An Update




Originally Posted by Fansy View Post
My Grandpa told me a story once about the cruel ways of the upper staff in the Military. I think they had ranks but I'm not sure how many. I'm not militarized. Anyway! He used to say how he loved his M&M capsules, and buttered grits, he would eat them constantly even if they were under an attack with explosions tearing up roots and trees all around them. He said there no important more a thing than making sure you fight on a full stomach, he said the M&M's gave him an adrenaline rush that would help him assault the enemy on a sugar rush of epic proportions. The grits he said would warm up the body enough to keep the blood pumping mean, and pure. Pretty cool huh? I never liked grits, too mushy for me but even to this day Grandpa mushes it up with his lips like it's mashed potatoes. He loves mashed potatoes. OH right. Okay so, the Military people with high ranks would come by and take his M&Ms and eat then then throw his grits into the enemy lines at times and this made Grandpa very sad, said that is why called them cruel. Told me never be cruel and steal anyone's M&Ms' and Grits. Said that it's inhumane.

Well thats one way to be cruel and inhumane.

Here's another

No Money Down Real Estate Riches

Taking advantage of the proven gullible and foolish is very cruel. Selling them false hope is as about as inhumane as it gets, and supporting the effort just so you can laugh at its failure is the epitome of trolling.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Well thats one way to be cruel and inhumane.

Here's another

No Money Down Real Estate Riches

Taking advantage of the proven gullible and foolish is very cruel. Selling them false hope is as about as inhumane as it gets, and supporting the effort just so you can laugh at its failure is the epitome of trolling.

In what manner do you, in any world, believe that I would even attempt to ruffle ridges? I personally like Lays or Pringles. Smooth and tastes good with a satisfying crunch! I would not lead this Community astray for there is nothing to gain, especially when asked to help by some special friends that worked rather tediously to get a hold of me, TWICE, mind you. Why me? I haven't the foggiest but they did and it worked, obviously.

So I had come and immediately set to work for a little while on creating this, and inspiring that with plenty of screen shots taken to be had by all during a couple of events. I returned to my every day singing. However, this City has more troubles than the Villains do with athletes foot. To appease the gloomy nature I had come to shed some light and do what I could to see the Good Team through.

Sand Giants are only for those of evil intent and neutrals, as is other creatures of epic mass. I try not to speak on what I do not know and have learned that there are tricky people with sources unchecked so I had to do my own research from sources who've interviewed myself or friends I have known after being a special guest for many a convention. I won't go into further details due to you getting the gist and Grandpa's running around pants-less again screaming about the French Revolutionists.

In truth, I wouldn't dream of ''Trolling'' this effort nor the fine people both against, for, unbelieved, or daunted. I am not here for that, I wasn't asked to come for that, and I didn't stumble across it with intentions for such. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in game and the players I met who kept sending me team invites. As I went to sign off I'd have another, I'd oblige, and then another, and another, and another, and guess what? Yes! Another! I haven't seen so much playing since EQ and EQ 2. I dabble in the others but only when requested by specific people but here I found myself immersed (when I could be) and circled (on every server) by so many good folk, and some who didn't know who I was but learned very fast that I tend to sing a lot and spread stories.

Your belief in what you know of me is so far fetched it goes beyond the galaxy far and quite possibly to the ends of the Universe if that's even possible. I will speak only of what I have set up myself (Rhett & Link's Note Challenge for instance) or have had success in acquiring through sources via magazines, or otherwise. Can I always say it's one hundred percent? Nay. Nor have I. I always said Ifs, possibly, could, and maybes. Nothing is for sure when it comes to NCsoft's plans as they themselves shift rapidly.

Some of you wished for a plain talk, I semi-obliged but I wouldn't stick to such as it's so dry and quite a kill joy. Belay that though!

