Which Upcoming MMO's Are You Considering?




I'm pretty content with Aion and GW2 atm (and no I don't really care that they're NCsoft games, even though I don't really like NCsoft (never really have, this just made it worse) they are still good games that I enjoy, if they pull the plug on them that is their decision. If I decide I need a break from NCsoft (or they force me to make that decision by shutting down aion or gw2) then I would probably go back to Rift. The only reason I don't play rift atm is because it has a subscription whereas aion/gw2 are f2p. I love the pvp in rift.



I'm playing TERA right now, and probably for another month or two, but even MMOs that I have fun with tend to lose me in a few months at most. I play a video game until I'm done with it (either arbitrarily or because I feel I've thoroughly gone through it and there's no pressing reason to keep at it) and that's all most MMOs are to me - just another video game. CoH managed to be a bit more, and it offered far more variety (and character capacity) than most to feed into my natural tendency towards altitis. Not to mention that it had these forums, which kept me around for significant stretches of time even when I wasn't actually playing much.

I doubt that I'll ever find such a perfect mixture of features in another game that it will become a small, habitual, comfortable part of my life rather than "just another video game"...

I expect when I'm done with TERA that I'll probably give Champions another go...

And if I remember that it exists I'll likely look into Neverwinter Online...

And now that PSO2 is finally set to come out stateside, I'm sort of interested in that (having been playing games in that series since the Dreamcast)...

But I don't see any of those as having the potential to be something extraordinary that I'm involved with for years...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Honestly? Otherland and Planteside 2, and possibly , maybe EQNext are the only ones left. I'm a big MMO player. I've played most of the major ones, and several of the minor ones, since EverQuest. None of them could really hold my attention for long, except for SWG (from launch until the wretched NGE) and World of Warcraft (from launch until first Expansion, and then on and off for a couple months afterward), and City of Heroes(May 2004-whenever they pull the plug). I've been chasing the dragon, so to speak, for years, but no game has come close to CoH for me. This time last year, or two years ago? There'd be a list of MMOs I was anticipating a mile long.

Now it's down to three, and one of those (EQNext), I'm not so sure about.

Right now I'm playing The Secret World. It's not CoH by any stretch, but I am enjoying it.

Other than that, there's very little on the horizon that interests me. The only other games currently running that I would play would be The Old Republic, or DC Universe Online (and DCUO doesn't hold a candle to CoH, IMO).

It pains me to say it because I know BABs works for Cryptic and plays CoH (and posts on these very forums!), and I still have much respect for the guy, but Champions is just... I'm going to be diplomatic and say that I do not like it at all. Not a bit. It's a shame.

Basically I'm going to be playing the Secret World and dabbling a bit in Otherland and PS2, while wailing and gnashing my teeth at the loss of City of Heroes and wishing I was playing it still.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



For me, it's World of Tanks for the moment. Mind you, I HATE PvP environments, but I like the game just too much. Plus, I've finally gotten good enough at it to have SOME degree of meaningful progress. Probably won't last for "years," but I'm still counting my options at this point.

What I WON'T be playing is any Fantasy MMO or RPG. I'm sick to death of those. I was sick to death of those 15 years ago. Not only do I care nothing for the genre, I'm sick and tired of games trying to be as big and complicated as possible in some effort to "immerse" me in the dullest, least exciting part of any fantasy - the day-to-day grind. Because, as we all know, I secretly dream of being a peasant who spends his day mining rock and forging trinkets. What's more epic than that?

I'll be looking at sci-fi games of the future, specifically sci-fi games with more vision than to just copy WoW with a different skin (i.e. not Warhammer 40 000 Online). We'll see how that goes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
i.e. not Warhammer 40 000 Online
Last I heard, THQ ran out of money and turned WH40k Online into a single player game. I'm sure it'll be fantastic. *cough*

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Last I heard, THQ ran out of money and turned WH40k Online into a single player game. I'm sure it'll be fantastic. *cough*
Oh... So THAT'S the upcomming 40K title? I thought it was a sequel to Space Marines. Yeah, that'll be a lot of fun. That game was just WoW with a Warhammer skin. It had the same interface and minimap, the same auction house, the same "three-branch" skill tree and all the annoying busywork MMO designers keep thinking they HAVE to include.

Funny... I always thought the MMO market would keel over and die if games didn't start innovating. I just didn't think it'd hit the game which WAS innovating pretty much the most earlier than all the other clones.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
For me, it's World of Tanks for the moment. Mind you, I HATE PvP environments, but I like the game just too much. Plus, I've finally gotten good enough at it to have SOME degree of meaningful progress. Probably won't last for "years," but I'm still counting my options at this point.

What I WON'T be playing is any Fantasy MMO or RPG. I'm sick to death of those. I was sick to death of those 15 years ago. Not only do I care nothing for the genre, I'm sick and tired of games trying to be as big and complicated as possible in some effort to "immerse" me in the dullest, least exciting part of any fantasy - the day-to-day grind. Because, as we all know, I secretly dream of being a peasant who spends his day mining rock and forging trinkets. What's more epic than that?

