if you solo - why not just PL then play the game from Oro?

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What's the point of being powerleveled only to do the content through Ouroboros? You won't know how to play your character. I've seen players in the game tell people begging for free farms to go play the game and complain about how people get powerleveled to 50 and then wonder why they suck, because they don't know how the character works.



Well as a villain I want to cause Mayhem in Atlas and every other city,
As a hero was to do Safeguard missions.

Also the old arcs are boring from Oro too. Safeguard/Mayhem missions are the only good missions in the game, other then the new ones in Atlas/Mercy.... found a few new ones in Steel.

I only PLed once to 50 it was kinda boring.... Well I PLed with AE too :P



IMO Monkeyslap hit the nail on the head. Now, i have run way more than my share of SS/Invul and SS/Will Brutes. So if I want to PL one of these to 50 (Why do I keep making more, why?) then no one can fault me for it, as I understand the character. However, my newest projects are the new Water Blasters, a Kin/Will Scrap (thx KD proc!) and a Dark/Dark Tank. None of these have I run to any significant level, some not at all. if I was 50'd with them tomorrow it would take me a few days to a week to understand the synergy of the powers and the timing of things. It is almost easier to learn as the powers level in over the course of a few days to a week as I 50 them "organically".



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I solo. I also team. I did not post "if you only solo" which is what you seem to think I posted.

For PLing, DfB or the task forces. DfB to 10, both Posi's, Synapse, Penelope Yin and Sutter will get you to 24. Maybe throw in a DiB.
This is not PLing, this is efficient gameplay.

When I PL, I launch both accounts, set up the Nemesis platform at +4, grab my Plant/Psi permadom and go to town. It gets me to at least SOs or 35 or 41 then I run patron arcs to get powers and move on.

To answer the question though, I make an effort to run all new arcs once. Whether I repeat that process depends on verbiage (Hello there Doctor Graves!) mechanics (multile EBs/Bosses) and length (Welcome to the Libray of Souls!) and so on. Ouroboros gets used for badge missions needed for accolades and Alpha unlocks when I lack Astrals and that's about it.

Actually, I run papers for newspaper missions because the Devs won't put Mayhems in Ouro for some odd reason.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I do it just because I like playing the arcs and red side especially, with the mayhem mishes. Blue side, usually after a mish or too, the contact starts story arc. Sometimes I do cut off the xp option just to do a few more contacts within a level range that I'm about to outlevel, especially prior to level 25. I dont view leveling up as a chore but more like a journey I can take my time with.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
This is not PLing, this is efficient gameplay.
I'm sorry, I missed the meeting where PL'ing was defined.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I'm sorry, I missed the meeting where PL'ing was defined.
I don't consider that pling either. You're simply playing the game, form what you described. Doing trials and tfs doesn't get you any extra ordinary xp. If you think it does then you need to sit in an AE cave farm for some time.

Just saying.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



in the end xp is xp regardless how you get assuming it is legal.

The choice of course, is what route you choose to take. And the best route is the route that that a player, on an individual level, find fit their goal, playstyle, and or fun definition. Want to run arcs, you'll get xp, farms still xp, TF/SF/Trials, still xp. In the end still have to reach 39 million give or take a few, to reach 50.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I'm sorry, I missed the meeting where PL'ing was defined.

If someone offers to "PL" me and then we run a Phalanx TF I'll thank them and decline. PLing is reptetive farming of the same instance (think the old Family farms in PI, NEmesis platform, Television runs or AE), run by a 50 (now 50+1) while I soak rewards.

Nothing you have described is a PL, at least not as I or my colleagues that PL would expect it to be.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I don't consider that pling either. You're simply playing the game, form what you described. Doing trials and tfs doesn't get you any extra ordinary xp. If you think it does then you need to sit in an AE cave farm for some time.

Just saying.
^^^ This.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



In other MMO's, powerleveling gets you caught up with your friends.

The only real equivalent would be running an incarnate task force 6 or so times, canceling the task force in progress at a certain point so that you grind out the slot xp as fast as possible and then spending cash or something on the power to slot in it.

Which I did, but it's hardly a grievous violation of player ethics.

And even then OH NO, what are they gonna do, send Golden Girl after you?

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Actually, it is like asking if you sleep alone why do you sleep on the couch or only on one side of the bed instead of sleeping in the most comfortable place.

