So What is Plan Z?




hmmm so they came all the way over here for their first post about evidence and stuff, yet, there is no evidence that he is even who they say they are and kind of look like an account created by one of those people over there. There is no numbers about what they tried to ffer, expecially since they are supposed to be one that made an offer, didnt even mention the corporation name. What they are ashamed to be a sponsor or dotn want to name a company and someone just happens to look them up and find out it was some poster pulling people's leg.

A lot of details missing for a post that is talking about details missing in other people's postings.

I'm not trying to attack this person or the statements at all, just saying something looks a bit fishy here.

Then again, it might just be me.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Welcome to the ruins of our once proud civilization, Avel.

Enjoy your stay.



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
I AM a programmer. Been so for over 30+ years. I've also had a connection in some capacity to either the gaming or entertainment industries for nearly as long.

I'm also the IT lead/COO for a startup game software company. In fact I was one of the company reps that tried to talk to NCSoft about buying out the City of Heroes game.

We are also one of the corporate sponsors and contributors for this Plan Z project, and I'm sure there will be others.

We have already assembled a pool of professional programming, art, voice, sound, etc. talent with extensive histories in the game software industry.

Several of the contributors to this forum thread have launched attacks on the members of this project or the project itself. None of these people have credentials that I've seen in the gaming industry. None of these people have made claims supported by objective evidence - generally what has been asserted as argument has been entirely ad hominem. As a consequence, by definition, all such assertions have been merely accusatory and not sustainable criticisms. The net result is to make these individuals appear to be trollish even if "being a troll" is not their intent. Unfortunately this site lacks any real moderation at this time and it is doubtful that there will be any before this web site ceases to operate in less than a month.

I will say that the contributors from the Plan Z project haven't been completely stellar in their postings here either - and for the same reasons I mentioned earlier.

To post claims without objective argument or evidence is a failure in accountability and simply means the poster is not operating in a rational manner. In shore they make themselves appear to be fools and idiots; a condition I doubt actually exists. To avoid this cease making accusations or replying to the same.
By all means, prove me wrong. But since you don't have a financial backer, and consequently your income stream will be precisely nil until the game is completed, you have a catch-22. You can't make a game without money, and you can't get money without a game. Good luck overcoming even that. Sincerely. If it's as professional as you claim, then there won't be too many times that I'll be more glad to be proven wrong. But given the number of people who have claimed to have "investors" ready to purchase CoH from NCSoft, or some other silly claim that turned out to be a rumor, you'll forgive the skepticism.



This is really doom.



Oh, and for the record, I'm not a part of either Plan Z or the Titan Network. I just don't see why you *** hats feel the need to heckle people who are actually trying to make things happen just because you've given up.

If you don't want to support them, then don't. But there is absolutely no point in your antagonizing their efforts when you're sitting there with your thumb up your butt and doing absolutely nothing constructive.

There are less than three weeks left before the server shutdown. Go play the game. Make some memories with your friends. Say your good byes to the world of City of Heroes.

But if you're just here to make sure those last weeks are painful for everyone else because that's fun for you, then you need to realize two things:

1) You are a terrible human being. I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but go **** yourself. And just to spice things up, go eat a bag of dicks, too. If someone wants to be hopeful, let them; they'll eventually deflate themselves, and it takes less effort on your part to ignore them than to rub salt in it their wounds, AND you get the benefit of not looking like a complete piece of **** at the end.

2) Don't expect anyone to respect you or your opinions. There is a difference between not respecting someone and disrespecting someone. If you're disrespecting someone for no reason, then don't turn into a ***** and say **** like, "Calling someone a troll is in itself trolling." You started it, you ******* diaper baby.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Adar_ICT View Post
I think you over-estimate the impact the success or failure of Plan Z will have. I don't think there will be anything spectacular about its failure at all. In fact, my guess is, it will disappear gradually, with the majority of people (at least those currently on this board) not even aware that it went away.
That paragraph has the ring of truth.

Despite the ignorance of people that should know better. This isn't the first time players have decided to "Save their Game" it won't be the last and in no way shape or form has it changed the way companies shut games down.

In the past you have had exactly the same "We won't let it die, we will revive it ourselves attitude". Exactly the situation you describe prevails. These games are escapes from reality, pleasant dreams that must be put aside with morning's blazing light of reality.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Oh, and for the record, I'm not a part of either Plan Z or the Titan Network. I just don't see why you *** hats feel the need to heckle people who are actually trying to make things happen just because you've given up.

