So What is Plan Z?




Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
...and naturally everyone will.

Is this the one?
Yes. Though those of us who live in the area he operated have access to some more... interesting... information.

Turns out he'd actually assaulted someone across the street from my school before anyone knew who he was and what he was doing.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
...and naturally everyone will.

Is this the one?
Wow, hard to believe that this happy couple joined forces to **** and/or kill over 30 young girls during their relationship.

That's ****** up. Seriously ****** up.



I actually worked with a guy who's sister's boyfriend was one of Dahmer's victims. In fact I spent some time a couple of blocks from where he lived. At least I think that was the specific relationship. It's been a few years.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
While hope is good, still dont force the hope and then wont have to worry about people "crushing" those hopes as they call it now. Just as much as they get that we "dont hope" or as some said to another "hate hope", it is just as annoying to have this hope talk and anyoen that dont hope must dont care about this game talk and basically anyone one that dont share that kind of hope is something negative. They dotn want to be judged but yet they judge. They dont want to hear the other view but yet, they make everyone hear their view. They dont want people to say negative stuff about their view, yet they say stuff about other people's view.
Have to agree with this. I don't get nearly as annoyed with missionaries as some people, because I actually usually enjoy the open discussion with them when I have the opportunity. If I see them coming to the house and don't want be bothered, I put on my Sith robe and answer the door acting like I'm in a trance. They leave pretty quickly and I get a good chuckle. 8-)

But I can see why other people get annoyed by it. I'm sorry to say that atheistic missionaries (the ones on TV) tend to annoy me though. There's just something about the tone of the typical attitude that drives me up the wall. I think it's the popular use of words like foolish, immature, etc, that comes off as very arrogant. I don't get that as much from evangelists for some reason even when they start talking about Hell. However, from what I've heard from most atheists, they'd let well-enough alone if missionaries stopped shoving their beliefs in their faces. And that kind of toe-stomping is how we get to heated arguments like this that really aren't needed. We could easily have a world of believers and non-believers if the crusaders on both sides wouldn't feel the need to go around telling others that they're wrong based on what some doctrine or theorem says. It's the extremists who ruin the fun for everyone else and turn what should be a simple 'live & let live' philosophy into a warzone.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Money makes money.
Only if wisely invested.

Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Also airplane windows do open. (For certain types of airplanes.)
But the plane referenced in that story was one that is commonly known not to be of that type because of its cruising altitudes. The person had excellent business acumen. He even had definite political skills (otherwise he would not have had the amount of support he did) but had weaknesses that proved fatal to his campaign. That particular story served to illustrate some of the weaknesses. Would I hire him to run my company? In a heartbeat. My country? Not so much.

Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Anyway, he was making very specific claims about his business knowledge, which simply aren't credible. Anyone who had actually negotiated these sorts of deals would realize that a low level support channel to a subsidiary organization is not the proper channel.
Nope. I never advertised any experience with those kind of business deals. I know operations, not acquisitions. I just got stuck with the job. My goal was to get some basic sense of the situation and pass it on to people better qualified. But I do know how to make a few educated guesses with what I have. And I know to rely on my instincts to fill in the gaps. Tends to work pretty well. Not perfect, but it seems to have served me well for 45 years.

Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Presumably, he'll now deluge us with the list of his successful accomplishments.
Nope. Again you would be wrong. (Suddenly thinking of a line in the "Land of the Lost" movie - hated the movie but loved the line.)

Taking responsibility for one's accusations, statements, and beliefs tends to minimize patterns of error.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
That's kind of hard to do when that person is your supervisor. :P

I kinda get harassed for not believing in their god. There's not much I can really do about it tho. I've gotten rather good at ignoring them, but... you know, I really shouldn't have to do that.
Oh man, that is the worst. I've gotten **** from just about every boss I've ever had because they start talking about going to church, and then ask what church I go to and I'm like, "Um, I don't."

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Oh man, that is the worst. I've gotten **** from just about every boss I've ever had because they start talking about going to church, and then ask what church I go to and I'm like, "Um, I don't."
Yeah, I go to the church of none of your fraking business.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Not even close. People are being attacked and insulted for no reason. I own up to the fact that I can be an *** at times, but I'm only going after the people who are being unreasonable or just plain terrible to others.

But you can have a go **** yourself too, if you like. I've seen plenty of your ****** attitude in the last few weeks to know that you've earned it.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Not even close. People are being attacked and insulted for no reason. I own up to the fact that I can be an *** at times, but I'm only going after the people who are being unreasonable or just plain terrible to others.