Running arcs through Oro is more convenient then running them not through Oro. Oro is the bed, regular contacts are the couch.
Actually, as many others here have already said, the regular contacts are the bed and Ouro is the couch, the place for a quickie nap. The regular contacts contain all the flavor and variety of missions that make this game what it is. Ouro is a place to go get that one mission (or arc) that eluded you before. Ouro is not the game. Ouro is only a tool.

But yeah, sure, if you want to rush to 50, you go right ahead. The chances I ever see that character (or team with him), even once he reaches 50, then become even slimmer. I'm guessing that's a good thing.



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Actually, as many others here have already said, the regular contacts are the bed and Ouro is the couch, the place for a quickie nap. The regular contacts contain all the flavor and variety of missions that make this game what it is. Ouro is a place to go get that one mission (or arc) that eluded you before. Ouro is not the game. Ouro is only a tool.
I'm confused.

I go to Oro and select an arc. It sends me to the contact. I do the missions in the world and talk to the contact. The arc has the same flavor and variety of missions that it would have through the contact because it is through the contact.

I absolutely agree that Oro is a tool. It is a tool that lets you access whatever arcs you want and removes the filler from the contacts. What is missing is talk to people missions and random missions that are not part of the arc.

Are you saying that you want to be sent to Perez Park to defeat 10 CoT as a random mission? Or be sent to talk to the Hero Corps Agent in KR just to chat? Is that the flavor that is missing?



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I'm confused.


Is that the flavor that is missing?
Yes. Sometimes. Not always though. Dug, this all comes down to immersion, stopping and smelling the roses, enjoying the journey, the wonder of unplanned adventures and random encounters, and a host of other pithy phrases that explain why some of us like to take the scenic route and not the short cut. Even though the phrases above don't describe your streamlined approach toward the (game) world, you need to be able to sympathize with the meaningfulness of these experiences for other people before you can understand the answers they're giving to your question. The problem you're running into is that this meaningfulness cannot be fully described within the context of game mechanics. For many people, their motivations for playing the game have little or absolutely nothing to do with efficiency or convenience; indeed, many people are here to enjoy time away from their daily rat race. But that's just one reason among billions of reasons people have imagined for themselves in playing City of Heroes over the years. The capacity to recognize and acknowledge that other people are very different from you and from each other is essential here.

Many an OP has simply asked the community, "How do you solo and why?" But the reason people are reacting negatively to your thread title is because it seems to suggest that we haven't already thought of your suggestion (and it's a very simple and obvious suggestion). That may not be what you intended, but it certainly doesn't help that you've earned yourself thin social capital from a weary audience.

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The only thing I've done/do that's close to PL'ing my own toon is that xp-sharing thing between a toon on my main account and my 2nd account. Granted, now that you can get EATS earlier I'm starting to think that's probably pointless.



The short answer to the original question is that I play the game for immersion, not for levels. I have no gripe with people who want to powerlevel; more power to them. Pointless, to my mind, but they no doubt see me rescuing Mrs. Habashy for the umpteenth time and wonder why I'm engaging in such pointless repetition. *shrug*

There is a qualitative difference between living my character's life and fast-forwarding through it followed by selective rewinding of it. If another player doesn't appreciate that differential quality, well, it just means that they want different things from their game than I want from mine.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
But the reason people are reacting negatively to your thread title is because it seems to suggest that we haven't already thought of your suggestion (and it's a very simple and obvious suggestion). That may not be what you intended, but it certainly doesn't help that you've earned yourself thin social capital from a weary audience.
I think it goes beyond that, Cpt. I think the thread title implies that all of us have been "doing it wrong" by NOT using Ouro once we skip to 14+ and then go back to play the stuff we missed since Ouro is more efficient.

The problem with that is: It just doesn't "feel" right. And that "feeling of wrongess" is why I won't do it that way. It is hard to describe any better than that for me.



I've been kind of doing that. I level rapidly through teaming (a mix of dfbs, teams, task forces, the sometimes PL if a friend is doing that and I tag along) and then I go back and do the stuff I missed that I want my character to have 'experienced' or just storylines I enjoy.

Right now I'm trying to 'black out' all the ouro arcs on my very first character. She's doing really well, but oh my god, ouroing harvey maylor's hunt fifty carnies TWICE when you can't just run a paper was one of my stupider plans.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's like asking "If you live alone, why not sleep on the couch?" Why would I want to?
I prefer to sleep in a sitting position, and find that I'm most comfortable doing so on a couch or recliner.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Dug, I think the problem here is that you stated the original question as being about PLing, then later said that wasn't what you meant, you didn't understand what PLing was - and now the replies are why people don't like to PL. Well.. that's because it's how you worded the thing.

