will convince me otherwise. There is no mathematical expression of fun.
    I believe there is. It's:


    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    There isn't a mathematical expression for fun. But there is one for effectiveness.
    And I believe Khelds ARE effective, for the already stated reasons.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I am going to easily state that X is better than Y by the numbers.
    ONLY when referring to specific situations with specific enemies in specific conditions with specific time requirements... And ONLY if the entire playerbase can agree that those ramifications you specify are the most fair setup possible when trying to compare ATs (which really shouldn't be done anyway, as all ATs are designed to be "unique").

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I am going to state that form shifting is clunky and inefficient.
    While I won't say it's "inefficient," I will agree wholeheartedly that it's "clunky," and have been complaining about that for years. It's one of the main reasons (besides the fact that I like my array of human form powers) I prefer to play human-only.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I am stating that if you can't while others can then your character must be weaker than those that can.

    I am not telling anyone that weak characters can't be fun. Fun is subjective.

    AT capability is not.
    And I would argue that Kheld "capability" is quite effective. I would say that in the extreme situations I've put my Warshade through (the same ones you'd try on a maxed-out Scrapper), a Defender or a blaster, while they may or may not be "capable," would have a much more difficult time of it. Does having a "more difficult time of it in that particular situation" mean those two ATs are "fail" as a whole?

    Of course not.

    Then why argue that for a Kheld, when it's already been proven they can handle some pretty intense situations? Of COURSE you need to put some thought into building them. Of COURSE you may need to get some help understanding binds and attack chains. Of COURSE it may be frustrating at first for a novice to Khelds... But, isn't that true for just about any AT?

    You know what I find interesting?

    The fact that some people (not just yourself) say an AT is "gimped," and then name off some extreme situation like "+4x8," as if every AT is supposed to just easily handle that with "just SOs."

    That is simply laughable.

    I believe it states in everyone's copy of the game on the "tip screen" that "some ATs do well solo. Others do better in teams."

    I may not be quoting it exactly, but that's the gist of it. If that statement on the tip screen holds true, why the whole argument about comparing Khelds to any other AT, whether it be Blasters, Scrappers, Tanks, Defenders, VEATs, or Controllers?

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I worked AROUND that bad design. I ignored the forms. I accepted the lack of mez protection. I play to the strengths of the good powers while ignoring the lousy powers.

    Which is exactly what all the pro-Khel posters state they do with theirs. Play to the strengths of the AT!

    As we all should.
    I agree... All ATs should play to the strengths of the AT. There are powers out there that do NOT belong to a HEAT powerset that requires other ATs to "play to the strengths of the good powers while ignoring the lousy powers."

    So, what's your point, exactly?

    It sounds as though I play my Kheld almost the same way you do... Except that I don't think I've "worked around poor design." If the design of the character was to allow for flexibility, and so people could feel comfortable in different playstyles (in the same AT, whether tri, bi, or human-only, as stated by LX's link in this thread to the "original design for Khelds")... Isn't that design working "as intended?"

    That said... You really make some good points. I don't mean to upset you in any way by my opposing viewpoints. I just tend to disagree that Khelds are "poor design" by nature. I believe that's a falsehood, if over 12 issues hasn't resulted in any major overhaul of the AT.

    As stated before, some people will like it, some people will despise it. I think as with both your case and mine, we like to play it, but begrudgingly, due to either lack of mez protection in human-only builds, or the "clunky-ness" in changing forms.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    There's not a single person here that can say with any level of honesty that a PB is in any way comparable to a WS when comparing the two in their entirety. We all know this is false. The PB may start out stronger but it is quickly surpassed.
    Depends on what situation you're talking about. If you're talking about a PB's single-target damage vs. a WS's "spiked" AoE damage...Sure, a WS can seem much superior. However, if you're talking about an extended boss fight while solo... PBs would obviously win. A WS's short-term "spike damage" on large mobs shouldn't be the scalar by which everything a PB does is rated. They function on a wholly different scale, and perform differently in different situations.

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    I call bullcarp on this because I don't know if you've noticed or not, but we've been able to add more trays to our UI since a few issues ago (I forget which issue brought on that feature).
    I have never used a single keybind to "switch trays" on my Khelds. Ever. And I still consider my Khelds to be quite effective.

    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    When people can't agree on what constitutes good design, bringing in various definitions encompassing mechanical efficiency, play experience, peak performance, worst-case performance, associated content, associated lore, conceptual concerns, and art design, any discussion is going to be a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Thank you for reminding us, as I'm sure many have forgotten, what gaming should be about.
    I believe fun is underrated on these forums, as I see it downplayed way more than it's lauded. I think a playerbase's opinion on the "fun factor" (whether it be if they like it for the "math," the "challenge," the "ease of use," the "niche play," etc., etc.) is actually what determines whether a game is successful.

