The CO Community & You
Oh, yeah, one thing to remember is that most heals scale off of PRE. So, if you don't have it as a superstat, probably good to look for heals that don't scale off of a stat, or scale off of a stat that you do have as a superstat. (Though they can still be effective. I have a "barbarian from the future" melee character that uses healing drones and bionic shielding for self healing, and the character is still pretty tanky without PRE.)
ETA: Resurgence is nice, as it scales off of CON.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
List them, then, because I'm failing to find such on the CO wiki.
And Pyre is essentially a better version of Combustion from Tanker's Fire Melee.
Edit: Earth Splitter is a sneaky ranged attack in a melee set.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Brimstone, Eruption, Earth Splitter and Fury of the Dragon. I was thinking of Burning Chi Fist and Dragon Uppercut as well, but I misremembered the additional damage type.
And Pyre is essentially a better version of Combustion from Tanker's Fire Melee. Edit: Earth Splitter is a sneaky ranged attack in a melee set. |
Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Because I concede that elemental weapons being left off is a problem. Hence, my argument does not extend to them.
Is conceptually different from
"Sword+fire" how?
or, to put it in your own terms:
If "Punch+fire" is no different from "Karate Chop/grab/slap/kick+Fire" how is "Sharp Object+fire" different from "Punch+Fire"?
You forgot to explain what "Makes sense visually" means, as well.
Neither do I. What are you talking about? |
You can say your character is a martial artist who uses kinetic energy attacks and I wouldn't argue with you for a second. However, when you put that character next to a martial artists who just happens to have magical glowing gloves that make him punch harder, you'll end up seeing the exact same thing. Once that's the case, I'm perfectly fine with giving just one Martial Arts set and handling the difference with hand auras. Which I have, actually, in City of Heroes itself. |
Because I'm not? |
As opposed to exploring the potential nuances of the concepts, you propose that we just blanket them all with "punches" and then let cosmetic effects be the only distinguishing elements.
You are arguing for less customization by stating that there should be less to customize as a whole. In response to a complaint that a certain customization option is not available within a certain game.
In City of Heroes, all of the elemental sets look the same because they share the same very small pool of fairly simplistic animations. They don't HAVE to look the same, they DO look the same. That's the whole point. |
Everything else about the powersets is different(in so much as they yield different results when used)
And really, how do you set them apart but with visual effects? How is punching with fire any different from punching with darkness or punching with electricity? |
In other words, the actual way in which these things(Fire, Ice, Electricity, e.t.c.) act differently from each other, enough to make calling them different things and using different effects relevant. If I, say, cover my fist in fire, and punch someone, and they freeze in a block of ice, because the Power I applied the "fire" animation to is designed to freeze the opponent in a block of ice, I'm not doing a good job of faking "Fire Melee". This is true for a Flaming Punch, Kick, Chop, Pheonix Eye Fist, or flick.
Taking the unique aspects of the things you are working with into account is what sets things apart. Fire burns, Electricty shocks, Ice freezes, dark... maybe "corrupts" would be the right word.
Consider how odd it would be to go into Steel canyon with your water blaster, and discover you can't put out fires.This is the closest this game comes to "Power behavior" in a practical, non-numbers sense. It can't practically express the way gravity effects the movement of water, the way water pressure effects things, erosion, water-logging, e.t.c. This game is mostly numbers(in terms of what players directly interact with. ALL video games are, essentially, numbers, but action games hide more of their numbers than City of Heroes does) and a player's ability to calculate the "arc" of their water attack, and how that differs from the "arc" of a fire attack can't be expressed in this game. So we have but one recourse:
Water Beats Fire.
In this game, it's because of the "cold" damage type. But in a game with one "blast" set and numerous visual effects, "damage type" would be less relevant, and probably wouldn't exist. In which case, a "water" customization for blast powers wouldn't be able to put out fires.
How these factors can be best applied within the limitations of the work is up to the creator and the tools at their disposal.
As for animations, well let's look at ATLA, for example.....
Are we going into Avatar: The Last Airbender territory where every element bending is designed after a different general martial arts style? |
Yes, Water Bending is mostly Tai Chi, Firebending is mostly Kykoshinkai Karate and Earthbending is mostly Kung Fu, except for Toph who has her unique style. And this works for a cartoon where the fighting styles are picked to reflect the characteristics of the people who use them. But as with Toph, that doesn't always work. |
Ugh, Sam, please learn to try and know what you are talking about, in the future.
Couple of things:
- Firebending is Shaolin Longfist Kung-fu
- Earthbending is Hung-gar Kung-fu
- Toph Uses Southern Mantis style specifically so she can "feel" things out and then "react", but she still applies earthbending in the same fashion, but with modified hand motions. In other words, she does the exact same thing with her bending but alters it ever so slightly.
- The bending styles where not designed to fully reflect on the people who used them, but on the behavior and tactical functions of the elements. Everyone uses a certain "base" with a few moves here or there to distinguish their personal tactics.Zuko,Iroh,Ozai, and Azula all use Shaolin Longfist, with a few character-specific moves and distinct approaches to combat. Iroh is Patient, Zuko is bull-headedly aggressive, and Azula is manipulative. but these things are mostly strategy as opposed to direct combat.They are all using Shaolin Longfist forms and all of their fire moves, and is used,essentially the same.
Airbending, which is Bagua-Zhang(sp?) is almost entirely defensive because there's precious little to be done to directly "kill" someone with wind, so it's mostly movement and redirection.
Earthbending is direct and straightforward because complex manipulations isn't Rock's strong-suit. Earthbenders mostly raise/form and then release stone to go about it's business of smashing.Many earthbenders even make use of pre-existing structures instead of shaping their own.
Their defenses work in similar fashion. They raise a wall to "block" and then that's it. They might then pick up that same wall later and then "punch" but this is different from-
Waterbending is all about the complex manipulations. Water benders hardly ever "fully release" their element, particularly so they can whirl it back into a defensive function whilst still attacking.
What I'm suggesting is that there's no logical link between, say, "punch" and "fire" that defines the final product as a singular entity. You can take any "fire punch," swap out the visual effects for, say, electricity and end up with an "electric punch." |
There's nothing inherent in HOW you punch that's unique to fire or electricity, because those are not mechanical forces which define the nature of a mechanical force attack. |
Ignoring the unique properties of fire and just focusing on the "punch", you'd have a point, but taking both into account, you're wrong.
