So What is Plan Z?




Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
In a nutshell, dont want people making fun of your Plan Z, dont make fun of people that state their view on it because it will (has) turned into a vicious circle. If you are that righteous that you can compare yourselves to Noah...actually wow. I'm not going to call that delusional. I think delusional wouldnt begin to describe it there.
Metaphors seem way too easily lost among the naysayers on this forum. Far more than any other forum I've ever been on, and this includes hot-headed political arguments. It perplexes me how or why this is happening.

Emotions clouding your judgement perhaps and giving you an intense desire to paint the unwavering as psychotic god-warriors on a self-righteous crusade to wipe out the infidels?

Need a non-religious example instead? Would you have responded any differently if I had used Columbus as an example? Or Copernicus? Countless pioneers have endured the kind of ridicule that is being dished out in this thread.

But no no, I'm not trying to say that Plan Z is as important as proving to the world that the Earth orbits the sun, or saving people from a flood. What I'm trying to say though, is that negative reinforcement from society seldom has ANYTHING to do with whether the idea is feasible or not. The guy who first thought up the idea of continental drift got just as much flak for it as the guy who jumped off a bridge flapping his arms with paper wings attached. That one idea was right and the other doomed to fail had zero impact on the living hell that society put those people through.

Social negative reinforcement is absolutely HORRID at telling an individual whether their idea is good or not. Ridicule is largely fueled not by whether the idea may be wrong or can't succeed, but only whether the idea it is different from the acceptable norm. That the ones doing the heckling are usually doing so merely for entertainment doesn't help either. Humans seem to automatically make a connection between 'different' and 'failure', despite the fact that doing something different is the only way that society can ever advance. Therefore, unless ridicule somehow departs from our society, or changes into something with more logical bias, 'insane faith' in oneself is needed to keep us moving forward.



TonyV hasn't even posted on Titan in over a week now....

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Has TonyV been hearing God the All Mighty's voice now ?

Well that does put a different face on this.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
LOL have you checked your membership ?
After you were admitted to the union I realized they had lowered the standards and by default I had ascended



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post

ONE business is not a representation of an culture of millions. If that were the case... WalMart does a huge disservice to the American culture!

I don't know you from Adam, but damn if you don't come across as ignorant and racist.

My culture had NOTHING to do with NCSoft choosing to close one of their products. NCSoft is a business not a cultural emissary.
I apologize for misstating my perspective on this.

It is my perception that NCSoft has failed to account for the differences in functional culture between Korea and North America.

Or in other words, NCSoft has badly misidentified its Western market.

I was not intending my comment to be applied to the entirety of Korean culture, and as such have edited the post accordingly.



CoH was never a large part of NCsoft's Western market. As evidenced by their sales of GW2 they have identified quite well with the Western market.

Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
I apologize for misstating my perspective on this.

It is my perception that NCSoft has failed to account for the differences in functional culture between Korea and North America.

Or in other words, NCSoft has badly misidentified its Western market.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
CoH was never a large part of NCsoft's Western market. As evidenced by their sales of GW2 they have identified quite well with the Western market.
We shall see.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
I apologize for misstating my perspective on this.

It is my perception that NCSoft has failed to account for the differences in functional culture between Korea and North America.

Or in other words, NCSoft has badly misidentified its Western market.

I was not intending my comment to be applied to the entirety of Korean culture, and as such have edited the post accordingly.
You said Korean culture degrades our community. You are a racist and a sad, pitiful excuse for a human being. Don't you start walking back your comments now, Mr. Romney. Own your statements.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
We shall see.
Uh, not that I want to get in the middle of this, but is there a specific date where you will acknowledge the massive sales of GW2?

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



We have already seen - GW2 sales numbers are out there - it was a success in the Western market already.

Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
We shall see.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
You said Korean culture degrades our community. You are a racist and a sad, pitiful excuse for a human being. Don't you start walking back your comments now, Mr. Romney. Own your statements.
It's the internet.

