Thanks for all the stuff, can you do it better?

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Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
"well, the sex was great and all, but here's a comprehensive list of things I'd like you to do better, and please pay particular attention to numbers six and twelve, which involve Japanese twins and a plunger covered in peanut butter. Thanks."


Heck with it, I'm stealing this.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
It drives me nuts. As does this post. It's ungrateful, short-sighted, and completely absurd. That's like telling your girlfriend "well, the sex was great and all, but here's a comprehensive list of things I'd like you to do better, and please pay particular attention to numbers six and twelve, which involve Japanese twins and a plunger covered in peanut butter. Thanks."
So you are saying to not compliment people and instead just ask them to make things better? That seems foolish.



Heh, well the thread is interesting so far to me. Thank you for all the responses. Yes, i was completely serious in the post. I am very grateful for what we have. Okay, so I'm grumpy in the morning, nuff said.

After some thought (more than when I first posted at least) the kernel of an idea has gathered. Would it not be great if there was a "Generic Blaster Set" "Generic Brute Set" "Generic Scrapper Weapon set" "Generic Scrapper non weapon Set" Etc, you get the idea. The Set would have the most generic Primary Set progression .(Possibly A secondary set too)

Heres what it would look like for Blasters:

1) Minor Damage Ranged
2) Moderate Damage Ranged
3) Cone or PBAoE or Targeted AoE (Player Choice!)
4) Aim
5) Snipe
6) T3 (Close High Damage) or (Hold High Damage like Abyssal gaze)
7) (Rain of Fire Clone) or Cone or PBAoE or Targeted AoE (Cannot duplicate choice from 3 above
8) (Life Drain clone) or (Power Push Clone) or (Voltaic Sentinel Clone)
9) Nuke, choice PBAoe or Targeted AoE or (Blizzard Clone)

Each would be customized with whatever animation you wanted. The set (even with the choices I am suggesting) are not overpowered. They are merely flexible to playstyle. If i love Blapping, I choose Point Blank Stuff. If I enjoy skulking at range... nuff said. It will still favor Blappers, since all the secondaries except devices are written for Blappers.

For reskinning the animations, just use many of the ones we already have. Offer 2 or 3 per power. Go with a full on Energy Blast feel (I would!) or do a Fire/Ice Mix! Your choice.

For secondary effects - None. Ta freaking Dah. Maybe (Maybe increase damage by whatever amount someone thinks is the effect secondary effects have on overall gameplay, maybe not) It basically "Product" in a White can, with Black Letters. What it gives you is flexibility. It does not (nor is it meant to) unseat Fire Blasters, or let a min/maxer create the ultimate "......." It is just (just, heh) to allow someone to have the flexibility to choose powers and theme that fits their concept.



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
It drives me nuts. As does this post. It's ungrateful, short-sighted, and completely absurd. That's like telling your girlfriend "well, the sex was great and all, but here's a comprehensive list of things I'd like you to do better, and please pay particular attention to numbers six and twelve, which involve Japanese twins and a plunger covered in peanut butter. Thanks."
I been trying to let the negative feedback slide, even re-reading it for anything I can own and understand. But I read this and just laughed. Someone's partner needs a lesson on constructive feedback Mwah hah hah.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post


Heck with it, I'm stealing this.
Whoohoo! I've been sig'ed! Only took seven pancaking years *grumbleungratefulgrumble*

And Blue, while I *do* understand (a little) why you (and others) may want this, it still screams "What you've worked hard on and imposed rules on for a reason ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!" and seems whiny to me.

No, you shouldn't be able to pick and choose between a PBAOE nuke and a Targeted one. The powers and powersets are designed that way for. A. Reason. If you can't find a concept that fits the rules, change the concept. The powers and powersets have rules that make them constrain to certain limitations. Your concept and imagination do not.

I, personally, find Energy Blast the epitome of PEW PEW PEW superheroics, and that was even before customization, and you're darn tootin' I'm un-retiring Aurora Girl for I24. Knockback, love it or hate it, is a big deal for shoot-y superheroes, and it keeps you alive.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



I think "entitled" fits perfectly here. Blue's comfortable and happy with what he has, but feels he deserves more, simply because he wants it.