Here's an example:
How would we make "Electric Melee" unique as a concept?
My idea would be to make it "Electric Grappling" Taking the basic aspects of both concepts and trying to blend them together.
The "Grappling" aspect wouldn't be necessarily tied to any particular known style of wrestling, but extremely close-quarters combat would be essential.
It would focus on a great deal of getting in close, making direct physical contact, and then maintaining that direct physical contact in order to conduct however many volts of electricity you need to into the enemy.
It wouldn't need locks, holds, throws, or takedowns, necessarily. Just a means to keep enemies in close enough for you to "juice" them. It might have a few "rush" powers similar to Champions "Movement" attacks.
It might have a few quick "opening jab" powers that would stun to facilitate longer grabs.
I'd likely put in at least one "one-two" punch power for the sake of general use, but the majority of Electric Melee powers in this set would be about holding on to your enemy for relatively short-ish periods. Lots of "hugging" in this set.
I might also come up with some manner of channeling it through proper conductors. Allowing certain, highly situational powers that would only work within a given environment.
Why? well because If we're making "electric melee" the assumption is you can't throw lighting around. So for whatever reason, you can't just have a power, like, say, Jacob's Ladder in this set. So everything is close. Electricity has to be conducted through appropriate channels in order to have it's effects, so it would need to either be very close or use outside objects(Streams/Rivers, wires, metal stairways, e.t.c.).
Fire, on the other hand, spreads through most things. Even if fire itself doesn't spread, the heat, which causes the burning damage anyway, does.
And, eventually, if you get hot enough, everything burns.
A fire melee set would utilize greater range because even if you can't "throw fire" because it's fire melee, duh, you can still spread it. So it would start at very close range and extend outwards as the fight continued.
Further, fire lingers in a way that electricity doesn't. If you tapped someone with your flaming hand, they would catch on fire.If you tapped someone with an electrified hand, they would feel it's effects immediately and then recover based upon how "tough" or "grounded" they where.
The electricity would travel through them and then leave the body. The fire would hang out for a bit.
There would be lots of maintaining distance by igniting the things around you, or just being extremely hot, and darting in for quick strikes and then retreating (like a flickering flame)
All of this could be Physical in a way that doesn't completely translate into direct strikes. The Electrical Melee Character has to engage in melee, but doesn't have to "hit" anyone. And it has to engage in melee with a timing that doesn't relate to direct physical fighting.
The Fire melee character barely has to touch his opponent, but because of his limitation(melee) he has to keep close, further, he doesn't have to engage in sustained combat, because one hit will yield continuous damage whether he engages or not. He just has to come in close enough to make sure the enemy stays aflame occasionally. He has to stoke the fire.
You're right to bring up concepts like fire breathing, fire swords, Combustion and so forth. These ARE fire-specific attacks visually and conceptually that just don't work as well for other elements. Sure, you could have a "breath" attack for ice and toxic, but you can't really have that for electricity or energy. |
Dragon Ball Z had plenty of "energy mouth blasts" nothing about these are unique to the concepts.
And I do agree with you on that point - Champions does lack elemental weapons But here's the thing - I'd rather have elemental weapons for Single Blade, Dual Blades, Heavy Weapon and so forth. My one most prominent fire user in City of Heroes is Stardiver, and she doesn't have Fiery Melee to begin with. She's using Titan Weapons with the Fire and Ice sword. I have a wide range of super strong characters, but not all of them use Super Strength itself. One uses Titan Weapons, one Axe and Shield, one Mace. |
What I'm talking about is already true in City of Heroes - you don't need a set that says "something" melee in order to get both melee and that same thing. |
What I'm saying is you don't need a set that's CALLED what you want if you can find a set that does what you want and can be customized to resemble the theme that you want. |
That was one of the biggest drives behind our continual requests for "power emanation points" in this game. |
I mostly wanted "emanation" points for generic concepts, mostly ranged and control, that where cripplingly specific. Sonic blast being only mouth-fired, e.t.c. With beam rifle as a powerset, I don't really feel a "need" for "gun emanation points" for energy blast. Beam rifle both satisfies the need foe weapon-based energy blasting powers while exploring the unique potential of the idea of a "energy gun"
If you could customize, say, Assault Rifle attacks to come out of wrist-mounted guns/shoulder cannons or Archery to come out of a crossbow, you wouldn't need a special sets called this, you could customize the existing sets to do what you want. |
I would always rather have fewer powers with broader customization available for them than many redundant powers made in large numbers just to give them different appearances or secondary effects. |
As far as I'm concerned, Bone Smasher, Cremate and Haymaker are the same attack (they even have the same cost, damage, recharge and animation speed) with different visual effects and damage type. |
City of Heroes is a FIERCELY unstructured game and that's what we're used to, but if I had my way, I'd structure attacks into much more strict frameworks and just share them among sets. It makes for much greater customizability. |
You can SAY they're different, you can give them different numbers, but if I'm on the outside looking in, it would still look like the same attack with a different glow around the arms or legs. |
You are literally asking:
"If you take away everything that makes them unique, then how are they unique?"
And I fully agree with you on the nature of ranged attacks, as well. As far as I'm concerned, the animation for non-weapon ranged blasts is IRRELEVANT. Pick any blast power from any set, then swap its animation for any other power from any other blast set and the result will still work. |
Hell, for the most part, you don't even need to touch up visual effects. Ever since the one and only time we got a new batch of alternate Blast animations, I've been a strong proponent for simply letting every power have every animation and letting the player pick. Want every attack in your set to fire using the two-fist-thrust of Power Burst? Sure, why not? Want every power to fire from your eyes using the X-Ray Beam animation? Again, why the hell not? |
"Different" is not the same as "not appropriate." Hence why I'm suggesting that being able to pick animations and effects separately is far more customizable than having effects baked into animations, even for a much smaller pool of both effects and animations. |
Hypothetically there is a game that allows you to customize appearance and use powersets similar to this game. One of the Powersets is "Hand-To-Hand Combat" and another is "Electric Grappling". Assume "Hand-to-Hand Combat" is punches and kicks, and maybe even some grabs, with the option to apply combat auras, and Electric Grappling is the Hypothetical Powerset described above, also with the option to apply combat auras the way we currently can. One day "Electric Grappling" Disappears, did the players of that game lose or gain a customization option?
