NC Soft: My patience is almost exhausted




Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
That's a possibility, but reconciling it with the fact that they funded ongoing game development right up to the point where they pulled the plug involves either an unhealthy obsession with secrecy or staggering amounts of poor coordination.
So you think they suddenly woke up and decided to cancel the game? Sorry, but that's not how it happens. Companies keep on with business as usual right up to the point that they don't, at which point they ask people to pack their bags and they're done. When companies lay off staff, they don't slowly ramp down their workload and phase them out - they call them into an office, thank them for their time, and escort them from the building. That's how layoffs happen. And the people high up the food chain discuss it beforehand.

This was a sudden decision in the eyes of the fans and in the eyes of the employees at Paragon Studios. This was not a sudden decisions by the decision makers at NC Soft.

More to the point, even if they made the decision the same day they announced it - even if that unlikely scenario is true - they STILL would have had enough time to contemplate "we aren't giving customers what they paid for - we need to offer refunds". Sorry, but that's not a complex thought. That's not an arcane calculation that only a genius comes up with. That probably would have been first on the minds of at least one of the people present when the decision was made. And thus they should have had an answer ready for the customers affected.

They didn't.

Two weeks later they still don't.

I'm not waiting any more. (Among the other things I'm doing to oppose the closing of the game) I'm taking a stand and demanding my money back, one final time from NC Soft (here and via private communication) and, if this final time doesn't work, directly from my credit card company. And I encourage other gamers to do the same thing.

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Trouble is, the moment the game closes, the number of players who will return to it is going to theoretically decline. The more time that passes, the more CoH players will move onto something else and risk not being wrangled back. The value of the IP in the eyes of other businesses will only get staler the longer it sits in the back of the pantry.[/QUOTE]

I think they should form a player owned MMORPG. Not sure how it would work, but if we could let our community donate to a PayPal account to buy code from NC soft. Arbitrarily set it at $10 a share or something... I'd chip in a couple hundred up front and continue to pay my $15 a month until the pot got sweet enough for NC soft to notice

Arisen Crusader 50 Broadsword/Regen Freedom
Inferno Max 50 Fire/Kin Triumph
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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Or they could be, you know, looking for jobs to support themselves and their families.
The suddenness of everything leads me to believe that in all likelyhood negotiations were underway from day one. Too much secrecy involved that isn't necessary in our market. I'd be willing to bet they think they'll have it handled before the servers go down too..

of course I could be wrong!

Arisen Crusader 50 Broadsword/Regen Freedom
Inferno Max 50 Fire/Kin Triumph
Ascending Star 14 Emp/Nrg Virtue (in need of SG!)



Well another reason there has been no announcement is simply because that's not the way it's done in Korea. There the decisions of your superiors are final. If they decide to shut down a game that is doing well in Korea then any studio that is handling it will simply accept the decision, pack up their belongings and shut down the servers. Any players will just stop playing and look for a new game. They will consider any offer for transfer of game time by NCSoft to be gracious and generous.

If some sort of protest were started to keep the game going it would be with no thought behind it of the company owing the players. It would simply be a request for the company to keep a game going that the players enjoy.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



It should be noted that as of the last patch in GW2, there are Korean characters in the text description for items on the American servers.

I don't think NCSoft cares much about American gamers *at all*.

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
It should be noted that as of the last patch in GW2, there are Korean characters in the text description for items on the American servers.

I don't think NCSoft cares much about American gamers *at all*.
Yes, because a bugged tooltip = NO1CURR



Originally Posted by SyphonStrike View Post
How long does it take to figure "we aren't offering the service people paid for so we need to refund them the money for the time we aren't giving them"?
Not long. But planning what they're going to do for refunds or credits can take time. And going off half-cocked and announcing partial plans can just get them in more trouble.

Again, a company isn't one guy on the internet twitting every half-hour. Information coming out from large companies that aren't "media" or "news" companies is going to always be (comparatively) slow in coming.

Why do you think NCSoft, AFTER the closure announcement started pimping the upcoming i24 on their website? Because stuff like that was pre-scripted weeks or months ago and inserted with a trigger date.

