NC Soft: My patience is almost exhausted




Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Dear SyphonStrike,

NCSoft does not read these forums. And they could care less in any case.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Check the date. It's those numbers at the bottom right of your screen.

You can talk all you want about how unimportant games are and how unlikely we are to save this one. The fact is we are making noise. What don't people understand about this? The point isn't necessarily to win. If we win that's great. The point is to fight. To not go quietly. To demonstrate to NCSoft and the rest of the industry that this is bull and we refuse to be treated this way.

When November 30th comes along, you can say "I told you so" if you want. Nobody will care.

The reason we don't listen to your viewpoints and whatever else you said (see how much I'm not listening) is because you are directly insulting what we are doing and insulting our personal feelings about the situation. To a great many people this game is more than just a game. There are people that play CoH that can't leave their home due to disability. People that have no family in RL and found one as a part of this community. People that met on CoH and got married. Blow smoke all you want about paying for 3 VIP accounts and introducing your girlfriend to the game and whatever else. If you can truly say that this is just a game then you don't understand.

In the end, I recognize that the odds are against us. I always did. But doing something is better than doing nothing at all. What are you accomplishing by sitting there and telling us all how it isn't going to work? Does bringing others down make you feel better?
Well done, you demonstrated to me that you didn't read any of what I wrote, apart from the bits you chose to take personal issue with.

I'm not insulting the efforts made to save the game, I applaud them.

I'm not insulting the people who poured their hearts and souls into the game, I have been equally touched by them, and to some degree or another have been affected by it the same way myself.

Why are you on the offensive, claiming that just because I am suggesting people keep their feet on the ground about this that I'm some kind of twisted idiot who takes delight in other peoples misery? Why do you make snide little "We don't care about what you say" remarks in attempt to belittle my view point? If that isn't a classic case of denial, I don't know what is.

Yes it's bull. Yes it's a travesty of fairness. Thing is chum, that's life. Crying about it doesn't change anything. The point is, you can justify this game as a support network for people that are disabled or socially inept, but the internet has plenty of other mediums designed for that purpose. This, despite what you want to believe to the contrary, is a computer game. A computer game that has its centre in a space controlled by the purse strings of a company whose only interest is how much money it makes them. If it doesn't make enough money for them, or they want to change the portfolio of which games they want to offer to people, then it gets pulled.

It might be more than a game to the people that play it, unfortunately to the people that we buy it from, it's a product. Products have a life span. This ones life span is up (at least according to them). That's the simple fact of it. That will not change. Shouting and screaming about it, or directing your anger about the unfairness of it at someone who is merely pointing that situation to someone who cannot or will not accept it won't change it either.

So what are you left with? Taking the positive from it, enjoying the memories of the time you had with it and moving on.

TL;DR - I get it's more than a game to some. Point is, the people who make the decision don't, and even if they did still wouldn't care. Like it or not, "getting over it" is what we're going to have to do sooner or later.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Just a FYI.. while the silence is a bit disconcerting, the fact that some sort of negotieations implies they have taken a hit, and they may be working something out under a NDA.

Right now, what to them is a VERY minor market, has made a very big splash. One thing they have to (HAVE TO) do is maintain their investor confidence.

Being surprised by a market reaction because you really plan for all the risks, shows real poor program management over there and that does not instill investor confidence.

Right now, they are still working out how to solve it. It takes time.



Originally Posted by Vengeance_MK2 View Post
Just a FYI.. while the silence is a bit disconcerting, the fact that some sort of negotieations implies they have taken a hit, and they may be working something out under a NDA.

Right now, what to them is a VERY minor market, has made a very big splash. One thing they have to (HAVE TO) do is maintain their investor confidence.

Being surprised by a market reaction because you really plan for all the risks, shows real poor program management over there and that does not instill investor confidence.

Right now, they are still working out how to solve it. It takes time.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



There's charts and articles saying oh there's gonna be huge growth in Mobile Platforms, and everyone wants the next Farmville, Angry Birds or, uhm - actually I don't really know!
I don't have a smartphone/iPhone or an iPad. And I can live with out them for now = my cell phone works, so does my PC and not only is the "new is gonna wear off the "i-stuff" sooner or later.
Plus, right now - none of them run games I'd want to play = Not Yet. And, if/when they do, I know they'll cost way more than I'm willing and/or able to spend.