And yet that's the entirety of how Avatar: The Last Airbender's fighters fight. Firebenders have a whole repertoire of fireballs and flame waves, yet they shoot those out from their fists and feet via martial arts moves, rather than pointing. |
I could see this if you were making an argument for weapons. A sword can slash and stab. A spear can only stab. A axe can only slash. Just as a rough example. How you animate using the weapon depends on what the weapon is, because we have real-life examples of how those weapons are used, and even if we didn't, their size, weight, shape and "killing end" configuration depicts how we use them. |
If "Dark Energy" is said to exist within a narrative, it would be somewhat pointless to claim it is different in some way from anything else(I.e naming it) if you're not going to actually show that. Or show inconsistent behavior. Again, if there's a Dark Blast in a game, and it does certain things, a punch with dark effects around it that doesn't also do those things is inconsistent behavior. It's not a "dark punch" if it doesn't behave like "Dark" is established to behave.
But "fire" has no such inherent logic behind how it's used, because from the moment we start talking about "punching with fire," we're already disregarding the realism of how fire is used.Once we've started disregarding realism, then I see no more need to limit ourselves. |
Realism isn't the point, narrative consistency is. If something introduces X concept, states that X concept behaves a certain way, and then applies that concept in conjunction with ANOTHER concept, things should remain consistent.
P.S. if that's the case, then guns don't kill. :P
Why NOT have kicks that throw fireballs? Why not backhand chops that shoot electricity? |
My argument isn't that "elemental melee" is a dumb idea, so much as that it's not a "groundable" idea. |
It looks like whatever you fancy it looking, thus to me it makes no sense to claim that you can only punch with fire one way but only punch with ice another. |
I also said "Using the unique properties of X concept to make it distinct can make things better and was my preference".
I don't know why you're conflating this into "fire can ONLY be performed with open-handed palm-thrusts" or whatever it is you're on about.
My problem isn't that you can't do what you're claiming, but rather that you can't do a whole bunch of other stuff besides. |
So your concept is very specific to a darkness-using martial artist. Fine - pick the melee martial arts attacks, give them a "dark" effect and ignore the ranged ones. It's what I did. But you wanting to make a dark martial artist shouldn't preclude me from making a dark brawler or a dark rifleman. |
If I want, say "Electric Grappling" and "Electric Grappling" is a powerset and "Hand-To-Hand Combat" is a powerset, why exactly does "Electric Grapping" need to not exist just so the person who wants "electric punching" can feel satisfied?
And that, actually, is the biggest drawback to Dark Melee in City of Heroes for me - I frikkin' HATE the animations. All of them. Too much punching, too stiff, too awkward. If I could replace them with Martial Arts with the same visual effects, I would. |
This discussion was especially annoying, because I do believe it was
post-i16 and Martial Artists could go without Whoosh-pow kicks at the time.
Outside of your personal grudge with Darkness Melee, and your desire to be "right" in this discussion, what changed your mind?
Now, if your complaint is that Champions doesn't do a good enough job of making your punches LOOK like they're attacking with darkness, then I'm right there with you. Power customization isn't as good there as it was here. Effects are VERY basic and colour selection is severely limited. No white, no black, mostly generic glows. |
I agree with you that that's a problem, but the solution isn't to add "fiery melee," it's to let me turn the regular melee sets into fiery melee. |
You think I'm arguing that I can't customize other powers enough. No idea why. Not that I disagree about the lack of customization,just that it's not this discussion. I'm arguing that a power concept doesn't exist, and that this absence is a negative.
As of right now, the game has two unarmed melee sets and three weapon-based ones. If I could pick fire weapons for the weapon ones and fiery hand effects for the melee ones, that's a HELL of a lot more customizability than having just one fire melee set, especially when that will likely consist of a small handful of attacks stuck in-between the cracks into "fire." |
Currently, in City of Heroes there are sets that attempt to explore the unique potential of the concept of "Elemental Melee" and a Martial Arts set with the option to use Combat auras, for ANY character, regardless of powerset. And even procs and Incarnate powers for damage type and secondary effects.
The game hasn't been completely destroyed by this set-up yet..... aw dammit.
Allowing for one doesn't necessarily negate the existence of the other. Moreover, creating more diversity within certain power-types allows for MORE creativity. If there's, "electric Grappling" "Fire Tapping" "Energy Hand-fighting" and "Darkness spooky grasping" and also "Hand-to-Hand combat" then everyone gets something they want. If there's only "Hand-to-hand Combat" than only the "Hand-To-Hand Combat fans get what they want, with a minor bone thrown to everyone else with minor cosmetic options(They will always be minor options in your idea, unless you just create full-on power creation like Freedom Force, which is completely different from what we are discussing)
Ever since BABs left, City of Heroes has been getting an increasing number of non-physical weapons. Right now, if I want to play a fire user, I can pick nearly any of the weapon-based sets and use the Fire Sword and/or Fire Shield for them. I can make a ton of very different fire users, all by using sets OTHER than the ones that have "fire" in their names. Out of the many ones I have, I think only one here is Fire/Fire. |
Such as? Again, genuine question. You keep telling me THAT using fire in melee is somehow different from using ice or electricity in melee, but I still don't get a good sense of HOW you see it as being different. And I don't just mean how it COULD be different. You can have ten different ways to shoot a gun, but that's not the point. How are those different in such a way that they can NEVER be the same? How are they so different that they can't be played by the same animation if the player happened to have similar concepts for how his fire, ice, lighting and energy users fought? Please, explain this to me. |
That's not what I'm arguing. Not even close. I'm asking HOW it's not the same thing, and you keep tripping over yourself to assume me that, no, really, it's not the same thing. |
Do you honestly expect me to throw my hands in the air and go "Welp, you said it enough times, I concede!" It's not a discussion if you just restate your position, it's "IS NOT! IS TOO!" |
Let me simplify the question: If you could take any melee attack and attach any visual effect to it, how is that different from having an elemental attack that has one animation and one element hard-coded into it? |
Again, there's no answer to your question of: "If you take away what's unique about them, how are they unique" that doesn't agree with your argument because it's a fallacy of a question.
I feel like it's an Overwhelming exception, but I also feel like that's the wrong term, somebody help me out.