Let it go.


Go read something, perhaps?



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Uh, not that I want to get in the middle of this, but is there a specific date where you will acknowledge the massive sales of GW2?
I think now is a good time to sit back for a moment, and think about SWTOR, a couple months after its massive sales.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
TonyV hasn't even posted on Titan in over a week now....
Oh just following up on the implications of Tim comparing their community to Noah and the ark.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
After you were admitted to the union I realized they had lowered the standards and by default I had ascended
Well seeing as we are in a biblical frame, it looks like I now know where that cult predicting the end of the world last year wound up.

Enjoy your ascent, hope it isn't an ascent the same way you lot described CoH as healthy and doing well.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
We have already seen - GW2 sales numbers are out there - it was a success in the Western market already.
Revenue alone does not a success make. Consider the fact that there was a huge problem with hacked accounts just after launch, continual complaints about unfixed bugs, an entire lack of an end game, and the fact that its game play is substandard.

Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
You said Korean culture degrades our community. You are a racist and a sad, pitiful excuse for a human being. Don't you start walking back your comments now, Mr. Romney. Own your statements.
Misstatements are a perfectly legitimate reason for one to issue a correction. Do not presume to conclude that I am a racist based solely on a single statement.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Metaphors seem way too easily lost among the naysayers on this forum. Far more than any other forum I've ever been on, and this includes hot-headed political arguments. It perplexes me how or why this is happening.

Emotions clouding your judgement perhaps and giving you an intense desire to paint the unwavering as psychotic god-warriors on a self-righteous crusade to wipe out the infidels?

Need a non-religious example instead? Would you have responded any differently if I had used Columbus as an example? Or Copernicus? Countless pioneers have endured the kind of ridicule that is being dished out in this thread.

But no no, I'm not trying to say that Plan Z is as important as proving to the world that the Earth orbits the sun, or saving people from a flood. What I'm trying to say though, is that negative reinforcement from society seldom has ANYTHING to do with whether the idea is feasible or not. The guy who first thought up the idea of continental drift got just as much flak for it as the guy who jumped off a bridge flapping his arms with paper wings attached. That one idea was right and the other doomed to fail had zero impact on the living hell that society put those people through.

Social negative reinforcement is absolutely HORRID at telling an individual whether their idea is good or not. Ridicule is largely fueled not by whether the idea may be wrong or can't succeed, but only whether the idea it is different from the acceptable norm. That the ones doing the heckling are usually doing so merely for entertainment doesn't help either. Humans seem to automatically make a connection between 'different' and 'failure', despite the fact that doing something different is the only way that society can ever advance. Therefore, unless ridicule somehow departs from our society, or changes into something with more logical bias, 'insane faith' in oneself is needed to keep us moving forward.
Exactly, not tell your people to follow those rules that they expect others to follow or else then what would be the point in stating it, but not following it themselves?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Oh just following up on the implications of Tim comparing their community to Noah and the ark.
And conveniently ignored my followup to that post. Further convincing me the metaphor was intentionally ignored so it could be used it to say that Titan is becoming a religious cult.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
I think now is a good time to sit back for a moment, and think about SWTOR, a couple months after its massive sales.
You do understand the GW business model ? They have succeeded in their system and are now making plans for inexpensive to produce expansions and the budget for GW3.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Uh, not that I want to get in the middle of this, but is there a specific date where you will acknowledge the massive sales of GW2?
If I were to guess, I'd suspect anything less than GW2 lasting 8 years, regardless of market conditions, overall earnings or sequel planning, will be seen as GW2 failing by comparison to CoX and proof that NCSoft doesn't understand the western market. In the eyes of some, at least.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
It's the internet.

Let it go.


Go read something, perhaps?
Ok now if it was one of the people that was percieved to be "against" COHtitan, that guy and you all would be on that person's back like flies to crap and would never let them live it down. But since it's one of your own, it's no big deal.