They'll also have to decide if that want to keep the "solid/legacy" Titles, or ditch those to go with Tired-overdone Tropes, AND hope/pray to have the next gold-rush "Casual", "Social", or "Browser" game. That costs next to nothing to make & hooks people like crack... Like arcades in the 80's with people dumping quarters/tokens in one after the other, only NOW they can just charge it to your smartphone = well over in Japan & Korea where they have a "captive market - people who literally lack the space for Desktop PC's, or the money to keep up with high-end "Enthusiast" (or mid-grade) PC's to play the latest (or recent) games on.

And, I expect they're gonna have trouble with the various tablet/mobile/phone OS'es as the become more prominent. Heck, how long is it taking to get Flash working on them? Yeah - that won't be the last issue like that, & if they're emptying wallets by the minute or second, (I actually saw that in some sales figures = average profit per second!)
And that level/degree of unashamed money grubbing is gonna cost them - when the hackers run out of quarters, and the bad press they already have from internet cafe's & trying to monitor all that and that the users aren't minors playing after whatever hours they made off-limits in their "curfews"...
City of Heroes is the BEST Super Hero MMO in the US, and even if they decided they need to upgrade the engine a bit more or shift the population over to a "CoH 2.0", they're gonna be missing out on a Dedicated Market - we love our superheroes & the movies are gonna keep on coming out.
There's a lot of truth in what you're saying here. Partly because of piracy and partly because that the PC platform is such a difficult one to develop on because every single machine out there is subtley different to the next one, PC games are going to become a niche market. Games for less varied platforms like phones, browsers and consoles are going to become more and more popular because they're more mainstream, more throwaway and fit with todays society.

You're spot on about the "have a hook and will draw people like crack" in the environment of todays consumerism. If you make something that appeals to someone enough for them to think "Hey it's only a few bucks, what have I got to lose", if they only play it for a week then junk it, from a business point of view, everybody wins.

I had a look on this afternoon and it saddened me to see that every Super Hero "MMO" in development is browser based and looked like just another tacky, throw away bit of tat.

CoH is THE best MMO there has ever been in terms of its depth, lore and customisation possibilities, but it's unfortunate that it represents what is becoming a bygone era. Just like the music and film business, it's a timeless classic that is being replaced with shallow, quick buck rubbish designed to make money rather than really entertain for any length of time.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Dear SyphonStrike,

NCSoft does not read these forums.
Well aren't you a clever one



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
*Couldn't care less*

Could care less means they have to care at all in order to care less.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Dear City of Heroes community.

NCSoft are not concerned about the opinions of 1% of their customer base.
I think it's pretty obvious that they're not concerned about the opinions of 100% of their customer base. We were all playing the game. They decided to shut down the game. Of course we're unhappy. They knew that going in. Us being unhappy isn't going to surprise or dissuade them. Maybe something else will (although I'm not holding my breath) but it won't be the shocking realization that their customers wanted to actually continue playing the game they were already paying for.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



dear everyone who keeps popping into these thread to lecture and finger-wag players expressing their dismay and anger at the corporate execution of the game they love with the excuse that you're just being "realistic":

Go pancake yourselves.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Like this? Is this what you mean?

Be well, people of CoH.



I think people should be able to express themselves freely about this whole situation. But the keyword is "themselves." No one should be ranting about how someone else is feeling or reacting to this situation. Telling someone their action is useless or telling someone because they are not taking action they are useless, or telling people to just stop whining. Just let people be folks!! Let everyone work through this the best they know how.

For me personally, I am exhausted and patience is wearing thin about this. I sent a letter, my son sent a letter, I went to the rally, I spoke out on several message boards and online communities, I will attend the task force this coming week, but to be honest it is getting harder and harder to play and have fun with the game. On one hand it doesn't make would make more sense for me to just enjoy the last few months but for some reasons it's just not working out that way. In some ways I want to move on... I want COH to either be done so I can move on or for it to continue. Being in this hiatus is very hard. I applaud all of those who have more endurance than I... all the people at Titan Network and other communities that are working hard. I do agree that even if we don't get COH back their is an important message to tell these game companies to treat us with more respect as customers!!

I think the original op of this thread makes a very good point. People who have paid for several months deserve some sort information about how it is going to be rectified. It is indeed very poor customer service that NCsoft has not come out to say anything. I encourage people to deny the charges through their bank or credit card company. That would be a good message to send.

As for negotiations I am quite doubtful much is going on. I think all the Devs and Paragon employees are looking for other work and I don't blame them. We haven't heard much of anything and I don't think it's because negotiations are going on I think it's because nothing is going on. I think someone important needs to come out and say something very soon.