But you can have a go **** yourself too, if you like. I've seen plenty of your ****** attitude in the last few weeks to know that you've earned it.
Jesus christ, you're immature.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Oh man, that is the worst. I've gotten **** from just about every boss I've ever had because they start talking about going to church, and then ask what church I go to and I'm like, "Um, I don't."
dang. that sucks and is very awkward.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Jesus christ, you're immature.
Yer MOM is immature.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Revenue alone does not a success make. Consider the fact that there was a huge problem with hacked accounts just after launch, continual complaints about unfixed bugs, an entire lack of an end game, and the fact that its game play is substandard.
Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
The hacked account issue shouldn't have happened.

Bugs are a reality in all games, it's just the ones I've found in GW2 to be very problematic.

Lack of end game wasn't so much of a problem for CoH as it is for many other titles - it is very easy to go find something to do that you may not have done before, after all.

And yes, I have found the game play of GW2 to be substandard, especially in comparison to the technology they put into the game. They have a lot of great ideas, but the execution just isn't there.

You knowing more people playing GW2 than you do City of Heroes is merely evidence that the people you know have certain tastes.
This is probably going to be my last post on this forum, for what it's worth. The atmosphere has become completely poisonous. And the sad part is, the poison that's driving me away is coming from the direction I had the most hope in. So I hope the Titan folks are still reading.

This is what I'm talking about. The fact that the SaveCOH movement is now mostly focused on a boycot NCsoft movement. It's mostly about bashing NCSoft - and by extension, a lot of that focuses on GW2, since it is a very successful (yup, I said it) recent NCSoft product.

But the hypocrisy is frankly staggering.

You hear a lot about how "this is our fifth dead MMO, we've become exceedingly good at it." FIVE.

And yet, all of you felt fine playing COH - until it was YOUR game that got shut down.

And now that YOUR game is being shut down, now suddenly NO ONE should be playing any NCSoft game ever again, and you do your best to get another MMO shut down. I've seen folks literally posting - some of them prominent Titan/SaveCOH/PlanZ people - that the failure of GW2 and Wildstar will be a victory for them, that it will be justice for what happened to COH.

Are you listening to yourselves? You're all bursting with how much it hurt when YOUR game got shut down, and yet you are ACTIVELY working toward getting ANOTHER MMO shut down! You are working toward inflicting the pain you are now suffering on other people - and too bad, they're just collateral damage and should have known better than to trust NCSoft.

Oh, really? If that's the case? SO SHOULD YOU.

If the ArenaNet devs deserve no sympathy and no support - neither did the Paragon devs. And if the GW2 players deserve no sympathy and to be able to play their game in peace - neither did the COH players. Because this is the FIFTH MMO shutdown, right? Is 5 some mystical number? 4 MMOs ago, you were still playing COH and that was fine, but 5 MMOs means that no one else should be playing an NCSoft game without being labelled a traitor and a moron.

Think about it.

I hope Plan Z succeeds, I really do. But I went from being an enthusiastic supporter of all things Titan to making my way out the back door now. I've been playing this game for 8 years. Since i0. I remember when costume slots were added, the fight to get capes in the game, rubberbanding across entire zones. I've been here since the beginning. I'm not some new person who just waltzed in - I'm a veteran, I earned my stripes. And apparently, the fact that I choose to continue to do exactly what all of us were doing until August, I am now a pariah, and people I considered my community are actively working to make sure that what I lost in August, I lose again very soon.

GW2 has been around in beta for YEARS. Some of us have loved and been invested in it for a long time. And aren't going to simply drop it, anymore than any of US dropped COH when Auto Assault or Tabula Rasa or any of those games were shuttered.

You've taken something that was a positive movement and turned it into something negative and poisonous. Your vengeance won't fix what happened with COH. It'll just repeat the process.

Oh, and as for Terwyn's points:

The hacking wasn't internal. It was external. It was stupid people using their same password/username combo on internet websites that they did as game logins, or as game logins in other games like SWTOR and WoW. That wasn't GW2 or Anet's fault. That was user stupidity.

The game is not more riddled with bugs than any other MMO - and less than most. And I say that having played COH, LOTRO, SWTOR and WAR from launch. GW2's launch was extremely smooth, the gameplay continues to be smooth, and bugs are being fixed at a good clip.

It has as much endgame as COH ever did. Raids are not automatically endgame - the lack of raids doesn't equal a lack of endgame. Some of us hate raids and felt it seriously damaged COH when they were added.