Pretty textbook example of entitlement, I'd say.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Blue is not comfortable and happy. Especially not with Blasters. I know I am finicky, believe me. There are many posts that describe the problems I have with Blasters in particular. Thankfully many problems I have with Blasters are being solved with i24. I have seen very good arguments that Blasters need mez protection. But what I want is different. I want a generic model I can reskin with my ideas. Very much like our character generator. And like our character generator it will still have many rules "Humanoid, about so big, etc."

The idea I posted above about the generic Blaster set is built around my own perception of what the Devs seem to do with every Blaster set. You can give me years of documented meetings that show they go into much greater depth, and test for weeks, then Beta test for months, but I gotta say, to me it looks like they go off a very similar chart to what I offered. Then they test it in Beta to see if it's unbalanced. (And I mean it has to be off significantly) Because Fire Blast does not equal Electrical Blast. So, lets just put a stake in "They all gotta be equal" portion of today's program.

Again, I am extremely grateful for what we have been given. I would like to ask for changes in the way they do things in the future that will improve the game. Just think, they would not need to create a "Dark Blast Set" because we could take the generic set and add dark animations corruptors have had for years on it. (which is sorta what they did....)



There is a game that didnt restrict players to a power framework. One can build a dual blade healer that can summon mecha drones. Guess what the biggest complaint was?
'my powers selections arent as awesome as what's his face.'
'X & y & z powers should kill the mob as fast as t & g & I powers. '
Players figured out which power selections worked best and you end up with a player base that were carbon copies of each other. devs would try to 'patch' so after every update, the build of the month changed.
So even if the devs implemented this customization you speak of, you would still be back here complaining about balance.



Originally Posted by Jade Ivy View Post
There is a game that didnt restrict players to a power framework. One can build a dual blade healer that can summon mecha drones. Guess what the biggest complaint was?
'my powers selections arent as awesome as what's his face.'
'X & y & z powers should kill the mob as fast as t & g & I powers. '
Players figured out which power selections worked best and you end up with a player base that were carbon copies of each other. devs would try to 'patch' so after every update, the build of the month changed.
So even if the devs implemented this customization you speak of, you would still be back here complaining about balance.
Not if all the powers did the same damage.

Well, people would still complain, but they wouldn't complain about imbalance.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Someone would Jade, not me. Granted. But I seriously do just want a Ranged non weapon Blaster with Energy Animations and no KB. I have many attempts and many posts to prove it. Where I am going with this is there are a lot of players like me who want X damage type, prefer to play at Y Range, and use Z animations. And the XYZ are more important than I must build "Fire/Psi" Blaster because FOTM build recipe says it's 1.9% better than every other combo. Sure, I don't want to be penalized too much. But if I choose the generic write up over the traditional Energy Blaster, and can therefore pick a ranged nuke istead of the PB, even if the rest of my choices are exactly the same as traditional Energy Blast, believe me, I'll know I have a win in hand.



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
I think "entitled" fits perfectly here. Blue's comfortable and happy with what he has, but feels he deserves more, simply because he wants it.

Pretty textbook example of entitlement, I'd say.
Not in the way the original response from Jack_noMind was phrased. "Entitled" in common usage (as opposed to the dictionary definition) has come to mean expecting something for nothing, which was the tenor of the response; the "spoiled child throwing a tantrum" effect. Paying customers have a right to request new things. That's why I say we should stop using the word for a while before it loses its actual meaning.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Yet it's used, abused and overused for situations where it isn't warranted. Such as this one.
Here I must cop to not having read the OP.

I didn't read the OP because the poster has been on my ignore list so long I've forgotten why. Combining that fact with the title of the thread I reached a conclusion about the rough value of what I'd be likely to find if I pulled aside the curtain.

Having sorted through the respondents, I find that posters rallying in support mostly fall into a certain demographic, as do those in opposition. They break down in such a way that I'm reasonably comfortable sticking with my first impression, which is that were I to click that little "read post" link it would reveal a steaming, elephantine pile of entitlement so redolent of assumed privilege even a British peer would recoil in polite horror.

But I guess YMMV.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
After some thought (more than when I first posted at least) the kernel of an idea has gathered. Would it not be great if there was a "Generic Blaster Set" "Generic Brute Set" "Generic Scrapper Weapon set" "Generic Scrapper non weapon Set" Etc, you get the idea. The Set would have the most generic Primary Set progression .(Possibly A secondary set too)
No, no it would not be great.