Let me pose another: In what is meleeing with fire unique different visually from meleeing with ice, that cannot be accomplished by swapping visual effects around? |
Fire controls, Blasts, and Melees via burning and being fire.
Ice controls, blasts, and melees via freezing and being ice.
The rest of it, such as animations, hinges on how much someone wants to integrate what these things do into how they are applied. It's optional, but what you create will be better for having put more thought into it.
That's all I'm asking, and if you can stop trying to prove me wrong for a minute and actually elaborate and explain, we could probably move on. |
They could absolutely do better. If nothing else, the various energy forms could add their particular type of energy damage to a character's attacks. There is always room for improvement. But when it comes to video games where I make characters, I always find myself bending to the limitations of the game - making do with what I'm given.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
I wouldn't say the armors are ludicrously armored at all. It's been my experience that tanker sets achieve (sometimes barely) acceptable armor-ness once pushed into the SO levels with enough slots to go around. And the rest of them are rather fragile.
Remember I'm talking about compared to other games. In WoW and its relatives, armor just doesn't provide a level of mitigation close to CoH, let alone immunity to mezz effects. In CoH, armor powers provide a foundation to use gear (IOs) that makes it possible to build things that are outrageously more armored than what you can do in those games. In CoH, even my terribly built SO Tankers could handle 5 to 8 enemies at a time without support. Once you add optimal gearing on top of that, the CoH armored character is leagues ahead in the survivability department. The standard "tanker" popularized by WoW-like games is intended to be able to slow down damage so that a dedicated healer can keep them alive, and die if that doesn't happen.
You could have saved yourself a ton of typing if, instead of throwing insults in my face, you had simply said that what you feel is different between the various elemental attacks is the mechanics. If you'd stopped to actually comprehend my post instead of rushing to piece-quote it, you might have noticed that I ignored power mechanics and numbers entirely. I simply never considered that that might be relevant to you, because from where I'm sitting, this simply isn't relevant to character concept. But, of course, I can't simply have misunderstood, I must be wilfully obtuse and probably stupid.
I will say this much - I don't want electric grappling. I want grappling, but without the electricity. I want electricity, but without the grappling. I want options separated from each other so that I can pair them up in any combination I want. To me, having a choice from Electric/Dark/Fire/Physical Grappling/Tapping/Grasping/Hand-to-Hand in any combination (which is 16 options, by the way) is far more important than having the only four static pairs that you mentioned. Even if that comes at the expense of the options being mechanically similar, I'd still pick greater cosmetic variety over greater numerical specificity.
If you want a game where the natures of what powers constitute are represented well through power mechanics, don't go to Champions Online. Its power sets encompass far too many ideas for them to be specific to any one of them. If you can't live with repurposing attacks, then pick another game. But all things considered, I don't know how picky you can afford to be.
It's a very simple concept that you're making much more complex than it needs to be tripping over your own feet to insult me. Please, if you can, respond in uninterrupted text, rather than quipping at everything I said off-hand.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Actually, you know what? Forget it. I had a huge long post that took me a good two hours to type, but reading your last line just made me realise it's pointless to post it. You're not interested in explaining your side of the argument nor helping me understand. You're only interested in humiliating me and proving me "wrong" over something that's only and solely based in opinion.
You could have saved yourself a ton of typing if, instead of throwing insults in my face, you had simply said that what you feel is different between the various elemental attacks is the mechanics. |
/e shrug
If you'd stopped to actually comprehend my post instead of rushing to piece-quote it, |
you might have noticed that I ignored power mechanics and numbers entirely. |
I simply never considered that that might be relevant to you, because from where I'm sitting, this simply isn't relevant to character concept. But, of course, |
I can't simply have misunderstood, I must be wilfully obtuse and probably stupid. |
I just assumed you didn't' care for some odd reason, because you didn't seem to express any concern about that idea in any meaningful way.
I will say this much - I don't want electric grappling. I want grappling, but without the electricity. I want electricity, but without the grappling. I want options separated from each other so that I can pair them up in any combination I want. |
To me, having a choice from Electric/Dark/Fire/Physical Grappling/Tapping/Grasping/Hand-to-Hand in any combination (which is 16 options, by the way) is far more important than having the only four static pairs that you mentioned.Even if that comes at the expense of the options being mechanically similar, I'd still pick greater cosmetic variety over greater numerical specificity. |
You where all:
" DUDE! I think being able to visually customize a simplified base concept is more valuable than creating multiple different powers to express subtle variations of the concept of "melee combat" because it allows greater customization of the base concept!"
and I was all:
"BRO! you can totally have it both ways! You can have a "Generic hitting stuff" set and you can visual customization to it, AND you can have multiple unique powersets that explore the differences! We have that RIGHT NOW IN THIS GAME it's like Reeses, man. so awesome"
And then you where all:
"Dude I love Reeses so much"
and I was all:
"Oh jeez, me too, let's get , like a garbage bag full of em, I got 50 buck, brusco, let's roll"
And then we ate Reeses and got sick and cried because some mean Korean Company is killing our favorite game. It was really emotional, don't you remember that?
