Champions Online: just doesn't cut it.

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
They licensed the IP, the pen and paper RPG is still published by Hero Games.
Actually they purcased the ip outright and license the pnp rights TO hero games. The did it that way so they couldn't have the plug pulled by hero games the way Marvel died



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
I wasn't complaining, I was stating a fact.
And I was confirming it as a fact. Do you always get defensive when someone agrees with you?



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
It's that "just" at the end that's the problem.

For me, that's exactly what's being taken away from me - the future. I still had many characters I still wanted to get to 50, many characters still in my head waiting to be created, many storylines I'll never get to see in the actual game, many new powersets and powerset combinations I wanted to try (including some that aren't actually in the game yet - my Wind/Storm Controller, for example).

People have compared it to losing beloved family members or pets, but maybe a better analogy would be finally finding a small but beautiful house for you and your family, spending years learning about the house's little quirks, and enjoying decorating and redecorating it to suit your whims.

And then, while you're reading about a new chair that's coming out in a few weeks that would look perfect in your living room, some big corporation comes along, throws you out on the street, rips your house out of the ground, puts it on a truck, and moves it to somewhere unknown. Everything you spent on that house is gone. All the things you created and built for it are gone. Everything you were planning to add to the house is now just a "what might have been".

Sure, you still have your happy memories of living in that house, but you're still homeless. Your comfortable routine in a familiar environment has still been shattered and tossed to the winds by some uncaring third party. And, worst of all, your house still physically exists, but some faceless organization refuses to give it back to you (even at a new location) and won't even say why.

"It's okay, other places to live exist" is not comforting. "Why, there's a rat-infested apartment in the slums available!" is not comforting. However, "Hey, there's a billion-dollar mansion available! It's much better than your old one!" is not comforting either when it costs more than you could ever afford to pay.

So, telling me that I'll just have to start yet another ten-year search to find a second game that suited me as much as CoH did, some other place that lets me create all the characters that are in my head (once I recreate all the ones I already had at my fingertips), some other place where the devs are as open and talkative and excited as they were in CoH, some other game that will run on a three-year-old Macintosh in less than 5 GB of HD space (this is the "billion-dollar mansion" part of the analogy: my computer can't run brand-new games like The Secret World, so it doesn't matter how good they are), "that's all", not only isn't comforting, it's downright condescending.

"That's all" is not the same as "that's easy". Not even close.

I want my home back.
Unfortunately that isn't what happened here. You didn't buy a house. At best you were renting a house. A house you that you never had any chance of owning. And knowing that you would never own the house you still chose to make "improvements" to the house knowing you couldn't legally take them with you when you left or were forced to leave.

Now your landlord has told you he's not renewing the lease and you have 90 days to be off the premesis because the buildings being torn down. And you can't pretend that you didn't know this couldn't happen because the landlord already did the same thing to half a dozen other houses he owned on the same block.

Come Nov 30th the sheriff's coming by to make sure everyone is out of the building.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Unfortunately that isn't what happened here. You didn't buy a house. At best you were renting a house. A house you that you never had any chance of owning. And knowing that you would never own the house you still chose to make "improvements" to the house knowing you couldn't legally take them with you when you left or were forced to leave.

Now your landlord has told you he's not renewing the lease and you have 90 days to be off the premesis because the buildings being torn down. And you can't pretend that you didn't know this couldn't happen because the landlord already did the same thing to half a dozen other houses he owned on the same block.

Come Nov 30th the sheriff's coming by to make sure everyone is out of the building.
hmmm never thought of it in that direct manner.

That happens quite often in real life too.

Landlord just didnt want the apartments anymore so he just stop renewing the leases and when the last one was done, he tore the buildings down.

He was making a profit, living good but he just got tired of the apartment buisness ad decided to rid of the buildings. Been two years and last we spoke, he still wasnt sure with what he was going to do with the land yet.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Yeah...Champions Online is like the cartoon to the City of Heroes movie.
I much prefer Batman the Animated Series (or even The Brave and the Bold) to all of the live action Batman movies.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
YET AGAIN, you're ignoring the forest and focusing on a bug hanging on one leaf in one tree, and then declaring that the bug in question is really a fairy ninja from space.
+1 for that single sentence. That made me lol.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
hmmm never thought of it in that direct manner.

That happens quite often in real life too.

Landlord just didnt want the apartments anymore so he just stop renewing the leases and when the last one was done, he tore the buildings down.

He was making a profit, living good but he just got tired of the apartment buisness ad decided to rid of the buildings. Been two years and last we spoke, he still wasnt sure with what he was going to do with the land yet.

