Start a new studio?




I am special exception Killer Kitty not someone super important not to Americas celebrity

I not empowering self image as this not needed but there is places you able look and you can trusting in my honesty. I not lie, and there is many who knowing of me. I mostly quiet and tending to friend throughout servers.

In time of need I am loud tho but not over so. When I saying there is reason for purpose or there is chance you not needing to be worry. It is truth.

^_^ Please focusing on Tony right now, he needing all support. Not divide of peoples. Negativity not going help, focus yourself where your effort best afford for game. Tabula Rosa is different case, I knowing first hand. There are many ways of getting IP. NCsoft not only share holder of company, Nexon and plenty other sources involved. But this all I saying on this matter.

Work together okay?




Sounds like frickin trolling with the faux broken english.



I unsure of what critter in game having do with my lack of best English. For this I apologize. I unsure of your meaning but please focus effort on Tony.

Good luck!




Killerkitty, . I think that should answer both things you brought up...

...especially if I mention incidentally that WISDOM really *was* supposed to have a greater role, but technical challenges with making the powersets for the signature heroes prevented it. So we got Yin and Tub Ci running the Syndicate show.



Oops, poor reading skills on my part.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
You are @KillerKitty? Or are you saying you are not @KillerKitty?

If you are @KillerKitty (or whatever her global was changed to) I would find it difficult to trust your words. That's a name most do not associate with trustworthiness.
What she meant was: "I am special exception, Killer Kitty, not someone super [snip]". (commas added) She was saying 'Killer Kitty' to signify that she was addressing KK.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
You are @KillerKitty? Or are you saying you are not @KillerKitty?
Mishii was responding to Killerkitty, explaining that while she's not an idol or western celebrity, she is qualified to comment on what they are doing in this specific case.

I have no idea whether or not that's true, but it doesn't really matter; I'd focus more on how she suggests we support Tony and less on deciphering specific information.

while i try and find the japanese word for 'disingenuous'...



6+ years on this forum, I find it very hard to believe that you don't put it on. I bothered to do a google this time, and fine, you're legit, "marketing advisor" for NCsoft and helped advertise the travesty that was Aion when NCsoft murdered tabula rasa (which was also making a profit at the time) to recycle it's servers etc, etc but... the deceptive style is just plain creepy.



She'd hardly be the only person to roleplay her character here.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
You've not seen her costume in-game, have you?
I... don't think so?



Originally Posted by MishiiLove View Post
Little birdie says big Executives have been expressed to and yes even they having humanity. You can saying it may of taken little persuasion to hear out coming proposal but ears and eyes are open. There are many inside sources looking over threads, I promise this.

Just put faith on Tony and his peoples, even Golden Girl helping.

I hope that's true, but...



If anyone can do it, Titan network can, that much I believe.

If not, I suggest getting as many of the dev team together with them to do a kickstarter and make a new company/IP under the Titan Network banner.

Call it "Titan City"

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



To heck with getting the IP from NCSoft.

City of Heroes is/was a wonderful game, but why spend a lot of money just for the sake of bringing back specific NPCs and locales?

Instead of spending money on purchasing pre-existing intellectual property, put ALL the cash into developing a completely NEW franchise. Let's face it, the Paragon Studios team could do it... and do it fairly easily since they're all used to working together.

Purchase/Lease a new engine to run the whole thing in... but this time they will KNOW what they need for upgrades/capabilities from what problems they've been dealing with for the past decade. With proper financial backing, the team could create a completely NEW game.

In fact... I'll submit my resume right this second for that team...

Even if they wouldn't hire me as a writer/character developer... I'd happily accept a position as QA... heck... JANITOR...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
To heck with getting the IP from NCSoft.

City of Heroes is/was a wonderful game, but why spend a lot of money just for the sake of bringing back specific NPCs and locales?

Instead of spending money on purchasing pre-existing intellectual property, put ALL the cash into developing a completely NEW franchise. Let's face it, the Paragon Studios team could do it... and do it fairly easily since they're all used to working together.

Purchase/Lease a new engine to run the whole thing in... but this time they will KNOW what they need for upgrades/capabilities from what problems they've been dealing with for the past decade. With proper financial backing, the team could create a completely NEW game.

In fact... I'll submit my resume right this second for that team...

Even if they wouldn't hire me as a writer/character developer... I'd happily accept a position as QA... heck... JANITOR...
I agree. If somehow, magically, the Paragon crew were brought back together, I'd much rather see them apply their talents to a new challenge, not just more CoH.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
In the worst case, we'd have to develop our own CoH-but-not-quite-CoH-to-attract-lawyers IP - and when you consider just how many of the CoH story elements were based on classic comic book set ups, we'd be able to come pretty close.

Phoenix City!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
To heck with getting the IP from NCSoft.

City of Heroes is/was a wonderful game, but why spend a lot of money just for the sake of bringing back specific NPCs and locales?

