if you solo - why not just PL then play the game from Oro?

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Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
Dug, I think the problem here is that you stated the original question as being about PLing, then later said that wasn't what you meant, you didn't understand what PLing was - and now the replies are why people don't like to PL. Well.. that's because it's how you worded the thing.

To refer to what I "think" is your original intent, sometimes, I've learned it's far less annoying to use Ouro. For example, after running a few DFB's, I've typically tried to get the contact for "rescue the mystic" for the spelunker badge. Which is a hassle, but even if I do get the contact, my first "mission" is a street hunt (which I don't much love anyway, much less at level 12). Then I have to do a defeat-all mission... in Atlas (you know, still level 12 here! Why didn't they put that mish in the building ol' Trevor is standing near?). Then another street hunt. Then I have to go talk to David Wincott. Then, apparently, there is a security guard in Perez who wants me to do a street hunt for HIM. ONLY THEN can I do the one mission I was looking for!

This isn't about skipping content for immediate gratification of rewards - with the exception of the Atlas mission, NONE of it is content - it's mind-numbing filler. So, yes - now I do the content I enjoy at that level and go back later and ouro the spellunker mission.

I can't think of any other instances where I've chased after the badge and ignored the content, though.

Is that answering the question you were asking?
That is answering the question I was asking.

If at 10 you do Posi 1&2, Syanpse, Yin, Sutter, Moonfire, Citadel, and Hess you will probably hit 30 just doing those, or come close. It is easy at that point to just go to Oro and do the arcs. Far easier than trying to get them the normal way.

I do understand that many people equate powerleveling to farming or being leveled. That is not what the term means in MMO's in general. It is leveling quickly as opposed to doing the content.

Given the vast leveling difference between a team of 8 and solo, I regard teaming as powerleveling. I suspect that many people regard powerleveling as doing something more exploitive than what they do. In the George Carlin sense that "anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"



First, I find using Oro more annoying than bouncing around from contact to contact, zone to zone. As much as I want to do the First Ward stuff on my main, I just can't stand Oro enough to go through all 7 parts. I kinda wish there was a way to just pick "Night Ward" in the list of arcs, and be able to run parts 1-7 straight through.

And second, as others have said, I'm more entertained by the journey to 50 than actually getting to 50.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



I mostly solo and I very rarely use Oro for anything but transportation.

I enjoy playing the game in 'real' time.

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I think part of the problem with this thread is that people might be talking at cross-purposes; it sounds to me like Dug is saying, "Why not power-level up to 24 or 25 (whatever the minimum level is to do Ouro content) and then spend the rest of your way to 50 doing missions solely through Ouro, where you get teleports and don't have to spam through random 'hey, run a patrol of Peregrine' missions to get to the arcs?"

Whereas what a lof of people seem to be answering is, "Why not let yourself be power-leveled to 50 and then play the whole game through flashback?" These are two very different questions.

To answer the question I think Dug asked, as a frequent soloer, I enjoy teaming just enough to be irked by having to quit an arc midway through instead of just leaving it (this is even more obnoxious when you hit 50 and are doing the DA content to get Empy's...) Also, I like the sense of achievement I get from doing things, and imagining it all as flashbacks breaks immersion just that tiny bit. (As does seeing greyed out power icons of cool stuff I just earned but can't use.) Hope that helps!



Originally Posted by BadWolf View Post
To answer the question I think Dug asked, as a frequent soloer, I enjoy teaming just enough to be irked by having to quit an arc midway through instead of just leaving it (this is even more obnoxious when you hit 50 and are doing the DA content to get Empy's...) Also, I like the sense of achievement I get from doing things, and imagining it all as flashbacks breaks immersion just that tiny bit. (As does seeing greyed out power icons of cool stuff I just earned but can't use.) Hope that helps!
I have found that to be a pain. I can switch to an alt to join teams, but I have had this come up.

Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
First, I find using Oro more annoying than bouncing around from contact to contact, zone to zone. As much as I want to do the First Ward stuff on my main, I just can't stand Oro enough to go through all 7 parts. I kinda wish there was a way to just pick "Night Ward" in the list of arcs, and be able to run parts 1-7 straight through.
I did find this annoying in Croatoa. I was ready to do the next arc but had to return to Oro to start it. Not a huge problem, but about the same as having to run to KR to talk to the hero corps agent. I would say that the new, multi-arc zones are better run through regular contacts than Oro.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
So if I want to PL one of these to 50 (Why do I keep making more, why?) then no one can fault me for it, as I understand the character.
I actually PL'ed a character for the first time a few weeks ago for this very reason. Had a high lvl crab on my last account and a friend offered to PL me and another guy so I said why not (doesn't help redside is always dead even on freedom). It wasn't a 1-50 PL was actually 25-45 but still felt pretty cheap to me. Left a terrible taste in my mouth after it was done and I am never PL'ing another toon again.

Personally I am against PL'ing in general mainly because it takes actual people away from teaming up during the lower lvls (for those who actually team and not just solo) and unbalances the player population



Originally Posted by BricksTown Thug15 View Post
I actually PL'ed a character for the first time a few weeks ago for this very reason. Had a high lvl crab on my last account and a friend offered to PL me and another guy so I said why not (doesn't help redside is always dead even on freedom). It wasn't a 1-50 PL was actually 25-45 but still felt pretty cheap to me. Left a terrible taste in my mouth after it was done and I am never PL'ing another toon again.

Personally I am against PL'ing in general mainly because it takes actual people away from teaming up during the lower lvls (for those who actually team and not just solo) and unbalances the player population
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Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Welcome to the fallout that occurred just after I14.
Yeah pretty much



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I just started doing some arcs from Oro that were needed for accolades. They have the low level arcs in a cleaned up version - no being sent to Hollows to talk to a guy, no random missions that are not part of the arc.

For those interested in the story arcs, leveling to get to Oro and then just doing the arcs through there seems much better than trying to get the right contacts, sort through the garbage missions, etc.

Do people use Oro for their content or still do it the old fashioned way?
Old fashioned way. Why? For me it's, frankly, much more fun. There's a lot that I still miss the old fashioned way, so Oro's good for that, though.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



As others have said, it's too much trouble to deal with juggling Ouroboros arcs and team content, and it really breaks the immersion of the arcs as being part of the character's own development and exploration of the city. But that does give me an idea about a Mender character who treats all the content in the game as missions into the past. It'd be a limiting way to play the game, but an interesting story angle.

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Never saw much of a point on power leveling. There is a certain fulfillment behind growing up with a character and taking them through different storylines that other toons haven't. It gives them a sort of personality that I didn't expect, and relationships with NPCs that I didn't plan for.

Also, Ourobos just kind of feels forced and locked in. I can't just stop and do something else: I have to do the whole Ourobos arc, or quit halfway through and start again if I want to do something else.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Never saw much of a point on power leveling. There is a certain fulfillment behind growing up with a character and taking them through different storylines that other toons haven't. It gives them a sort of personality that I didn't expect, and relationships with NPCs that I didn't plan for.

Also, Ourobos just kind of feels forced and locked in. I can't just stop and do something else: I have to do the whole Ourobos arc, or quit halfway through and start again if I want to do something else.
I've always gotten the impression from other gaming communities and the gaming media that CoX's focus on 1-50 instead of post-50 was a bad thing, and I've never understood why. I know that's how other MMOs work, but why is all the cool stuff at post-level cap considered better than having all the cool stuff from level 1-level cap?