If you don't want to support them, then don't. But there is absolutely no point in your antagonizing their efforts when you're sitting there with your thumb up your butt and doing absolutely nothing constructive.

There are less than three weeks left before the server shutdown. Go play the game. Make some memories with your friends. Say your good byes to the world of City of Heroes.

But if you're just here to make sure those last weeks are painful for everyone else because that's fun for you, then you need to realize two things:

1) You are a terrible human being. I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but go **** yourself. And just to spice things up, go eat a bag of dicks, too. If someone wants to be hopeful, let them; they'll eventually deflate themselves, and it takes less effort on your part to ignore them than to rub salt in it their wounds, AND you get the benefit of not looking like a complete piece of **** at the end.

2) Don't expect anyone to respect you or your opinions. There is a difference between not respecting someone and disrespecting someone. If you're disrespecting someone for no reason, then don't turn into a ***** and say **** like, "Calling someone a troll is in itself trolling." You started it, you ******* diaper baby.
Internet: Srs bsns.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Oh, and for the record, I'm not a part of either Plan Z or the Titan Network. I just don't see why you *** hats feel the need to heckle people who are actually trying to make things happen just because you've given up.

If you don't want to support them, then don't. But there is absolutely no point in your antagonizing their efforts when you're sitting there with your thumb up your butt and doing absolutely nothing constructive.

There are less than three weeks left before the server shutdown. Go play the game. Make some memories with your friends. Say your good byes to the world of City of Heroes.

But if you're just here to make sure those last weeks are painful for everyone else because that's fun for you, then you need to realize two things:

1) You are a terrible human being. I'm starting to sound like a broken record here, but go **** yourself. And just to spice things up, go eat a bag of dicks, too. If someone wants to be hopeful, let them; they'll eventually deflate themselves, and it takes less effort on your part to ignore them than to rub salt in it their wounds, AND you get the benefit of not looking like a complete piece of **** at the end.

2) Don't expect anyone to respect you or your opinions. There is a difference between not respecting someone and disrespecting someone. If you're disrespecting someone for no reason, then don't turn into a ***** and say **** like, "Calling someone a troll is in itself trolling." You started it, you ******* diaper baby.

*Looks at Chad.

*Looks at the statement "There are less than three weeks left before the server shutdown. Go play the game. Make some memories with your friends. Say your good byes to the world of City of Heroes."

*Looks at Chad again.

*Looks at the statement.

*Looks towards the exit that leads to the game.

*looks at Chad

*finally looks at rest of the posting.

Hmm so many assumptions and the same old either you do it with us or you are not doing anything at all. Who said anyone that is not doing the COHTitan way has given up? Are you saying that COHTitans way is the only way or else you are doing nothing. You may not be part of COHTitan but your statement doesnt help them and just put more spotlight on the "Titan NEtwork way or you're doing it wrong" way of thinking. There are plenty people here who efforts are outside COHtitan influence and doing what they can. Just because they are nt flying the COHTitan banner around and drining any kool-aid that come out of that place with no questions asked doesnt automatically mean that they have given up, they are doing nothing, or as you say sitting with their thumb up their butt (really guy? who would do such a thing? disgusting. Is that one of your habits?)

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Oh, and for the record, I'm not a part of either Plan Z or the Titan Network. I just don't see why you *** hats feel the need to heckle people who are actually trying to make things happen just because you've given up.
Not buying the plan isn't heckling. What is being heckeled are the attempts to sell the plan.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
hmmm so they came all the way over here for their first post about evidence and stuff, yet, there is no evidence that he is even who they say they are and kind of look like an account created by one of those people over there. There is no numbers about what they tried to ffer, expecially since they are supposed to be one that made an offer, didnt even mention the corporation name. What they are ashamed to be a sponsor or dotn want to name a company and someone just happens to look them up and find out it was some poster pulling people's leg.

A lot of details missing for a post that is talking about details missing in other people's postings.

I'm not trying to attack this person or the statements at all, just saying something looks a bit fishy here.

Then again, it might just be me.
True. Detailed bone fides were not provided. And I was quite aware that might be a point of criticism that could not be helped. I have shown as much accountability in my previous posting as I reasonably could at this time.

I intentionally didn't mention the company name here. I'd have to clear that with my CEO first and make sure I'm not violating forum rules concerning advertising. My company name is quite proudly posted on the Titan forums. I had full permissions there. I can only post as myself and speak in generalities about my company.

