If you haven't looked at the new Skulls, please do.

Agent White



QR: Lord, save us all from a surfeit of political correctness!

Fact is, people tend to hang around with... other people like themselves. Its everywhere, you will see it at work, at the mall, standing in line at the grocery-store: like tends to congregate with like. Of course some cross-pollination goes on, but in general this is what you will see.

Please note that I did not say the following: that people SHOULD hang around with their own kind to the exclusion of all others. They should not be FORCED to keep company with only their own.

But its what you see IRL. There are exceptions, but its what you see, pretty much.

I would find it much more jarring to see every group of NPCs consist strictly of one white guy, one black guy and one Asian guy. Man, what next: are we going to hear complaining about how the Tsoo are not 1/3 black or white or something? Be serious, of course an Asian group is going to have *Asians* in it. Does this mean the Tsoo are eeee-vil racists?

Realistic or not, there's that little part of me inside that never can help but think this game's got a HUGE discrepancy between white, Anglo-Saxon (and mostly male) heroes to Ethic criminals and villains.
No one has control over what race your alts are, other than yourself. If you want to see increased ethnic diversity in the game, great. You have the power to create it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Easy there, Howard.
That's sort of the point I was making. The street runs in both directions without regard to whether it was intentional by one party and unintentional by the other. The standard still applies.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
That's sort of the point I was making, actually.
And as an amusing link from that Lovecraft thread, the story "The Street", which features Eastern Ruopean immigrants in a very bad light, mentions a bakery set up by one of them who'who has the name "Petrovich"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And as an amusing link from that Lovecraft thread, the story "The Street", which features Eastern Ruopean immigrants in a very bad light, mentions a bakery set up by one of them who'who has the name "Petrovich"
Demonic sticky buns? Holy Baker's Dozen, Batman!



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Does this mean the Tsoo are eeee-vil racists?
It just meant that when they speak, their lips aren't in sync with the words.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
My surname is German but I have about as much resemblance to a citizen of Germany as a Ball Park hot dog has to a bratwurst.
Hey, me too! (And thumbs up for Ball Park hotdogs... *homer drool*)



ANYWAY, my actual feedback on the Skulls revamp: I like everything EXCEPT for the noses poking through the Skull masks. The first time I saw that, I thought it was just a buffering mistake. It looks silly on a group of dudes (and now dudettes, thumbs up for that as well) who glorify death like the Skulls.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Yeah, I'm aware of the backgrounder and the problem is that it doesn't say any of those things that you said about the Petrovics.
what about... this? Did you check this part?

"The Skulls were founded in the mid-90s by a group of Eastern European refugees who moved into Paragon City, fleeing civil strife in their home country."

While this does actually leave room for larger proliferation of the "accents", 'refugees' could refer to just the Petrovic brothers or more.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I like 'em. I always kind of liked the "generic street gang' aspect of most of the Skulls, but Bone Daddys have screwed up that vibe pretty handily since the beginning anyway. Really, I think a swing toward either of those extremes is an improvement. They didn't seem to have much of a worthwhile identity before.

Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
That may be but to us old timers it was once part of Czechoslovakia and an Iron Curtain country, therefore part of Soviet Eastern Europe Vs NATO's Western Europe.
Yep, in this case "Eastern Europe" is a cultural distinction, not a geographic one. 90% or so of Russia's land area is technically on the Asian continent, but Russians are hardly what anyone means then they say "Asian people."

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
QR: Lord, save us all from a surfeit of political correctness!
Political correctness has nothing to do with it. Let's not start bandying straw men about.

At this moment, the Skull are a mostly typical inner-city gang, that happens to also be a death cult (and they dress like something out of The Warriors, which is not really coincidental).

The new gang is NOT a typical inner-city gang, it's a (possibly typical) ethnic gang.

The question is - Why? How does this retcon/rewrite/clarification improve the game or improve the setting of King's Row? My personal opinion is that it does not improve it. It reduces the Skulls into something less interesting to me, not more interesting. Your mileage may vary.

At least they got their masks back, and the devs have already said that they're dropping the Boris and Natasha dialog.

If they were supposed to be an ethnic gang all along, then this is just another case of the devs hoarding "vital" information about the game's background instead of giving it to the players who ought to have known it.

I'll spare you Lore Rant #3. ;-)



I think I should make my stance clear here: I do love the Skulls update, I do agree with others that they should not be made into a purely ethic crime gang (because we have enough of those) with the exception of the Petrovic brothers and maybe the higher ups like Misery, Manible, and the odd bone daddy or death walker/doll.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Political correctness has nothing to do with it. Let's not start bandying straw men about.
When you have someone complaining that the racial mix in this game does not meet his specifications [see: discrimination], yes that's pretty much asking for political correctness. PC can take other forms, but that's definitely one of them.