Please one thing tho. Just because I don't agree with that other persons analogy, it doesn't mean I think NCSoft is innocent of doing anything wrong. The way they chose to handle the closure was in my personal opinion dishonorable.

The closure wasn't a snap decision. They were discussing it months in advance and chose to keep silent in order to milk as much money from us as possible right up to and including the way they released the announcement thru the devs.

Hell, I was actually on my way to renew my sub and buy points for the new power sets when I saw/read the announcement on the forums.

If they had been up front with us months ago and told us they were discussing the future of the game, we'd have had plenty of time to get used to the idea. We'd have had a chance to rally and try to save the game. Sure some people would have stopped spending money but a lot more of us would have spent more than ever.

As it is the animosity NCSoft has generated is deserved.

That being said the people that are foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs (on both sides) aren't helping their causes. All their accomplishing is making it easier for the other side to dismiss the reasonable arguments being made.



One more time:

1. I don't care that some of you think that all corporations have the right to do literally anything they want with thier product.

2. I dont care that some of you think that corporations have the right to do anything they want to, at any time that suits them, to their paying customers.

3. I dont care that some of you think that closing a customer venue down that was still making money, is a brilliant thing for a company to do.

4. I dont care that some of you think that any decision made by a business entity is being made by people far smarter than you, or me or anyone and that businesses are incapable of making mistakes because so many brilliant minds go into making that decision. [We had someone going on AT LENGTH in this vein tonight on the Virtue Help channel; was quite amusing. Businesses never make mistakes?! BWAHAHAHAHA]

5. I dont care that some of you think anyone disagreeing with you is a whiny crybaby.

6. I dont really care about your convoluted "logic"/apologia.

7. I dont care that some of you think that the CoX IP is "worth whatever value they say it is, even if they lock it in a closet and throw away the key for ten years." Really? 'cause last time I checked, your bank saying a house is worth $500,000 when its really worth $100,000 or less, did not turn out well for either the American consumer OR the bank holding the loan.... hello, property depreciates not appreciates, unless considering a category like gold and a few others. Especially unused property.

I dont care about any of this, and several other arguments I could list. This closure was poorly conceived, poorly executed, its a PR nightmare for NCSoft that they will have a hard time justifying to their stockholders - and I hear NCSoft's stock is tanking right about now.

Good. That last, I DO care about.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Please one thing tho. Just because I don't agree with that other persons analogy, it doesn't mean I think NCSoft is innocent of doing anything wrong. The way they chose to handle the closure was in my personal opinion dishonorable.

The closure wasn't a snap decision. They were discussing it months in advance and chose to keep silent in order to milk as much money from us as possible right up to and including the way they released the announcement thru the devs.

Nope. Didnt get that thought at all from the post but still good analogy nonetheless.

I just believe that it is possible for a good point to come from anyone even sworn enemies that would rip each other apart with their bare hands if they ever were to meet in real life. Of course not everyone share this view. Some views are "Oh I dont like you so matter what you say, you're wrong and stupid." but when their friend say the exact same point they are backing the point like they loved it from the get go.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Nitpicking minuscule details of my analogy to death are not actually refuting my point.

Here, I'll post it again, this time without the house analogy that seems to be so confusing and/or distracting some of you.

"For me, that's exactly what's being taken away from me - the future. I still had many characters I still wanted to get to 50, many characters still in my head waiting to be created, many storylines I'll never get to see in the actual game, many new powersets and powerset combinations I wanted to try (including some that aren't actually in the game yet - my Wind/Storm Controller, for example)."

In one instant, I went from making plans for new and existing characters that would keep me occupied for years to wondering if I'd ever find a game anywhere near as good that will run on my machine (and, after months of looking, the answer so far seems to be "no"), all because some faceless organization decided that $10,000,000 a year wasn't good enough for them and they don't want me to give them money anymore.

And condescendingly telling me that houses cost more than computers, or that renting is not the same as owning, or whatever random blatantly-obvious-yet-entirely-unrelated nonsense you pull out of your *** to argue about doesn't change that point. My long-term gaming future is completely, totally, thoroughly gone, with nothing to replace it.

Because Champions, with its lack of updates, its uncaring - or possibly even non-existent - dev team, and because I'm not even sure it'll run on my computer running at all, is not that long-term replacement. At best, it may turn out to be a fun short-term distraction, but it's not a replacement. Not unless the closing of CoH causes them to kick things into high gear over there.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
One more time:

1. I don't care that some of you think that all corporations have the right to do literally anything they want with thier product.

