Start a new studio?





One person suggested you guys start a new studio. Perhaps a kickstarter to keep you guys together? I think I can safely name off a few people who would throw in on that.



Originally Posted by Profit View Post

One person suggested you guys start a new studio. Perhaps a kickstarter to keep you guys together? I think I can safely name off a few people who would throw in on that.
This is one of the plans that's being considered - the biggest hurdle would be getting NCSoft so sell/give up the IP.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Once we settle on a plan, I'm going to start rattling around here for people to make short YouTube videos about what they love about this game. I don't think even NCSoft lacks humanity. If all we can offer them is still less than a year's profits for the IP, this might make a difference.



It's been amazing watching the Kickstarter phenomenon and realising how much money there is out there for projects. I wouldn't be surprised if this was viable.

CoH 2 from a core team of ex-Paragon Studios is a dream.

Sadly I fear that NCSoft would be willing to sell of the IP, and a CoH 2 without Paragon City and the Rogue Isles just wouldn't be the same.

But if the IP was available, then I hope someone gets it, someone who'll use it. I don't want this world to end like this.



In the worst case, we'd have to develop our own CoH-but-not-quite-CoH-to-attract-lawyers IP - and when you consider just how many of the CoH story elements were based on classic comic book set ups, we'd be able to come pretty close.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
In the worst case, we'd have to develop our own CoH-but-not-quite-CoH-to-attract-lawyers IP - and when you consider just how many of the CoH story elements were based on classic comic book set ups, we'd be able to come pretty close.
I'm still gonna miss killing Skuls. ;_;



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This is one of the plans that's being considered - the biggest hurdle would be getting NCSoft so sell/give up the IP.

What do they want to do , shelf it like tabula rosa , and let it rot , did paragon studios piss them off that much ?

I do not think so , infact they allowed them freedom , so what the heck went wrong ?
Honestly things were looking great , for the future .



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
In the worst case, we'd have to develop our own CoH-but-not-quite-CoH-to-attract-lawyers IP - and when you consider just how many of the CoH story elements were based on classic comic book set ups, we'd be able to come pretty close.
If they can't come to a compromise let them do that , and this time stay independant .
Sorry I think enough people in the MMO community and people in the development of MMO would contribute enough , for a ressurection independant CoH .

Especially since it was making profit , not huge amount , but if all bills get paid , and still substantial profit for the publisher , who the hell are they to complain .



Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
What do they want to do , shelf it like tabula rosa , and let it rot , did paragon studios piss them off that much ?

I do not think so , infact they allowed them freedom , so what the heck went wrong ?
Honestly things were looking great , for the future .
I think that's what NCSoft will wind up doing, yeah. Shelve the IP so no one can ever play the game again, C&D anyone who tries to bring it back, or pursue further legal action.

It probably wasn't any slight of the folks at Paragon Studios that caused this to happen; NCSoft just decided City of Heroes was not making enough money to justify its continued existence in favor of its other titles.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
I'm still gonna miss killing Skuls. ;_;
They're a death cult that dresses in black and white and are named Skulls.

All we have to do is change them to a death cult that dresses in black and black and are named Skulls.

The idea is generic enough that we don't need a huge change.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
I think that's what NCSoft will wind up doing, yeah. Shelve the IP so no one can ever play the game again, C&D anyone who tries to bring it back, or pursue further legal action.

It probably wasn't any slight of the folks at Paragon Studios that caused this to happen; NCSoft just decided City of Heroes was not making enough money to justify its continued existence in favor of its other titles.
they played by the rules , meet the deadlines and quoto set each time ,
Sorry so don't use that justification as excuse , since coporate structure groundbase rule is quota and deadlines .

There was no reason for this behaviour ! what favor of other tittles ?
CoH was and still is revolutionair in MMO development , everybody who create/play MMO knows that , sure it doesn't bring the huge bucks like wow , but it wasn't starving either especially with going free to play , people just need to get use to donate a bit more each month .

Since we are a bit smaller community , at this rate only thing left to play are Pay to win games , since they rack up the money with deciets and lies and ripoff .

Customers are sometimes really blind how good the developers here were .
And must say they were excellent , even answering some of my stupid questions .



If any help is needed putting together a business plan I'm available. And if a business plan is put together in the future, I'd be happy to shop it around to the various angel investors and VCs I have contacts with.



infact zillenger coffee talk time was great and funny to watch .

They gotten the transition to that part of making money also right !
A little bit more theatre and it was a winner .
Everything was set for another 5 year or the next gen !
Who are influenced by spending on the mood or fun .

Sadly the competition element is not here , but then again that is why most people loved this game .
But competition element in way of new powerset was here !
So that is also no reason for lost of profits , since slow powercreep was being introduced to gain more money .
More money means they can go back and powercreep the free sets , which they were doing.
City of Money in this case was totally unproven !

Sorry the game had terrific potential , and a terrific team behind it , that tought of people first , no matter the income status or problems .



I to, will help with a business plan if need be.

Anything to keep this alive. And to make is successful.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This is one of the plans that's being considered - the biggest hurdle would be getting NCSoft so sell/give up the IP.
Right now, the only I am only aggrevated at NCSoft for the manner in which they closed the studio. (i.e. no warning, no chance at redemption, etc.) They're a business, they made a logical business action, just not the right way.