To refer to what I "think" is your original intent, sometimes, I've learned it's far less annoying to use Ouro. For example, after running a few DFB's, I've typically tried to get the contact for "rescue the mystic" for the spelunker badge. Which is a hassle, but even if I do get the contact, my first "mission" is a street hunt (which I don't much love anyway, much less at level 12). Then I have to do a defeat-all mission... in Atlas (you know, still level 12 here! Why didn't they put that mish in the building ol' Trevor is standing near?). Then another street hunt. Then I have to go talk to David Wincott. Then, apparently, there is a security guard in Perez who wants me to do a street hunt for HIM. ONLY THEN can I do the one mission I was looking for!

This isn't about skipping content for immediate gratification of rewards - with the exception of the Atlas mission, NONE of it is content - it's mind-numbing filler. So, yes - now I do the content I enjoy at that level and go back later and ouro the spellunker mission.

I can't think of any other instances where I've chased after the badge and ignored the content, though.

Is that answering the question you were asking?



Even tho I play the early content and team quite a bit there is a lot of content you miss due to what ever origin you choose,so I use the Oro to go back and do the stuff I had not done

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



The biggest downfall to Oro is thad you become locked into finishing the arc before you can do anything else. If your friends want to throw together a team, you have to abandon your progress or your friends or your character.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I absolutely agree that Oro is a tool. It is a tool that lets you access whatever arcs you want and removes the filler from the contacts. What is missing is talk to people missions and random missions that are not part of the arc.
The content that you dismiss as "filler" also includes some one-off missions that some people acually enjoy. It's not all pointless fed-ex missions and streets hunts, there are some actual door missions in there, and some are pretty cool. Of the non-arc missions, only the ones that award badges are included in Oro.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
IMO Monkeyslap hit the nail on the head. Now, i have run way more than my share of SS/Invul and SS/Will Brutes. So if I want to PL one of these to 50 (Why do I keep making more, why?) then no one can fault me for it, as I understand the character. However, my newest projects are the new Water Blasters, a Kin/Will Scrap (thx KD proc!) and a Dark/Dark Tank. None of these have I run to any significant level, some not at all. if I was 50'd with them tomorrow it would take me a few days to a week to understand the synergy of the powers and the timing of things. It is almost easier to learn as the powers level in over the course of a few days to a week as I 50 them "organically".
You make a good point and I can understand getting powerleveled when you're quite familiar with the power set(s) already.

Basically what I was referring to are those idiots that get PL'ed to 50 and then go into the help channel and say things like "Please help me! I need help with my build!"

Some of them could be new players that only play the game to get to the max level as quick as possible for end game content. Where does a new player get all that inf for buying a PL service anyway when they haven't even played the game yet? Buy it from an RMT site I imagine. And if you're a free player and want end game content you're S.O.L.

Trust me, I have 3 level 50's I leveled up myself doing missions, some TFs, and repeated holiday trials (for badges) and all that's left to do on them is flashback missions for badges and being a completist, getting exploration badges, trying to find people for TFs for even more badges, badges, and more badges. And I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

But currently I have 27 characters created out of 31 character slots and I'm just enjoying the game. Been doing the summer event trial on over half of them all month. About 20 of them have all the summer event badges.

But it is kinda a running joke when a new power set comes out. The day Water Blast came out the first thing I did when I logged in was say in the help channel "I wonder how many water blasters have pl'ed to 50 already" to which 1 person replied "I was wondering the same thing". Similar comment in help channel when Darkness Control came out.

Pretty ridiculous when a new power set is released around 6am Pacific time and I log in around 4-5pm Pacific only to see a bunch of level 50s running around with the new power set. It's impossible even with XP boosters to get to level 50 in that short amount of time without power leveling.



Simple answer:

Because I will frequently join a team if one forms doing something that sounds fun.

If I'm doing Ouro arcs I will have to start the arc over if I want to finish it.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



This topic..just Vintage Doug. Vintage. Great idea though..how do those people who are soloing (cause they WANT to solo, or need to) actually pl, to get to 50? They can only solo as you point out..do they have to all roll fire brutes and run through AE, mostly unIOed and crappy?

Never stop these topics doug...never!