Kheldians and Power Customization




There's some speculation that 'Going Rogue' will allow power customization to some extent, prompted by the vid with the lovely evil lady's (Desdemona?) fireball changing from Blue to Red.

It it turns out to be true, and is available to Khelds, to what extent will you customize your Khelds 'look'?

For me, if we're only allowed to change colors (which is the most likely by far), then I'll probably change the 'white light' of my PBs powers to a Goldish Coloration. Gold's more valuable than Silver, Baby...

If we're able to change a bit more than colors, say, Auras, Bubbles, etc., then I'll remove the Bubbles from my shields, keeping only the Aura effects.

Finally, if we can pick our Animation (never gonna happen )...Hmmm. I dunno, maybe apply SS's Knockout Blow animation to Incadescent Strike, and maybe a Handclap for Pulsar, or maybe even Solar Flare...

Anybody else given this any thought?



Dude.. slow down, haven't you heard the proverb about the Squid learning to count their tentacles before they can use them for blasting?

To be honest... I'm not sure how far I'd (if I will even bother to) go with customizing my Kheldians, and quite frankly, I think that if people were allowed to customize their own powers and such, some people would make such a terrible job at it, they may decide the whole character is now botched and delete it!

At the very least, I suggest a "Revert Changes" button on the Customization interface.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Nah, I'm not ready to guess that Going Rogue will include Power Customization. I suppose it's possible, but it seems symbolic to me, in that video.

What could happen is that when you switch sides, you get your counterparts' color scheme. So for instance when an Invulnerablity Tanker goes evil, he gets the same darker colors for his auras as an Invulnerability Brute. Since those are not the same Power Sets, though, just duplicates, the color difference isn't exactly the same as Customization. More like two different ATs getting different forms of the same power.

If it does work that way, though, I would like to see Warshades get something to distinguish them as Nictus. Perhaps a darker color scheme. And PB's could become sort of blue-grey.

In the in-game lore, though, there is no difference between a Warshade and a Nictus. It's just a name some Nictus have chosen to indicate their "change of heart".



Guys.... one of my first sentences was *IF IT TURNS OUT TO BE TRUE*

That means I'm quite aware that it's all speculation and might not happen. I was just inviting whoever wanted to speculate on the speculations...errmmm...if this was true



Guys.... one of my first sentences was *IF IT TURNS OUT TO BE TRUE*

[/ QUOTE ]

My problem is that there's not enough on which to base a speculation. "If it turns out to be true", yes, but if WHAT turns out to be true? Full Customization? Color Customization? Your powers change colors when you switch sides? Ability to choose animations, or just what's attached to you, like in Weapon Customization?

And this does nothing about the appearance of the Kheldians themselves. Would Power Customization allow you to change the way your forms look? Or would it only allow you to change the way their powers look?



Guys.... one of my first sentences was *IF IT TURNS OUT TO BE TRUE*

[/ QUOTE ]

My problem is that there's not enough on which to base a speculation. "If it turns out to be true", yes, but if WHAT turns out to be true? Full Customization? Color Customization? Your powers change colors when you switch sides? Ability to choose animations, or just what's attached to you, like in Weapon Customization?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure there is - I gave *Three* different speculations based on *Three* possible degrees of customization we might receive (Colors, Auras/Bubbles, Animations)

I don't see why it's so difficult do say something like, "if we can change our power's colors, my PB's Luminous Blast will become Red."

Maybe I'm making it sound more complex than I'm thinking...


And this does nothing about the appearance of the Kheldians themselves. Would Power Customization allow you to change the way your forms look? Or would it only allow you to change the way their powers look?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know what options they're gonna give us. I just know that Power Customization is being hinted at. However, I think changes involving colorization and/or existing animations are much more likely than creating new forms or new animations, thus that's what I used in my examples.

If they do give Khelds optional forms, then I will look thru them, find the one I think looks the coolest and best fit my concept, then change it. But that's difficult to speculate on. Something better would be if we could change the colors of the forms, and if we can, would you? And to what color?

Hey, most everything we post assumes an 'if' until we see it live



Too much speculation... head'splodes!!!!!! *POOF-BOOM!*

[/ QUOTE ] so...?

Seriously, if we get anything, by far the most likely is a simple color change of powers. Is it that hard to say I'm gonna go 'Green' or something...