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Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I just don't see why everyone needs to make a new thread about it. It just feels like it's pushing everything else off the front page, do we really need 10 different "I hate you, NCSoft!!" threads? Can't we all hate them in one place?
Ironic isn't it, when I complained about all the GW2 threads on the official forums, what was the response I got???, oh yes, we have permission to talk about other games now if you don't like them go elsewhere.

Guess if it ain't GW2 praising it's not allowed.

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For those of you that say, "Every game must die" I point to the oldest MMO's I know. EQ and EQ 2. STILL going. Still have people playing them. Little to no support, or development...but they're out there still.

CoX could become like that easily. A revenue stream for NCSoft that isn't burdened by developer and support salaries. Well...some support would be necessary. Have to at least skeleton crew police the boards and game.

Point is...there's a LOT that could've been done, but instead it got the plug pulled. Rather suddenly.

And yeah...everyone that has paid subscription time beyond the projected shutdown date SHOULD contact credit card companies and dispute the charges from Nov. 30th forward. Absolutely.

I've been saying ever since the announcement...the only way to truly make your voices heard is to impact what matters. NCSoft profits. Money.
Until that happens....they'll just shut the game down. And likely give no other announcements beyond what they have already.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
For those of you that say, "Every game must die" I point to the oldest MMO's I know. EQ and EQ 2. STILL going. Still have people playing them. Little to no support, or development...but they're out there still.

CoX could become like that easily. A revenue stream for NCSoft that isn't burdened by developer and support salaries. Well...some support would be necessary. Have to at least skeleton crew police the boards and game.

Point is...there's a LOT that could've been done, but instead it got the plug pulled. Rather suddenly.

And yeah...everyone that has paid subscription time beyond the projected shutdown date SHOULD contact credit card companies and dispute the charges from Nov. 30th forward. Absolutely.

I've been saying ever since the announcement...the only way to truly make your voices heard is to impact what matters. NCSoft profits. Money.
Until that happens....they'll just shut the game down. And likely give no other announcements beyond what they have already.
About EQ and EQ2, they do have the slight advantage of also being supported by SOE's Station Pass...



True Mercy but UO and Everquest were the original successful MMOs. They now have sort of an historical significance and closing either of those would truly cause a groundswell of bad press against their current owners.

We on the other hand are a small MMO that got obliterated from the gamer press hive mind by the release of WoW a few months later. Heck even Second Life got more press than we did for a longer period of time.

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Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
For those of you that say, "Every game must die" I point to the oldest MMO's I know. EQ and EQ 2. STILL going. Still have people playing them. Little to no support, or development...but they're out there still.
Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
True Mercy but UO and Everquest were the original successful MMOs. They now have sort of an historical significance and closing either of those would truly cause a groundswell of bad press against their current owners.
Well, there's also Neocron, Neocron 2: Dome of York and Anarchy Online. Neocron has the dubious honor of outliving its developer (Reakktor). Both games seem to be doing alright for now; the AO team is saying that the recent layoffs at Funcom only affect them in the sense that they won't be able to add members to their team like they hoped to, and thus can't get content or the graphics overhaul out as fast as they wanted.

I would add Myst Online: Uru Live to this list, but I don't think it counts since the game as an MMO has been resurrected and shut down repeatedly. It might stay up for good now, though (I hope) because Cyan Worlds is working on making the game open source, giving people the ability to create their own full-blown Ages (which I think was in their plans the whole time given the DRC's Guilds) ...



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
As I said in the post to which you responded, that was not specifically directed at you but rather in consideration of the kind of hecklers we've had in the major gaming sites.

In other words, your attitude reminded me of those hecklers, even though you indicated you don't want to see City of Heroes go.
My attitude being "actually, there's a very strong possibility after November 30th none of our efforts would have made any difference at all, and in fact NCSoft may even have provisioned for a strong reaction to it which is why they're not saying anything". And you think that's the the same as an anti-Save-Paragon heckler?

"The polarised attitiude of people like me," huh? Welp, considering this is where the rest of your post gets incredibly haughty, maybe I should just rescind my statements that separated you from the hecklers. I mean, it didn't matter to you anyway--you still took issue as if I was directly calling you a heckler (which makes your statement that rabble such as me have a "polarised attitude" really funny!). And if you're going to take the whole "City of Children" tone with me, why should I bother differentiating you from them?
Because that's not the attitude I'm having at all. My point is, that just because I'm offering a different point of view, or perhaps trying to keep feet on the ground instead of getting carried away with "Yay look at us and the difference we're making", then I'm pigeon holed as a naysayer or a heckler. Polarised because it's very easy to lose sight of the effect outside the walls of these forums or the game itself. To us, the difference we're making might seem huge - outside of the game, probably not so much.

Hmm. I wonder what exactly gave you the impression that I viewed myself as having the clout to either save City of Heroes by myself, or to break NCSoft if they won't react to the Save Paragon City campaign. Because I certainly said nothing of the sort in my post, nor did I so much as imply that I thought that way.
Again, you're just as guilty as taking all of this personally as you think I am. In the grander scheme of things, the "Wonderful Community of CoH" really doesn't have that much clout. Really. It doesn't. It's too small. You can beat the "We're Heroes" thing all you like. It's wonderful imagery, and is obviously poignant given the nature of the game, but I honestly think it's nothing more than a fantasy that people are clinging on to. Am I a bad guy for thinking that? For attempting to see the bigger picture to try and see if our efforts have a real chance of success?

Everyone is bashing on about the petition having 20,000 signatures. I read an article a week or two ago that said SW:TOR was in decline because its player base had dropped below a MILLION subscribers. 20,000 might seem huge, but in relative terms its a drop in the ocean. That might seem harsh, or heckling, or naysaying, but really, isn't it just true?

Not necessarily, but that delves into topics better left discussed elsewhere. That, and when you say things like this or "all the campaigns and shouting, jumping and name calling isn't going to change the bottom line," it's hard to take you seriously when you say you support Save Paragon City and want it to succeed. Putting aside angry, impatient folks like the OP here, is that really how you perceive all of the player base's efforts? The Unity Rally? The write-in campaigns? Showing our gratitude toward Paragon's former employees by treating them to a meal?
Of course not. I was PART of that unity rally, in actual fact. Again, I'm not KNOCKING the efforts. Far from it, I'm just trying to get a bit of perspective, that's all. What's wrong with that? If I came across as haughty, it was only in response to the haughty response that I got for DARING to not think like a lemming and just blindly agree with everyone else.

There's no need to "get used" to something when it's possible to take one's money to other services, products, and companies they find worth supporting. And frankly, with cloud computing? I've done just fine without it relying on it so far, and I will continue to avoid it ever since I saw how the Megaupload fiasco screwed over the people who used that service for legitimate reasons. But again, that's beyond the scope of this back-and-forth.
There is EVERY need to get used to something when it's the only choice you are presented with. More and more companies are working towards a model that is based around making all of our "stuff" stored on line. Microsoft, for example are encouraging that business migrate to a hosted on line solution meaning that instead of paying for an Exchange server that processes and stores all of your emails locally, it's done via Office 365. You pay for a virtual server which they host on a monthly basis. More and more companies are moving towards that, because all they have to do is pay a monthly fee without any worries about maintenance or having to fork out for capital expenditure.

Granted, its not the norm at the moment, but its the direction things are going. It won't be long before we no longer pay for a game and have a hard copy of it installed on our hard drives, we'll just have a thin client and license to play a game on a remote server. The kind of thing that we're complaining that NCSoft are doing NOW is going to rapidly become the norm as more and more services become hosted and not locally available.

So. When you deride people who have sworn off paying for or playing any of NCSoft's products as short-sighted idiotic attempts to "stick it to the man," just who all are you implicating? Because this kind of thing oozes with that "City of Children" tone I talked about, and if it's a sweeping generalization of the motives of anyone who says they won't touch NCSoft titles after City of Heroes goes down, weeeeell then we have a problem.
I think it's short sighted and idiotic because in the grand scheme of things it achieves nothing. There is another thread where it's reported GW2 has already sold 2 million copies. Do you honestly think in light of that news, NCSoft really give two stuffs about people childishly crossing their arms saying "NO. I'm not buying your stuff".

If GW2 is a good game, the only people losing out are the people refusing to play it on that basis.

Nah, no barrel jokes from me, I'm just basking in the glow your haughty aura. Gimme some more of dat so-called!
*sigh*. I'm labelled haughty because I have my own mind. *shrug*.. sticks and stones.

Whoa-hoah, and he plays the insignificance card again! Tell 'em what he's won, Angry_Citizen!

First, anything in this universe can be made to look insignificant or not worthy of caring about just by pulling back on the scope. Playing the "there's more significant things so you're foolish for caring about this" card is a specious argument. These things are significant to us in the scope and span of our lives. Sure, it's a big deal to me that the MMO genre is needlessly transient compared to other video games. Telling me that the sun's eventually going to blow up and vaporize all those copies of Super Mario Bros. anyway is irrelevant to what I said.
Nope. Wrong. Again, just perspective. Pull back on the scope and see the bigger picture. Sure it's important to us, I'm not denying that. What I AM saying though is that what's important to us, might not be as important to the people who make the kinds of decisions that will matter, irrespective of the amount of noise we make.

Or to put it your way: It. Doesn't. Matter. If. Nothing. Lasts. Forever. That's. Not. The. Point.
Ironically, that is exactly the point. Or at least it has a very real possibility that after all is said and done that's what we're all going to be left with.

Second, caring about this game does not preclude someone from caring about issues of more importance. You are, after all, participating in the same community that has held its own charity drive for three years. I find it really silly that so many hecklers and naysayers are deriding people trying to save this game for being children who are wasting time on something "ultimately unimportant" when this game, and this community, has inspired things such as Real World Hero.
Well I'm doubly glad I'm not a heckler or a naysayer then.

being realistic, and then there's this. The more I read over your posts, the more you come off as a heckler in denial than someone who's supportive of the cause while keeping their expectations in check. You spend more of your time belittling people involved in the Save Paragon City efforts more than you do showing support for those same efforts.
"Spend more of my time belittling people"? Seriously? You've obviously not read all my posts then. Or perhaps you've only chosen to read the posts that I've made which back up that remark?

This is the thing that gets me about these boards. All the time you make encouraging noises, or recount positive things; in other words "tow the line" no one notices. The very MOMENT you say something that's just a bit contrary to that idea, you're pounced on and demonised.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



This is the thing that gets me about these boards. All the time you make encouraging noises, or recount positive things; in other words "tow the line" no one notices. The very MOMENT you say something that's just a bit contrary to that idea, you're pounced on and demonised.
People don't like having their hopes and dreams pissed on regardless of how unlikely those hopes and dreams are to lead to anything positive.

That's the internet for ya.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
This is the thing that gets me about these boards. All the time you make encouraging noises, or recount positive things; in other words "tow the line" no one notices. The very MOMENT you say something that's just a bit contrary to that idea, you're pounced on and demonised.
It's toe.

As in, don't step over this.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Petty much?
And that's probably why people are attacking you for your tone, bro.

Nope, it was just a peeve of mine. I thought you might like to know you're using the phrase incorrectly. No need to bite.




Apologies. Thank you for pointing out my mistake. In all honesty had the shoe been on the other foot, I'd have probably done exactly the same thing.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Well, I mean, it wasn't really a spelling mistake. You spelled the word correctly, it was just the wrong one.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Again, a perspective thing. With the size of the post that I made with all the points I made and you picked me up on a simple spelling mistake? That's why I found it petty.

Sorry, bro. That's a peeve of mine too.
That's because I've got no dog in the fight between you and LittleDavid. I see both sides and think there's plenty of unreasonableness going on. I'm not gonna pick your points apart either way.

I do hate misuse of aphorisms like "tow the line," "gave X the reigns" and "another thing coming," though. Drives me batty.



The last one's actually right, though. "Another think" would be incorrect.



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
Well, I mean, it wasn't really a spelling mistake. You spelled the word correctly, it was just the wrong one.
I'll remember that when I see someone say "your" instead of "you're" (which happens fairly often on these boards, and yet I rarely see anyone leap in to point out the error)

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
I'll remember that when I see someone say "your" instead of "you're" (which happens fairly often on these boards, and yet I rarely see anyone leap in to point out the error)
That would be like running a marathon uphill, sadly.

Also, people KNOW the your/you're thing, they just type without thinking about it. I think a lot of people just don't know the proper aphorism and consider it a heads up.