This game just wasn't made for power leveling, it was always about the journey from 1-50, roll an alt, and do it again. Even better was that, until recently, you didn't have to do it the same way every time. Your intro arcs were based on your origin. Now, EVERYONE goes through the same process of Habashy, (can't remember the next ones), Thiery, Twinshot, etc. and same for redside. Speaking of, I just recently started a villain alt running the new intro stuff for them, and was somewhat disappointed/irked to discover that (at least up to the point I'm at) it's the same intro Blueside has just with an "evil" slant.

Sorry for the OT tirade. I know the OP wasn't really talking about PL'ing to 50, then running Oro. I just started to respond, and the next thing I know ^ that's what my fingers coughed out.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



I find the Ouroboros experience to be inferior to the regular levelling experience, for the following reasons:

1) I dislike being locked into task force mode.
2) I dislike exemplaring more than a handful of levels (I don't slot for it, so usually my level 50 exemplared down to 20 is weaker than he was when he was 20 for real).
3) I enjoy the experience of gradually unlocking my powers, and learning/developing my character over time.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I do understand that many people equate powerleveling to farming or being leveled. That is not what the term means in MMO's in general. It is leveling quickly as opposed to doing the content.

Given the vast leveling difference between a team of 8 and solo, I regard teaming as powerleveling. I suspect that many people regard powerleveling as doing something more exploitive than what they do. In the George Carlin sense that "anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"
I've played a lot of MMOs and your definition isn't one I've come across often. Far more common in my experience is the definition that you're receiving outside help to level much faster than the normal content would allow and/or running the content in an abnormal way (and DFB etc are part of the normal content in this context). It's not generally something you do for yourself (besides perhaps dual boxing or exploits), hence requests for somebody to "plvl me". Although, colloquially (though I suppose the term itself is that by default, but hopefully you know what I mean) people may declare they're going to powerlevel themselves, I've always taken that to be a slightly tongue-in-cheek deviation from the core meaning. Possibly we just move in different MMO circles though.



Originally Posted by afocks View Post
But hey, if you don't enjoy the content I have to ask why you are even here?
Each to their own sir, each to their own.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I do understand that many people equate powerleveling to farming or being leveled.
12 years of experience in MMOs, and that's exactly how I've always heard the term used. Sorry if some people misled you as to what it means by misusing the term for something else.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



My first 70 50s were all played the old fashioned way. Now I dual box myself to 22 (in AE, I like the lvl 10 -KB IOs and lvl twentyish 3% defs) and start there with SOs, using Ouro for the fortune teller.

I both solo and team at different times, and sometimes log in the middle of an arc so don't want my toon tied up in TF mode if a teaming opportunity arises.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
That is answering the question I was asking.

If at 10 you do Posi 1&2, Syanpse, Yin, Sutter, Moonfire, Citadel, and Hess you will probably hit 30 just doing those, or come close. It is easy at that point to just go to Oro and do the arcs. Far easier than trying to get them the normal way.

I do understand that many people equate powerleveling to farming or being leveled. That is not what the term means in MMO's in general. It is leveling quickly as opposed to doing the content.
Given the vast leveling difference between a team of 8 and solo, I regard teaming as powerleveling. I suspect that many people regard powerleveling as doing something more exploitive than what they do. In the George Carlin sense that "anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"
You still are having problems with your definitions:

TFs ARE content. Just because that activity, and teaming in general, may gain XP at a faster rate DOES NOT make them powerlevelling, as the term is generally used in MMOs. They are playing content.

I understand your question is about reasons people may or may not want to flashback for content, but your OP started from an entirely jewobbered premise of what powerlevelling is defined as - hence the tangent the discussion took.

My objections to using Ouro instead of doing content at each level as I reach it are the same as others have stated - I don't like some of the mechanics, such as being locked into a single arc until I finish it instead of being able to change easily between arcs.

My question back to you is "Why are you limiting your experience of exemplaring back only to Ouro?" You can join any team at any level to go back to lower level content (even the TFs you seem to think are not content for some reason) and still have the flexibility of switching between arcs if you grow bored with the one you are on.

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Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

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