    Considering CoX is now considered (in most circles) one of the "longest running" and "most successful" MMOs out there... I'd say their "design choices" have been above-par, and they've been able to make a significant portion of this playerbase very happy with their design decisions--both by creating a variety of things to create (hence, the various ATs), and by listening to those of us who whine on the forums and taking any "legitimate" suggestions to heart.

    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    Trouble here is, it's hard to quantify kheld performance, taking in all forms. Looking at hard DPS numbers doesn't work if your kheld is playing backup tank, or tank for that matter, in dwarf form. It's easier if they stay nova, as then you look at them the same way as a blaster. But when they switch to human form, (especially warshades) they can pull tricks that are helpful to the team but again don't translate into hard numbers. Not so with VEATS, hence why they are more easily embraced. When a widow comes aboard, buffs your accuracy, damage and defense with its leadership abilities, and does the same damage no matter what the team make, it's easier to get a good feel for what they can deliver. Not so with HEATs, due to flexibility.
    QFT. This is why this whole thread has become so controversial, IMO... It's because Khelds aren't immediately quantifiable like all the other ATs happen to be that causes this rift among players as to their "effectiveness."

    I've said before to other people (in the Kheld section of the forums) that I think Kheld performance really comes down to the player--more so than other ATs.

    I think my point is best illustrated in this statement:

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    In my eyes, a warshade needs to have a skilled "driver" to reach full potential...

    ...As it stands, many teams don't find Kheldians worth the risk of an invite. I feel this is because a poorly played Kheldian is more common than a good one, and a poor one is only 80% of what the specialized player would be, even if he was also poorly played.
    If a poorly played VEAT joins the team, a Vet with a trained eye might immediately notice it, but it may not be apparent on a PuG. If a poorly played HEAT joins the team, it will become glaringly obvious who is underperforming.

    This is not to say that you have to be "uber" to play a Kheld... Nor is it saying that "playing VEATs is a snoozefest"... What it IS saying is that you *may* have to put some more thought and effort into playing a "specialized" OR "generalized" Kheld than you had to do with any of the other ATs.

    Then again, you may all be like EvilGeko and think Khelds are the easiest and most straightforward AT to play.

    Considering the amount of posts asking for help in the Kheld forums, I'd say the previous statement would be untrue about the overwhelming majority.

    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    That's compelling evidence of design intent, and I am now convinced that the implementation of Khelds does bear a relationship to that design goal. That an archetype designed to be difficult to build towards playability isn't universally appealing was probably a predictable outcome, and contrary to the opinions of some other posters here I don't think that necessarily reflects poorly on the player community.

    It was obviously a specific design choice, and one that they decided worked as-is (with a few minor changes here and there over 12 issues)...

    I also agree that it doesn't reflect poorly on the player community. The fact that not everyone can get into the AT doesn't speak poorly of their play skills... It mainly represents that the Devs were trying to reach a specific portion of the player community's playstyle desires.

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Actually, if you think about it, it's a perfect design for a LEADER, in the sense that if the team stands united behind the Kheldian, the whole team will benefit because the Kheldian will be able to spearhead the team's efforts to win the fight.

    Sadly, most forumites I've seen, that speak against Kheldians seem to care only about combat performance and how to most effectively defeat as many enemies in as little time as possible. They require that Kheldian limitations be removed and that Kheldians get MOAR DPS NAO and other such things.

    Clearly, the Devs, bless their RP'ing minds, actually care enough to supply us with different themes and different sources of entertaining ways to defeat our enemies, some faster than others. We call this "having options" and also "variety", and it's been proven a good thing... if not for that, we'd all be playing City of TankMages.
    What?!?!? "Options?" "Variety?"


    Seriously though, I think the first part of your statement may be why I like them so much. I lead approximately 90% of the teams I'm on, and have no problems "spearheading" anything we're doing, up to and including taking alpha strikes from AVs on the STF, soloing the mass of Romans in front of Romulus at the end of the iTF in its entirety, or running headfirst into Rularu, Carnies, or Malta before anyone on the rest of the team. Without dying.

    Anyone who thinks that Khelds don't have the ability to "spearhead" a team effort obviously has no idea of the capabilities of a Kheldian.

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    See i find that warshades are OVERPOWERED. Once slotted correctly and used to their playstyle, you can basically do insane ammount of damage with also capped resis.

    Its just the low levels that are a killer and a slog
    I agree the low levels can be quite a pain. Not "impossible," but a pain. Does that mean they're not "effective?" Absolutely not.