I didn't provide numbers because NCSoft simply refused to talk. Number tossing only begins when there are clear channels of communication. They refused to respond to serious inquiries. End of story.

I've been playing CoH off and on since I3. I'm at a loss as to why I had to re-register my forum ID since I swore I had created one years ago. I've never been frequent here other than to mostly lurk - I was more concerned with playing the game than talking about it.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Welcome to the ruins of our once proud civilization, Avel.

Enjoy your stay.
Thanks. The circumstances are sad. I really enjoyed my time with the game. I had really good friends there. In fact I used it to show my CEO what a MMORPG was capable of. Our flagship project is a city based game as well. CoH was a perfect model.



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
True. Detailed bone fides were not provided. And I was quite aware that might be a point of criticism that could not be helped. I have shown as much accountability in my previous posting as I reasonably could at this time.

I intentionally didn't mention the company name here. I'd have to clear that with my CEO first and make sure I'm not violating forum rules concerning advertising. My company name is quite proudly posted on the Titan forums. I had full permissions there. I can only post as myself and speak in generalities about my company.

I didn't provide numbers because NCSoft simply refused to talk. Number tossing only begins when there are clear channels of communication. They refused to respond to serious inquiries. End of story.

I've been playing CoH off and on since I3. I'm at a loss as to why I had to re-register my forum ID since I swore I had created one years ago. I've never been frequent here other than to mostly lurk - I was more concerned with playing the game than talking about it.

That explains it up a very good bit.

nvm find, found ya.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
By all means, prove me wrong.
The burden of proof is on the accuser. The accuser must prove his or her argument with evidence and logical statement. This is well established principle.

Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
But since you don't have a financial backer, and consequently your income stream will be precisely nil until the game is completed, you have a catch-22.
That statement is a little confusing. Are you speaking of Plan Z, or my company? My company is a financial backer of Plan Z. We have our own financial backing.

What is your experience with venture capital?

Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
You can't make a game without money, and you can't get money without a game.
Proof? According to that circular reasoning no game could exist. I can create a game using rocks, sticks, and dirt. "Go" springs to mind. Originally played with rocks on the ground. It's considered as sophisticated as chess in game theory.

Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Good luck overcoming even that.
Historically it's been done quite often. It just takes continued motivation and planning.

Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Sincerely. If it's as professional as you claim, then there won't be too many times that I'll be more glad to be proven wrong. But given the number of people who have claimed to have "investors" ready to purchase CoH from NCSoft, or some other silly claim that turned out to be a rumor, you'll forgive the skepticism.
I didn't claim to have investors. I brought the games shutdown to my CEO's attention. We discussed it. With permission I tried to establish channels of negotiation with NCSoft. Their representative refused to talk. I have the correspondence. I used the odd channel of an in-game ticket to do it. A bit unorthodox, but still legitimate. I could have tried other channels, but the response was quite unusual and I read the situation as unfriendly to further contact. The summary of my inquiry was to ask for a more proper channel and what the communication was about. If there was a path for further negotiation available then the response would have been to direct me to the correct, specific contact. They could not even do that. NC Soft had placed a wall against any communication about the game, it's closing, or any future purchase options.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Are you saying that COHTitans way is the only way or else you are doing nothing. You may not be part of COHTitan but your statement doesnt help them and just put more spotlight on the "Titan NEtwork way or you're doing it wrong" way of thinking.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that they ARE doing something, and that anyone who is doing NOTHING has no right to criticize them.

Which is precisely why I don't criticize them, despite the fact that I don't agree with everything they have done and are currently doing. I have no real options to do anything on my own and I don't have the connections or desire to join or put together a different team. The fact that they've done so earns them some respect in my book.

If you want to target individual members (like Golden Girl) and rag on their incompetence, by all means. I'm not coming to any one person's defense; they can take care of themselves. But attacking a nebulous collective for sharing a dream--and a harmless dream at that--is just ******* gauche.

I hope Plan Z sees success. I don't expect it to, but there's no reason to talk **** about it except to be an *******.

... or as you say sitting with their thumb up their butt...
You're at least close to my age. I refuse to believe that you've never heard that phrase used before.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I was behind the idea but apparently they want to head in a direction of having every power combination possible or freeform.