Isn't there an IO out there that converts KB into knock down? Sounds like the perfect remedy for all those Energy Blast attacks that constantly knock enemies away from the melee characters on your team.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Unfortunately, this IO is unique.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Here I must cop to not having read the OP.

I didn't read the OP because the poster has been on my ignore list so long I've forgotten why. Combining that fact with the title of the thread I reached a conclusion about the rough value of what I'd be likely to find if I pulled aside the curtain.

Having sorted through the respondents, I find that posters rallying in support mostly fall into a certain demographic, as do those in opposition. They break down in such a way that I'm reasonably comfortable sticking with my first impression, which is that were I to click that little "read post" link it would reveal a steaming, elephantine pile of entitlement so redolent of assumed privilege even a British peer would recoil in polite horror.

But I guess YMMV.
Heh. I love this one. To paraphrase. "I am completely ignorant on the subject, by choice. However, I am sure I am right." I just wonder how I made it on his ignore list. Hmmmm.

Now that is just funny.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Isn't there an IO out there that converts KB into knock down? Sounds like the perfect remedy for all those Energy Blast attacks that constantly knock enemies away from the melee characters on your team.
Yeah, this is a one per character thing, but trust me, I have 2 or 3 and am trying to figure the best place for it. As Aurora Girl said, KB can be useful. As a regular Brute player, I can tell you it can also be infuriating.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Yeah, this is a one per character thing, but trust me, I have 2 or 3 and am trying to figure the best place for it. As Aurora Girl said, KB can be useful. As a regular Brute player, I can tell you it can also be infuriating.
I like putting it in Gale or the Dark blast cone. Quick recharge, wide area, 100% knockdown, great mitigation.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Well, I said when I first saw Water Blast it was everything I am looking for. I bought it, I played it for a few hours... It is water. My wife is the water sign in the family. It did nothing for me. But, I do not want to appear to be...entitled.

So, I am leveling a new Water/Energy Blaster. HOH is the name. The story was the hard part (for me), cause... water blaster. Then I caught an idea floating by. He is a cyborg (not much organic material left after these few hundred years of 'upgrades' who has been a water engineer on a spaceship. (large spaceships need all kinds of dedicated scientists after all) Most of his work is done with computers and automated processes, but he had a few emergency devices built into his cybernetic systems for emergencies. Emergencies are very bad on a spaceship, so he has some good water control tech. Now how did he get to Paragon City? Black hole, of course. Ship came out of warp near a black hole and he was pulled right off as the ship entered real space. Do not ask me for the math on this. I'll give you a few philosophical statementss, thats it. I saw a Doctor's thesis on a light cloak once. 200 pages of calculus, then 2 written pages, followed by two hundred more pages of calculus. So, I figure a black hole pulling a cyborg off has to be at least 10-20 pages longer than that, and I get bored after about 5 pages of calculus. 1 page if it's multi-variable. Okay, bored may not be the right word.

Anyways, I am playing the new shiny Blaster, which has many 90-95% of the power choices I would pick for my ultimate Blaster. Still finicky, all the Blaster secondaries are made for blapping, and I already miss my pretty energy blasts, but I will go enjoy the new shiny for a month or two and get it all incarnated out and see what I think.

I'll probably revisit this idea later, I really would like a genera Blaster for reskinning. I think it has value as a possible selling point. Heck, charge 3 times what you do for a regular "bought set" after all, you can market it as the anything set, you only gotta buy once...



I agree with a lot of what you say, Centurion.

I think a case could be made for more cosmetic customisation, say having the mechanical powers of Radiation Blast with the look and feel of Energy Blast.

This could work similar to the alternate animation system which we already have. Its a lot of UI work and probably some under the hood tinkering, but at least it wouldn't involve rebalancing any power sets, which is where the real headaches would begin.



But having a mix and match of look and mechanics makes no sense. Do you really want Ice Blasters shoveling out massive amounts of fire damage? Besides that not all blast sets have analogous animations. DP has no snipe, so you couldn't have the mechanics of fire.

Also, something just seems wrong about the whole thing.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Isn't there an IO out there that converts KB into knock down?
No, but there is an Attuned Enhancement that does that.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Unfortunately, this Enhancement is unique.