So What is Plan Z?




Nice try? I do the work I do to actually HELP people. I profile as a means of assisting the government when it comes to criminals; to protect society. I absolutely love what I do for work and have hopes that in my own little way am helping someone NOT be a victim. Doesn't sound very misanthropic to me. Your pseudo analysis of me is way off the mark. One thing anyone knows about profiling is that it is not something one should do based off very little information. What information do you have about me - I am a middle aged Korean homosexual who is a Psychologist and enjoyed playing a video game about super heroes. Now I am (according to some) pretty affluent in profiling and I would not assume to tell anyone based off a few posts on an internet forum half of the psycho babble you stated.

I think you should hold off on analyzing people and stick to what you do for a living. Of course CoH is an escape; which is why people play games - escape, relaxation, fun, etc....

By the way their response is what I would expect from a GM; which is who you were contacting.

Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
Oh crap. Yeah, I do know where you are at. No wonder you seem to come off as misanthropic at times. I remember Dr. Yochelson in his seminal work in Criminal Psychology about that being a common problem in the profession (I'm paraphrasing slightly). Right now I'm being a technical witness for one of those cases with HS. Not fun. My original college plans were to go into general CogSci by the way. That's why I reflect such a strong, multidisciplinary background. My being severe sexual assault victim had me put such on a backburner for a while and I've never gotten back to it. I did change much of my focus for a while from neurological problems to general personality disorder and its formation.

I think you need a change of scenery for a while. I suspect this game (and others) have been needful escapism. I just don't know what to suggest. The problem is your sense of security is strongly tied to your current job and role. Maybe consider yourself as a co-dependent in an abusive relationship? That may seem a little extreme for assessment but the information is currently limited (for obvious reasons!).

If you read my communications here I'm trying to establish and sustain positive transference in a hostile atmosphere and working hard to avoid the cycle of accusation/defensive-accusation that has been trending here.

No. Not being lazy. I used an existing channel of communication with a business in a creative manner in order to better record it. I already had a reason to use it for its normal purpose and just combined efforts. Those tickets actually send an email to a company representative. The gist of the message was " the way, my company, blah blah blah, is seriously interested in purchasing yours given the recent news about its closure. Who is the proper person or department to direct inquiries?" Reply "We cannot discuss anything related to the shutdown of City of Heroes." Very interesting response. I hadn't asked for information about the shutdown. The response was unusually slow for such too. Companies have standard response patterns with regards to such inquiries, regardless of the channel, and this fell outside the generally accepted reply.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Ahh, then you showed your naivity. The City of Hero GM's are NCsoft employees. They always have been as well.

But just wondering, did you actually try to go any further or did you actually stop at this stage?

Because looking at the information you have told us, you just gave up.
Yep. I was acting under the belief of a time limit that didn't actually exist. I normally do more research. I got my reply. Forwarded it to my CEO with my suspicions. He trusts my instincts on these things. And when I was able to do further research (and get some inside information from other source), my instincts look justified. So, yes, I did indeed stop at that stage. Something didn't "feel" right and I've found that ignoring that sensation has generally been a bad idea. And there is some real science supporting that form of decision making. And for the record I'm getting that same kind of "gut" feeling about the CoH IP. NCSoft has been doing things that have nothing to do with any cultural peculiarities.



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Revenue alone does not a success make. Consider the fact that there was a huge problem with hacked accounts just after launch, continual complaints about unfixed bugs, an entire lack of an end game, and the fact that its game play is substandard.

...because CoH was flawless on launch. ...because Plan-Z will have zero issues on launch... because every MMO's launch is always a great indicator of success...

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
And all those millions are doing wonders for NC's stocks.
Uh, kind of a strange argument and statement. Stocks are also victim to an RNG system.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post

...because CoH was flawless on launch. ...because Plan-Z will have zero issues on launch... because every MMO's launch is always a great indicator of success...
You missed the later discussion - While GW2 certainly had a successful launch, it is far too soon to determine if it is a successful product.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
...because CoH was flawless on launch. ...because Plan-Z will have zero issues on launch... because every MMO's launch is always a great indicator of success...
Actually, if I remember correctly, COH was decently bug-less on launch and the irony was that it become more addled the more it got updated.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Nice try? I do the work I do to actually HELP people. I profile as a means of assisting the government when it comes to criminals; to protect society. I absolutely love what I do for work and have hopes that in my own little way am helping someone NOT be a victim. Doesn't sound very misanthropic to me. Your pseudo analysis of me is way off the mark. One thing anyone knows about profiling is that it is not something one should do based off very little information. What information do you have about me - I am a middle aged Korean homosexual who is a Psychologist and enjoyed playing a video game about super heroes. Now I am (according to some) pretty affluent in profiling and I would not assume to tell anyone based off a few posts on an internet forum half of the psycho babble you stated.

I think you should hold off on analyzing people and stick to what you do for a living. Of course CoH is an escape; which is why people play games - escape, relaxation, fun, etc....

By the way their response is what I would expect from a GM; which is who you were contacting.
Yep. It was a GM. And the response was still unusual even for them.

And I owe you an apology. I should have reserved any analytic comment to a personal reply rather than a public forum. I let myself get a little excited. Do you mind if I send you a PM?