    On the other hand, I don't think Warshades are overpowered. I think they're "late bloomers." Before you start saying Warshades are "overpowered," you might want to look at some of these scrappers who can solo AVs...

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    When everything works according to plan, sure... a Warshade can be a whirlwind dervish of destruction, and with smart inspirations-use all it's all good, but it still requires players to actively do the work.

    Getting into a spawn and activating Eclipse still carries some risk.
    Not much to add to that. Staying at the "resist cap" or "god mode" as I like to call it isn't an "afk" playstyle. It requires some active work, strategy, risk assesment, and real-time battle strategy, especially if a mob fight is lasting a bit longer than originally anticipated.

    Like, LX said, "when everything works according to plan."

    Problem is... It never does.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I think there are a few people on here stuggling to seperate their own dislike of particular mechanics with any actual facts that hint at underpoweredness.

    I have seen lots of people say HEATs are underpowered but not a single person has proved it and never will because it just isn't true.

    The only problem is that it is easy to make a poor kheld build, and even easier to play one badly and it is a lottery if you get a good one or a bad one even more than any other class. But I like that, having a well built and played kheld is like being in an exclusive club, and I find my Warshade so fun and powerful that I find it really hard not to think LRN2PLAY whenever anyone tries to talk about underpowerdness.

    So to those saying Kheldians are underpowered you first need to talk about which kheldians (I will give you that PB's are underpowered) and then you are going to have to show me some numbers. Fun is subjective but effectiveness isn't and if you want to talk about it you need facts, which I have yet to see.

    Just making a general statement "Khelds are underpowered" is a opinionistic statement that doesn't prove a single thing, especially when I can prove otherwise...

    I have absolutely nothing against anyone who doesn't like the AT. I also have the same urge to say "LRN2PLAY" when I hear complaints about Khelds, but on the same token, I have no problem helping anyone learn how to play the AT. However, just making a "blanket statement" that the AT is "ineffective" just because you don't like it....

    ....I call BS.

    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    This is utter nonsense. I mean nonsense on a level that is staggering. The objective of the game is to defeat your enemies. You do this by inflicting damage and surviving. Period. Whether you have fun while you do this is, of course, important, but has no bearing on the mechanics involved or the rules of how things work. Fun is a subjective issue, and as such cannot be objectively compared in an evaluation.
    Although I wholeheartedly agree that fun is subjective, you seem to be missing the "larger picture" here. If I may illustrate:

    Individual's personal opinion on the objective of the game: "Defeat your enemies"

    General objective of the game: "Have fun" (no matter if that's "defeat your enemies," "make money at WWs," "chat for hours in AP," "organize events," "hold massive costume contests," etc., etc.)

    Overall "objective of the game" (from a Dev/business model perspective): Make sure as many people as possible "have fun" and continue to subscribe to the game in order to continue to receive a paycheck.

    Obviously, the "single driving objective of the game" isn't "defeat your enemies" for every member of this playerbase. It's different for everyone. And that is driven by what each individual thinks is "fun." That may be to "defeat your enemies" in the quickest way possible, or it may be chatting for 10 minutes in broadcast to help out a fellow player with something.

    Who knows.

    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    This is equally nonsensical. There are objective means for comparison of the effectiveness of an AT. You can measure DPS. You can measure defenses. You can measure control effectiveness. These are all measurable quantities. Fun, however, is not one of them by any means. To say that your argument of fun trumps objective measurements of effectiveness is just plain inane.
    Your statement is true, but it also downplays the importance of fun INTO your equasion.

    If your playerbase doesn't think an AT is fun, it won't matter HOW sound your math skills are or how "perfectly built" you think your AT is.

    That's what this whole discussion is about though... An individual's FEELINGS on whether a specific AT is "fail." (i.e. their quantified belief on fun for the aforementioned AT)

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I would really like to see someone try rather than just spout rubbish.
    I have posted videos on a Kheldian's effectiveness against "seemingly unsurmountable odds" (I say "seemingly unsurmountable" because of the way Khelds have been repeatedly put down as "underperforming"), but you prefer not to watch them.

    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    Do Khelds defeat enemies and help complete missions (or help do so) as efficiently as other ATs, either solo or on teams? I don't really know, but that is something that could be quantified.
    I don't think the question should be "as efficiently as other ATs"... The question should be "can they do it effectively," and I believe it's already been proven they can. (please refer back to my original definition of "effective," as this post has gotten pretty long)

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Agreed, but then, some people would like villainous Kheldians on red side. I think what's being asked for is a mirror of each side's epic choice.
    I believe once Going Rogue comes out, this will be a moot point, as I *believe* we'll all be able to switch sides anyway... Still waiting for more details on that...