So you have joined a talking burnt toast, and a lighted shadow in being disproven, debunked, and asked to join them in their gloom and doom corner. Whatever comes, as it will, I ask that you try not to shred what hope there is that can be seen and is on the edge of being released publicly; patience is key, but for now silence is a necessity no matter how much you dislike it. Though silence from the ''Official'' side doesn't always mean they are not talking, you may never know a conduit of truth or a burning bush with their essence. Best be keeping those eyes open, and your heart true. I'd suggest stepping out of that ice box but you seem firmly planted. Hope that soil is resistant to freezer burn, my fair villain!

Alas, we have come to my last good bye after such a long written reply not meant or directed just for you but for all of those who read. It isn't about dashing false hope, it isn't about destroying one's faith, it isn't about lifting you up where you should belong.. it's about honesty, fairness, justice, righteous guidance, and celebrities doing what they can to share what they too have found.

Could you do the same? Quite possible, without a doubt indeed. To be true, the Community has done more than what Lackey and I could possibly dream of being part of; such combined efforts should forever be known in the History of all Gaming MMO's. We, and they, do not fight to wreck another person's reality but to prolong a common hope - one that even the red names are holding breath for and not giving up on.

They are all Heroes, and this is just what they do.
Go-Go Good Team!

Got it memorized, Villains and Neuts?

Of the sweetest melody,
Fansy the Famous Bard



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I will just add this though, might as well get a complete story for those out there:

I will personally be taking this with a pinch of salt and all that stuff, but at least this does make sense (and to be honest, far more sense than what VV has said in the past in my mind).

Is it true or not?

*shrugs* that is for you to decide on, I am not saying its true, and I am definitely not going to pushing this full board out there, but at least it *can* give a couple of believable reasons as to why stuff has happened as it has...

It might also be a reason as to why NCsoft were not talking about selling the game, or even the astronomical price that they might have been asking.

*shrugs* Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled thread.

Trying to keep open minded about this, it does rather tie in with the Oct 2nd Statement from NCSoft.

However my gut reaction would be - if they had that in mind as an initial strategy; close the game down, sell the IP (and I'm still very unclear why that needs to happen) - then why give it such a long sunset? Surely if that was their preferred course of action, then the best would be to arrange the sale in secret previously, shut the game down VERY quickly, sell, and allow the new owners to do what they will.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Julius Ceasar "Men willingly believe what they wish"

For 8 years this community has swallowed every developer lie hook line and sinker. You even had volunteer liars like Golden Girl step in to amplify. Even nowm when the devs have admitted they were throwing B.S. at you, the community isn't internalizing the implications.

Think on this, the people who are promoting plan Z are the same people who can't admit that a dead game wasn't healthy, encouraged people to waste money on points, condoned preying on people with a weakness for gambling.

Now they are seeking funding this B.S. ?
That's interesting. You've insisted on a higher standard of proof for the assertion of others than you've provided here.

Cite your sources. (Bold for emphasis.)

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Trying to keep open minded about this, it does rather tie in with the Oct 2nd Statement from NCSoft.

However my gut reaction would be - if they had that in mind as an initial strategy; close the game down, sell the IP (and I'm still very unclear why that needs to happen) - then why give it such a long sunset? Surely if that was their preferred course of action, then the best would be to arrange the sale in secret previously, shut the game down VERY quickly, sell, and allow the new owners to do what they will.

Some guesses - to be sure that all assets are liquidated? Clear all outstanding customer subscriptions, account balances, and credits?

I want to say thank you for any/all efforts to those that are trying. And thank you even to those who reject, why? Because you reject due to emotion for this game, and deep down don't want to see it go, but out of frustration you're doubtful at this point. Well most of you, anyhow.

I enjoy this thread. Because it kinda epitomises the community. It's always been an outstanding community, and at some points fervently disagrees with eachother, but only out of love for the game and wanted it to succeed..



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Trying to keep open minded about this, it does rather tie in with the Oct 2nd Statement from NCSoft.

However my gut reaction would be - if they had that in mind as an initial strategy; close the game down, sell the IP (and I'm still very unclear why that needs to happen) - then why give it such a long sunset? Surely if that was their preferred course of action, then the best would be to arrange the sale in secret previously, shut the game down VERY quickly, sell, and allow the new owners to do what they will.
I have a feeling that there might have been some contractual/legal issues which would have prevented a sudden shutdown/sell on though. What they are, I don't know, but I have a feeling that they decided to take the "safe" route for them (not the player point of view).