It is very easy to go and find something you haven't done yet. I've got 8 characters, from top to bottom of the game, and I've been playing since beta - there are still zones I've never done. Still events I've never played. Dungeons I've never done. Jumping puzzles I haven't gotten to. Crafts I haven't touched. And I play multiple hours a day. Any attempt to claim there's nothing to do - or in any way LESS to do than COH - is just false.

One of the things I actually love about GW2 is that it feels a lot like pre-incarnate COH. I can jump on whatever character I feel like PLAYING, and play them. I don't have to worry about which one I NEED to grind something on. It's not that kind of game. It's much better.

TL;DR - stop trying to kill someone else's puppy, just because someone killed yours. It won't bring yours back. And you should know better than to wish that on other people.



Curious. I was unaware that shutting down GW2 was on the list of things to do...



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
It will never be the same community. It will be a new community born from the"death" of the original. You can choose to be a part of that or stand on the sidelines, commenting how it isn't like the original - and you'll miss out on being part of the foundations of that community.

Your choice.
That would be a community founded by

1, The people who couldn't stand the idea anyone would be able to buy celestial armor. (god forbid anyone not t9 look good)

2. The people who cheered Posi going ******* over AE and taking badges away from people (whats a 100 hours effort to a badger)

3. Rationalized the devs changing store bought items after they had been purchased (What you expected to get what you paid for ?)

4. Whenever there was a nerf, rush to justify it and deny those affected any right to compensation.

5. The same people who could with a straight face tell their "Friends" CoH is healthy when it went from over 200,000 subs to somewhere around 30,000 - 40,000

The CoH community that was great was the one in the game, not the one on the forums.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Curious. I was unaware that shutting down GW2 was on the list of things to do...
Well, any NCsoft product is a target in the campaign to get them to hand over the IP and server code.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Curious. I was unaware that shutting down GW2 was on the list of things to do...
Another one that doesn't know the movement he claims to represent



Well said Fey.

Unfortunately your post will fall on deaf ears and be ridiculed as "just another NCSoft apologist." It doesn't matter that your point of view has value and a lesson in it.


Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
This is probably going to be my last post on this forum, for what it's worth. The atmosphere has become completely poisonous. And the sad part is, the poison that's driving me away is coming from the direction I had the most hope in. So I hope the Titan folks are still reading.

This is what I'm talking about. The fact that the SaveCOH movement is now mostly focused on a boycot NCsoft movement. It's mostly about bashing NCSoft - and by extension, a lot of that focuses on GW2, since it is a very successful (yup, I said it) recent NCSoft product.

But the hypocrisy is frankly staggering.

You hear a lot about how "this is our fifth dead MMO, we've become exceedingly good at it." FIVE.

And yet, all of you felt fine playing COH - until it was YOUR game that got shut down.

And now that YOUR game is being shut down, now suddenly NO ONE should be playing any NCSoft game ever again, and you do your best to get another MMO shut down. I've seen folks literally posting - some of them prominent Titan/SaveCOH/PlanZ people - that the failure of GW2 and Wildstar will be a victory for them, that it will be justice for what happened to COH.

Are you listening to yourselves? You're all bursting with how much it hurt when YOUR game got shut down, and yet you are ACTIVELY working toward getting ANOTHER MMO shut down! You are working toward inflicting the pain you are now suffering on other people - and too bad, they're just collateral damage and should have known better than to trust NCSoft.

Oh, really? If that's the case? SO SHOULD YOU.

If the ArenaNet devs deserve no sympathy and no support - neither did the Paragon devs. And if the GW2 players deserve no sympathy and to be able to play their game in peace - neither did the COH players. Because this is the FIFTH MMO shutdown, right? Is 5 some mystical number? 4 MMOs ago, you were still playing COH and that was fine, but 5 MMOs means that no one else should be playing an NCSoft game without being labelled a traitor and a moron.

Think about it.

I hope Plan Z succeeds, I really do. But I went from being an enthusiastic supporter of all things Titan to making my way out the back door now. I've been playing this game for 8 years. Since i0. I remember when costume slots were added, the fight to get capes in the game, rubberbanding across entire zones. I've been here since the beginning. I'm not some new person who just waltzed in - I'm a veteran, I earned my stripes. And apparently, the fact that I choose to continue to do exactly what all of us were doing until August, I am now a pariah, and people I considered my community are actively working to make sure that what I lost in August, I lose again very soon.

