So What is Plan Z?




The Community dies if the Community wishes to die. If the Community wishes to endure, it will.

So for you, the community dies when the server shuts off. For others it will endure on the Titan Forums and with Plan Z.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
The Community dies if the Community wishes to die. If the Community wishes to endure, it will.

So for you, the community dies when the server shuts off. For others it will endure on the Titan Forums and with Plan Z.
So where will you find the one true CoX community?

On the Titan Network Forums? On a facebook page? On the Unleashed forums?

Can you save *all* the community? No, you cannot.

However, you can save a part of it.... but it will not be the same as the original though.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Fire yourself, mate. You suck at marketing. This nonsensical statement alone is proof of that.

"We won't win, but we sure as hell won't lose!" Either a game gets built or it doesn't. Design is a binary thing. It works or it doesn't. There is no "sorta".


Evidently, you are not familiar with non-zero sum game theory. Binary outcomes, or zero-sum, allow for winning or not winning (IE, losing). Non-zero sum games are much more complex, and are much more frequently involved in the design process.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
The Community dies if the Community wishes to die. If the Community wishes to endure, it will.

So for you, the community dies when the server shuts off. For others it will endure on the Titan Forums and with Plan Z.
You'll just be the Titan forums community then, not the City of community. The City of community will be dead, and a relative handfull of refugees with memories of better times won't change that.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
You'll just be the Titan forums community then, not the City of community. The City of community will be dead, and a relative handfull of refugees with memories of better times won't change that.
I don't think you understand the nature of the term "community."



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
So where will you find the one true CoX community?

On the Titan Network Forums? On a facebook page? On the Unleashed forums?

Can you save *all* the community? No, you cannot.

However, you can save a part of it.... but it will not be the same as the original though.
Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
You'll just be the Titan forums community then, not the City of community. The City of community will be dead, and a relative handfull of refugees with memories of better times won't change that.
It will never be the same community. It will be a new community born from the"death" of the original. You can choose to be a part of that or stand on the sidelines, commenting how it isn't like the original - and you'll miss out on being part of the foundations of that community.

Your choice.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
It's like Noah building an Ark while the townspeople stand around and spend all their time heckling.
Oh hell. Now why in the heezies did you have to go there? You all are some god annoited people that have been chosen to lead the righteous and save them from up coming flood while the evil ones drown?

Anyways though, most of the heckling is actualy comes from your side. it doesnt take much more than someone to say, "I dont know, Plan Z might not work." Before one of you come in here calling names and insults like they are going out of style, and then always end up saying "Well it might not succeed, but at least we tried." About the same thing the person they come in here and insulted in first place. I think many of us just got tired of that pattern and it moved from insulting to be hilarious. Usually the people you turn your nose up and treat with disdain for not agreeing with every little thing and following up with TonyV like lost blind sheep, usually wont all of a sudden shower you with praise especially when you called them every name under the sun then have the audacity to act like all of this is for no reason or ya so righteous and never insulted anyone while insulting them. You all are not Noah.

Me personally I think Plan Z have a chance to work, but the way it's looking I think some people are not realiztic about the deep endeavor that making a game takes and that takes looking beyond anger, emotions, sadness, and etc. It takes focus, and dont looks like much focus over and that is no insult that is what I see. It looks like they can half butt a game in a year time and call it a successor of COH. As one peron put a list of stuff they are lookng for in a game, I dont think the features have even went beyond the idea throwing stage yet. And still talks of someone doing an emulator over there, even though a few people from over there came over here to very strongly deny that, yet still more talks of it. Either they dont mind it, or there are so much stuff going on that no one knows what is going on besides one aspect. If COHtitan is building a game and they are suppose to be the "company" they havea lot of work to do if they want this to succeed. Right now, it's in the feel good stage but the way its going and lack of focus, what is going to happen in two years of making the game, three or four? And they sure as hell dont look like they are open to suggestions unlesss it falls in line with what they think is good already. Hell, someone mention that plan z may not work out and they get offended. How the hell are they going to be as open to ideas as these devs were but cant stand for anyone to suggest ideas and thoughts that are different from theres? If the dev act like that one this game, you think people would have stuck around? I doubt it. That is one of the reasons people dont play other games it seems. Why play a small version of WoW where the devs think they are above criticism and their ideas are unquestionable and anyone that have different ideas are NCSoft employees or worse or moles, or what ever the insult of the week is now, when there is thre real thing that is more established and bigger community?

In a nutshell, dont want people making fun of your Plan Z, dont make fun of people that state their view on it because it will (has) turned into a vicious circle. If you are that righteous that you can compare yourselves to Noah...actually wow. I'm not going to call that delusional. I think delusional wouldnt begin to describe it there.
You wouldnt happen to have Mrs. Carmody among your ranks would you?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Automated Kitten Thread Destresser



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
The Community dies if the Community wishes to die. If the Community wishes to endure, it will.

So for you, the community dies when the server shuts off. For others it will endure on the Titan Forums and with Plan Z.
Nice seeing you on these forums again, Voodoo Girl! I've been pretty happy with the quality of the forums over at Titan Network and increasingly disappointed in the quality of forums here; sad too, since they started so great. See ya over at Titan.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
It will never be the same community. It will be a new community born from the"death" of the original. You can choose to be a part of that or stand on the sidelines, commenting how it isn't like the original - and you'll miss out on being part of the foundations of that community.

Your choice.
I think there more of a community outside COHtitan than those people realize. Not everyone that is working on trying to stay a part of the community is running over there to COHTitan, for various reasons, not all negative reasons. Some just found a community somewhere else in other games, some NCsoft games, some Cryptic games, some are games from other developers. While others just took their portion of the community and made it survive without a forum with the game to show that while a game is a good medium to base a community, it is not something the community dies with it.

Now by strict definition, yeah, the community would never be the same but then again, it never was. From i1-i23 people came and gone, some people finally joined the forums after playing the games for years in i13 time period others left the forums and havent been back since i9 but still played the game, the community was never the same. If putting the game and forum in a community sense, yes, death but that like saying that a family dies because their house got burned down (Or in community sense all houses in the community) and all survive but they insist that the community is dead. I guess it depends the definition of community as it can be defined either way. For some it's the people that make the community for others the area that the community is based on. But in the the end though COHTitan is not THE community left over from COX. But it is part of it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

Automated Kitten Thread Destresser
You made my head reboot. Now I've lost my unsaved trains of thought.



As a Korean American I made my choice when it came to the kibun that was endorsed by Titan.

Hard to be a part of a community that degrades my culture.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
It will never be the same community. It will be a new community born from the"death" of the original. You can choose to be a part of that or stand on the sidelines, commenting how it isn't like the original - and you'll miss out on being part of the foundations of that community.

Your choice.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
As a Korean American I made my choice when it came to the kibun that was endorsed by Titan.

Hard to be a part of a community that degrades my culture.
And what of the fact that the work culture NCSoft operates under apparently degrades our community?



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
And what of the fact that your culture apparently degrades our community?
Did you just suggest that NCSoft making a business decision to close CoX was an action representative of an entire culture?



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post


Evidently, you are not familiar with non-zero sum game theory. Binary outcomes, or zero-sum, allow for winning or not winning (IE, losing). Non-zero sum games are much more complex, and are much more frequently involved in the design process.
^ and this person is in charge of.. ahem.. "marketing". El oh el.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
And what of the fact that your culture apparently degrades our community?
Mon dieu, you're a riot. You just insulted a culture with millions of people. If I were you, I'd fire myself right now. "Marketing". Lol. You're a joke, even when compared to the Plan Z nuts.

As an aside, Korean culture is actually quite beautiful, what little I've seen of it. You degrade only yourself by insulting it.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
And what of the fact that your culture apparently degrades our community?
oh hell, son. Might as well call them the other words while you at it.

Go figure. Up and coming representative that is in charge of marketing for the COX replacement made by Titan Network states that he is against Korean culture and bases this judgement on the fact that one Korean company closed down a game he loved.

I'm not sure how that is very good for marketing, especially an entity that may need outside financial backing. Are you trying to sink the project on purpose?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!




ONE business is not a representation of an culture of millions. If that were the case... WalMart does a huge disservice to the American culture!

I don't know you from Adam, but damn if you don't come across as ignorant and racist.

My culture had NOTHING to do with NCSoft choosing to close one of their products. NCSoft is a business not a cultural emissary.

Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
And what of the fact that your culture apparently degrades our community?

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post

ONE business is not a representation of an culture of millions. If that were the case... WalMart does a huge disservice to the American culture!

I don't know you from Adam, but damn if you don't come across as ignorant and racist.

My culture had NOTHING to do with NCSoft choosing to close one of their products. NCSoft is a business not a cultural emissary.
very racist. and in charge of marketing? Man, wait till word gets out about this.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
It will never be the same community. It will be a new community born from the"death" of the original. You can choose to be a part of that or stand on the sidelines, commenting how it isn't like the original - and you'll miss out on being part of the foundations of that community.

Your choice.
No it will be a community run by the nuttiest of the nutty. A true case of the inmates taking over the asylum.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
No it will be a community run by the nuttiest of the nutty. A true case of the inmates taking over the asylum.
At least it won't run by trolls



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
It's like Noah building an Ark while the townspeople stand around and spend all their time heckling.
Has TonyV been hearing God the All Mighty's voice now ?

Well that does put a different face on this.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
At least it won't run by trolls
LOL have you checked your membership ?



And apparently racists.....

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
At least it won't run by trolls

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
oh hell, son. Might as well call them the other words while you at it.

Go figure. Up and coming representative that is in charge of marketing for the COX replacement made by Titan Network states that he is against Korean culture and bases this judgement on the fact that one Korean company closed down a game he loved.

I'm not sure how that is very good for marketing, especially an entity that may need outside financial backing. Are you trying to sink the project on purpose?
Keep in mind that I edited the original post. I am not against Korean culture, I am against companies that fail to do the necessary research into the consequences of their actions, and the expectation that a different culture change the rules under which it does business.