I can't log in because I just start crying.

Adeon Hawkwood



The common theme through this thread is:

I can't play alone.

Mostly Virtue, some Triumph. Four server transfers available. Not on that much lately; busy IRL. Plus I've been 'playing the Forums.' Working on hitting 50 on a couple toons, though; could use some ITFs or +4/x8s.



If only COX was a feline like me: It would have 8 more lives left.


"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"



I just wanted to say, Eco, that I know what you mean. 45 or not (as I will be Oct 16... damn... 45... wow, I made it this far. ) I thought I could keep the stiff upper lip..

But I didn't. Not entirely: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=296544

This isn't to pump my own thread, though it's just I don't wanna type it all again...

This game, these people, all of it...

Yep. Best Game Evar.


/Imma keep on keepin' on though. Heck, I am restartin' my Total Dependent character, and I'mma get an 8th 50 outta this!
//"It ain't over till it's over!" - Yogi Berra.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I'm not giving 5 years off my life for the game. I said I'd give 5 years off my life for true artistic talent.

For the GAME, I'd... well, I wouldn't kill anyone, but I'd happily throw some all-too-deserving schnook down a flight of stairs.

If you spent those five years working hard on your art, you might very well end up with 'true artistic talent'. Most of what people think of as talent comes from a lot (a lot!) of practice. More than most people would willingly endure.

On-topic, I felt shocked and a bit sad at the announcement of the game's impending doom and like some others have mentioned, it's killed most of the joy I had in playing it. The timing also sucked because I was about to re-sub for Issue 24 and now I'm stuck in premium limbo, so many of my characters are inaccessible.

I know there is the beta server but it's not the same.



Our City of Heroes (is a City of Friends)

The sun’s going down on our city,
Nightfall is almost at hand.
And the heroes that move through our city,
Will leave soon for some other land.

Our City of Heroes
Is a City of Friends.
And with friends from our City,
Our world never ends.

Our love that we feel for our city,
Is a love that endures through our pain.
And our tears that rain down on our city,
Are shared with our friends, not in vain.

Our City of Heroes
Is built in the heart.
Our friends are our heroes
And we're never apart.

Oh, the love that I feel for our city,
Is a badge shining brightly to see.
And my tears that fall down on our city,
Are shed for my friends and for me.

Our City of Heroes
Will see a new dawn,
Because our City of Heroes
In time will live on!

Our City of Heroes
Is our City of Friends,
And our City of Heroes
Will soon rise again!

Just remember, it's not "never give up." It's "never, ever, EVER give up." This has been my favorite game for so many years, and the thought of losing it hurts so very much. I cried too. My story is all our stories - the things we've done, the things we always meant to do, the friends we've played the game with and grown with for years here in our virtual world, the wonderful characters we've made, etc.

If the unthinkable does actually happen on November 30th - or any other time - someday, somewhere, in some form, our City of Heroes will live again. Somebody will hear our outcry and see that bringing something that was loved by so many people back to them in some form, either the way it is now, or as some form of "CoH2", or even as a "spiritual successor" to the original could be a very lucrative business opportunity if done correctly, and our City of Heroes will be together again. So never, ever, EVER give up.



To the OP... Im 31, and wanted to play the game to enjoy the last months but I cant...
Makes me so sad and depressed, and I feel bad because I want to play it while I can but it breaks my heart to do it...



I will miss this game - but even more, I will miss the forum community. I was with it from launch until last year - didn't resub, no particular reason, but I'd done about everything I wanted to do.

Still, this news hit me hard - only saw it on Fark.com today, and had to come check it out.

At least i can post in all-access... since my sub lapsed and they're not letting us be VIPs now (hey, I'd *give* you a couple months worth of sub time!) ... this'll have to do.

Re-reading the forums after a long absence was like seeing old friends - Arcanaville, evilgeko, nethergoat, Fulmens, to name a VERY few - who I hadn't been around in a while. I always was more of a reader than poster...

And it's sad, knowing that all too soon, this too will fade.

Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.