If you want a game where the natures of what powers constitute are represented well through power mechanics, don't go to Champions Online. Its power sets encompass far too many ideas for them to be specific to any one of them. |
If you can't live with repurposing attacks, then pick another game. But all things considered, I don't know how picky you can afford to be. |
It's a very simple concept that you're making much more complex than it needs to be tripping over your own feet to insult me. |
Please, if you can, respond in uninterrupted text, rather than quipping at everything I said off-hand. |
Actually, you know what? Forget it. I had a huge long post that took me a good two hours to type, but reading your last line just made me realise it's pointless to post it. You're not interested in explaining your side of the argument nor helping me understand. You're only interested in humiliating me and proving me "wrong" over something that's only and solely based in opinion. You could have saved yourself a ton of typing if, instead of throwing insults in my face, you had simply said that what you feel is different between the various elemental attacks is the mechanics. If you'd stopped to actually comprehend my post instead of rushing to piece-quote it, you might have noticed that I ignored power mechanics and numbers entirely. I simply never considered that that might be relevant to you, because from where I'm sitting, this simply isn't relevant to character concept. But, of course, I can't simply have misunderstood, I must be wilfully obtuse and probably stupid. I will say this much - I don't want electric grappling. I want grappling, but without the electricity. I want electricity, but without the grappling. I want options separated from each other so that I can pair them up in any combination I want. To me, having a choice from Electric/Dark/Fire/Physical Grappling/Tapping/Grasping/Hand-to-Hand in any combination (which is 16 options, by the way) is far more important than having the only four static pairs that you mentioned. Even if that comes at the expense of the options being mechanically similar, I'd still pick greater cosmetic variety over greater numerical specificity. If you want a game where the natures of what powers constitute are represented well through power mechanics, don't go to Champions Online. Its power sets encompass far too many ideas for them to be specific to any one of them. If you can't live with repurposing attacks, then pick another game. But all things considered, I don't know how picky you can afford to be. It's a very simple concept that you're making much more complex than it needs to be tripping over your own feet to insult me. Please, if you can, respond in uninterrupted text, rather than quipping at everything I said off-hand. |
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Remember I'm talking about compared to other games. In WoW and its relatives, armor just doesn't provide a level of mitigation close to CoH, let alone immunity to mezz effects. In CoH, armor powers provide a foundation to use gear (IOs) that makes it possible to build things that are outrageously more armored than what you can do in those games. In CoH, even my terribly built SO Tankers could handle 5 to 8 enemies at a time without support. Once you add optimal gearing on top of that, the CoH armored character is leagues ahead in the survivability department. The standard "tanker" popularized by WoW-like games is intended to be able to slow down damage so that a dedicated healer can keep them alive, and die if that doesn't happen.
That, more than anything else, speaks to how strong "armours" (and related debuffs) are in CoH.
Ugh... OK, fine. But don't hold it against me if I skip parts of your post. I don't have another two hours to devote to a single post, and my headache from yesterday is only getting worse.
I noticed that, hence the "if you take away everything that's unique about them..." bit. Visuals are strongly tied to mechanics which help express concepts in video games. This is pretty basic stuff. If things don't go flying back, you can't really say they've been "Knocked back" If a character is frozen solid in a block of ice, but it's action doesn't reflect the visual, then that's kind of a problem with both the visuals and the mechanics, and thus the concept suffers. Again, adding pointless visuals to something doesn't make it fit the concept of doing those things because it doesn't change what is done
It's very important because video games are about doing. Any concept you have is about what your character does. If your character can't do a thing, then they can't do the thing.
I write my characters from scratch in words and ideas long before I get to a game which is supposed to house them, so the game never represents what they do exactly. No game ever could, it's the nature of having very specific ideas. The best a game can ever hope to do is let my characters do the majority of what they're supposed to be able to do in a way at least roughly comparable to how they're supposed to be able to do it. Pretending my characters can do things they really can't do is par for the course for me. So long as they look like I could claim they can do these things, that's enough.
Actually, I have a better example. Ezikiel Bane, my flagship villain, is an "earth" user - Stone/Stone Brute in City of Villains. His powers in continuity, however, are nowhere near that limited. The man is supposed to be able to transmute elements into the various types of crystalline structures he can command basically telekinetically. This would enable him to do more or less everything all the ATs with access to Earth powers can, and more. He has entire buildings shaped out of granite that he has made himself and which he controls like Magneto in the first X-Men movie, he tends to prefer fighting at rage using levitated boulders, rock waves, dust storms, crystal spears, ground eruptions and more, but protects himself with a variety of stone- and crystal-based armours, as well as having immense strength in melee.
I designed Zik as a Mary Sue completely intentionally, because he's the type of overpowered antagonist who doesn't like to get his own hands dirty, but will always play the final boss. No game ever will let me do all the weird **** I've come up for Ezikiel to do (nor get me to spell his name right, I refuse!), so I'm perfectly fine with doing a small subsection of what I think I should if I at least get to look good doing it. And right now, I don't exactly have a world of choice.
I assumed you didn't misunderstand because I, and others, said it a whole bunch of times, particularly around the "damage type" arguments, which is functionally the same thing, or at least a small part of the same argument.
You make a good point that the actual mechanics of how the powers behave do come into play. Believe me if you want, but this never crossed my mind. I was always looking at this from an RPG perspective of "power does damage, power kills foe." My blindspot for this comes from my extreme disinterest in control and support powers and preference for direct damage - end things rather than dance about the issue. When you look at things from that perspective, you miss the obvious aspect of power behaviour, as I did. Arcana did bring up secondary effects, I just didn't realise what that meant until now.
I just assumed you didn't' care for some odd reason because you didn't seem to express any concern about that idea in any meaningful way.
You missed the part where I said these are not Mutually exclusive concepts in the midst of your fit, didn't you? Because I totally said that, you where there, I quoted you.
That's what I didn't get, by the way - are you suggesting that different elements should use different styles of hand-to-hand fighting? Are you saying that electricity only makes sense to be used for grappling and fire for quick incendiary attacks? Frankly, I'm still not sure about that. I know you say "these" are not "mutually exclusive" but I'm not convinced we mean the same thing when we say "they" and "mutually exclusive." It comes down to this:
You can have a "Generic hitting stuff" set and you can visual customization to it, AND you can have multiple unique powersets that explore the differences!
A couple of them hold interest for me, Powered Armor, Supernatural, and the ability to mix-and match presents some interesting opportunities. It's not completely flawed or completely perfect. We just seem to disagree on what those flaws are.
Why do you think I flipped my **** when I heard about Titan Weapons and realised Xanta (see sig for pic) would finally, after six ******* years, would be getting the weapon she always should have had?
What is this, some kind of admonishment or threat or something? So weird.
Also - no hard feelings, and apologies for skipping parts of your post. As long as we can focus on being productive and discussing a topic, I'm happy. Exchanging ideas and concepts is always fulfilling so long as we're not trolling each other. Despite what it may seem like, I really am not interested in putting anyone down or being right. I just want to converse, and it seems like the conversation will flow smoother if we step over the mutual accusations. The post I deleted was full of me being a dick anyway. You're not missing much.
Other than...
I did, actually, but that went with the rest of the post I dumped.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I still remember a discussion in SWTOR, where an in depth analysis of various tanking builds showed that with layered defenses, against attacks where all the defenses worked (so not things that bypassed armor and shields), tanks in the best gear in the game could reach approximately 70% damage mitigation.
