So What is Plan Z?




Oh, my first computer was a Commodore Vic-20.
I've been watching that sub-thread with interest, debating comment.
Commodore was a pioneer.

... I'm really feeling old.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Actually, if I remember correctly, COH was decently bug-less on launch and the irony was that it become more addled the more it got updated.
Not really. Yes, it's gotten worse as more updates were added, but plenty was broken at launch.

TF's were screwed up to the point of being unable to complete them. I actually stopped playing Texas Justice waiting for them to fix several of those problems with TF's but eventually wound up skipping Posi and Synapse. I think the first TF we did run (friends and SG mates) was Sister Psyche and it still had issues.

Quite a few missions were unable to be completed. Both in TF's and in regular contact missions. Detective Jose Brogan was nicknamed Broken Brogan by several.

There were a lot of geometry hole's in the world. Some were almost impossible to get out of without GM assistance.

There are still problems in the game that have been there since launch (possibly even from Beta).

At the Bay Area M&G in 2010 they introduced one of the new employees. They told us that they told him he could work on any bug he wanted to as his first project. He picked one of the ones that's been there since before launch. The determination he came to was that it could not be fixed without breaking way too many other things in the game that would not be trivial to repair. From the way it was told, it seemed several other people had tried to take on that task in the past and come to the same conclusion which is why it is still an unfixed bug.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Dude. You contacted a GM. Their job is to type /stuck and find Random Critter In A Cubbyhole for people all day. They might not even be ran by the same people. You didn't try any legitimate avenue of approach.

Whether you call them amateurs, novices, or just downright ignorant, these people are it.
Now I'm wondering how long it would take to reach James A. Skinner, vice chairman and CEO of McDonald's, by way of the manager of the most local restaurant.



Which bug was that?



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
I can sound like Mr. Spock if I have to, but it's not my first choice.
Well, he also said "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". Right now, I see many players of GW2 and few players of CoH. It would be wrong to deny them their fun simply because it was a means to an end to our own.



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
She's young, technically competent, with a vindictive streak I've found amusing. She responds well to consistent, positive contact.
Oh yeah, and she still rubs me the wrong way. Some of the things she's said here over the years have been rather ludicrous. Not that I'm the paragon of sanity, mind you.



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
Oh, my first computer was a Commodore Vic-20.
I've been watching that sub-thread with interest, debating comment.
Commodore was a pioneer.
A rather badly managed pioneer. I weep for what they could have been, as I weep for Atari.

...don't be fooled by that imposter that goes around wearing Atari's logo nowadays! Harumph.



And speaking of Commodore and Amiga computers, this is my 4,096th post! I was afraid I'd never make it. Phew!

Only die-hard fans will get the reference I think.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Now I'm wondering how long it would take to reach James A. Skinner, vice chairman and CEO of McDonald's, by way of the manager of the most local restaurant.
This wasn't the manager. This was the guy taking orders at the drive-through.

In addition to which, he combined the inquiry with an actual issue. So he asked about buying the company along with ordering a Happy Meal.

It's amazing that people are still acting like he's serious. But it explains a lot about the total myopia of the saveCoH faction. So far the two "serious attempts" to buy out the franchise that I know about have boiled down to one company with no track record that incorporated a week after the closure announcement, and someone who filed a support ticket and gave up.

I think everyone just lost their right to complain about NCSoft's "we've exhausted all options" communication. We've seen what constitutes an "attempt" to buy from the other side - and it's just sad.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
I think everyone just lost their right to complain about NCSoft's "we've exhausted all options" communication. We've seen what constitutes an "attempt" to buy from the other side - and it's just sad.
There have been a number of offers from others, including a group of Paragon devs with quite substantial backing - that's what the 80 million price tag was for - to make sure reasonable offers wouldn't be able to match it, allowing NCsoft to claim that they'd "tried" to sell it, but couldn't find a buyer.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's amazing that people are still acting like he's serious. But it explains a lot about the total myopia of the saveCoH faction. So far the two "serious attempts" to buy out the franchise that I know about have boiled down to one company with no track record that incorporated a week after the closure announcement, and someone who filed a support ticket and gave up.
So he's either a fool with money, or else he's playing the largest prank on us this side of alt.syntax.tactical*. Since I have no direct involvement either way, I choose to remain indifferent.

*(Oops, I meant!)



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Now I'm wondering how long it would take to reach James A. Skinner, vice chairman and CEO of McDonald's, by way of the manager of the most local restaurant.
Depends very much on the manager.
My dad was a VP of a McDonald's franchise.
And the manager does know a few contacts. If you have sufficient cause that will attract his attention you have chance. I spent a few days bouncing around a couple of months ago getting hold of a regional manager for the corporation. And I started with a local store manager. Unless you already have an existing relationship with the company you always start with someone at the bottom of he hierarchy.
You want to talk to him? Give me a decent reason other than simply wanting to say "Hi" and I can probably figure something out.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Damn, where were you white knights after Commodore went bankrupt? LOL

EDIT: Oops, I meant to mention increased support for the ReactOS project! I guess I still miss certain things a lot harder than I thought. lol
My CEO was barely born then. I remember Commodore fondly. They produced my first computer. Trying to get it to do anything serious with only 3 1/2K of RAM was an educational experience.