Instead of spending money on purchasing pre-existing intellectual property, put ALL the cash into developing a completely NEW franchise. Let's face it, the Paragon Studios team could do it... and do it fairly easily since they're all used to working together.
The thing is, any new game would have to be very similar to CoH - that's why people are fighting this shut down - the only thing that can replace CoH is CoH2, and even then, it'd still have to be familiar.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The thing is, any new game would have to be very similar to CoH - that's why people are fighting this shut down - the only thing that can replace CoH is CoH2, and even then, it'd still have to be familiar.
I respectfully disagree...

You don't have to reinvent the wheel in order to avoid Copyright Infringement. You just have to prove that your product B is not the original Product A.

First Person Shooters are notorious from coming out with clones of popular games ever since the original DOOM came out. No one shuts them down though. If you change the characters and the story line, you can keep most of the other elements.

Yes, the team would have to change a lot of things in the powers, missions, costume creation, etc... but they probably WANT to change those things. The team likely has been champing at the bit and having "What would you do if anything were possible?" conversations since they've been working there.

Starting completely fresh would give them the chance to make those conversations a reality...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
If anyone can do it, Titan network can, that much I believe.

If not, I suggest getting as many of the dev team together with them to do a kickstarter and make a new company/IP under the Titan Network banner.

Call it "Titan City"
Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
To heck with getting the IP from NCSoft.

City of Heroes is/was a wonderful game, but why spend a lot of money just for the sake of bringing back specific NPCs and locales?

Instead of spending money on purchasing pre-existing intellectual property, put ALL the cash into developing a completely NEW franchise. Let's face it, the Paragon Studios team could do it... and do it fairly easily since they're all used to working together.

Purchase/Lease a new engine to run the whole thing in... but this time they will KNOW what they need for upgrades/capabilities from what problems they've been dealing with for the past decade. With proper financial backing, the team could create a completely NEW game.

In fact... I'll submit my resume right this second for that team...

Even if they wouldn't hire me as a writer/character developer... I'd happily accept a position as QA... heck... JANITOR...
Agreed and agreed.

Playing COH style in a modern game engine would be PHENOMINAL. Heck, running around GW2 I can't help but continually think how amazing it would be if the COH art and assets were updated and ported into this smooth engine.

The main distinctive parts of CoH that we all love - the missions, the walled cities, the powersets and the huge costume designer - all of those could be ported to this "Titan City" project without infringing on CoH.

I'd be there. With frelling bells on.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The thing is, any new game would have to be very similar to CoH - that's why people are fighting this shut down - the only thing that can replace CoH is CoH2, and even then, it'd still have to be familiar.
I don't know. I can see players wanting to continue with the current IP ... so long as they also get to keep the toons they've invested in.

However, if everything the players invested in has to get dumped, I can see where the game is better off being entirely re-created. A lot of things were learned from the development and play of CoH, and any new IP would hopefully take those lessons into account.

While the Skulls and Nature Affinity and so forth were fun, it's relatively easy to come up with new engaging ideas for a new game world.

I'd say this is an opportunity for CoH 2.

To me, the ideal scenario would be to make some sort of licensing deal to let the current game release i24, with payments being made to NCsoft for each month until the new game comes out, at which point CoH 1 can be retired or, if the deal permits it, be made entirely FTP. Subscription gaming could move to CoH 2.

Pie in the sky, I know, but if for some reason NCsoft wants to stop paying for development on CoH, and stop paying for servers, and make money on licensing the IP, then - if possible - this would be a direction to go.

(Just to clarify ... CoH 2 is a project name, not the name of the eventual product, which would have to be an entirely different IP, with modern game engine, etc.)

(EDIT: And maybe we could finally get fingers and animated hair.)



Yeah, I'd want to keep the characters I made, but realistically, the server farm required to keep all our servers and characters would be probably beyond the scope of what TonyV and contributers (even if he could get a lot of the old Paragon studios group together) could afford. That's my biggest fear in trying to keep the old.

Even if they get the IP and everything comes out roses, there'd probably be one or two servers, not currently existing, that we'd all have to start over on, with very limited updates. Not a horrible prospect, but frankly, one I'd be willing to exchange for Titan and whoever they can get from Paragon to create a whole new IP unbeholden to anyone. A game strictly for us, by us, from a Kickstarter drive.

The development team they've had has been awesome, and I honestly think with the woulda' coulda' shoulda' from them, I bet they'd welcome the opportunity to make something new with the same versatility and beauty that is our Paragon City.

Make no mistake, I don't want to lose Paragon (if that's possible) but I would gladly champion (get it.. I'm from Champ... never mind...) something that they might be able to do even better on their own, with nothing but love, donations, their dreams and ours, interwoven to make something even better than the sum of its parts that could go beyond what they could do for us here.

The only reason I mention this now, is because if everything else fails, the best time for them to hit us with this is either now, or to a lesser extent, close to the close. I guarantee whatever happens in the next three months, it's going to go by faster than we ever wanted it to.

Sorry, starting to choke up again. That's all I have to say.


Edit- Also understand that it would start small and have to grow like this one did, if they had to start over. But I gotta tell ya, I'd have the faith to wait it out.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Basically, just make the CoH game they always wanted to but was held back by ancient tech, then rename it.