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I find the corrolation between those who hate the shapeshifting mechanic and those complaining of a lack of power interesting.
    And then there are those like myself who hate the shapeshifting mechanic and DON'T complain about the lack of power--only the lack of mez protection...

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    But again, the only thing I find offensive here is that you and PrincessDarkstar seem to think that just because someone doesn't like your beloved Kheldians, they must only care about effectiveness. It's a shabby and baseless argument. But then what can you do when you don't have facts or reason on your side?
    So far, neither side really has shown any "evidence" that Kheldians "aren't effective." So, stating one side or the other doesn't have "facts or reason" is pretty baseless.

    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    You know, this is dumb. Nobody is going to accept any numbers I post (except maybe for Dwarf Form sans pets) because there are too many variable effects that come up in actual play for Kheldians but are simply not a concern for ATs that have a more complete suite of active or passive mitigation (Defenders, Controllers, Scrappers, Tanks) or aren't expected to consider their own survival in the first place (Blasters).
    You are exactly right.

    There are waaaay too many variable effects that come up in actual play for Kheldians to come up with an actual quantifiable "This is what Kheldians can do" generalistic statement. If you're testing in a tri-form build, you're not taking into effect the variables that come into play while running Inky Aspect constantly. Or the Leadership powers while playing in human-only form. Or any number of other things I could name...

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I'm with the Princess here. I'll gladly take any numbers you can come up with, even if it's straight SO build to SO build. Just don't compare an IO'd nova form to a SO'd blaster (obviously).

    I also agree with the three comparative cases she presented, although Dwarf with pets and whatnot could be very hard to analyze with any amount of accuracy.

    I would suggest comparing a high recharge nova to a high recharge AoE blaster. Then, stick with that same high recharge WS when going to dwarf, and compare it to something like a SS tank who would also be built for high recharge.
    I can say right now without any testing whatsoever that they won't compare. That's because I don't believe Kheldians are supposed to be exactly like any of the other ATs. Thus, their "unique-ness."

    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    Analysis is still ongoing, but early results are showing that being locked in dwarf against a single target is an enormous disadvantage for a Kheld - we're talking about a literal order of magnitude drop in DPS, and that's before considering what it does to the poor guy's ability to recover post fight. Peacebringers have an edge on surviving this situation, and Warshades have an edge on damage, but both are pretty thoroughly miserable here. I would suggest that any future analysis of Kheld performance and play experience place a strong emphasis on this situation, as it's the expected survival mode for the AT, but on a build that isn't structured around it can instead be a long, painful death sentence. It sounds wacky, but when you count up the total opportunity cost, Dwarf might be worse DPS than Hibernate.
    Which is why I don't believe Dwarf is worth it in solo-play even WITH the "break free" effect associated with it.

    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    I feel that the Warshade design makes a promise that it fails to deliver - the promise that it can be played, should one prefer, as 90% of a Scrapper. In fact, the numbers appear to show that this is a terrible plan, and the smart move is to treat Dwarf form as a team utility rather than a true combat stance.
    As stated before, I do not believe Khelds should be "compared" to the other ATs, as they are their own unique AT. A WS cannot hope to reach the "I can solo AVs" level of a Scrapper, so why exactly are we comparing them?

    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    Perhaps I'm mixing the koolaid without knowing the flavor but since when is having an uber DPS build the end-all-be-all? Why is DPS the deciding factor if HEATs are fail or not?

    When I'm switching forms on my PB or creating havoc on my Warshade, DPS is the furthest thing from my mind...I'm just happy to play a different and versatile AT different from the other 5.
    I think you're onto something here...

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    That's where I see Khels. Barely good enough at a lot of things.
    That's too bad...

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    It's the +0/x8 I doubt because quite frankly, I don't see the benefit of having the x8 setting factored in as useful because I think it's already been proven that Kheldians are not the best solo class in the game, as opposed to Scrappers. There's a reason why Scrappers are recommended to newcomers who want a class that's easy to solo and simple to play...
    Actually, I say the more enemies the better for my Warshade... The fewer the enemies, the worse you'll see me (or any Warshade) perform...

    I know, I know... You're coming from a PB perspective...

    Originally Posted by JohnnyKilowatt View Post
    At this point, I would like to inform the person who negatived me for this post that "Casually slotting a warshade with purples" is an old joke in the market forums. Don't take it seriously dude.
    That reminds me of what Mod08 told me when I met him at Comic-Con this year...

    Me: "Hey! I'm AlienOne"
    Mod08: "Ah, so YOU'RE the one with the 'casually purpled out Warshade'!"


  24. That it does..... That it does.