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
Depends very much on the manager.
My dad was a VP of a McDonald's franchise.
And the manager does know a few contacts. If you have sufficient cause that will attract his attention you have chance. I spent a few days bouncing around a couple of months ago getting hold of a regional manager for the corporation. And I started with a local store manager. Unless you already have an existing relationship with the company you always start with someone at the bottom of he hierarchy.
You want to talk to him? Give me a decent reason other than simply wanting to say "Hi" and I can probably figure something out.
I think the skepticism from others is that there are apparently more direct ways to get in contact with Taek Jin Kim.

Edit: Also, I think I'd be more interested in contacting Leslie Moonves, Chairman of CBS. Erm... but I already have a way to do that now that I remember.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
And speaking of Commodore and Amiga computers, this is my 4,096th post! I was afraid I'd never make it. Phew!

Only die-hard fans will get the reference I think.
Well, the "page" size for the 65xx processors was 256 bytes (Zero page was important because of the useful instructions specific to it). 4096 bytes was the memory segment boundary for 80x86 machines. I don't recall an application offhand for Commodore machines. Something is niggling at the back of my memory but I can't place it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There have been a number of offers from others, including a group of Paragon devs with quite substantial backing - that's what the 80 million price tag was for - to make sure reasonable offers wouldn't be able to match it, allowing NCsoft to claim that they'd "tried" to sell it, but couldn't find a buyer.
I keep seeing this, or stories like this, with the $80 M price tag referenced, but never any link to actual proof. Invariably, the trail leads to an "I know a guy who knows a guy, and I'll say more when I have confirmation" style post.

I'd really like to see actual proof that this is more than heresay so often repeated that adherents have accepted it as fact, preferably from the party or parties who made the offers.



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
Well, the "page" size for the 65xx processors was 256 bytes (Zero page was important because of the useful instructions specific to it). 4096 bytes was the memory segment boundary for 80x86 machines. I don't recall an application offhand for Commodore machines. Something is niggling at the back of my memory but I can't place it.
The original chip set had a 6-bit color palette, tho you could only select 16 or 32 of them at once, except in special modes.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
I keep seeing this, or stories like this, with the $80 M price tag referenced, but never any link to actual proof. Invariably, the trail leads to an "I know a guy who knows a guy, and I'll say more when I have confirmation" style post.

I'd really like to see actual proof that this is more than heresay so often repeated that adherents have accepted it as fact, preferably from the party or parties who made the offers.
I doubt we ever would get proof, assuming it really happened. Someone would have had to have known beforehand, and bugged the meeting rooms.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I doubt we ever would get proof, assuming it really happened. Someone would have had to have known beforehand, and bugged the meeting rooms.
I'm really curious where the number came from, and why anyone should accept it as fact.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
I'm really curious where the number came from, and why anyone should accept it as fact.
Run a search on these boards? See when the first instance of that $80 million figure first appeared. Who made that post and in what context?



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Run a search on these boards? See when the first instance of that $80 million figure first appeared. Who made that post and in what context?
The first instance I've been able to find is over on the Titan boards, and it's the "I know a guy..." post. If there was later confirmation, I missed it.



That could be very well because the source was one of the investors themselves, who preferred to remain anonymous.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
That could be very well because the source was one of the investors themselves, who preferred to remain anonymous.
You'll forgive me if I don't take 'maybe' when applied to an 'I know a guy' post as grounds for acceptance as fact. Particularly given this is just one of several unsupported rumors regarding attempts to purchase the IP that some posters seem to present as provable truth.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
That could be very well because the source was one of the investors themselves, who preferred to remain anonymous.
But considering that the information came via someone who has managed to somehow confuse things up quite easily... i would still be inclined to take it with a pinch of salt.

I can think of 2 that she has has said in the past on those forums that she has refused to corroborate on, or avoided to explain to a satisfactory degree:

1) The game was making $800,000 profit per month.
2) Apparently, she was told that the forums were going to be closed down on 1st September. She even said that it was in the initial announcement.

I had a problem with both of them, because with all of the evidence that we as *players* could easily view, they were contradicted.

So no offence, but I am going to take that $80million prediction with a pinch of salt.

Oh, and number 2 she apparently found out via email sent to her by a developer (which was deleted soon after reading), and she cannot remember who it was, nor the exact contents of it.

Number 1 was, I believe, worked out by her husband... but once again, NCsoft figures dispute that, and as those figures have been used by members of this board to support/argue against NCSoft/Paragon Studios for several years, I find it unlikely that we were reading them wrong.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I think the skepticism from others is that there are apparently more direct ways to get in contact with Taek Jin Kim.

Edit: Also, I think I'd be more interested in contacting Leslie Moonves, Chairman of CBS. Erm... but I already have a way to do that now that I remember.
Yep. There are direct ways, but following the chain from the bottom tends to work better I've found. Particularly if you begin with those used to dealing with the public on a regular basis. The skeptics have fixed ideas about how things are done. In infants imminent justice is cute; in adults it's pathetic and maladaptive.