Originally Posted by James_Bonnell View Post
since my sub lapsed and they're not letting us be VIPs now (hey, I'd *give* you a couple months worth of sub time!) ... this'll have to do.
If there are box codes you haven't applied, those can be used to renew VIP. They're generally stupid-cheap on Amazon.

I have heard mixed results from game time cards so can't recommend them with clear conscience.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by James_Bonnell View Post
And it's sad, knowing that all too soon, this too will fade.
We're not done yet.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Oh, don't get me wrong - I will certainly hope for a rescue.

It was just interesting earlier today - I picked one of my toons (first to 50 in ... yarg... 500 hours! back in 2004) to log in as a free player... and at 50, the character's done. It was kinda fun to run around for a few minutes, but there wasn't really anything I wanted to do with her - I've always been more of a leveler, so a maxed toon isn't that interesting to me.

I also NEVER got into the whole Incarnate thing.

I have done most of what I wanted to do with the game, but it was coming to the forums again - where I spent a HUGE amount of time - that really made me a lot more emotional.

It's the forum community I'll miss more than anything else, I think, although the folks I played with for several years on Infinity also deserve respect - Ravlin, Ruhe, Sorak, Groundzero, Statesman's Cat, Ichigo Milk, EqualOportunity, Kokoro, Law Dog, LadyShade - you guys were fun and I miss you all!

Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
And hey there. That was me and Dark Seraph. (Cyberman 8 and Purrfect Archer respectively)
Hey, Atl? I know I haven't been posting as much in our groups channel lately, but still... DS is the other Australian of our group. He's the skinny one, I'm the guy that lives on the other side of town and weighs as much as two of him :P



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We're not done yet.
November 29th...

"We're not done yet" - GG


My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



<~39, and in the very same aquatic conveyance. For 8 years, I have used this very outlet to avoid needing necessary medications for depression... Yes, I reach for my computer as opposed to pills, and I loved it that way! Lost my son to a schizophrenic back in 97, had to drop out of college in my last semester to pay bills in 05, recently said goodbye to my loving feline companion, Scar, after only five years due to veterinarian negligence, and just this last week, I lost a court case to a less-than-reputable collection agency in what was perceived to be a case of "I've got lunch to go to, why wont this case end?" as the judge ignored several legal protocols, and acted as if my quoting from the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act was insulting to him, and my abundance of evidence that the debt claimed was not valid was just too insurmountable and incomprehensible for his mind to wrap itself around.

This game has given me years of Not-punching-people-in-the-faceitis, but sadly, I have found myself back in counseling over the loss of my only non-medicated solution. I felt like a fool explaining that I was cracking up due to a video game at my age, but was made to feel a bit better when it was laid out that people all have some outlet and no one persons is more effective or ridiculous than any others. So I am not insane, just sad to loose an attachment I have grown into over the last decade. Think of it like a divorce, only this time the spouse is taking everything, and launching it into space out of spite. What a B***H!!!


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
HAHA!! Perfect timing! Bill! Spot on!



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
The common theme through this thread is:

I can't play alone.


You can solo this game about 80-85% of it. But it's so much more fun and enriching to do so with others.

To that end - all of you who are depressed in this thread - listen(read) carefully what I'm about to say:

All of you NEED each other.

We all need each other. More so than ever right now.

When you are staring at the log-in screen, or if you've made it into the game and are just moping around.

Think about all the others in this thread who are JUST LIKE YOU.

You need to reach out to them. We all do. I think it would help all of us so much if we could all get together and DO things that we've always loved to do in the game. Or at the very least, commiserate in real time with each other.

You're not alone. And there's no need to stay alone.

My handle's the same as my in-game global. I'm not hard to find when I'm on. I'm blunt and unsubtle, but I'm friendly. And I want to help in any way I can. Even if it's just to lend an ear or give an emote virtual hug. And I'm far from the only one who feels that way.

Don't give in to despair. Even if we were to lose the game. WE STILL HAVE EACH OTHER.

Don't forget that! We are a community! Don't allow yourself to fade or shy away from contact, especially now!

Reach out.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
November 29th...

"We're not done yet" - GG

December 1st...