ETA: I think I am going to watch a Harry Potter movie now, atleast my HP movies and books can't be taken from me!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
SteelRat and Feycat. I personally am also going to miss this game but I'm not torn apart by it. And I also know that the anger and sadness threads are going to accomplish exactly nothing.

But I'm not going to post in them just to try and make people face what I consider to be "reality" because I have a certain thing called empathy. You two (and a few others) are like people who say "Geez kid, crying ain't going to bring your dead dog back. Go down to the pound and get your self a new one."

Telling people they are foolish and wasting their time with their anger and grief doesn't make you cool headed. It just makes you a pancake.
That isn't what I said, why don't you NOT lump me in with that $hit.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
dear everyone who keeps popping into these thread to lecture and finger-wag players expressing their dismay and anger at the corporate execution of the game they love with the excuse that you're just being "realistic":

Go pancake yourselves.

This x1000

It's trolling plain and simple. If you really are just being 'realistic' then you would stay out of these threads. The ONLY reason to keep harping on the same point is that you're trying to antagonize people.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
That isn't what I said, why don't you NOT lump me in with that $hit.
True and I apologize for not expanding my post a bit. What you did was compare them to children throwing tantrums. I was just jumping on the overall theme of responding to people who are being passionate with something that will not only not change their mind but will just make them angrier.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Of course your patience is running out.
This is exactly what NCsoft is intending.
They don't have to fight us till the 30th of November if we lose steam and interested by the 30th of September. We're waves hitting against a concrete wall of silence. NCsoft's got a good strategy because they don't owe even the developers of Paragon jacksquat, much less you.

You are angry, and anger wears you out. You will eventually stop, and then NCsoft will continue.
This is not pessimism though, just warning about the spirit of our campaign. If we want to make sure NCsoft at least is wounded for their callous attitude towards their Western base, we CANNOT RUN OUT of patience.

If they are a concrete wall and we are crashing waves, than let us remain persistent until NCsoft's wall has been eroded to sand.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Seriously folks, you are starting to sound like little kids having a tantrum. Apparently that 2-week tickover is all people have in them.

NCsoft doesn't read these forums.

Direct your outrage in productive directions.

See Titan's "Call to Action" posts for those directions.

If you're going to post "I'M PISSED AND WON'T WAIT ANY LONGER!" posts, at least post them in one of the other countless threads that popped up in the last couple days to keep all the whining in one place.
Don't like the posts, don't read them. The subject made it clear what it was before you got there so reading it was your choice.

And I have directed my message at NC Soft, both privately and now publicly. Don't like how I'm doing it? Tough.

Syphon Strike
Prophet of The Ancients Returned
50 Kinetics/Psychic Defender - Virtue
Back after two years of WoW!



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
I take issue with being labelled as a "heckler".
As I said in the post to which you responded, that was not specifically directed at you but rather in consideration of the kind of hecklers we've had in the major gaming sites.

In other words, your attitude reminded me of those hecklers, even though you indicated you don't want to see City of Heroes go.

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
The facts of the matter, despite the polarised attitude of people like you is that not very many people in the grand scheme of things still played it and still put money in to it.
"The polarised attitiude of people like me," huh? Welp, considering this is where the rest of your post gets incredibly haughty, maybe I should just rescind my statements that separated you from the hecklers. I mean, it didn't matter to you anyway--you still took issue as if I was directly calling you a heckler (which makes your statement that rabble such as me have a "polarised attitude" really funny!). And if you're going to take the whole "City of Children" tone with me, why should I bother differentiating you from them?

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
It doesn't matter how big, important or earth shattering you are, in terms of the real world, you're a small voice.
Hmm. I wonder what exactly gave you the impression that I viewed myself as having the clout to either save City of Heroes by myself, or to break NCSoft if they won't react to the Save Paragon City campaign. Because I certainly said nothing of the sort in my post, nor did I so much as imply that I thought that way.

So where'd this one come from, SteelRat?

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
I'm don't have a cavalier attitude to the games demise, I have a realistic one. It's dead and frankly unlikely to be saved. [...] The longer you try and ignore that, the worse its going to be for you when it happens. That's why people say "get over it". [...] Ultimately, "Getting over it" is going to be your only option come November 30th.
Not necessarily, but that delves into topics better left discussed elsewhere. That, and when you say things like this or "all the campaigns and shouting, jumping and name calling isn't going to change the bottom line," it's hard to take you seriously when you say you support Save Paragon City and want it to succeed. Putting aside angry, impatient folks like the OP here, is that really how you perceive all of the player base's efforts? The Unity Rally? The write-in campaigns? Showing our gratitude toward Paragon's former employees by treating them to a meal?