My invulnerability tank caps damage resist (90% mitigation) and defense (approx 90% mitigation) to smashing lethal (or everything, for 3 minutes), for about a %99 level of damage mitigation; he is about 30 times tougher to kill by his most resistant damage type than a SWTOR tank, even before you take into account the fact that he can heal himself and regenerate in combat. If buffed by a single friendly empath, he can reach a point where he is regenerating over 280 HP/sec, which would require an average of 28,000 dps in S/L damage to beat his regen, or 800% of his life per second. In any other game of which I am aware, a tank+support duo would melt in less than a few seconds taking that kind of punishment.
City lets everyone be grossly overpowered, then allows you to up the difficulty until it hits you with threats designed to require that kind of power to win. Its one of the things I love about it. It isn't just armor either, control powers are grossly overpowered compared to a lot of similar games.
Ugh... OK, fine. But don't hold it against me if I skip parts of your post. I don't have another two hours to devote to a single post, and my headache from yesterday is only getting worse.
Yes, you said "if you take away everything that's unique" about three times, but that doesn't mean anything. It's generic and aimed at exaggerating, not aimed at explaining, because it hinges on me getting what you feel "everything unique" constitutes. I don't, or at least didn't. And as you'll find, now that I DO, I don't necessarily agree with you on what a power needs in order to be unique. |
So "everything unique" was shorthand for "that thing I said a few paragraphs up about the things that make a thing unique"
Sam Tow was always supposed to have pistol attacks and sword attacks at the same time. City of Heroes never let me do that. Now that I tried Champions, that's not that much closer. Sam can now have pistol attacks, but they act like machine pistols, whereas what I had envisioned for Sam was more a pair of slow-firing, incredibly large-calibre pistols. The ".90 calibre concussion pistol with armour-piercing rounds" from Advent Rising, basically. Ripper? I forget what it's called. That, along with the Seeker pistol which has the ability to fire a shot which costs 5 ammo points but deals ridiculous damage and can bounce between up to four targets, doing damage to rach. |
I write my characters from scratch in words and ideas long before I get to a game which is supposed to house them, so the game never represents what they do exactly. No game ever could, it's the nature of having very specific ideas. The best a game can ever hope to do is let my characters do the majority of what they're supposed to be able to do in a way at least roughly comparable to how they're supposed to be able to do it. Pretending my characters can do things they really can't do is par for the course for me. So long as they look like I could claim they can do these things, that's enough. |
Actually, I have a better example. Ezikiel Bane, my flagship villain, is an "earth" user - Stone/Stone Brute in City of Villains. His powers in continuity, however, are nowhere near that limited. The man is supposed to be able to transmute elements into the various types of crystalline structures he can command basically telekinetically. This would enable him to do more or less everything all the ATs with access to Earth powers can, and more. He has entire buildings shaped out of granite that he has made himself and which he controls like Magneto in the first X-Men movie, he tends to prefer fighting at rage using levitated boulders, rock waves, dust storms, crystal spears, ground eruptions and more, but protects himself with a variety of stone- and crystal-based armours, as well as having immense strength in melee. |
I designed Zik as a Mary Sue completely intentionally, because he's the type of overpowered antagonist who doesn't like to get his own hands dirty, but will always play the final boss. No game ever will let me do all the weird **** I've come up for Ezikiel to do (nor get me to spell his name right, I refuse!), so I'm perfectly fine with doing a small subsection of what I think I should if I at least get to look good doing it. And right now, I don't exactly have a world of choice. |
Damage types are the least convincing argument to me, because they're the epitome of meta-game behind-the-scenes math. I differentiate between "numbers" and "mechanics," in the sense that numbers literally do not matter a lick beyond min/maxing, not to me. They don't look different unless you care about the combat spam. And damage types are just that - numbers. |
"Damage type" can mean a lot more in other games, Similar to water Dousing fire in ours.
You make a good point that the actual mechanics of how the powers behave do come into play. Believe me if you want, but this never crossed my mind. I was always looking at this from an RPG perspective of "power does damage, power kills foe." My blindspot for this comes from my extreme disinterest in control and support powers and preference for direct damage - end things rather than dance about the issue. When you look at things from that perspective, you miss the obvious aspect of power behavior, as I did. Arcana did bring up secondary effects, I just didn't realize what that meant until now. |
I didn't read it like that, however. I read you saying that you wanted one "generic melee" set that can also be made elemental and several element-specific melee sets that CAN'T be made non-elemental or to use another element. Thus, those who wanted just melee had that one melee set and those who wanted special melee could use the exotic ones. |
That ties into the question I kept asking, because you seemed to suggest that certain elements should only be used with certain fighting styles like they are in Avatar. That's what I didn't get, by the way - are you suggesting that different elements should use different styles of hand-to-hand fighting? Are you saying that electricity only makes sense to be used for grappling and fire for quick incendiary attacks? Frankly, I'm still not sure about that. |
It's more appropriate than "generic attack number 59" being used for EVERYTHING kind of the way we have it now.
It's also good for making your setting have a unified idea and a consistent treatment of ideas. If certain ideas are "always" shown a certain way in your work, these ideas have more "weight" because they are "solid facts" of your universe. They're walls and pillars upon which you rest your narrative.
I know you say "these" are not "mutually exclusive" but I'm not convinced we mean the same thing when we say "they" and "mutually exclusive." It comes down to this: |
Suppose I want to use one of those powersets that "explore the differences" in a non-elemental, non-energy, physical concept, where a character fights with the style of that set, but uses no element? Do you see a place for this? |
It's the equivalent of drawing your knife and shooting someone or asking to be able to stab without a blade.
Let's assume, Say, the "electric grappler" has an attack where he pushes himself close to his opponent and channels electricity just with the body contact. No headbutts, no bearhugs, nothing violent at all that could be conceived as "fighting" Just a friendly hug or a pat on the back, and then
It could be an assassin's strike type option.
Now, how are you going to do that without electricity(or at least some kind of fictional "energy). Is every power in this hypothetical set going to be like that? No, of course not, doesn't need to be, but I figure enough can be done in that fashion to where asking to have the other kid's toys is asking for something you can't actually use.
As for "something similar"? No reason that you can't get "close enough". No reason there can't be a "Martial Arts" and a "Street Justice" and a "Wrestling Melee" e.t.c. Ask me about what I think Martial arts would be in my hypothetical Super-hero MMO sometime.
The only thing that holds interest for me, realistically speaking, is the ability to combine ranged attacks, melee attacks and survivability in the same character. |
City of Heroes more or less forced my hand into only ever playing Scrappers, Brutes, Stalkers and Masterminds because these were the only ATs which weren't "squishy," and that in turn made a lot of my conceptually ranged characters into melee ones. You wanna' know about the game not letting me do something? Inna, my Energy/Energy Brute, was written in her own backstory as having the "Nova" power. But because I couldn't and can't stand Blasters, I made her into a Brute and had to give that up. I'm used to my characters not being able to do what they're supposed to. |
Why do you think I flipped my **** when I heard about Titan Weapons and realised Xanta (see sig for pic) would finally, after six ******* years, would be getting the weapon she always should have had? |
More a cautionary warning. We're used to doing all this weird and wonderful stuff in City of Heroes, but that won't last forever. Even if we manage to save it, by some cosmic collision of chance, it still won't last forever. Sooner or later we'll have to go play other games, and other games aren't as accommodating. We are both going to have to make some concessions and accept characters that aren't quite "right" eventually. |
--- Also - no hard feelings, and apologies for skipping parts of your post. As long as we can focus on being productive and discussing a topic, I'm happy. Exchanging ideas and concepts is always fulfilling so long as we're not trolling each other. Despite what it may seem like, I really am not interested in putting anyone down or being right. I just want to converse, and it seems like the conversation will flow smoother if we step over the mutual accusations. The post I deleted was full of me being a dick anyway. You're not missing much. |
See me at the raves, crumping to Skyway dubstep.
*edit* Other than...I did, actually, but that went with the rest of the post I dumped. |
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
With the newest news, I think I'll at least give Champions Online and/or DCUO one more chance.
I had an account for the first month of both games, at which point I then retreated back to Paragon. I remember liking DCUO more (until it came to actually teaming, at least), and even had a max-level character (I believe it was only level 30 back then), but that was a loooong time ago, and I realize that both games will likely be unrecognizable to me.
Does anyone have pitches for either? Also, sites on where to begin? I have to check my retail boxes, but I imagine that simply downloading the game clients will be the most efficient at this juncture, then waiting out all of the patches for a day...
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.
This feels like a worse example simply because he sounds like he should be a Dominator
Well, kinda/sorta, depends on the damage type you're talking about, in this game as well as what "damage type" means in other games. Cold damage in this game causes slow, which is definitely an effect you can see. I do believe when fire lands it's DoT it leaves a "burning" effect on enemies. So, there's bits and pieces, it's mostly invisible numbers, though, yeah. I hate that this game is so much invisible numbers rolling dice at each other.
That's why I draw a distinction between power mechanics and damage types. Damage type by itself means nothing, it's just the type of damage for the purposes of damage resistance. All the effects you're describing are actual additional power effects, which comes down to power design more so than "numbers."
Basically, I had a Jack Emmert moment. Remember when he said "No more major changes to powers!" a few weeks before ED hit? His defence was... Well, that's not a change to powers, it's a change to enhancements. Nobody believed him but me, probably, and that's the exact same flub I fell to. You said "damage types" and I thought "attribmod" when what you were talking about was the additional power effects that define the esoteric behaviour of powers beyond base attributes common to every power. That's basically were we talked past each other - damage type the technical term is only ever relevant in the context of damage resistance, of which City of Heroes critters have a lot, but Champions critters very rarely have any.
Not if they actually explore the style in a way that hinges on the element. It's the equivalent of drawing your knife and shooting someone or asking to be able to stab without a blade.
Let's assume, Say, the "electric grappler" has an attack where he pushes himself close to his opponent and channels electricity just with the body contact. No headbutts, no bearhugs, nothing violent at all that could be conceived as "fighting" Just a friendly hug or a pat on the back, and then BZZZZZZZZT. Dead. |
I can't say the same is true of elements and energies. First of all, most people don't really have a very solid grasp of how they work in reality, and the mythbusters have proven this time and time again. You'd THINK an explosion could send a bulldozer 100 feet into the air, but an explosion with enough energy to do that will also shred it into shrapnel. There's no way to say "THAT is how electricity would be used in hand-to-hand combat" simply because you're making it up from the word go. People can shoot electricity from their hands, so anything you come up with is based on fiction. Which isn't bad, but is also very "unspecific" and open to everyone's interpretation.
Your example is very good, actually, in that it depicts our two very different takes on what constitutes "electricity." The way you explain electricity sounds like you're banking on a steady stream of high-energy current, like what you'd get if you stuck a fork in a power socket. It's the cartoony effect where someone gets shocked for 10 seconds straight and you can see his skeleton and his hair goes all spiky. I'm approaching this from pretty much the other direction - that of an electric condenser. This doesn't rely on power flow, but rather on the build-up of a strong charge which, when it reaches critical state, will arc across an insulating medium, cover distance and deliver a large shock all at once. It's basically the difference between Electrical Blast for Blasters (which fizzes, buzzes and crackles) and My Striker electricity (which explodes with a thunderclap and a sudden jolt).
Neither is wrong, strictly speaking, but by creating a concept specific to one, you're more or less locking out the other. For instance, when BABs and Castle made Shield Defence, technical limitations forced them to make a lot of the powers passive and conceptual limitations forced them to make those passives about something OTHER than the shield, so they instead made the shield user very strong and tough. This was quite out of concept for a lot of my shield users, however, since the first one I made was a technologist using a tech shield with a forcefield attached to it. Moreover, Castle designed Shield Defence with a very strong slant towards Greek Phalanx warfare and the concept of a shield wall, hence Phalanx Phighting, Grant Cover and so forth. This, in turn, has been VERY inappropriate for my shield users because it's not something I even thought about when I first heard the idea.
Champions, actually, has this problem to a much bigger extent, as you've seen. Someone sat down and wondered "OK, so how does one use Earth powers?" Someone then came up with the idea that... Well, you cover yourself in rock and hit people with giant fists. Hence, Rock was put in the "brick" general category and is now a a tanking power. All because someone wanted to be very specific in how one used stone differently from fire and wind, but in so doing, he completely sidelined the set's usability as a control tool. You can still do it, but that's not what the set was designed around.
Basically, I'd be leery of designing sets that are too specific, because you tend to narrow the concepts of people who can use them SIGNIFICANTLY unless you create many redundant sets from the same element or energy to offer different fighting styles for the same general idea.
