So What is Plan Z?




Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Only if the person relies on emotions to prove a point. I tell people they are wrong all the time, but it doesn't come from an emotional place rather a logical stand point. Emotions can be motivators, but they suck as a form of communication.

I profile/assess murderers, rapists, etc every day - I don't use emotions to tell them they are wrong. People use emotions as a crutch and a scape goat. At the end of the day we are humans who can either take responsibility for what we do...or blame our emotions for our actions.
Oh gosh, that must be 'fun.' I feel like I already know too much psychology (and it isn't much) to enjoy typical society much anymore, because it makes it all look like a hoax. I can easily guess where your disgust for emotions stems from now, since every time somebody does something despicable, all they usually say about it is, "I was <insert emotion here> when I did it."

By the way:

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Basically this. I give it until January/February 2013 until it is completely abandoned. TonyV hasn't even posted on Titan now for a week. I lurk there some times, but don't bother posting there anymore (See Sig).
I think TonyV got close enough to NCsoft to earn himself an NDA of his own. He doesn't seem like the type to let people keep wasting their energy at Titan if he himself had given up. And if he knows anything, that probably means he can't tell us. And that also means he can't even tell us that he can't tell us.

TonyV would have to be silent about it even if all he got was a cold shoulder, which is probably what happened. So don't assume I'm thinking this because I'm hoping against hope. If I'm right, it doesn't make me think any differently of CoH's chances.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post

I think TonyV got close enough to NCsoft to earn himself an NDA of his own. He doesn't seem like the type to let people keep wasting their energy at Titan if he himself had given up. And if he knows anything, that probably means he can't tell us. And that also means he can't even tell us that he can't tell us.

TonyV would have to be silent about it even if all he got was a cold shoulder, which is probably what happened. So don't assume I'm thinking this because I'm hoping against hope. If I'm right, it doesn't make me think any differently of CoH's chances.
Sounds a little toooo convienient. First totally ignoring him, according to him, now all a sudden they pop with an enforceable NDA? Unless TonyV was an employee or someone part of the actual negotiation process, which means he would have been NDA a long time ago, something isnt adding up.
He repeated said that NCSoft was ignoring him and unless they actually told him something important, there would be no need for an NDA and it means he was full of crap and been talking to them a lot more and was not actually being let on as he was trying to paint NCSoft as doing to rile people up.

Just too convienient that all of a sudden he cant speak and cant even speak about that he cant speak just as much as that Brian Clayton guy was suppose to be the rich savior and couldnt speak on it but convieniently, TonyV and Lackey claimed to have inside info about the entire deal but couldnt give out "any details" from him, but havent spoken a single word about him since the deal fell and no details on what transpired besides more rumorsespecially the 80 million one as though as if Mr. Clayton wasnt as deep into the deal as they let on and about as much a fringe rider as they was.

Maybe TonyV just took a break to deal with some real life stuff. Didnt he have surgery not too long ago on his back?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Sounds a little toooo convienient. First totally ignoring him, according to him, now all a sudden they pop with an enforceable NDA? Unless TonyV was an employee or someone part of the actual negotiation process, which means he would have been NDA a long time ago, something isnt adding up.

He repeated said that NCSoft was ignoring him and unless they actually told him something important, there would be no need for an NDA and it means he was full of crap and been talking to them a lot more and was not actually being let on as he was trying to paint NCSoft as doing to rile people up. <snip>
That crossed my mind, but I thought that if other companies were at the very least being told, "No", then maybe the response-times from NCsoft just aren't as good as some would prefer. NCsoft isn't exactly known for being well-organized, and has been described by former employees as downright chaotic. So I'm at least willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they responded, and just took a ridiculously long time to do so. Extra time may need to be allotted for language translations as well.

Maybe TonyV just took a break to deal with some real life stuff. Didnt he have surgery not too long ago on his back?
In 2010, yeah. If something more recent has happened or things with the original surgery complicated themselves, I'm not aware of it happening.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
If you could still find a mod, that might actually mean something. Until then, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.

Before now I am sure you would have just been a whiny loser that would have pestered mods until they made the thread disappear. God forbid people talk about things you don't like



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
That is the Titan way

You are either 100% with them or you are their enemy, a troll, an NCSoft employee...or all the above.
I really enjoyed their thread about the invasion of ncsoft sponsored unicorns. Had to wonder if they would be issuing secret decoder rings soon



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I really enjoyed their thread about the invasion of ncsoft sponsored unicorns. Had to wonder if they would be issuing secret decoder rings soon
There's nothing unrealistic about that 'delusion' these days.



How long has the ReactOS team been working on making a Windows XP clone OS?

I figure making a CoH clone game would take about half the time it will take that to completion, if it's produced in mostly the same way.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
There's nothing unrealistic about that 'delusion' these days.

The delusion isn't that the companies have people to manage their image. It's that NCsoft cares about what the Titan Network people do with the possible exception of reading the boards to see if they need to send a C&D letter for the emulator.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post

Before now I am sure you would have just been a whiny loser that would have pestered mods until they made the thread disappear. God forbid people talk about things you don't like
There's a big difference between "talking about things you don't like" and outright disrespecting people.

I honestly don't think "Plan Z" will succeed. Even if it does succeed, there's little chance my old Mac will be able play it, so it's not really a replacement for CoH.

But that doesn't mean I don't wish them the best of luck and hope they do succeed.

I don't understand why people would outright not want them to succeed, or mock them for daring to try to make a game that captures some of the spirit of CoH.

(Of course, all of those same people are the ones that keep telling me I can play a Bots/Storm Mastermind or an Earth/Earth Dominator on all sorts of games, and those other games are even better than CoH, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised)



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
There's a big difference between "talking about things you don't like" and outright disrespecting people.

I honestly don't think "Plan Z" will succeed. Even if it does succeed, there's little chance my old Mac will be able play it, so it's not really a replacement for CoH.

But that doesn't mean I don't wish them the best of luck and hope they do succeed.

I don't understand why people would outright not want them to succeed, or mock them for daring to try to make a game that captures some of the spirit of CoH.

(Of course, all of those same people are the ones that keep telling me I can play a Bots/Storm Mastermind or an Earth/Earth Dominator on all sorts of games, and those other games are even better than CoH, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised)
I don't see anyone not wanting them to succeed.

What I see is a few people being accurate about its chances and people that violently react to the assessment.

(Of course, all of those same people are the ones that keep telling me I can play a Bots/Storm Mastermind or an Earth/Earth Dominator on all sorts of games, and those other games are even better than CoH, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised)
Really have you given champions online a try ? I have played with people there that are recreating peacebringers and warshades. There seems to be very little limit on the concept for your character in that game.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
If you could still find a mod, that might actually mean something. Until then, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.
Pssst......your true colors are showing there sonny. Might wanna tuck them back into your spandex.

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
That is the Titan way

You are either 100% with them or you are their enemy, a troll, an NCSoft employee...or all the above.
Delusion, Paranoia and self-aggrandizement about real-world "power" are signs of mental illness. I suspect more than a few of Titans board members aren't quite in touch with reality. I really hope TonyV isn't taking advantage of these players and planning on using their ideas for personal gain.

Then again, I stand by my earlier opinion. I give Plan Z almost zero chance of developing anything more than a Flash mockup.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man
If you could still find a mod, that might actually mean something. Until then, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.

Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
Pssst......your true colors are showing there sonny. Might wanna tuck them back into your spandex.

The funny thing is at least Arcanaville got paid for astroturfing, not that you could ever pay anyone enough to clean up the Posi Droppings or deliberately mislead pvpers that things would be coming their way. For most of these people they won't even get the pat on the head from the devs they crave.

At what point do people wise up and realize they have been used ?



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I don't see anyone not wanting them to succeed.

What I see is a few people being accurate about its chances and people that violently react to the assessment.
"Being accurate about its chances" doesn't mean resorting to namecalling, but that's what certain people are doing. There's no need to call anyone "delusional" or "mental midgets" or "whiny losers" or "mentally ill" because you don't think its going to work.

They don't necessarily think it's going to work, either, but they're giving it a try anyway, because what do they have to lose? The game's closing, there's nothing to replace it, so what else do they have to do?

They're focusing their energy into being creative and productive, whether or not it pans out in the long run. You're focusing your energy into namecalling and making insinuations about their mental health.

And you're the "reasonable" one? I think not.

Really have you given champions online a try ? I have played with people there that are recreating peacebringers and warshades. There seems to be very little limit on the concept for your character in that game.
There's no Mac version. I'm going to attempt to get it running with Crossover or Wineskin, but I need to free up enough disc space to install it (which will occur on December 1st). However, even if I can manage to get it running, there's no way to make Masterminds or Dominators.

Crowd control is very very limited (there's maybe one hold per power "Framework", if even that), and buffing and debuffing almost as bad (like most MMO's, "Support" on Champions means "Healer", and what few buffs and debuffs there are tend to have durations of 10-15 seconds), so I could possibly make a CO character with something resembling Earth Assault or Robotics (well, the T1 and T2 pets, not anything like the Assault Bot), there's no way to do Earth Control (or any control sets, for that matter) or Storm Summoning.

There isn't even a way to recreate my Electric Melee/Invulnerability Brute. There's no Electric Melee, and CO's Invulnerability is just a "Slotted Passive" power that provides, when completely maxed out, about 28% damage resistance to all elements and provides no mez protection whatsoever. So it provides neither the playstyle nor anything close to the durability of my Brute.

When I say "I've been looking for two months and haven't found anything that lets me play these types of characters" that doesn't mean I skipped over the most obvious alternative. I've investigated Champions very thoroughly, and the only thing it does better than CoH is the ability to make mix-and-match characters (which it also does badly, because their stat system will not support mix-and-match characters).

But that's more fodder for the "Champions Online: Just Doesn't Cut It" topic, not here.

MMOs where I can support my own army of controllable minions or where I can completely shut down multiple opponents for longer than 2 seconds at a time don't exist. Or if they do, nobody's telling me what they are, just insisting that other games do things I want them to do "better than CoH" without any sort of specifics.

If the Plan Z crew are even going to attempt to do that, then they're already doing more for my gaming wants than all the people offering me "advice" on other games.



[reserved - post coming soon]



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[reserved - post coming soon]
Uh oh. You just admitted on Twitter that you are somehow involved with Plan Z. I'm assuming this isn't going to be pretty.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



No, I'm just ******* you. I'm not actually going to respond.

...or am I?





I think it is going to be interesting to see how well they fare. I am only really qualified to comment on the software engineering side of things, but they appear to have the talent on board to at least build the game and have it run successfully, assuming the people that have signed on are actually serious and remain active over a multi-year project. It is fairly apparent that there are a number of professional programmers over there, and they appear to have started the conversations I would want to see for starting a project like this; coding standards, decisions on tools, engine evaluation, development methodologies. They may fail due to lack of overall organization, or key people might decide that the time commitment is too high and quit, but I am pretty sure they have the coding chops to build this if the people stick to it.

I can't comment on the quality of the game designers/writers and artists though. It is entirely possible the game will run fine and be relatively feature complete and still suck if the other two legs of the game development tripod don't measure up.

It should be interesting. I am looking forward to seeing what they do.



Another factor supporting my belief that Plan Z won't come to fruition is simply time. It's a big enough effort to undertake with a paid development and design team. It's an entirely different dimension to do this as a volunteer/open-sourced effort.

With the game ending in 18 days, how much passion will be left to drive wishful thinking for the next 12-18 months? That depends on marketing skills mainly. I suspect most to move on before that happens.



Originally Posted by Steel_Golem View Post
I think it is going to be interesting to see how well they fare. I am only really qualified to comment on the software engineering side of things, but they appear to have the talent on board to at least build the game and have it run successfully, assuming the people that have signed on are actually serious and remain active over a multi-year project. It is fairly apparent that there are a number of professional programmers over there, and they appear to have started the conversations I would want to see for starting a project like this; coding standards, decisions on tools, engine evaluation, development methodologies. They may fail due to lack of overall organization, or key people might decide that the time commitment is too high and quit, but I am pretty sure they have the coding chops to build this if the people stick to it.

I can't comment on the quality of the game designers/writers and artists though. It is entirely possible the game will run fine and be relatively feature complete and still suck if the other two legs of the game development tripod don't measure up.

It should be interesting. I am looking forward to seeing what they do.
I think content depth bigger chance at getting in the way of Plan Z than the programming end. Some pretty amazing engines have been made in a considerably short time. And maps can be made easily enough, and that's assuming that an engine doesn't get licensed. But to make a game that has the same customization? All the adjustable body features, costume parts, powers, etc. That is a LOT of modelling/texturing.



18 months isn't even a worthy of a joke - it took several years to get CoH to an alpha state with a fully funded full time studio working in the same building.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
18 months isn't even a worthy of a joke - it took several years to get CoH to an alpha state with a fully funded full time studio working in the same building.
And it took eight years to get the game to where it's at now. When it was released, CoH was a shadow of its current glory in nearly every respect.

Plan Z? More like Plan ZZZ. It reminds me of all the times I said I'd use my summer break to read up on all the classes I'll be taking in fall. Yeah, didn't really happen.



This is really doom.



It's amazing how much some people in this thread who stand under the glorious banner of logic, seem to have nothing better to do than ridicule others who are trying to do something good.