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Such is the nature of a game that lives in a medium that an individual user has no direct control of. With the way cloud computing is going, get used to it, because that's the way the world is heading. You may not LIKE it, but again, there's not an awful lot you can do about it.
There's no need to "get used" to something when it's possible to take one's money to other services, products, and companies they find worth supporting. And frankly, with cloud computing? I've done just fine without it relying on it so far, and I will continue to avoid it ever since I saw how the Megaupload fiasco screwed over the people who used that service for legitimate reasons. But again, that's beyond the scope of this back-and-forth.

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
It doesn't have to be this way with games, granted, but unfortunately in this case it is. That's the simple fact of the matter. I don't welcome it any more than you do. I have no wish to play any of NCSofts new shineys either; not because of some idiotic and rather short sighted belief that I'm "sticking it to the man" by not doing so, but simply because I don't like the look of them very much.
So. When you deride people who have sworn off paying for or playing any of NCSoft's products as short-sighted idiotic attempts to "stick it to the man," just who all are you implicating? Because this kind of thing oozes with that "City of Children" tone I talked about, and if it's a sweeping generalization of the motives of anyone who says they won't touch NCSoft titles after City of Heroes goes down, weeeeell then we have a problem.

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
This so called shoulder shrugging as you call it is just me simply accepting what is (and I'm sure there will be some barrel related jibes that come from that).
Nah, no barrel jokes from me, I'm just basking in the glow your haughty aura. Gimme some more of dat so-called!

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
From a different point of view there are some philosophies that say "all things are transient and putting your faith in those things lasting forever will always lead away from true happiness". Things. Don't. Last. Forever. Sooner or later the things you love will be taken away from you. Most of those things are generally a damn sight more important than a computer game.
Whoa-hoah, and he plays the insignificance card again! Tell 'em what he's won, Angry_Citizen!

First, anything in this universe can be made to look insignificant or not worthy of caring about just by pulling back on the scope. Playing the "there's more significant things so you're foolish for caring about this" card is a specious argument. These things are significant to us in the scope and span of our lives. Sure, it's a big deal to me that the MMO genre is needlessly transient compared to other video games. Telling me that the sun's eventually going to blow up and vaporize all those copies of Super Mario Bros. anyway is irrelevant to what I said.

Or to put it your way: It. Doesn't. Matter. If. Nothing. Lasts. Forever. That's. Not. The. Point.

Second, caring about this game does not preclude someone from caring about issues of more importance. You are, after all, participating in the same community that has held its own charity drive for three years. I find it really silly that so many hecklers and naysayers are deriding people trying to save this game for being children who are wasting time on something "ultimately unimportant" when this game, and this community, has inspired things such as Real World Hero.

Oh, and while I'm at it, in response to something you said to Vauluur:

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Why are you on the offensive, claiming that just because I am suggesting people keep their feet on the ground about this that I'm some kind of twisted idiot who takes delight in other peoples misery?
I could just point up at everything I quoted. Or, I could just point to something you wrote in response to Vauluur:

Thing is chum, that's life. Crying about it doesn't change anything.
There's being realistic, and then there's this. The more I read over your posts, the more you come off as a heckler in denial than someone who's supportive of the cause while keeping their expectations in check. You spend more of your time belittling people involved in the Save Paragon City efforts more than you do showing support for those same efforts.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
True and I apologize for not expanding my post a bit. What you did was compare them to children throwing tantrums. I was just jumping on the overall theme of responding to people who are being passionate with something that will not only not change their mind but will just make them angrier.
Because it is. And it's not passionate - it's destructive, and counter-productive.

If people want COH not to die, they need to FIGHT. Yelling at NCsoft on a forum they do not read is slacktivism at its finest. It makes them feel like they DID SOMETHING, they cussed NCsoft out, they vented. But really, they did nothing but fill this forum with more negativity, more defeatism, and makes it less likely that those people - and people who read their posts - will actually do something productive.

It's a very uphill climb from here. It's very steep. The chances are very small. Stuff like this just weighs everyone down and drags the entire tone down, tires people out. It's not just not helpful, it's ANTI-helpful.

So yeah, I have a problem with it. I want this game to be saved. I want everyone with REAL passion for the game to get up, answer the calls to action, be ready to do what needs to be done if the team that's actually in talks with NCsoft NEEDS something from us.

