Anyone gotten all the incarnate powers to Tier 4? Both sides of EVERY tree for each slot?

Adeon Hawkwood



This is one feat I am trying to achieve on a single character, specifically my main. Its not something I grind on a daily basis but it is a goal I work toward. I am sure there are people that have managed to do this. I estimate it would take about 60 Very rares (I haven't sat down and counted) or maybe even 100 or in terms of Emp merits that would be nearly 3,000 at 30 merits per Very Rare.

Would be cool there was a badge associated with this but since more and more abilities are added would be hard to keep track. Maybe if they added a badge for having both very rares in a single tree's power. (IE one for musculature, one for cardiac, etc)

I am sure some people would view this as insanity the same way I view doing a man build or a brawl build to level 50 solo insanity.

So is anyone else going for this? How far along are you? I would say for myself I am maybe 15-20% of the way.



I am sure some people would view this as insanity the same way I view doing a man build or a brawl build to level 50 solo insanity.
Take your hands off the keyboard and back away slowly.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



If you counted every T4 I've made on every character I have, I wouldn't even be halfway there.



8 Alphas for 16.
5 Judgements for 10.
8 Interfaces for 16.
5 Destinies for 10.
16 Lores for 32.
4 Hybrids for 8.

Total of 16 Favors of the Well, Meaning 32 Notices of the Well + 512 Shards
Total of 32 Notices of the Well
48 Uncommon Components - Meaning 48 Common Components + 384 Shards
240 Common Components

Grand total of 64 Notices of the Well, 288 Common Components and 896 Shards. And that's just for the ALPHA SLOT.

For the other 5 slots,
Total of 76 Very Rare Components, 152 Rare Components, 152 Uncommon Components, and 1216 Common Components.

...Yeah, I think you're going to be at it awhile.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Well thats what time travel is for.



I've got them all on my main, Paladin, on Virtue. Since I hardly play any other characters it wasn't as difficult as it would be for someone with altitis but it still took a while - I finished them all about a month before Hybrid was released to the live servers. Leading the trials instead of just joining them was a big help and once you're comfortable guiding through the later trials it's not that bad.

The Underground is very useful for it's 60 threads, guaranteed rare/very rare, and the threads along the way - I would usually run a MoM, Keyes, and Underground when I was working towards the badges. Be very aware that you will have to combine rares sometimes, since the UG's guarantee can sense when you need very rare and responds like you would expect.

I should say I've got every T4 except Void Core which I've kept at T3. I enjoy the knockback for thematic moments too much to upgrade; the T4 Core just has damage and none of the kick.

Still totally worth it.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Ive got about 50. Dunno if i wanna get em all just for alls sake. There are some that I would just have absolutely no use for, ever.

But I prolly could finish out the slots with my built up salvage, astrals and emps.



besides "i did badge" is there any valid reason for doing this on a character? I can see sometimes where I get 2 tier 4s in the same ability (Clarion & Rebirth) for specific roles. But this seems a little like collecting photos of everybody who acted in "The Avengers" (no matter how small a role) by personally taking them. Is there a point?



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
besides "i did badge" is there any valid reason for doing this on a character? I can see sometimes where I get 2 tier 4s in the same ability (Clarion & Rebirth) for specific roles. But this seems a little like collecting photos of everybody who acted in "The Avengers" (no matter how small a role) by personally taking them. Is there a point?
Allow me to explain.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
This is one feat I am trying to achieve on a single character, specifically my main. Its not something I grind on a daily basis but it is a goal I work toward. I am sure there are people that have managed to do this. I estimate it would take about 60 Very rares (I haven't sat down and counted) or maybe even 100 or in terms of Emp merits that would be nearly 3,000 at 30 merits per Very Rare.

Would be cool there was a badge associated with this but since more and more abilities are added would be hard to keep track. Maybe if they added a badge for having both very rares in a single tree's power. (IE one for musculature, one for cardiac, etc)

I am sure some people would view this as insanity the same way I view doing a man build or a brawl build to level 50 solo insanity.

So is anyone else going for this? How far along are you? I would say for myself I am maybe 15-20% of the way.

I think we need to take Ultimus out and get him laid...

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Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
besides "i did badge" is there any valid reason for doing this on a character? I can see sometimes where I get 2 tier 4s in the same ability (Clarion & Rebirth) for specific roles. But this seems a little like collecting photos of everybody who acted in "The Avengers" (no matter how small a role) by personally taking them. Is there a point?
If you have a main that you prefer to focus on instead of making new alts, being able to have somewhere to "grow" becomes one of the best motivators for playing the game. As long as there's a spot to improve your character - even if that manifests in options - it can keep non-alt players playing.

The Radial and Core bonuses are different enough to warrant going after in most cases. Ageless Core provides a recovery, where Ageless Radial provides debuff resistance. Void Judgements can do massive damage in Core or massive -damage in Radial.