2. I dont care that some of you think that corporations have the right to do anything they want to, at any time that suits them, to their paying customers.

3. I dont care that some of you think that closing a customer venue down that was still making money, is a brilliant thing for a company to do.

4. I dont care that some of you think that any decision made by a business entity is being made by people far smarter than you, or me or anyone and that businesses are incapable of making mistakes because so many brilliant minds go into making that decision. [We had someone going on AT LENGTH in this vein tonight on the Virtue Help channel; was quite amusing. Businesses never make mistakes?! BWAHAHAHAHA]

5. I dont care that some of you think anyone disagreeing with you is a whiny crybaby.

6. I dont really care about your convoluted "logic"/apologia.

7. I dont care that some of you think that the CoX IP is "worth whatever value they say it is, even if they lock it in a closet and throw away the key for ten years." Really? 'cause last time I checked, your bank saying a house is worth $500,000 when its really worth $100,000 or less, did not turn out well for either the American consumer OR the bank holding the loan.... hello, property depreciates not appreciates, unless considering a category like gold and a few others. Especially unused property.

I dont care about any of this, and several other arguments I could list. This closure was poorly conceived, poorly executed, its a PR nightmare for NCSoft that they will have a hard time justifying to their stockholders - and I hear NCSoft's stock is tanking right about now.

Good. That last, I DO care about.
for somebody not caring about these things you sure took your time to address them one by one.

Anyway, my condolences.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I much prefer Batman the Animated Series (or even The Brave and the Bold) to all of the live action Batman movies.
I definitely prefer the look, style, and feel of CoH over Champions Online.

That was basically the point of my post.

To each their own.



Originally Posted by akaime View Post
for somebody not caring about these things you sure took your time to address them one by one.
Some people need repetition, since politeness and reasonable talk only gets us more "NCSoft has the right to do anything they want to do to you, stop being so mean to them, you meanies!!!" and this has been going on for over a month now.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that we have a few NCSoft employees attempting mad damage control - but regardless if that is true or not, all these naysayings are having the opposite of the desired effect: NCSoft looks WORSE than ever.

You know what they say about Humpty Dumpty, that wall and all the king's horses and men.... etc. NCSoft took a great fall off the Trust Wall back in August. The fallout will continue to belong solely to them.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Some people need repetition, since politeness and reasonable talk only gets us more "NCSoft has the right to do anything they want to do to you, stop being so mean to them, you meanies!!!" and this has been going on for over a month now.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that we have a few NCSoft employees attempting mad damage control - but regardless if that is true or not, all these naysayings are having the opposite of the desired effect: NCSoft looks WORSE than ever.

You know what they say about Humpty Dumpty, that wall and all the king's horses and men.... etc. NCSoft took a great fall off the Trust Wall back in August. The fallout will continue to belong solely to them.
So does that mean you and a few others are NCSoft sleeper agents whose goal is to discredit the anti-NCSoft player base by posting like stark raving lunatics?

Don't bother answering. You wouldn't admit it if you were.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Nitpicking minuscule details of my analogy to death are not actually refuting my point.

Here, I'll post it again, this time without the house analogy that seems to be so confusing and/or distracting some of you.

"For me, that's exactly what's being taken away from me - the future. I still had many characters I still wanted to get to 50, many characters still in my head waiting to be created, many storylines I'll never get to see in the actual game, many new powersets and powerset combinations I wanted to try (including some that aren't actually in the game yet - my Wind/Storm Controller, for example)."

In one instant, I went from making plans for new and existing characters that would keep me occupied for years to wondering if I'd ever find a game anywhere near as good that will run on my machine (and, after months of looking, the answer so far seems to be "no"), all because some faceless organization decided that $10,000,000 a year wasn't good enough for them.

And condescendingly telling me that houses cost more than computers, or that renting is not the same as owning, or whatever random blatantly-obvious-yet-entirely-unrelated nonsense you pull out of your *** to argue about doesn't change that point. My long-term gaming future is gone, with nothing to replace it (becuase Champions, with its lack of updates and uncaring - or possibly even non-existent - dev team, is not that replacement).
Not trying to refrute the point. Trying to see what is the point you are getting at.

So basically the end of the game halted your plans in a very abrupt manner and there is no where that is a replacement. I think I got it.

Have you tried the beta server? I think there is time left to try those things.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
So does that mean you and a few others are NCSoft sleeper agents whose goal is to discredit the anti-NCSoft player base by posting like stark raving lunatics?