That's odd, because I find Blasters(and Doms to a lesser extent) to be the most conceptually versatile AT in this game. The limitations they faced where mostly ones of Game balance(powers not being as good or helpful as they needed to be) or Content(Certain powersets don't exist yet but would totally go here someday) This is why I love i24 so much. It solved both of those problems in a big way. *sigh*
Dominators weren't as torturous to play, but they also weren't as entertaining. I HATE playing like a Controller, and it seemed like that was the only path to success as a Dominator. I'd have loved to be able to play all the ATs, it's just that their mechanical design made it impossible for me to enjoy doing so, hence why I stuck to the ATs I enjoyed.
And yeah, I know about the Blaster changes. It doesn't give them armours, it doesn't give them status protection, so it's not enough of a change. It makes it much more fun to play a Blaster if you wanted to play it LIKE a Blaster, but I, unfortunately, don't. I don't want to play carefully and tactically and fret every decision. I like being a powerhouse, hence why I stuck to the fiercely independent ATs.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Does anyone have pitches for either? Also, sites on where to begin? I have to check my retail boxes, but I imagine that simply downloading the game clients will be the most efficient at this juncture, then waiting out all of the patches for a day...
I'd suggest doing all the account-linking hogwash from the Star Trek site, actually. Champions seems to have fallen by the wayside in favour of Star Trek so that's the site with the better interface that doesn't have scores of broken links.
As for pitches... About the only thing I can really praise Champions for is that's the place to go if you want to make a character with a wide variety of abilities traditional MMOs would never let you have on the same character. Guns and swords, blast and armour and so on. Well, and if you like complexity, because there's a HELL of a lot of complexity to the build system in Champions. And for extra fun, their Wiki is a few months and a MAJOR expansion out-of-date. Basically, go there if you always wanted to make a type of character other games won't let you have.
Oh, and if you hate comic books. Champions feels like it was made by someone who thought comic books were stupid and set out to make fun of them. At least, that's how it reads to me.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Worst recommendation ever, Sam. Ha.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.
I've heard that some of the more recent stuff--Whiteout, for example--is better written and not as campy. I can't swear to it myself. I tried it out last week and quit; it just isn't my cuppa, try as I might to make it so.
Good idea: Being able to pick gloves boots and accessories for each side separately.
Bad idea: Being unable to COLOUR gloves boots and accessories for each side separately (bug, most likely)
Good idea: Having extensive face and body modification sliders.
Bad idea: Having one face that doesn't change all that much and a basic body frame that's hard to make look humanoid.
Good idea: Having extensive voice acting for signature characters.
Bad idea: Having extensive voice acting for signature characters that's also terrible and intentionally campy.
Good idea: Having a story about a crime syndicate that lost its leader and is being run by his upstart son.
Bad idea: Having a story about a crime syndicate hat dress in all purple and wear giant novelty cowboy hats.
Good idea: Having stories specifically balanced around being done on a team.
Bad idea: Having stories specifically balanced around being done on a team that don't let you know they're team-only until the final mission.
Good idea: Being able to customize the model of summoned entities.
Bad idea: Being unable to customize the COLOUR of summoned entities.
I'm sorry for the bad stand-up routine, but Champions has the potential to be a great game, if only every good idea it had weren't counterbalanced by bugs, terrible execution, stilted gameplay or just a plain bad idea. If you can play a game for its potential of awesomeness, few are as good as Champions given what's happening to City of Heroes. But it's a trying experience.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Good idea: Having a story about a crime syndicate that lost its leader and is being run by his upstart son.
Bad idea: Having a story about a crime syndicate hat dress in all purple and wear giant novelty cowboy hats. |
But to be fair, I think the Purple Gang in CO is based on this real life gang, and if I recall correctly, the Gang was pulled from the Champions IP, so their inclusion in the video-game version of the IP is at worst a forgivable mistake.
The tone of the story-telling over there is painfully campy, though, or at least that was how I felt about it for the year or so I was first active over there. Haven't gotten a chance to try the new stuff yet.
As a Mac user, my only experience with CO was trying it out on my Windows laptop. And since I find trying to game on a laptop very awkward (much smaller screen than my iMac, having to look down at the screen instead of straight ahead as I do on my iMac), not to mention that laptop is kind of underpowered, I wasn't really able to give it a fair shake.
I may give it another try, if I manage to get a gaming-quality desktop PC, or get one of the various PC-emulation solutions running on my Mac.
That said, I've come to realize in the year I've played CoH that the superhero aspect isn't the main thing that makes me love this game. If the game was a fantasy or scifi game, but the other aspects (mechanics, philosophy, gameplay, customization, and community) of the game were as they are now, I'd still love it just as much. Now, I do love superheroes I've been a comic book fan/collector for 25 years. But I don't feel compelled to specifically seek out a superhero game.
Champions, actually, has this problem to a much bigger extent, as you've seen. Someone sat down and wondered "OK, so how does one use Earth powers?" Someone then came up with the idea that... Well, you cover yourself in rock and hit people with giant fists. Hence, Rock was put in the "brick" general category and is now a a tanking power. All because someone wanted to be very specific in how one used stone differently from fire and wind, but in so doing, he completely sidelined the set's usability as a control tool. You can still do it, but that's not what the set was designed around.
Brick powers are not tanking powers. Brick powers are basically "heavy melee powers." Super strength and heavy weapons, for example. You can design characters with these powers to be melee DPS or tanks, but you're not forced to be a tank just because you go for that powerset. At best, they're biased toward a melee role, just as sorcery is biased toward support roles and most elemental powersets are biased toward ranged dps. But you can take any of these powersets and build toward tanking, dps, support or possibly any two of the three if you can manage it. Your earth character can just as easily use way of the warrior as you could defiance.
Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)
Look for Pulsewave (former CoHer)'s Updated Power Armor guide. It'll fill you in. With that build and stats, he recommends Basic rank Bountiful Chi Resurgence from the Martial Arts tree with the Resurgent Reiki advantage. Keep that Dodge rating up with some gear and specialization points and the facerolling will continue as you're continuously HoT'ed. He also has other versions of the build for endgame DPS instead of leveling.
Same hilarity with a melee toon when you do a Night Avenger freeform build with Martial Arts attacks instead of claws but the AT build was almost as powerful; just not as optimal.