GW2 has been around in beta for YEARS. Some of us have loved and been invested in it for a long time. And aren't going to simply drop it, anymore than any of US dropped COH when Auto Assault or Tabula Rasa or any of those games were shuttered.

You've taken something that was a positive movement and turned it into something negative and poisonous. Your vengeance won't fix what happened with COH. It'll just repeat the process.

Oh, and as for Terwyn's points:

The hacking wasn't internal. It was external. It was stupid people using their same password/username combo on internet websites that they did as game logins, or as game logins in other games like SWTOR and WoW. That wasn't GW2 or Anet's fault. That was user stupidity.

The game is not more riddled with bugs than any other MMO - and less than most. And I say that having played COH, LOTRO, SWTOR and WAR from launch. GW2's launch was extremely smooth, the gameplay continues to be smooth, and bugs are being fixed at a good clip.

It has as much endgame as COH ever did. Raids are not automatically endgame - the lack of raids doesn't equal a lack of endgame. Some of us hate raids and felt it seriously damaged COH when they were added.

It is very easy to go and find something you haven't done yet. I've got 8 characters, from top to bottom of the game, and I've been playing since beta - there are still zones I've never done. Still events I've never played. Dungeons I've never done. Jumping puzzles I haven't gotten to. Crafts I haven't touched. And I play multiple hours a day. Any attempt to claim there's nothing to do - or in any way LESS to do than COH - is just false.

One of the things I actually love about GW2 is that it feels a lot like pre-incarnate COH. I can jump on whatever character I feel like PLAYING, and play them. I don't have to worry about which one I NEED to grind something on. It's not that kind of game. It's much better.

TL;DR - stop trying to kill someone else's puppy, just because someone killed yours. It won't bring yours back. And you should know better than to wish that on other people.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, any NCsoft product is a target in the campaign to get them to hand over the IP and server code.
Collective retribution against uninvolved parties is considered a War Crime.

In more pedestrian situations, trying to make random strangers unhappy because you can't get to the target of your anger is a good sign of insanity.



There you have it Terwyn...straight from a Titan's mouth.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, any NCsoft product is a target in the campaign to get them to hand over the IP and server code.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Collective retribution against uninvolved parties is considered a War Crime.

In more pedestrian situations, trying to make random strangers unhappy because you can't get to the target of your anger is a good sign of insanity.
Some folks in here are way too obsessed with trying to prove everyone whose opinion they don't like has a mental disorder.

And: B&S is not a party. Not by that definition anyhow.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Some folks in here are way too obsessed with trying to prove everyone whose opinion they don't like has a mental disorder.
ROFL. The one person I would never feel the need "Prove they have a mental disorder" is golden girl.

50,000 + of her posts telling everyone who disagreed with what the devs were doing to get stuffed, at the very least demonstrates O.C.D.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Some folks in here are way too obsessed with trying to prove everyone whose opinion they don't like has a mental disorder.

And: B&S is not a party. Not by that definition anyhow.
Seeing as you added to this and it's pretty obvious you don't get that there are people in the Titan network's crosshairs.

The people who play and like blade and soul have the right to enjoy their game. I might not like it but that is just my taste. The same goes for GW2. I am not going to play it but I would be really pathetic if I got any joy from seeing the people who enjoy a harmless pastime deprived of it.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Seeing as you added to this and it's pretty obvious you don't get that there are people in the Titan network's crosshairs.

The people who play and like blade and soul have the right to enjoy their game. I might not like it but that is just my taste. The same goes for GW2. I am not going to play it but I would be really pathetic if I got any joy from seeing the people who enjoy a harmless pastime deprived of it.
If you're talking about the pr0n allegations against the game, I'm fully aware of it. I have non-CoH-related reasons for leaving that one alone though. The "pervert the world" movement has gone on unhindered for long enough. It's bad enough that 12-year old girls can't go into a Halloween store and pick out an outfit that doesn't have "slutty" slapped on as a title prefix. Now we have to put up with it in games too?

If there's any other anti-B&S campaign strategy that's going on, I'm not aware of it.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Collective retribution against uninvolved parties is considered a War Crime.

In more pedestrian situations, trying to make random strangers unhappy because you can't get to the target of your anger is a good sign of insanity.
As the old saying goes, "you can't take down Tyrant without breaking the Magisterium"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
There you have it Terwyn...straight from a Titan's mouth.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure anything Golden Girl says is about as reliable as something Mitt Romney would say.

And no, the Romney jokes aren't going away.



This is really doom.