I'll be looking at sci-fi games of the future, specifically sci-fi games with more vision than to just copy WoW with a different skin (i.e. not Warhammer 40 000 Online). We'll see how that goes.
Ooo, WoT here too And yeah, still at the 'I'm not bad but still not great' stage, heh.
Loving my little maxed-out Stuart, though. Run, run, run dakka-dakka boom. Heh.

Dark Millenium is indeed now single player, but hopefully that will allow it to not have to obey the outdated MMO rules. Even then, it sounded like they weren't sticking too close to the rules anyway. Still hoping that's good.

Other than that, Transformers Universe is the only one I'm hoping will be quite good. No other MMO really does what CoH did for me

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Well ... As far as upcoming MMOs go, Phantasy Star Online 2 is the only one I'm really looking at right now. I found out last night that one of the other MMOs I've been itching to play, Black Prophecy, is also going belly-up. Gamigo, their publishers, announced they'd be shutting down the game later this September just a few days before City of Heroes did. I was really looking forward to playing this game ever since Reakktor announced it back in 2008, since it's only one of two Freelancer-like MMOs out there I know of.

However, I think I'll be getting into other older MMOs--ones as old as City of Heroes or older. There's a lot of them that are still around, and hey ... they must be doing something right if they're still kicking. I already play Ragnarok Online legitimately off and on (in fact RO is the only 3D game that doesn't cause my computer to throw a fit); it was the first "true" MMO I played back when it was in beta.

I used to play Funcom's Anarchy Online around 2004-2005, when they were among the first MMOs to start a free to play model. For years they've been working on a graphics engine overhaul like what City of Heroes did with Ultra Mode. They've shown their progress every now and then, and I hope they finish it before the decade's out.

Reakktor's gone bankrupt, but irony of ironies, their first pair of MMOs Neocron and Neocron 2, are still going. I was always curious about them, and i've had friends who play them. I might give a free trial a spin and see how they've aged over the years.

Heck, who knows ... I might even give Ultima Online and Everquest a try.



None of them. I'm sitting on a closed beta invite for the new Mechwarrior MMO but lost interest when I saw how much into the Pay to Win model they were headed.

MMO games, it seems, just aren't my cup of coffee.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Ooo, WoT here too And yeah, still at the 'I'm not bad but still not great' stage, heh.
Loving my little maxed-out Stuart, though. Run, run, run dakka-dakka boom. Heh.
In keeping with my usual style, I've gravitated towards the biggest, heaviest, slowest "heavy" tank with the biggest, highest-calibre, fastest muzzle velocity, slowest gun I could mount on it. For the moment, that's the KV3 with a 122mm cannon on top. This is pretty much my ideal for the "power armour gatling gun guy," if you can believe it. It's one of the toughest things at its level, it has one of the most devastating guns and it's slow as all hell. Perfect!

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Dark Millenium is indeed now single player, but hopefully that will allow it to not have to obey the outdated MMO rules. Even then, it sounded like they weren't sticking too close to the rules anyway. Still hoping that's good.
I just hope they get rid of the time sinks. About the most of that crap I can tolerate is pretty much where Darksiders II is right now. It's just "RPG-like" enough to count while not enough to piss me off. Basically, I want a better version of Space Marines, where my other example of the PAGGG comes from. I want to play a heavy armour, heavy cannon marine, and a single-player game is the perfect place to let me do that without worrying about "class balance."

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Other than that, Transformers Universe is the only one I'm hoping will be quite good. No other MMO really does what CoH did for me
Considering how much of a botch the PC version of War for Cybertron was, I don't have high hopes. Maybe THIS time I'll get to customize my keys. But I'm not hopeful. Despite liking the Transformers movies (yes, seriously), the Transformers franchise holds very little interest for me. In keeping with my dislike of overly-complex designs that I can never "take in," the Transformers of this generation look like "alien bugs" as an avid fan friend of mine described them. Being that I can't play a game unless I have something visual in it to like, something BIG will have to happen with this game for me to take an interest.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



None of them. I was considering GW2 because of the fact some of my SG buddies on CoH had tried the beta (before the announcement) had really enjoyed it and suggested I try it. I do have to admit too that I have looked at some of the gameplay videos and it does look quite cool, but I really feel it'd be like cheating on my beloved CoH. Probably cutting my nose to spite my face, but there it is.

I've downloaded Champions and will probably get my Superhero fix from that after the doors close at the end of November, but really there's not been a single MMO that dares to do anything different from any of the others (when it really comes down to it). Always the same grind for gear that make you end up looking like everyone else. Always the same elitist, loud mouthed children that think they're the greatest gift to comedy since Monty Python that play them and very little scope at all to explore the lore of the game or give any real depth to the characters.