Originally Posted by Knight_of_Armor View Post
Some guesses - to be sure that all assets are liquidated? Clear all outstanding customer subscriptions, account balances, and credits?

I want to say thank you for any/all efforts to those that are trying. And thank you even to those who reject, why? Because you reject due to emotion for this game, and deep down don't want to see it go, but out of frustration you're doubtful at this point. Well most of you, anyhow.

I enjoy this thread. Because it kinda epitomises the community. It's always been an outstanding community, and at some points fervently disagrees with eachother, but only out of love for the game and wanted it to succeed..
Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I have a feeling that there might have been some contractual/legal issues which would have prevented a sudden shutdown/sell on though. What they are, I don't know, but I have a feeling that they decided to take the "safe" route for them (not the player point of view).

Possible in both cases.

Thinking about it further, I guess they may have decided to can the game, got caught out by AP33 and that brought about their new thinking.

The problem is we won't likely know until we know. If ever.

But if in 6 months time, somebody comes to me and says "you can play CoH now" I wont' really give a flying [pankcake] that the underlying cause was because I'll be too busy playing the game.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
And the fanboys feel the people that disagree with them are the trolls. You are a very cruel person Fansy.
I don't think simple disagreement constitutes being a troll. I think you'd agree that some have gone way beyond "I disagree with you/your point because... " to personal attacks and name-calling. (If what you're saying is "fanboys" (read as "immature people") feel that those who disagree with them are inherently trolls merely for having a different opinion, well, what does one expect from Immaturity? This doesn't negate your point, however.)

Yeah, Fansy is being cruel if perpetrating a hoax, or giving hope and renewed encouragement along with information if legit. We've each assessed and made up our own minds about Fansy.

Signing off as a 50-something year old Fanboy aka John (ha, ha, only 1/2 kidding, since the term "fan" still resonates for me as something positive, and if I'm labeled as "immature" I can live with that. As the adage goes, there's no fool but an old fool, and having mastered foolishness, I'm now working on old!)

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by Knight_of_Armor View Post
Some guesses - to be sure that all assets are liquidated? Clear all outstanding customer subscriptions, account balances, and credits?

I want to say thank you for any/all efforts to those that are trying. And thank you even to those who reject, why? Because you reject due to emotion for this game, and deep down don't want to see it go, but out of frustration you're doubtful at this point. Well most of you, anyhow.

I enjoy this thread. Because it kinda epitomises the community. It's always been an outstanding community, and at some points fervently disagrees with eachother, but only out of love for the game and wanted it to succeed..
That was a really nice posting! Reading it cheered me. Thank you!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
That's interesting. You've insisted on a higher standard of proof for the assertion of others than you've provided here.

Cite your sources. (Bold for emphasis.)
Oh I have ?

You know every case where I have asked for them to back up their claims they haven't. Not once.

Anytime somebody asks me for things I don't attribute because I believe they should be common knowledge I manage it.

"Now: Positron: we would have liked to fix PvP but it was too big an effort"
"I13: Positron: We will be updating pvp regularly and as needed"

Just one example heres another.

base building. "Well we didn't lie to you. We just never told you that we were never going to address your issues."



Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
I don't think simple disagreement constitutes being a troll. I think you'd agree that some have gone way beyond "I disagree with you/your point because... " to personal attacks and name-calling. (If what you're saying is "fanboys" (read as "immature people") feel that those who disagree with them are inherently trolls merely for having a different opinion, well, what does one expect from Immaturity? This doesn't negate your point, however.)

Yeah, Fansy is being cruel if perpetrating a hoax, or giving hope and renewed encouragement along with information if legit. We've each assessed and made up our own minds about Fansy.

Signing off as a 50-something year old Fanboy aka John (ha, ha, only 1/2 kidding, since the term "fan" still resonates for me as something positive, and if I'm labeled as "immature" I can live with that. As the adage goes, there's no fool but an old fool, and having mastered foolishness, I'm now working on old!)

Fanboy the way it is used on these boards has taken on it's own baggage. The way I using the term perhaps zealot would be better if less culturally relevant. There are people on these boards who always would agree with the devs no matter how preposterous the action or position. These are the Fanboys/Zealots.

Just being an aficionado does not make you a fanboy in my book.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Oh I have ?

You know every case where I have asked for them to back up their claims they haven't. Not once.

Anytime somebody asks me for things I don't attribute because I believe they should be common knowledge I manage it.

"Now: Positron: we would have liked to fix PvP but it was too big an effort"
"I13: Positron: We will be updating pvp regularly and as needed"

Just one example heres another.

base building. "Well we didn't lie to you. We just never told you that we were never going to address your issues."

Two examples - and both have been discussed ad nauseum by the Devs - but the general consensus seems to be that the issues with both would have taken a lot more time to fix than any game benefit.

I seem to recall that being openly admitted by the Devs and so it's hard to call constant BS.

We also know that PVP was due to get some love in the not too distant but that's rather changed now I suspect - so I stand by my assertion.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Two examples - and both have been discussed ad nauseum by the Devs - but the general consensus seems to be that the issues with both would have taken a lot more time to fix than any game benefit.

I seem to recall that being openly admitted by the Devs and so it's hard to call constant BS.

We also know that PVP was due to get some love in the not too distant but that's rather changed now I suspect - so I stand by my assertion.
I need a picture of someone face palming here.

1. Devs: We will do X stick around it's coming soon.
2. Devs: Well X is just too much trouble and it's not worth it.

Pick your X.

What I always find surprising isn't that people left the game but that they stayed.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This is the latest we have from Mercedes Lackey and Brian Clayton, the Producer at Paragon Studios:
Not bad bews, was feeling as if CoH was a terminal patient and the official news from NCSoft a couple of weeks ago was like unplugging the assisted ventilation... even last update from TonyV sounded too artificial for me. Guess it will be a matter of waiting... wasn't going to stop playing anyway, nor paying a visit to both Titan and official forums.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts:



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I need a picture of someone face palming here.

1. Devs: We will do X stick around it's coming soon.
2. Devs: Well X is just too much trouble and it's not worth it.

Pick your X.

What I always find surprising isn't that people left the game but that they stayed.
Those who live by the sword...

So you still have yet to live up to your own [Citation Needed] standard.



So, we essentially have 2 sides to this debate:

(1) Those with Brian Clayton's contact details who talk to him, and... (2) Those who do not, but enjoy mass-debating.



Originally Posted by Fansy View Post
Could you do the same? Quite possible, without a doubt indeed. To be true, the Community has done more than what Lackey and I could possibly dream of being part of; such combined efforts should forever be known in the History of all Gaming MMO's. We, and they, do not fight to wreck another person's reality but to prolong a common hope - one that even the red names are holding breath for and not giving up on.

They are all Heroes, and this is just what they do.
Go-Go Good Team!

Got it memorized, Villains and Neuts?

Of the sweetest melody,
Fansy the Famous Bard
Hail and Farewell and Thank You, Fansy, for what you've done and in advance for what you may do in the future on behalf of our collective hopes. Best to you and yours and especially your grandfather of whom we've heard so much of late.

((Were I inclined to be vindictive, I'd imply your grandfather was one of the senior executives at NCSoft responsible for the decision and implementation of sunsetting City of Heroes, but happily I'm not; nor can I believe that worthy gentleman (your grandfather) being of Good alignment and Heroic character would countenance such patently Neutral-Lawful practices as commercial businesses are wont to engage in.)) or for those who don't share my taste for antique music:

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Fanboy the way it is used on these boards has taken on it's own baggage. The way I using the term perhaps zealot would be better if less culturally relevant. There are people on these boards who always would agree with the devs no matter how preposterous the action or position. These are the Fanboys/Zealots.

Just being an aficionado does not make you a fanboy in my book.
Thank you, Another_Fan, for clarifying. I doubt I spent even 1/10th the time on these boards that I have since the Sunset Notice.

