Can a human-form Warshade handle a +4x8 Arachnos mob?
I'm not sure I'd even have the patience to find out if my TriFormShade can do that... So kudos for trying and put the video here.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
As stated in private, I love seeing a warshade in action. Good job.
Be well, people of CoH.

It is pretty. Makes for a good time to watch and play with. Alien, I don't know how you get by using the mouse to click your powers, though. I think I use mine some to toggle things on, but in the heat of battle I use the keys, shift + and so on. Mouse feels slower and more difficult, especially since I got a much bigger monitor and sometimes lose my cursor on it! Heh.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Is that "No Bosses"? I can't tell on my piddly 1280 x 1024 monitor. CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville
Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar
Wow...very nice work, Alien
Yes, that's no bosses... Would have probably had to use external pets or a Warburg nuke or something along those lines if bosses were involved, because it takes a long time to take them down. By "long time," I of course mean "longer time than the bodies I'll have available to heal off of..."

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
That was awesome, I love seeing WS/PB going all awesome button in this game
Triceth LVL 50 Ice/Storm Controller
Ghost Scrapper LVL 50 MA/reflexes Scrapper
Gespin LVL 44 Spine/Regen Scrapper
Treal LVL 41 Emp Defender
Radill LVL 41 Ill/Rad Troller
Yes, that's no bosses... Would have probably had to use external pets or a Warburg nuke or something along those lines if bosses were involved, because it takes a long time to take them down. By "long time," I of course mean "longer time than the bodies I'll have available to heal off of..." "Alien" | can always cheat like I do. Pull the survivors to the next group and hope for some better luck on rolls
Can you do it without insps?
Not a real stress test
Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.
Would have probably had to use external pets or a Warburg nuke or something along those lines if bosses were involved, because it takes a long time to take them down. By "long time," I of course mean "longer time than the bodies I'll have available to heal off of..."
"Alien" |

I highly recommend ANY toon to use them, and use them as often as you need to. They drop quite regularly, and skilled use of them has not been labeled an "exploit" by the devs as of yet...


76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
Yet anyone can pop 4-6 purps and 4 or 5 greens and survive.
show me what your build can REALLY do.
No accolades
no insps
nothing but humanform
i'm callin you out
i dont think you got the balls :P
Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.
You show me "anyone" (besides the obvious scrapper) that can pop 4-6 purples with a +4x8 Arachnos mob and take the whole mob down. "Anyone" is a very broad, all-inclusive term that usually means "everyone." If you can show me any defender (with a full tray of purples) at all that can take down +4x8 Arachnos mobs without dying, then we might start discussing "anyone can do it."
Until then, all I see is just another random person trying to pick a fight.
On top of that, I believe that +4x8 is only reserved (usually) for either "good" teams, or "the most ultimate scrapper ever." Not many toons without mez protection can handle +4x8 Arachnos, Malta, or Carnies. Again, you show me that "any" toon without mez protection that can handle mez-heavy +4x8 mobs without using a single inspiration, THEN we'll start talking business. Since the devs have seen fit not to give mez-protection to human-form, it's a moot point to try and say a human-former can survive being mezzed without using at least a break-free.
Soo...meh... I call BS on your part. I've already got several videos up (on the same account) with the same toon (different builds) in many different situations showing what he can do.
Again: this test was a question of "can he survive without dying against a mez-heavy, maxxed-out mob, using any means necessary?" sort of test, not a "look what I do on a regular basis" sort of thing. I may be a glutton for punishment sometimes, but I'm not that bad.
So how 'bout you? Haven't seen anything from your end yet... You got something without mez protection that can take down +4x8 mez-heavy mobs in short order without using a single inspiration like that? I'm willing to bet either you don't (and you're just trying to get me riled up for no apparent reason), or you'd have to bring something with perma-holds, which Vestige didn't/doesn't have.
I've posted at least 6 or 7 videos already with VestigeOne in *overwhelming* situations where he didn't even have accolade options yet and still survived... I swear, all you people want is MOAR ENTERTAINMENT! XD're fallin' behind on YOUR "video quota!" :P

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
Grats man, they should put a badge in the game for that loljk. I believe you deserve the good old fashioned GRITS;-)
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
I think you should offer something to the community before calling someone else out, all you've done is be rude.
I've offered a great deal to the WS community on Champion.
I'm trying to decide if I should share my build and write a guide.
Trying to see what the current "elite" is.
Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.
I'll hop into the put up or shutup group.
Don't get me wrong, I found the lack of bosses and necessity for a full loadout of insps to be disheartening to tell the truth, but unless you can offer up something to prove your "l33tn3ss," it'd probably be best to keep the criticisms civil, at least.
Be well, people of CoH.

I feel no need to prove myself yet.
Wheres the bar at?
What do I need to do to "prove myself?"
Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.
I feel no need to prove myself yet.
Wheres the bar at? What do I need to do to "prove myself?" |
But I'll bite. So, judging by this quote:
've offered a great deal to the WS community on Champion. I'm trying to decide if I should share my build and write a guide. Trying to see what the current "elite" is. |
The only reason I can think that you'd follow that route is because you're trying to up your reputation on the boards by appearing to be more elite than someone who is perceived as elite.
In other words, you don't have enough confidence in yourself to build up a reputation based on its own merit. You want your reputation handed to you by tearing someone else's down.
You want to know where the bar is? Here's the bar: BillZ didn't get all those reputation points by posting videos or boasting about what he can do with his purpled-out scrapper in the game or what he's done for his archetype on his server. He got that reputation by offering informed, civil opinions in discussions all over the forums, and by posting builds where requested and helping those who asked.
AlienOne has posted videos on YouTube, but more importantly he's offered play advice, build suggestions, and constructive criticisms of suggestions. He's been, for the most part, a stand-up and civil guy.
You want to be taken seriously? Put yourself out there, treat other people with respect and contribute something besides venom.
Until then, go away troll.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
popping insps cheapens it
i'm not trying to troll
or make a rep
or do anything
just find out where the bar is
as for "increasing my rep on the boards"
i could care less what anyone on the boards thinks of me
Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.
And your doing this by trying to tear down one of the most active human form advocates currently on the boards? Will you attack BillZ next? Socorro?
Counter-productive, if you ask me.
You want to promote human form discussion, start a topic about how it's possible solo x mobs at x difficulty without inspirations, and explain how you think it can best be done. Call it something catchy like the Human Form Challenge, if that's your bag.
Screw the bar.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
Who says i'm trying to tear down anyone?
All I said was popping mad purples to add def to a non def based toon is NOT a stress test.
Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.
Who says i'm trying to tear down anyone?
All I said was popping mad purples to add def to a non def based toon is NOT a stress test. |
i'm callin you out i dont think you got the balls :P |
Post Deleted |
So let me ask you again - if a true stress test of a human form warshade in your opinion is soloing +4x8 mobs without inspirations, then how can that be done?
Be specific please. A build would help.
And no, I don't have any toons on Champion to come see you in action with, nor would I have the time right now even if I did.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
Then what do you call this:
and this: your tone is disrespectful and aggressive. And nasty in that last quote. Ew. So let me ask you again - if a true stress test of a human form warshade in your opinion is soloing +4x8 mobs without inspirations, then how can that be done? Be specific please. A build would help. And no, I don't have any toons on Champion to come see you in action with, nor would I have the time right now even if I did. |
I'm a crude person. My apologies if I've offended.
He basically claimed since I had not youtubed my every move I shouldent talk. That is bs.
I never said a humanform COULD do +4/8 w/o insps. dont put words in my mouth.
Best i've managed is +3/8
as for my build i dont have mids.
cant export
Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.
I'm a crude person. My apologies if I've offended.
He basically claimed since I had not youtubed my every move I shouldent talk. That is bs. I never said a humanform COULD do +4/8 w/o insps. dont put words in my mouth. Best i've managed is +3/8 as for my build i dont have mids. cant export sorry |
My point is that if you're really interested in promoting human-form, then you might try a more constructive approach.
Don't have mids? No problem - just give the general hilights of what helped make it possible.
For example, was it all your build, or did your playstyle and skill have more to do with it?
If it's the latter, how can others do it? Do you have a specific strategy?
What sets do you use, if any? Do you pursue soft-capped defense, or max out the damage?
Any of that helps others who might be curious about trying to do the same. Builds help greatly, but they certainly aren't a requirement.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)