Don't bother answering. You wouldn't admit it if you were.
That's a pretty sorry attempt at an ad hominem: that the best you got?

As far as lunacy, I'd go far to beat some of the crap we have seen here as NCSoft apologia, but never let that get in the way of a good flame, right? Right.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
I definitely prefer the look, style, and feel of CoH over Champions Online.

That was basically the point of my post.

To each their own.

Replace with any two games of your choice.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Not trying to refrute the point. Trying to see what is the point you are getting at.

So basically the end of the game halted your plans in a very abrupt manner and there is no where that is a replacement. I think I got it.

Have you tried the beta server? I think there is time left to try those things.
Given that the Beta server also closes at the end of the month, that's not exactly a solution to my sudden lack of long-term gaming. I have been logging into there, playing through the new arcs for I24, creating a Titan Weapons/Bio Armor character (blatantly based on Nightmare from Soul Calibur II), and so forth, but somehow it makes me sadder to play "What Might Have Been: The Video Game". (Also, it crashes a lot more than the regular game for me. I usually have to force-quit and restart the client multiple times over a single gaming session due to freezes. That's probably part of the reason it wasn't pushed to Live yet)

I used housing as an analogy because I like to settle into a single game and make it my long-term "home". After flitting from online game to online game for literally years (my previous "home" was a superhero-themed roleplay MUX that closed in the early 2000s - and, yes, my first character here was more or less a re-creation of my main character there) searching for that elusive "something", I'd finally, after nearly ten years of searching, once again found a home at CoH. I'd have been here sooner if they'd made a Mac port sooner. (Granted, the Mac port was shaky, but at least they had one).

As of November 30th, I'll be cast adrift again, hoping to find someplace welcoming and Mac-compatible in a sea of Windows games.

So Champions Online had better kick their development into gear if they want me to call it my new home, because I'm not looking forward to another ten-year search.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
As of November 30th, I'll be cast adrift again,
Me in a nutshell.

Especially bad is that I played CoH 90% for roleplaying, and most modern games seem to want to make it as hard as possible to do that.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Given that the Beta server also closes at the end of the month, that's not exactly a solution to my sudden lack of long-term gaming. I have been logging into there, playing through the new arcs for I24, creating a Titan Weapons/Bio Armor character (blatantly based on Nightmare from Soul Calibur II), and so forth, but somehow it makes me sadder to play "What Might Have Been: The Video Game". (Also, it crashes a lot more than the regular game for me. I usually have to force-quit and restart the client multiple times over a single gaming session due to freezes. That's probably part of the reason it wasn't pushed to Live yet)

I used housing as an analogy because I like to settle into a single game and make it my long-term "home". After flitting from online game to online game for literally years (my previous "home" was a superhero-themed roleplay MUX that closed in the early 2000s - and, yes, my first character here was more or less a re-creation of my main character there) searching for that elusive "something", I'd finally, after nearly ten years of searching, once again found a home at CoH. I'd have been here sooner if they'd made a Mac port sooner. (Granted, the Mac port was shaky, but at least they had one).

As of November 30th, I'll be cast adrift again, hoping to find someplace welcoming and Mac-compatible in a sea of Windows games.

So Champions Online had better kick their development into gear if they want me to call it my new home, because I'm not looking forward to another ten-year search.
Oh I see.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by akaime View Post
for somebody not caring about these things you sure took your time to address them one by one.

Anyway, my condolences.
I love how people like you seem to think you aren't being an annoying git by nitpicking a comment addressing how CLEARLY unprofessional NCsoft has been.

You're only pissing people off.



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
I love how people like you seem to think you aren't being an annoying git by nitpicking a comment addressing how CLEARLY unprofessional NCsoft has been.

You're only pissing people off.
discussions are not about being popular, they are about uncovering truths. I was pointing out that if he already closed his mind to any adverse argument why is he discussing?

If what you want is to vent frustration by criticizing NCSoft, be my guest.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post

So Champions Online had better kick their development into gear if they want me to call it my new home, because I'm not looking forward to another ten-year search.
QFT, I hope they put more juice into the their development to push more content and other stuff. Their current path since to be on vehicle system development, kind of a work in progress, first 3 types. Now they are giving limited customization in terms of vehicle powers. Hopefully, next week the new alert will say what they have been working on.



I love how if you are not Anti NCSoft you are an NCSoft employee..only on the internet will you find that kind of logic LOL!

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I love how if you are not Anti NCSoft you are an NCSoft employee..only on the internet will you find that kind of logic LOL!
Someone hasn't been following American politics anytime in the past 20 years or so.