The options come in handy when playing with pickup groups, where you can tailor your incarnate abilities to the team's needs; you don't need to rely on alts anymore.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Why stop at just the tier 4s. Fill the whole tree. All of it, in all of the trees. :P

The Bacon Compels You.



My main has all Destiny, Hybird, Judgment T4d, a few Alpha T4d and a smattering of Lore T4. Those don't include both sides though, just one side to T4. The pets especially seem like a huge task that I have no wish to undertake for the foreseeable future.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
If you have a main that you prefer to focus on instead of making new alts, being able to have somewhere to "grow" becomes one of the best motivators for playing the game. As long as there's a spot to improve your character - even if that manifests in options - it can keep non-alt players playing.

The Radial and Core bonuses are different enough to warrant going after in most cases. Ageless Core provides a recovery, where Ageless Radial provides debuff resistance. Void Judgements can do massive damage in Core or massive -damage in Radial.

The options come in handy when playing with pickup groups, where you can tailor your incarnate abilities to the team's needs; you don't need to rely on alts anymore.
exactly this.



I have seen a couple of people whose Bios SAY they have every t4. This being on Freedumb and (Lack of)Virtue.

I saw this of MM in oro whose bio bragged about his big collection..a bots bubbles mm..with resislent? Yeah..totally see why thats gonna be a t4 alpha for that combo..

Oh and I could mention a certain Emp fender, also on Free, who ALWAYS spams lf trial binds, tooting a collection of EVERY single T4..and then proceeds to spend every trial just spamming healing aura...I guess she COULD be spamming because he is rereading the power info of all those T4s..



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I have seen a couple of people whose Bios SAY they have every t4. This being on Freedumb and (Lack of)Virtue.

I saw this of MM in oro whose bio bragged about his big collection..a bots bubbles mm..with resislent? Yeah..totally see why thats gonna be a t4 alpha for that combo..

Oh and I could mention a certain Emp fender, also on Free, who ALWAYS spams lf trial binds, tooting a collection of EVERY single T4..and then proceeds to spend every trial just spamming healing aura...I guess she COULD be spamming because he is rereading the power info of all those T4s..
Jealousy, hatred, or disgust?



I snagged every single Hybrid T4, but haven't felt as compelled to do similiar with the other incarnate slots.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
This is one feat I am trying to achieve on a single character, specifically my main. Its not something I grind on a daily basis but it is a goal I work toward. I am sure there are people that have managed to do this. I estimate it would take about 60 Very rares (I haven't sat down and counted) or maybe even 100 or in terms of Emp merits that would be nearly 3,000 at 30 merits per Very Rare.

Would be cool there was a badge associated with this but since more and more abilities are added would be hard to keep track. Maybe if they added a badge for having both very rares in a single tree's power. (IE one for musculature, one for cardiac, etc)

I am sure some people would view this as insanity the same way I view doing a man build or a brawl build to level 50 solo insanity.

So is anyone else going for this? How far along are you? I would say for myself I am maybe 15-20% of the way.
my highest incarnate one aint quite there. Got them all before except the hybrid before the hybrid went live, then it went ot the way side for another toon that was at tier three for everything. Currently only one with hybrid in the set (the test dummy) is the one with all tier threes. Not sure if I'm going to go for hybrid for any other toon until it is needed for one of the incarnate powers slots above it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



On the beta server I filled out a few this way (by getting free tokens to speed up the process immensely) but stopped when I hit lore.

I was like... "Yeah, not that bored."

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
Jealousy, hatred, or disgust?
i would guess exasperation.

Jealousy seems silly and a bit non sequitur.
Hatred seems a bit over the top and excessive based on the tone of the post.
Disgust is a possibility, but is usually a short term reaction in my opinion. And exasperation usually has an element of disgust included.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i would guess exasperation.

Jealousy seems silly and a bit non sequitur.
Hatred seems a bit over the top and excessive based on the tone of the post.
Disgust is a possibility, but is usually a short term reaction in my opinion. And exasperation usually has an element of disgust included.
had to look that word up lol

ex·as·per·a·tion n.1. The act or an instance of exasperating.
2. The state of being exasperated; frustrated annoyance.

Also what does dude have against freedom and virtue, let alone what other people decide to do with their characters.



Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
Also what does dude have against freedom and virtue, let alone what other people decide to do with their characters.
Maybe I am parsing this too fine but I don't believe the poster mentioned a prejudice against Freedom or Virtue, it seemed to be more an insult directed at the players who inhabit those servers.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Maybe I am parsing this too fine but I don't believe the poster mentioned a prejudice against Freedom or Virtue, it seemed to be more an insult directed at the players who inhabit those servers.
Which would imply a prejudice against those players .



Originally Posted by zombie man View Post
there were several folk who said they got all the t4 lore just a few weeks after lore was released. Once you get that done, the rest is relatively easy.
qft!!!! trying to go for Lore alone would drive me insane.

There are folks who like to do stuff like this, such as opening 2400 superpacks or what not.

I ain't one of them.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!