If it ends up that they just sit on the IP, or want an outrageous amount for it, then I will lose complete and total respect for them. To hold onto something simply because it might flourish in someone else's hands is miserly. If they think it is worth money, they should find a way to maintain it. If not, get rid of it.

I know this is all logical, and most of you agree with this. More just me restating things.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Guys, I started this thread before I read TonyVs thread. I'd kindly like to direct you guys there



I don't think that NC Soft will give up the IP. There must be an other way then closing the entire game, other games are not so popular and they are still online. They don't sell Auto Assault or Tabula Rasa, they just close them and that's it. Maybe one or two people are crying but who cares? Soon the players will forget it and on Wildstar or Guild Wars 2 or whatever they are all coming back when the hype is right. That's the way a publisher is thinking, it's just money that makes the world go round.

Maybe some from Paragon Studios really have a heart lost in Paragon, but did they really want's to make buisness with NC-Soft, a company that fires the entire team, or isn't is better to do something new? Something without license or publisher troubles. Maybe they really have something what they was working on, so this can be a nice start and they have something that is really great and what not everyone had to offer: Us. A great community what does everything when they can help them, I'm sure about this. Maybe it's not Pargon City anymore then but who cares?

They have nothing to lose anymore so maybe a Kickstarter Campain with a new game will work and when this will not work... Well, then they still can go to Electronic Arts and do Free to play browser games, but when this is really true what they all said here, that the team was so good and they loved what they do, then try it and I promise we will be there to help you.



They should just make a spiritual successor. A City of Heroes sequel in all but the name.



Do not worry everyone.

Little birdie says big Executives have been expressed to and yes even they having humanity. You can saying it may of taken little persuasion to hear out coming proposal but ears and eyes are open. There are many inside sources looking over threads, I promise this.

Just put faith on Tony and his peoples, even Golden Girl helping.





GG helping?

Those words, they don't fit together

*hugs GG*



The whole thing is probably an elaborate hair-plot.



Originally Posted by Technerdoc View Post
I don't think that NC Soft will give up the IP. There must be an other way then closing the entire game, other games are not so popular and they are still online. They don't sell Auto Assault or Tabula Rasa, they just close them and that's it. Maybe one or two people are crying but who cares? Soon the players will forget it and on Wildstar or Guild Wars 2 or whatever they are all coming back when the hype is right. That's the way a publisher is thinking, it's just money that makes the world go round.

Maybe some from Paragon Studios really have a heart lost in Paragon, but did they really want's to make buisness with NC-Soft, a company that fires the entire team, or isn't is better to do something new? Something without license or publisher troubles. Maybe they really have something what they was working on, so this can be a nice start and they have something that is really great and what not everyone had to offer: Us. A great community what does everything when they can help them, I'm sure about this. Maybe it's not Pargon City anymore then but who cares?

They have nothing to lose anymore so maybe a Kickstarter Campain with a new game will work and when this will not work... Well, then they still can go to Electronic Arts and do Free to play browser games, but when this is really true what they all said here, that the team was so good and they loved what they do, then try it and I promise we will be there to help you.

Look while you are right in many things , Auto Assault was not profitable .
Tabula Rasa was a different reason , a conflict with the creator that couldn't be resolved .

None these reasons applies to Paragon Studios , since they are profitable .
Did they insult somebody of NCSOFT ? the shock and disbelief in the whole teams says otherwise .

Sorry this is simply wrong business habit of NCSOFT , shutting down a selfsustainable project that brings profit , is simply wrong .
Infact tons of others wish they had these options . sorry I cannot imagine any reason for shutting down CoH , without having tried alternative means , like server merger .
letting them finish I24 first and then see if the profits are allright !
Nope just a blunt axe method , that causes more harm then it was good !

So what the heck just happened ? they caused more harm to themself then it is good .
6 million loses as a company , isn't that much based on F2P market strategy .
Sorry they are just doing themself more harm then good .

We are just the casualty of that idiocy .



Do not worry everyone.

Little birdie says big Executives have been expressed to and yes even they having humanity. You can saying it may of taken little persuasion to hear out coming proposal but ears and eyes are open. There are many inside sources looking over threads, I promise this.

Just put faith on Tony and his peoples, even Golden Girl helping.

Please keep us posted. I would like to invest.



Originally Posted by MishiiLove View Post
not just from Americas either. There are many, idols and public figure who have had agents send in messages.
This sounds an awful lot like someone exaggerating to make themselves sound more important. Why would you not say the names of these public figures expressing support? -.- Why is there no one in the media saying "Shame on you NCsoft", why are there no articles saying what a shame it is? Why only on the forums? Because the forums will be gone, soon...

Originally Posted by MishiiLove View Post
Do not worry everyone.

A little birdie says big Executives have been expressed to and yes even they have humanity. You could say it took a little persuasion to hear out the coming proposal, but ears and eyes are open. There are many inside sources looking over threads, I promise this.
Again, if this is exaggeration by pretending you know more than you actually do, and that there is more hope than there actually is, then it's extremely irresponsible to be giving people the impression that they should be complacent and wait for others to "just work things out" when it's likely there will be no such compromise, the community tried to buy Tabula Rasa before too... NCsoft would rather see something burn and be buried rather than anyone else having control.