Okie... green's cool! I like green... and if we're just talking about which colors I'd select for my Kheldian powers if we were given the choice, I think my WS would have to go with deep reds, like Pain Domination, while my PB would go with florescent greens, or a weird mixture of golds and pinks!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Okie... green's cool! I like green... and if we're just talking about which colors I'd select for my Kheldian powers if we were given the choice, I think my WS would have to go with deep reds, like Pain Domination, while my PB would go with florescent greens, or a weird mixture of golds and pinks!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahhh... a Partidge Family PB...Cool



Well, I'm gonna resurrect this thread instead of starting a new one... I know there are similiar ones, but very few Kheld specific. I was told 'Not so fast when I first put this thread out there, but now we have I16 and some ideas of the possibilities, so...onward

I think mosts of us are assuming (hoping) that Khelds will get the Customization treatment. So, assuming the Devs haven't already baked all Khelds possibilities up, and just waiting for release, maybe we can 'influence' them to offer customizations we prefer

So, again, specifically, what customization options do you want for Khelds?

For me (speaking for PBs mostly):
1) The obvious; changing Power color. I do think that Peacebringers should be limited to the Bright pallete and Warshades the Dark one, however.

2) Alt. Animations. I want the Alt Superstrength Footstomp Groundstrike animation for PB's Solarflare and the Alt. Martial Arts Tier 9 Eagle's Claw Animation for Incadescent Strike (or something similiarly cool). An Alt, animation for Radiant Strike would be nice, but it's decent as is.

3) The Human Shields: I just don't love the Bubbles (esp. Quantum Shield's luminous eggbeater): a way to minimize the FX, or color them so they're not so obvious would be welcome.

4) Lightform: I have Photon seekers; I'm tired of looking like one. As we know, Khelds eventually can form energy templates of their host's forms. Well, why can't Lightform be of the same translucent appearance as Dwarf and Nova, but be your Human Form's shape? The rationale is the Kheldian is starting to take on the Human Template like it did Dwarf and Nova long ago. Or something similiar. I just hate losing my humanoid shape and turning into a ball of light.

5) the Forms: Tough one here. The forms are so entrenched in the Lore. However, I don't see why color changes (limited by Bright and Dark palettes) would be so bad.

Speak now, folks, give the Devs some ideas



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I think that under the "For Fun" section of the forum, we should have a "Pleas for the Devs" section where this thread would feel at home...
What? This isn't 'For Fun' - Kheld stuff is serious business



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
What? This isn't 'For Fun' - Kheld stuff is serious business
Lets ask the Devs to change "For Fun" to "Srsbzns d00dz!" then

But to seriously address the issue of Kheldian graphic customization, I definitely agree we need something to clearly indicate we're all unique, especially when in Nova/Dwarf forms.

I don't really mind having Human-powers appear the way they do because quite frankly, Kheldians are still not so commonly seen as all other AT's are.

It is however when we're in our forms that things may get confusing, especially if one is in an All Kheldian ITF...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Lets ask the Devs to change "For Fun" to "Srsbzns d00dz!" then

But to seriously address the issue of Kheldian graphic customization, I definitely agree we need something to clearly indicate we're all unique, especially when in Nova/Dwarf forms.

I don't really mind having Human-powers appear the way they do because quite frankly, Kheldians are still not so commonly seen as all other AT's are.

It is however when we're in our forms that things may get confusing, especially if one is in an All Kheldian ITF...

Completely, wholeheartedly, and totally disagree.

If the devs are going to allow customization at all on Khelds (and that in and of itself is up for debate), they need to allow it on ALL forms... Allowing it only 2 out of the three forms is just...forgive me, but...retarded.

"Things might get confusing on an all Kheld iTF" isn't a good enough reason just to do 2 out of three. How often does an average player do an all-Kheld iTF? On top of that, didn't allowing power customization on all the other ATs cause enough confusion? Ever teamed with a guy who decided to make his heals blue and his endurance recovery green? Talk about confusing. But, you know what? I can live with it, as long as he's doing his "job."

Allowing power customization on nova and dwarf, and NOT allowing it on human is just stupid. On top of that, if you're not colorblind and you're interested in having your hero's costume and power colors "match", and you'd like to make your other two forms a specific color, using any of your powers in human form could automatically clash with the colors you've chosen for your other two forms, depending on the color you've chosen. This is the same reasoning that people requesting power customization in the first place used. So, why do two and exclude the other?