In that case, I'd better sign myself simply as a Fan of the wonderful MMORPG that was and perhaps in time may be again City of Heroes.

Best Wishes for an excellent day!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
Thank you, Another_Fan, for clarifying. I doubt I spent even 1/10th the time on these boards that I have since the Sunset Notice.

In that case, I'd better sign myself simply as a Fan of the wonderful MMORPG that was and perhaps in time may be again City of Heroes.

Best Wishes for an excellent day!
What you have to realize, however, is if you look over Another Fan's posting history, his definition of "people on these boards who always would agree with the devs no matter how preposterous the action or position" is everyone who disagrees with him.

So, him calling someone a fanboy is a compliment.

He is the highlight of this thread, though. I do thank him for his comments because I had a rough day at work, and coming home and being able to laugh my *** off at him really helped.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
PSSST Not everyone is boycotting NCSoft. <snip> The ANTI NCSoft group is not nearly as big as some would have you think
Pretty much everyone I know in-game from CoH, with the exception of 5 or 6 people who are also playing Aion or GW2, intends to avoid NCSoft products, and maybe one or two of them are being militant about it. The rest--myself included--are fine with taking our money elsewhere and not shouting at everybody else about it, nor are any of us that I know of involved with Titan.

It sucks that CoH is closing, and NCSoft kinda sucks as a publisher (at least here in the west, since that's the only point of view we ever really get of them), but that doesn't mean we're all going to kick and scream about the fact that other people want to play their remaining titles... which of course happen to be employing studios full of people.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
We also know that PVP was due to get some love in the not too distant but that's rather changed now I suspect - so I stand by my assertion.
I can't see how PvP could ever really be feasible in CoH.

#1, if PvP balance were a serious issue, there's probably no way the current system of powers would ever survive. SWG had an equally complex system for choosing skills, and it got scrapped for something much simpler because it would have been impossible to balance otherwise.

#2, PvP always seemed to be all about inspirations, which is pretty silly.

#3, If PvP in CoH was good enough, that it started drawing crowds, it would have probably shredded the existing community to pieces as trolling, ego-drama, and "lolrp" became the norm instead of the exception. Remember that one of the commonly-held beliefs of vocal PvP'ers is that roleplay has no place in online role playing games.



*pauses to wonder where she falls on the Fanboy/Zealot and Dev-A**-Licker scales*

Hmmm. More fanboy than zealot, I think. Not sure on the other, though.

Right now, I still enjoy playing COH, I have my files backed up, and I'll be on when they shut off the servers. And I'll cry when they shut down.

But if the game ever comes back, I'll be here.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I'm sorry, but too good to be still too good to be true.

"Miracles" don't happen last minute like in the movies.....the likelihood of it happening in any circumstance is SO minimal.

I'm going to roll with the odds on this one.

Pessimist or Realist? You decide.

Would be nice to see the game get rolling again, but I don't believe it would happen at all. If I'm wrong? Ummm, well, this is one of those uncharacteristic times....but, yeah, not gonna believe it will happen. No hopes up at all.

Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Pretty much everyone I know in-game from CoH, with the exception of 5 or 6 people who are also playing Aion or GW2, intends to avoid NCSoft products, and maybe one or two of them are being militant about it. The rest--myself included--are fine with taking our money elsewhere and not shouting at everybody else about it, nor are any of us that I know of involved with Titan.
Any business defenders out there want to once again use the "vote with your wallet" argument as a basis for saying the business vs. customer relationship is balanced?

Originally Posted by Mr_True_Shot View Post
"Miracles" don't happen last minute
Pretty sure what's being implied here is more like AFTER the last minute.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
*pauses to wonder where she falls on the Fanboy/Zealot and Dev-A**-Licker scales*
You have to realize that anyone who brings up such a thing generally thinks "anyone who likes the devs more than me is a butt kisser." And they are usually indifferent about the development team at best.

Nobody else thinks badly of you. Even if you are an overzealous fangirl.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!