"We're not done yet." - Me.

I'm going to be saying that whether or not there's a server up to log into.



I haven't been able to log into the game since the day it was announced it was closing down. Every time I think about doing it, my heart just aches. It's excruciating and I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't want there to be a last time.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
That's it in a nutshell, basically. I get to the character select screen and start crying. It's ridiculous. I'm 42. Even reading the forums breaks my heart.

Best computer game ever made.

It's good that it hurts. It shows that it mattered.



I've finally been able to play on beta for about 30 minutes once a week...I'm trying to be back into the groove before the final curtain falls.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
That's it in a nutshell, basically. I get to the character select screen and start crying. It's ridiculous. I'm 42. Even reading the forums breaks my heart.

Best computer game ever made.

I'm in my 40's, and feel the same way. I log in for my SG mates to keep morale high. Otherwise it breaks my heart. I haven't even read my comics in weeks because of this. I hope to get over it soon, but am not... travelling well.

One of my most fervernt SG mates refuses to try anything else until after Nov 30th, because she's afraid that she'll feel she could have played that few extra hours more. I log in for her, and the few others who do want to play. When I do, I play my 'main'. It's not about levels any more for me, just the chance to play with my namesake. I won't say I won't play werewolves elsewhere, but there's only one Lycantropus as far as I'm concerned. He dies on Nov 30th. If you see that name again, it won't be me. Melodramatic? Maybe. I also consider myself more creative than that, and it's a small enough sacrifice in respect to a game that gave him a home for around 8 years.

(Still sure most of the SG will call me 'Lyc' for quite some time to come though... but that's a different story).

When I'm not on, I stay logged in with my torch held high in Atlas (unless Comcast DC's me or I'm playing with the SG, but whatever) in respect for this game and Paragon Studios. I'm not there in protest, but in honor of the game and those who made it great, Dev and player alike.

Its loss burdens me in a way I cannot describe, and this is from someone who has lost friends in real life to accident and illness, been married more than once, and who has had children that are now forging lives of their own as adults... It was my first MMO, where I met a number of people (surprisingly around my age or older) who came together to form a small, tight-knit group, that by all accounts probably shouldn't have happened based on our antisocial tendencies as individuals online, but happened maybe despite it, and finding common ground.

I keep logging on for them, while those of us who can bear it, look into other options but come back here for the rest on our SG nights, and when others are on, to play. I love this game. It's actually kind of profound how much I do. How hard this hit me the first few days is... difficult to describe, and even now I'm prone to fits of depression over it. It's silly, I know, just being a game; especially after the confirmation of the friends I have made through it will persevere beyond it's loss (which was my biggest point of concern). However, having tried a number of MMO's since, I feel something truly unique and special is being lost from shortsightedness. Things as simple as the chat system, and its sound queues from different types of chat (as crazy as that sounds, even it's 'spiritual predecessors' failed to do right), to the 'super sidekick/exemplar system' that would make sure everyone was on the same scale for teaming... That's the kinds of things MMOs should be made of. Many still don't 'get it' it seems.

Nevertheless... The SG will go on. Our little band of dirty ol' misfits (male and female alike) will continue along somewhere else in other games, but it will never EVER call any one of them home like this game was to us. Not for lack of us trying, but because nowhere we go will be home like this place has become to us. I don't think, for most of us, we could trust any one game again to be that kind of place. We've all resigned to playing a couple of titles (none NCSoft) on different night, but more as a consession than a favored game.

Like I said, none of them are 'home' like this game is, to any of us.

So yeah, we know how you feel.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Hey all, I'm 44 and feel the same way most of you do.

I log in, but can't seem to get myself in the mood to DO much because...well ultimately it won't matter in a few weeks. And Dark Respite's most recent video...which was WONDERFUL...slammed home how much I'm going to miss the game when it's finally shut down.

Here's to you, Paragon City.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



No tears shed, but I don't have the heart to play anymore. I tried, but all that happened was being reminded of the great things planned for CoH, and how they'd never come to pass. Also, I was reminded that, because my main is a Crab Spider, I'd probably never be able to create even the roughest analogue in any other MMO I'd ever play.

So I deleted my beta and test installs, and uninstalled the NCLauncher. I'm keeping my live CoH install on my computer, even though I won't be able to log into it again. Part of it is sentimentality, but part of it is symbolic -- getting rid of NCSoft yet holding onto CoH.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
46. Same thing.

For the first few days I was in total shock. I wept more during those days than I have in years.

You know what, though? The very first Saturday after the announcement, while I was still in that early stage? I was logged in, but I was commiserating with people, trying not to tear up.

I had - for the first time in a long long time, gone to my "/hide" command and unlocked EVERYTHING. So I was visible to any and all searches. Even just general. Haven't done that in years. I've got a stable corp of friends. And bare minimum I run with "hide from general searches" on. You would not normally see me in a zone search. Though I'm visible to friends, supergroups, global channels I'm a member of etc.

But I'd turned it all off so I'm open to view for the first time in over 2 years.

And I got a random /tell. ( and I am so sorry now that I can't recall who this was, but if anyone who was there, let me know and I'll gladly give credit where it's due)

This guy, the Saturday after Black Friday, was pulling people together for a Rikti Mothership raid.


Why not?

And it welled up in me through my tears -





He didn't get any of that from me through the tell, actually. To him, I just typed a simple, "Yes. I'm on my way."

And I told my friends who were also feeling down what I was doing, and would they like to come along? And they also came along (and I suspect were having a similar reaction).

This guy was obviously persistent and patient. When I got there we were about 1/3 to 1/2 full. But it took surprisingly less time than I would've thought to fill up. And we got a lot of people who had NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE.

So I found myself in the surprising role of calling out some advice. I wasn't telling people where to go or what pylons to hit, but I was telling "newbies" what to expect, when to expect rezzes and when it would be better to hospital, helping with the call out to position ourselves away from the bombs and then into the bowl, and calling out for people to target Rikti Maguses through me.

I wasn't done with my mourning, but for awhile that night it all fell away and I had a BLAST.

It is, I think, one of the best examples of what this game, and what this community are all about.

A couple of days later I'd pulled myself together enough to make a general call-out to my own supergroup to stop mourning and get bucket lists together and that we were going to help each other achieve those lists as much as possible before the (possible) end.

And I've been PLAYING the game. I still find myself touring almost aimlessly taking screenshots and such. But I've been checking off things I want to get done for my mains. I've been helping SG mates get favorite toons over the top to level 50 at last. I've run task forces.

I'm also trying to help people with my knowledge of Champions Online (and even DCUO), if they want to try those and should the worst truly come to pass, choose another MMO to bring their characters to. I'm still 99% here. But I've been helping organize and commission proportional templates for the CO character creator in order to help COH players make characters as close to their original look as possible and giving other advice on how to use the character creator and other tools in that game. I'm not PUSHING this, by the way. I'm just offering help should they choose it. CO is not a replacement for COH in any way. I just consider it an alternative. But I feel it's better to be pro-active.

My point is... I understand exactly how you feel. But I do implore you - try to get involved. Watch the LFG channel. And if you see anybody asking for group for something you want to do on your bucket list - or even if you think you'd just like to randomly help someone - DO IT.

It WILL make you feel better.

Lastly - to whoever you were, mystery Mothership Raid Organizer - I salute you.
Sorry to necro, but I just stepped in here for the first time.

If you were on Virtue, that was me. Lord Omi, 'Shade. And yeah. I was crying.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Amid all this sorrow, it's worth reminding everyone of NCSoft's "Vision and Goals":

To make people in this world happier.

The ultimate mission of NCSOFT is to make each and everyone on earth happier.

That is, to make people's lives more enjoyable.
"Happier". That's a laugh.



<--48 I so completely relate to this thread. I haven't logged in for a couple weeks because when I do, I just.... hover in place. Numb.

I wish I had access to all of my toons so I could take some screenshots and collect some bios. Basically visit with each one of them and somehow acknowledge what I had created as I played.

I'll be on to watch the sunset. See you then.