Asfar as the Skulls talking like Eurotrash, this isnt a huge deal to me. I'm level 1-15 in what feels like ten minutes anyways, me and the Skulls soon part ways.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Hey, me too! (And thumbs up for Ball Park hotdogs... *homer drool*)



ANYWAY, my actual feedback on the Skulls revamp: I like everything EXCEPT for the noses poking through the Skull masks. The first time I saw that, I thought it was just a buffering mistake. It looks silly on a group of dudes (and now dudettes, thumbs up for that as well) who glorify death like the Skulls.
That's because skulls have a big hole in the middle where your nose goes. That's just how skulls are shaped.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
That's because skulls have a big hole in the middle where your nose goes. That's just how skulls are shaped.
Well, in theory, part of membership for the skulls could include "cutting off your own nose" but I think the Petrovic brothers realized that would be asking a bit much from the membership.
Also made it way too easy to spot them without their masks.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Well, in theory, part of membership for the skulls could include "cutting off your own nose" but I think the Petrovic brothers realized that would be asking a bit much from the membership.
Also made it way too easy to spot them without their masks.
Hey, some groups make you cut off your ring finger.

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Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
The question is - Why? How does this retcon/rewrite/clarification improve the game or improve the setting of King's Row?
It helps to shift them away from being reskinned Hellions who swapped demons for death.
That just leaves the Hellions and the Outcasts needing more done to separate them - the Hellions already have a pretty strong look and theme, so any revamp would be likely to expand on that - but the Outcasts are quite messy, with no defined look or theme, apart from being "outcasts", and a vague "elemental" vibe with their fire, ice, earth and electric powers.
The Hellions could do with getting the newer versions of their current clothing, but the Outcasts need to go in another direction, and really play up their "elemental" theme.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It helps to shift them away from being reskinned Hellions who swapped demons for death.
I'll grant you that, yes. I personally never thought of them like that but I can see why some people would. As a foil for and rival of the Hellions, that's pretty much their main function the game, truthfully, but if they built it into something more I'm always in favor of that.

I don't believe that changing the underlying structure of the gang membership is necessary to achieve that, however. It's enough to elaborate on the structure that's already in place and tell us the Skulls' full story. We don't need to transform them into something else in the process. As we've discussed elsewhere, the game is founded on deep mythical roots and having the Petrovics and their lieutenants be cultists of ancient Eastern/Central European dark arts is just fine with me. They can be that without having to lose the home-grown foundation of the lower echelons of the gang.


At the risk of being overly verbose, I'll elaborate a bit on this.

Turning the gang into an ethnic gang is like turning them into the Russian Mafia. There's nothing interesting about that. They're just a bunch of ruffians who are trying to muscle into America and expand their operation into our territory. We already have the Tsoo to represent that kind of gang in the game. Bringing another one in doesn't give us anything new.

If the Petrovics are a couple of guys who come to America and bring their dark arts with them, and set about establishing a power base in the wake of the Rikti War and manage to succeed to some extent to build something out of the misery, despair, and wreckage of the War, that's interesting. They're villains, albeit small time in the greater scheme of things. They are exotic and mysterious and you can get why they attract the poor and the disenfranchised to their cause.

If they're primarily a bunch of Slavs who are banding together because "Hey, cameraderie and us against them" then that's boring. The fact that it's "realistic" does not make it less boring.

As always, these are my opinions and your mileage may vary.



But the "recruiting from anywhere" theme is already part of the Hellions, Outcasts, Trolls and Warriors vibe - this revamp just shifts the Sklulls a little closer to the Tsoo and the Family, and adds another layer to the gang.

The Trolls are also another of the reskinned Hellions gangs, but the green skin and distinctive way of speaking helps to make them feel a bit different - although they could do with a makeover too - probably something that'd emphasize the Norse stuff a bit more, to really like up to the Troll name - something like making newer/larger Supatrolls called Jotuns, and having new enemy types who are "berserkers" conststanly enraged by the effects of Superadine.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
That's because skulls have a big hole in the middle where your nose goes. That's just how skulls are shaped.
Doesn't change the fact that it now looks sillier than it does scary. I think it'd work fine if they did a dark layer of face paint beneath the mask to ring the eyes and black out the nose.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

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It's not a huge sticking point for me at all, but since there is some back and forth about differentiating them from the Hellions:

The similarity between the Hellions and Skulls seems to me to be the perfect reason for their rivalry and also is very realistic (and possibly poignant). Again, the change is really no problem for me, but since we're just talkin'...

Different gangs exist (as heated/fatal rivals) without so much as a difference other than their gang colors. Worship/rituals surrounding Death as opposed to Demons is far more than enough to differentiate and all that jazz.
The fact that they'd both be recruiting from the same crop of potential gang-bangers is even better.

So, I certainly do not believe in those reasons for the changes. I can accept the changes if that's what they want to do with them, but it wasn't necessary and I can understand people being less embracing of the changes to (or, at the very least, a finer focus of the details of) the gang's existing lore.

I, personally, liked the fact that the two gangs looked somewhat like the same guys with different colors, insignias and masks. It somewhat speaks to the nature of such things.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Trolls are also another of the reskinned Hellions gangs, but the green skin and distinctive way of speaking helps to make them feel a bit different - although they could do with a makeover too - probably something that'd emphasize the Norse stuff a bit more, to really like up to the Troll name - something like making newer/larger Supatrolls called Jotuns, and having new enemy types who are "berserkers" conststanly enraged by the effects of Superadine.
GG... You do understand Trolls are too stupid to understand what Norse Myth is, right?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But the "recruiting from anywhere" theme is already part of the Hellions, Outcasts, Trolls and Warriors vibe
The game lore SAYS that they are recruiting from anywhere. What are they doing with the recruits from Atlas Park if the gang is primarily ethnic? Turning them into Soylent Green?