How is that toon going to damage anything? solo play becomes impossible.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Not buying the plan isn't heckling. What is being heckeled are the attempts to sell the plan.
Behind its back. Like a *****.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
So what was the planned offer? Doesnt seem like a company that is very big, especially with an unfinished website, kind of hard to imagine it's a company sitting on a spare 10-20 million dollars for the IP or so and another few millions at leats to get the game up and running again. I might be wrong as hell, maye you are all are raking in that type of money but it seems that is not much information on the net about your company, no list of products, not much of saying who you are besides a company that started in 2010 so how was an international corporation supposed to assume an offer from a small company, although probably well accomplished, was an offer that is to be taken serious? That is like me calling SOny and saying "Hey, I have an offer for you." and not expecting to be placed on hold forever until the line "disconnects".

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post

You're at least close to my age. I refuse to believe that you've never heard that phrase used before.
never heard of it. Who created that phrase and what exactly does it means? I mean did someoen actually sit around doing that activity or something or some pervert thought it sounded cool.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
I didn't claim to have investors. I brought the games shutdown to my CEO's attention. We discussed it. With permission I tried to establish channels of negotiation with NCSoft. Their representative refused to talk. I have the correspondence. I used the odd channel of an in-game ticket to do it. A bit unorthodox, but still legitimate. I could have tried other channels, but the response was quite unusual and I read the situation as unfriendly to further contact. The summary of my inquiry was to ask for a more proper channel and what the communication was about. If there was a path for further negotiation available then the response would have been to direct me to the correct, specific contact. They could not even do that. NC Soft had placed a wall against any communication about the game, it's closing, or any future purchase options.
You tried to inquire about the purchase of the game through an in-game ticket?

And because you didn't get anywhere, you concluded that there was no way to proceed?

Honestly, stuff like this is why none of you gets taken seriously, you're so completely lacking in even the most basic business acumen.



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
I was behind the idea but apparently they want to head in a direction of having every power combination possible or freeform.


How is that toon going to damage anything? solo play becomes impossible.
I fail to see how this matters in the early stages of development. That's a concern to be addressed when there's actually a working engine available for testing.

Nevermind the fact that there are probably people out there who wouldn't mind playing a completely non-combat capable character that focuses entirely on support. You can't tell me you've never teamed with (or at least seen) a Defender who only took their Tier 1 attack and filled up everything else with any buffs, debuffs and heals they had access to.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I fail to see how this matters in the early stages of development. That's a concern to be addressed when there's actually a working engine available for testing.
lol. I seen this before. It will end up never being a time to discuss it. Until it gets to the point of, "Oh too late, it's already in the game and would be too much to take out. Why didnt you say something in early development?"

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
never heard of it. Who created that phrase and what exactly does it means? I mean did someoen actually sit around doing that activity or something or some pervert thought it sounded cool.
I'm going to pretend I believe you here. It means you're so useless and stupid that your can't even keep your hands free.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
lol. I seen this before. It will end up never being a time to discuss it. Until it gets to the point of, "Oh too late, it's already in the game and would be too much to take out. Why didnt you say something in early development?"
Best point to worry about something like that would be alpha. If it tests well mechanically, then it's up to player reactions in beta.

If it gets released, then it is what it is. Like I said, there are people out there who don't seem to mind playing a character with no notable offensive capability whatsoever.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
You tried to inquire about the purchase of the game through an in-game ticket?

And because you didn't get anywhere, you concluded that there was no way to proceed?

Honestly, stuff like this is why none of you gets taken seriously, you're so completely lacking in even the most basic business acumen.
No kidding. This is way beyond "unorthodox" and straight into "looney bin". They probably thought you were a random fan who wanted to see what the "asking price" was, and dismissed you accordingly. And that's assuming you reached anyone who was even in the same department as the one you needed, and not just a GM whose job is to type /stuck.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Behind its back. Like a *****.
Wait wait so the forum is behind the back now? When did that change? First up until now the complaints was about "spitting" in their faces and rubbing their faces in this and eating poo and all that crazy/weird perverted stuff now it's behind the back?

Lol. "the back is the front which is the back" seems like the case in this matter.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I'm going to pretend I believe you here. It means you're so useless and stupid that your can't even keep your hands free.
Useless, stupid, ****, ******, and ***** for a good night's ****ity ****stick in a padded *******. That all you got?

As I've said to several people now, if there's a silver lining to November 30th, it's the fact that YOU will lose your game and never get it back.

Did it occur to you that she may be foreign? I bet you don't have a f'ing clue what "don't put horns on a monkey" means, either.



This is really doom.