I don't mind if you PM me.

Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
Yep. It was a GM. And the response was still unusual even for them.

And I owe you an apology. I should have reserved any analytic comment to a personal reply rather than a public forum. I let myself get a little excited. Do you mind if I send you a PM?

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
But if you're just here to make sure those last weeks are painful for those who give a negative opinion on Plan-Z and defend your use of foul language to attack them, you aren't any better.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I fail to see how this matters in the early stages of development.
Because it goes to show they are willing to radically break away from the system that COH followed rather then just give minor tweaks to fix things. Having a character that can pick any blast tier 9 they want means 90% of blast characters will have the same T9, whichever is considered the best.

Changing that much made me lose a huge chunk of faith in plan z.

Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
This was how COH started in early alpha releases....very Champions-esque "make anything you want."

And many of us made tank mages.
Then the plan z group should have learned from that. Surprising that Golden Girl despises Champions so much yet plan z is following their lead.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Actually, if I remember correctly, COH was decently bug-less on launch and the irony was that it become more addled the more it got updated.
I recall playing with Kins in the very first few months of the game that would crash the entire team every time they hit Kinetic Transfer (later Fulcrum Shift). The client couldn't handle all those buffs filling the screen.

There were literally dozens of literally game-breaking bugs like this. But the devs did get the quality-of-life bugs under control for the most part by year 2 of the game.

Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
OMG. Dude sounds like he's 14 or something.
Actually, I think Mr. Playskool just found his new day-job on December 1 as art director for that game.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Me? I have my PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Criminal Psychology/Behavioral Psychology/Anthropological Criminology/Psychotherapy. I have a degree in law as well (Only a BS) as it proved helpful in my career. I actually got my Legal Ethics professor fired for lying about his current standing with the ABA thanks to a little legal research on my end; but I digress. I work for the federal government profiling murderers, rapists, frauds, etc. I deal with the legal system every day; albeit on a criminal front. I have worked in the field of Criminal Psychology since 1996 when I began working as a therapist in Ohio for adolescents in a treatment center convicted of sex crimes. Most notable criminals I have interviewed/assessed are Jeffrey Dahmer and Timothy McVeigh.
What is up with my state of Wisconsin anyway? We had Dahmer and Gein.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
So you admit the new AmigaOne X1000 is a perfectly viable platform that everyone can use, and you will make sure that Project Z will make a compatible version. Excellent!

EDIT: Seriously, that group of rather die-hard CoH fans trying to continue the "community" after the game is dead is looking rather frighteningly familiar to me. I've already been there and done that with the Amiga community. Never again!
...ah you reminded me of my old Commodore Amiga 500 - and then of course watching those Video Toaster tapes when it was new... good times.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
Actually, I think Mr. Playskool just found his new day-job on December 1 as art director for that game.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
You missed the later discussion - While GW2 certainly had a successful launch, it is far too soon to determine if it is a successful product.
Yeah I went away for a few hours and this thread doubled in size - from 6 to 15 pages - I'm slowly catching up, sorry.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Actually, if I remember correctly, COH was decently bug-less on launch and the irony was that it become more addled the more it got updated.
CoV's launch was a little worse if I remember - but I meant it from several points of view and not just regarding crashes or availability.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Yeah I went away for a few hours and this thread doubled in size - from 6 to 15 pages - I'm slowly catching up, sorry.
No harm, no foul. No apology necessary, my friend.



Originally Posted by AvelWorldCreator View Post
Yep. I was acting under the belief of a time limit that didn't actually exist. I normally do more research. I got my reply. Forwarded it to my CEO with my suspicions. He trusts my instincts on these things. And when I was able to do further research (and get some inside information from other source), my instincts look justified. So, yes, I did indeed stop at that stage. Something didn't "feel" right and I've found that ignoring that sensation has generally been a bad idea. And there is some real science supporting that form of decision making. And for the record I'm getting that same kind of "gut" feeling about the CoH IP. NCSoft has been doing things that have nothing to do with any cultural peculiarities.
"Trust me, I sent a support ticket to a GM and got a funny feeling. Because overworked, underpaid, unappreciated, low-on-the-totem-pole GM's are often clued in on the devious inner-workings of corporate headquarters half a world away." -AWC



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
I recall playing with Kins in the very first few months of the game that would crash the entire team every time they hit Kinetic Transfer (later Fulcrum Shift). The client couldn't handle all those buffs filling the screen.
I think what you mean is your computer couldn't handle the game (at that time)



Dahmer was very interesting. Gein was before my time.

Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
What is up with my state of Wisconsin anyway? We had Dahmer and Gein.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Dahmer was very interesting. Gein was before my time.
Don't look up Bernardo.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Dahmer was very interesting. Gein was before my time.
Oh definitely - I think Illinois has had it's fair share too. Gein was before my time too, but once I found out he was behind Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre I was shocked that he was from my state.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Terwyn View Post
Don't look up Bernardo.
...and naturally everyone will.

Is this the one?

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I think what you mean is your computer couldn't handle the game (at that time)
No, it was because we had already learned to herd entire maps. I don't think the devs originally intended for 300 buff icons to hit the screen at once. :-)

Regardless, they fixed this well enough and put it in the release notes as a bugfix so....I think it counts as a bonafide bug.