That actually could be the reasoning why Khelds do NOT have power customization available to them. Once they figure out a way to customize granite armor (because that power completely replaces your other costume--rather than it being an overlay--like dwarf and nova forms do), then we may be on the road to seeing Khelds with power customization.

Until then, I guess we can only speculate (still). However, NOT giving human form power customization, and allowing everything ELSE power customization (which would make it just about the only "human" in the game to not be allowed power customization by that time), is just an obvious slight, and not something I'd expect to see from the devs.


Just to clarify, I'm not calling YOU stupid... I'm calling the IDEA of not allowing human-formers power customization while allowing tri-formers customization stupid. That's like saying, "Sure, Khelds are all about flexibility... We like to encourage you to experiment and decide what forms you like to play--But, be forewarned, if you choose to play this certain form, you won't be able to change the colors of your powers like everyone else can."

*shakes head*

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I do not like your choice of words Alien One, but back on the subject I am not at all concerned about power customisation for Khelds. To me they are both part of a race and it maybe as like the human race can only customize so far...but with Going Rogue coming up I think it would be nice if should your Peacebringer be bad then their power effects darken. Like light sabers, erm I think, really. With Warshades they could darken even further.

Some people may decide that they are nothing to do with the Kheldian race and so a full set of options should be available. Rather than go into Dwarf Form one could go into a larger, similarly coloured and armour plated as Dwarf form, but Humanoid form (For want of an easy alternative).

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



To be honest, I've never really wanted to customize the appearance of my Kheldian powers but rather the appearance of my Kheldian forms. Being able to choose for example the "eye" color of my Nova/Dwarf, and add a sash to the Dwarf and tie scarves to my Nova's tentacles means a lot more to me than changing the colors of my blasts.

If anything excites me about I16's power customization it is the ability to choose a graphic theme to your powers — for example, the Crystal theme usable on Earth Control powers — than actually changing the colors themselves. Even that though is just a cosmetic that I wasn't ever bothered with.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



From what I have gathered they intend to include Kheldians, MM's, pool powers, and all the other forgotten sets into a patch sometime "soon".

Basicly issue 16.5.

How much we will be allowed to change or exactly in what way we will be allowed to customize is still open for speculation.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
From what I have gathered they intend to include Kheldians, MM's, pool powers, and all the other forgotten sets into a patch sometime "soon".

Basicly issue 16.5.

How much we will be allowed to change or exactly in what way we will be allowed to customize is still open for speculation.
I really don't think Khelds should be allowed to change their power colors. They are based on in-game canon more than any other Player Character, and thusly should keep their powers to what has been established.

(Note that I have a Level 50 Peacebringer... So any that claim I don't have one so wouldn't be impacted can refrain from doing so.)



Again I say... Where in canon does it say Kheldians are a specific color?


At best, all it says is PBs are "light" and WSs are "dark." And that is coming from Memphis_Bill's canon "resource."

Show me somewhere in game where it says "Warshades have to be purple" or "Peacebringers have to be white/lightblue" and I won't make this claim again.

I tire of people saying that those two specific colors are "canon," when in fact, they are not. It's just how the Devs originally made them. There is no specific storyline or concept art that "explains" that the homeworld the Kheldians came from was not multi-colored. There are "light" colors and there are "dark" colors. Nothing prevents "light blue" from being the ONLY "light" color where Peacebringers come from, and nothing prevents "purple" from being the ONLY "dark" color where Warshades come from in canon.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
...There are "light" colors and there are "dark" colors. Nothing prevents "light blue" from being the ONLY "light" color where Peacebringers come from, and nothing prevents "purple" from being the ONLY "dark" color where Warshades come from in canon...
That much is surely true.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
At the very least, I suggest a "Revert Changes" button on the Customization interface.
To whoever misunderstood my post and thought I was talking about a "Cancel Changes" option, there's a huge difference between a "Cancel" operation and a "Revert" operation. You can only cancel changes while you're working on them, but you can always revert changes after you've already submitted them. The two operations are not the same, and I was referring to a case where a person has already customized their colors and finalized those choices only to later on realize they regret the whole thing and wanted to revert to the old color/theme.

A Cancel button isn't what they need, they need a Revert, or Reset changes button. Sorry for not going into this much detail in my original post. I didn't figure it'd be needed.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
From what I have gathered they intend to include Kheldians, MM's, pool powers, and all the other forgotten sets into a patch sometime "soon".

Basicly issue 16.5.
Screenshots or it didn't happen.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...