Given the current climate of super hero movies, its always surprised me that there haven't been more RPGs that are built on that genre so that we are given more choice to the standard "pew pew soldier" or poxy dwarf / mage / elf tired rubbish that's been done to death.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
In keeping with my usual style, I've gravitated towards the biggest, heaviest, slowest "heavy" tank with the biggest, highest-calibre, fastest muzzle velocity, slowest gun I could mount on it. For the moment, that's the KV3 with a 122mm cannon on top. This is pretty much my ideal for the "power armour gatling gun guy," if you can believe it. It's one of the toughest things at its level, it has one of the most devastating guns and it's slow as all hell. Perfect!
A friend of mine would be bouncing in his seat in rage right about now. He no likey Russian Tanks Considers them easy mode.

My highest at the moment is the Lee at Tier IV. I can see why it's called the Garbage Truck. My favourites so far have been the M3 Stuart at Tier III and the T57 Tier II Artillery, both US. I'm giving the German tanks a go, see if their accuracy and firepower is all it's meant to be. So far, not bad. I do like my Marder II when it's playing nice.
Still tempted to give the Ruskies a go

I just hope they get rid of the time sinks. About the most of that crap I can tolerate is pretty much where Darksiders II is right now. It's just "RPG-like" enough to count while not enough to piss me off. Basically, I want a better version of Space Marines, where my other example of the PAGGG comes from. I want to play a heavy armour, heavy cannon marine, and a single-player game is the perfect place to let me do that without worrying about "class balance."
Yeah, I really wish that Space Marine had been better. It sounded so good from the pre-release stuff, then....nixed at the last minute? We'll never know. It was a disappointment, though. It didn't have enough content, multiplayer grew stale very quickly... I think them going for no cover-mechanics was silly in the long run. Space Marines are tatical, they DO take cover...
Etc, etc, heh.

Considering how much of a botch the PC version of War for Cybertron was, I don't have high hopes. Maybe THIS time I'll get to customize my keys. But I'm not hopeful. Despite liking the Transformers movies (yes, seriously), the Transformers franchise holds very little interest for me. In keeping with my dislike of overly-complex designs that I can never "take in," the Transformers of this generation look like "alien bugs" as an avid fan friend of mine described them. Being that I can't play a game unless I have something visual in it to like, something BIG will have to happen with this game for me to take an interest.
...You like Bayformers.
You like Bayformers.
You like Bayformers.

Get out.

In all seriousness, the MMO is based on Transformers Prime, the animated series, which is quite possibly the best series to release since Generation 1 back in the 80s. And Fall of Cybertron, the sequel to War, is out now. And that's vastly superior (apart from according to the dire hard multiplayer abusers, but hey oh)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



There was a time when I was considering Wildstar. But thanks to our situation, I don't feel like giving NCSoft any more money, and have concerns for Wildstar's survival should it not be immediately successful in both North America and Korea.

I might give Neverwinter a whirl, as the old Forgotten Realms player in me has a soft spot for anything related to that setting. Aside from that, though, I'm rather ignorant about upcoming MMOs.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I have high hopes for Mechwarrior Online, though it's not exactly an MMORPG.

I'm considering giving The Secret World a go, but probably not until after it's first few 'shakedown' months to see how people feel about after playing a while.

I loved the Otherland novels, but I want to know a lot more about the game before I'll be much interested in it.

I'm not going to be trying another Generic Epic Fantasy title anytime soon. Been there, done that.




I'm playing GW2 at the moment. I don't think any fantasy MMO has gotten more than a month out of me though.

Mechwarrior looks very interesting.

The Secret World I'm waiting to see with.

Not sure about Otherland. I thought it was still in development hell? Been years since I read anything about it.,



I'm considering Secret World, since I like the "puzzle game" aspect of it...

I also signed up for the Marvel beta at PAX Prime on Sunday. It won't be City. I know that... But I do kind'a find the idea of running around bashing bad guys with my own version of Scarlet Witch or Nightcrawler entertaining. I grew up with Marvel comics and still have a lot of affection for some of their cast.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



If Dark Millennium ends up being a multi-player co-op RPG (and also good), I'll probably be doing that and Borderlands 2 for my multi-player fix.

As for actual MMOs? None.

The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/



A lot of good regular games coming out. Borderlands 2, Assassin's Creed 3 and Halo 4 should keep me occupied for a time. I also want to check out Dishonored.



Originally Posted by <span style="color: GoldenRod; font-weight: bold;">Golden Girl</span> View Post
I would be with Golden Girl on this. COX2 or Nothing.



None, Thinking of taking up body building. Figured if I spent as much time in the gym as I did playing CoH I'd look like Arnold Schwarznegger come New Years Eve.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
None, Thinking of taking up body building. Figured if I spent as much time in the gym as I did playing CoH I'd look like Arnold Schwarznegger come New Years Eve.
Just back from the Gym. Sod that, how good is Skyrim?

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt