NC Soft: My patience is almost exhausted




The problem with flippantly belittling dreams is that dreams are the fuel that has created everything that's ever been done.
I don't fault people for not being swept away with improbable dreams, but the ones who are flippantly negative about the dreamers' chances are just onlookers - victims and benefactors of what others do or (in some cases) don't do.

Relevance has no bearing. Size matters not. Effort and relentlessness means everything.

It doesn't really matter, but that holds true for everything. So, if the beliefs of a dreamer mean nothing, how can the negative outlook of an onlooker mean anything at all?

Encouragement and support are best right now. Failures can be dealt with after they come. People will or won't lose themselves either which way and we can all deal with things when things come to pass.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Encouragement and support are best right now. Failures can be dealt with after they come. People will or won't lose themselves either which way and we can all deal with things when things come to pass.

Folks, not saying this latest argument isn't important in some way--and this isn't me nagging, it's actually me pretty much begging, with all my heart: if you haven't yet hit a party store for masks and capes, or printed out the Titan Network's templates for masks and mailed them in to the addresses they've provided, please take just a short while out of your time and do so. AND STOP, WAIT. Before you click away from this (I say "you" rhetorically for those who NEED to listen to me right now). Don't think it'll make a difference? This ISN'T a task that requires much effort at all, and it's not solely about making a difference. This has been one of the greatest online communities there ever was. No one in their right mind would argue this, and if you've played and enjoyed City of Heroes at all, you're a part of it.

You could wrap up this Call to Action in under two hours, easy. You'd get a little exercise and fresh air, could hit a store on your way back and reward yourself with a treat (heck, buy GW2, you earned it if you do this for your community...even if I won't join you--personally, I'm all about some dark chocolate and a new indie game on Steam.), and it's quite possible that no forum argument today, this month, this year, or this decade* will give you the same sense of satisfaction as responding to this Call to Action.

Not because you know or don't know whether it'll work. The odds were never in our favor, and I've never felt any other way about it. But I also know that an online gaming community has never risen up like this. For better or worse, our community's antics have put us right up there with Lord British's virtual assassination--history will remember this. And we're not even done! Since we've already set a precedent, we may as well do it right.

*How many of you had to actually think about that one? I know I did!

Also, the best City of Heroes-themed cape and mask (as in, created or modified extensively by you, and then judged by the best panel ever of judges ever, the community) will win a free copy of Defense Grid on Steam and a free copy of ALL Defense Grid DLC, or whomever you want to gift it to (or ask me to gift it to). I got some free copies for helping kickstart Defense Grid 2, and have one left that I haven't promised anyone. (Hidden Path Entertainment couldn't get a publisher to listen to any idea that isn't trying to be BIG HUGE MEGA BLOCKBUSTER crap.) All of this would cost you $15.99 if you bought it.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Wow. This thread got completely jacked...

Anyhow, it's nice to see my threat got NC Soft finally moving.

What? You don't know it wasn't because of my threat!

Anyhow, thankfully, it appears that they're finally dealing with refunds in the right way. Good on them. Now I can go back to just being disappointed that a game I love is shutting down and hope that someone else is able to convince NC Soft to sell the game.

Syphon Strike
Prophet of The Ancients Returned
50 Kinetics/Psychic Defender - Virtue
Back after two years of WoW!



Originally Posted by SyphonStrike View Post
...and hope that someone else is able to convince NC Soft to sell the game.
That someone is us. Please see the post above yours.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Alot of this seems to be interpretation of what people say.

When someone comes on and says things like, be realistic or nothing is going to happen no matter how many letters you send ends up being interpreted that the people who are holding out for hope and are sending in letters and doing things are idiots and just wasting their time. Even though the person never actually said "You are wasting your time." It is interpreted that way.

Also, people who come on and are all full of energy and hope and are actively doing all sorts of things to save COH can come across rather annoying and condescending. Even without saying direct words it can just come across this way sometimes. Make people feel something is wrong with them for not speaking more positively and sending in capes and letters.

I guess everyone just needs to give people a little grace.



Originally Posted by Icy_Pop View Post
Alot of this seems to be interpretation of what people say.

When someone comes on and says things like, be realistic or nothing is going to happen no matter how many letters you send ends up being interpreted that the people who are holding out for hope and are sending in letters and doing things are idiots and just wasting their time. Even though the person never actually said "You are wasting your time." It is interpreted that way.

Also, people who come on and are all full of energy and hope and are actively doing all sorts of things to save COH can come across rather annoying and condescending. Even without saying direct words it can just come across this way sometimes. Make people feel something is wrong with them for not speaking more positively and sending in capes and letters.

I guess everyone just needs to give people a little grace.
Sometimes it's worse to regret something you didn't do, or didn't try. History is full of times that seemed just as hopeless if not more so, when customers or other groups made a stand and got their way, or at least a compromise in which everyone came out a winner. This passes the duck test, as they say. It appears hopeless, but we're in an excellent position (with the gaming press on our side) to make a stand. Later, when you see other games shut down, or look back on past games shut down, you'll realize just what a golden opportunity we have here, comparatively speaking. I know of two MMOs that are shutting down right now with loving fan bases that NO ONE is talking about. Whether we succeed or fall may just depend on how much we take our opportunity for granted.

No, I'm not telling you that anything's wrong with any of you. All I'm doing is asking, pleading, begging. Help save City of Heroes, or, failing all hope, make a final show of solidarity alongside us. Making these small steps costs so little effort (see my big post above). Two hours here and there out of your entire life, compared to all the life this game still had left in its development pipeline.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Yeah, I can't imagine a good outcome for Paragon Studios. Maybe someone can salvage the game's code, but I'm not holding my breath. All my experience with corporate politics tells me there's rarely any second-guessing when a decision has been made. You can't be seen to be a waffler because you're perceived as weak. That attitude is probably a thousand times more powerful in Korean culture.
It is. And if the slim chance that something gets reversed and PR have to clean up a mess it usually mean someone/group high up is going home for good, albeit in the US with a nice sized Golden Parachute

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!