And there are already a bunch of "omg I hate NCsoft!" threads out there. If venting must be done, add to one of them. Don't fill up the whole forum with it.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
If people want COH not to die, they need to FIGHT. Yelling at NCsoft on a forum they do not read is slacktivism at its finest. It makes them feel like they DID SOMETHING, they cussed NCsoft out, they vented. But really, they did nothing but fill this forum with more negativity, more defeatism, and makes it less likely that those people - and people who read their posts - will actually do something productive.
This is a lot more helpful to the cause than calling people childish.

Though honestly, I don't see what's so bad about the OP keeping his rage and impatience contained here while actively participating in other calls to action. I mean, better I think it's better that he seethe, vent and get the pointy-sounding words out here, then trying to use them directly on the NCSoft heads.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
This is a lot more helpful to the cause than calling people childish.

Though honestly, I don't see what's so bad about the OP keeping his rage and impatience contained here while actively participating in other calls to action. I mean, better I think it's better that he seethe, vent and get the pointy-sounding words out here, then trying to use them directly on the NCSoft heads.
I just don't see why everyone needs to make a new thread about it. It just feels like it's pushing everything else off the front page, do we really need 10 different "I hate you, NCSoft!!" threads? Can't we all hate them in one place?



Originally Posted by SyphonStrike View Post
Dear NC Soft, I've been patient.
I hate to come off as a heckler. But this needs saying.

No. No you haven't been "patient". It's been two weeks. This is the blink of an eye.

Multi-million dollar companies quite simply do NOT move this rapidly.

Nor do many of them directly engage in extensive social media campaigns.

It only seems like a long time because the Internet is so good at supplying instant gratification for informational and recreational purposes. People so used to this "now" culture have a skewed outlook that anything that doesn't happen within the framework of the Internet Attention Span is a mark of apathy or lack of care/respect.

It's nothing of the sort.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
No. No you haven't been "patient". It's been two weeks. This is the blink of an eye.

Multi-million dollar companies quite simply do NOT move this rapidly.
Dunno. They pulled the plug pretty quickly. And unless it took them two weeks to put together the "you're all fired" announcement, I'm pretty sure they could have put together a public statement in the meantime too.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Dunno. They pulled the plug pretty quickly. And unless it took them two weeks to put together the "you're all fired" announcement, I'm pretty sure they could have put together a public statement in the meantime too.
We found out about them pulling the plug very suddenly, that doesn't mean the decision came suddenly. I woud be very surprised if they just woke up one morning and decided to cancel City of Heroes. I'm sure they had been thinking about this for quite some time before we (or indeed Paragon) ever heard about it.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Because it is. And it's not passionate - it's destructive, and counter-productive.

If people want COH not to die, they need to FIGHT. Yelling at NCsoft on a forum they do not read is slacktivism at its finest. It makes them feel like they DID SOMETHING, they cussed NCsoft out, they vented. But really, they did nothing but fill this forum with more negativity, more defeatism, and makes it less likely that those people - and people who read their posts - will actually do something productive.
Do you know everything I'm doing to fight against the closing of the game? No. You don't. I, however, do know what you're doing in response to the actions of some people who are fighting the closing of the game - you're being a dick. So, pure and simple, if you don't like my "slacktivism" - if you don't approve of this one course of action that I'm taking to stand against NC Soft's treatment of their customers, then feel free to move on and read other threads. Feel free to stuff your comments and insults. You don't know anything of what I'm doing so feel free to take your commentary on my activities elsewhere.

You want to talk about "destructive, and counter-productive" - I do believe _YOU_ are being destructive and counter-productive. You don't see me coming on the boards and insulting the actions of other gamers but I see you doing exactly that.


Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I hate to come off as a heckler. But this needs saying.

No. No you haven't been "patient". It's been two weeks. This is the blink of an eye
How long does it take to figure "we aren't offering the service people paid for so we need to refund them the money for the time we aren't giving them"? I would imagine it takes less time than it took me to write that question. So, yes, I have been patient. They were able to take enough time to decide to cancel the game therefor they had enough time to contemplate how to deal with customers who weren't going to get what they paid for.

Syphon Strike
Prophet of The Ancients Returned
50 Kinetics/Psychic Defender - Virtue
Back after two years of WoW!



Originally Posted by Iron_Emerald View Post
We found out about them pulling the plug very suddenly, that doesn't mean the decision came suddenly. I woud be very surprised if they just woke up one morning and decided to cancel City of Heroes. I'm sure they had been thinking about this for quite some time before we (or indeed Paragon) ever heard about it.
That's a possibility, but reconciling it with the fact that they funded ongoing game development right up to the point where they pulled the plug involves either an unhealthy obsession with secrecy or staggering amounts of poor coordination.