"Oh he just made a racist comment. No big deal, he's one of us."

I dont recall Noah and what ever other biblical person or diety or famous exploration person is compared to next being blatant in making a racist comment.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
No it will be a community run by the nuttiest of the nutty. A true case of the inmates taking over the asylum.
Unfortunately, this is almost certainly the case. I posted earlier that self-aggrandizement was a hallmark of Plan Z participants. There is an aspect of such behavior in any "world-building" team, and some of that is healthy when contrasted against the reality of a timetable. But right now it's overwhelmingly obvious that the world-builders think of themselves as real-world gods (little g) and their definitions of CoH Community are the only one that matters.

This close-mindedness wasn't in place with Cryptic but was in place with the most recent Dev team, the AE bigots and a few of the Cartel members. It's not surprising to see it becoming ingrained in Plan Z as well.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Exactly, not tell your people to follow those rules that they expect others to follow or else then what would be the point in stating it, but not following it themselves?
The OP asked what Plan Z is. The OP did not ask, "Are the people behind Plan Z mentally unstable nutjobs?" But 90% of this thread has been about the latter.

Don't go hitting people and then cry victim when they hit back.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
And conveniently ignored my followup to that post. Further convincing me the metaphor was intentionally ignored so it could be used it to say that Titan is becoming a religious cult.
Becoming ?? BECOMING ??

For 8 years these people have insisted that every bad decision made concerning this game was for the best. They insisted that every group of people that left the game was for the best. Now, they find that NCsoft doesn't care to have them around and they are shocked and upset that they aren't receiving proper consideration ?



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
Unfortunately, this is almost certainly the case. I posted earlier that self-aggrandizement was a hallmark of Plan Z participants. There is an aspect of such behavior in any "world-building" team, and some of that is healthy when contrasted against the reality of a timetable. But right now it's overwhelmingly obvious that the world-builders think of themselves as real-world gods (little g) and their definitions of CoH Community are the only one that matters.

This close-mindedness wasn't in place with Cryptic but was in place with the most recent Dev team, the AE bigots and a few of the Cartel members. It's not surprising to see it becoming ingrained in Plan Z as well.
Can you point to the posts or threads or comments that support this? I'll give you some time. When you can't come back with a quote or a link to support that I'll have some ice packs ready for your burn.



Uhmm businesses are in the business of making money - GW2 has been a success at doing that.

The hacked account issue was resolved ASAP.

Unfixed wanna go there from a CoH stand point? How long exactly was the CoP down for? Or the numerous other bugs that still exist in the game?

Lack of end game..?? You mean the thing CoH suffered from since launch until incarnate content was introduced 6 years later?

Substandard game play?? In your opinion? Have you played a toon all the way through? Where are you getting your information from then? Have you even played GW2?

I am not a GW2 fan; yes I have it but no I do not play it. If you are going to cast aspersions though please do so from a credible viewpoint. Attacking a game based on limited knowledge or experience in it seems a bit amateurish. I know more people playing GW2 than I do that proof of anything?

Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Revenue alone does not a success make. Consider the fact that there was a huge problem with hacked accounts just after launch, continual complaints about unfixed bugs, an entire lack of an end game, and the fact that its game play is substandard.

Misstatements are a perfectly legitimate reason for one to issue a correction. Do not presume to conclude that I am a racist based solely on a single statement.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
You do understand the GW business model ? They have succeeded in their system and are nomaking plans for inexpensive to produce expansions and the budget for GW3.
Calling ANY MMO a success in the amount of time GW2 has been out is for consumer zealots and corporate execs trying to lure in investors.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Can you point to the posts or threads or comments that support this? I'll give you some time. When you can't come back with a quote or a link to support that I'll have some ice packs ready for your burn.

How are your efforts to thwart the unicorn invasion going over there ?

Oh I suppose that was just lighthearted tom foolery not full on insanity.