So I want to return but...

A Musing Mage



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I see Pebblebrook hasn't seen Arcanaville's awesome Super Pack Revenue post.
It's been about three years since he started banging on his this game is dying, DYING I SAY drum, he's not about to let a little thing like reality interrupt his groove.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I see Pebblebrook hasn't seen Arcanaville's awesome Super Pack Revenue post.
No, i did see it. There's not a lot of topics i feel i can respond to but i do read many of them. But i mostly had these in mind when i replied:

Total Yearly Revenue

           KrW (mn)    USD (approx)
2004    31,475         27,607,023
2005    34,265          33,199,783
2006    25,016          25,770,998
2007    23,446          25,059,657
2008    24,217          22,335,820
2009    22,909          17,760,819
2010    15,787          13,564,705
2011    12,089          10,881,574
* KrW numbers totaled from NCSoft's quarterly numbers report, USD calculated with exchange rates from (mostly for context)



Eight year old game, of course it's pulling in less money than it used to. (The same is true of the gorilla; of course, if anything, people are even more eager to announce that it's dying.) Still, IMO, it's doing fairly well for a mid-tier MMO of its age.

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Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
No, i did see it. There's not a lot of topics i feel i can respond to but i do read many of them. But i mostly had these in mind when i replied:

Total Yearly Revenue

           KrW (mn)    USD (approx)
2004    31,475         27,607,023
2005    34,265          33,199,783
2006    25,016          25,770,998
2007    23,446          25,059,657
2008    24,217          22,335,820
2009    22,909          17,760,819
2010    15,787          13,564,705
2011    12,089          10,881,574
* KrW numbers totaled from NCSoft's quarterly numbers report, USD calculated with exchange rates from (mostly for context)
Uh, you have seen the numbers post-Freedom, right?

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Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Uh, you have seen the numbers post-Freedom, right?
Yes i have.

                 KrW (mn)  USD (approx)                        
Jun-2004    11,135     9,545,901
Sep-2004     9,403     8,138,054
Dec-2004   10,937     9,923,067
Mar-2005     6,341     6,172,648
Jun-2005      5,806     5,752,863
Sep-2005     6,412     6,225,233
Dec-2005   15,706    15,049,039 (CoV)
Mar-2006     6,523     6,571,375
Jun-2006      5,532     5,733,156
Sep-2006     7,429     7,657,858
Dec-2006     5,532     5,808,610
Mar-2007     5,954     6,242,317
Jun-2007      6,370     6,806,603
Sep-2007     5,721     6,153,197
Dec-2007     5,401     5,857,540 (NCSoft buyout from Cryptic)
Mar-2008     5,416     5,657,921
Jun-2008     5,743     5,629,661
Sep-2008     6,193     5,808,868
Dec-2008     6,865     5,027,992
Mar-2009     6,837     4,829,698
Jun-2009     6,673     5,179,637
Sep-2009     5,471     4,400,302
Dec-2009     3,928     3,351,182
Mar-2010     3,348     2,913,135
Jun-2010     3,491     2,989,656
Sep-2010     5,709     4,808,316 (GR)
Dec-2010     3,239     2,853,598
Mar-2011     3,055     2,723,752
Jun-2011      2,787     2,567,666
Sep-2011     2,812     2,597,660 (Freedom-partial)
Dec-2011     3,435     2,992,497 (Freedom-all)
Mar-2012     2,890     2,551,122 (Superpack #1)



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Uh, you have seen the numbers post-Freedom, right?
Doomies never let things like that stop them. Technically they are right. The game will in fact one day shut down because it stopped being profitable. As long as they keep their predictions sufficiently vague, and repeat them so they are always recent, they can pat themselves on the back and tell each other how clever they were for seeing the "inevitable".



I'm going to live forever or die trying.



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
No, i did see it. There's not a lot of topics i feel i can respond to but i do read many of them.
345 posts, roughly 340 of them doomcrying about CoH finances.

One wonders why an actual player would only ever bother posting if it gave them an opportunity to pontificate on the impending failure of the game.

Strange, that.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
345 posts, roughly 340 of them doomcrying about CoH finances.

One wonders why an actual player would only ever bother posting if it gave them an opportunity to pontificate on the impending failure of the game.

Strange, that.
Good grief I hope he's not actually on another studio's payroll. Because really, really, none of us care. If "doing the worst ever" is what is bringing us more content and features and powers and costumes than ever before, then, okay, I guess I'll take more of this "doing the worst ever."

The other MMORPG I subscribe to is Ultima Online. The first MMORPG. It launched in 1997. It turns 15 years old this year. Guess what year it was when I read the first rash of doom posts for Ultima Online. Go ahead, guess. If you guessed 1997, then you have correctly guessed how this whole doom prophecy garbage works.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
345 posts, roughly 340 of them doomcrying about CoH finances.

One wonders why an actual player would only ever bother posting if it gave them an opportunity to pontificate on the impending failure of the game.

Strange, that.

I wonder how long it will take him to go thru his posts and count the ones where he didn't natter on about the finances so he can refute your post by saying something along the lines of, "That's not true. I only talked about the finances 263 times. That means I talked about other topics 82 times."



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I wonder how long it will take him to go thru his posts and count the ones where he didn't natter on about the finances so he can refute your post by saying something along the lines of, "That's not true. I only talked about the finances 263 times. That means I talked about other topics 82 times."
That's not necessary since, although it's not painting the game in the rosiest of light, doesn't make it "doomcrying". And why would i refute it...the numbers topic is one of the few i can respond to.

Now if the list of numbers i posted above is in reverse order, then you'd see me say "it's the highest its ever been" time and again. But i suppose if that happened, i'll garner replies accusing me of being a fanboy.

Eh, internet...what can you do except ride the wave.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
But if the snipe hits live as is, then the game is no longer balanced around SO's in mind.
Not specifically to single you out, but I love how players enjoy telling the devs what they were thinking when they made a change, based on their logical conclusions about what they must have been thinking, regardless of what they were actually thinking. I can tell you it impresses them to no end to know there are people that know what they are thinking better than they do.

Alternatively, its possible the effect was designed with SOs in mind for its base behavior, and then inventions were considered to determine how well it could be made to perform by players that use them.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I wonder how long it will take him to go thru his posts and count the ones where he didn't natter on about the finances so he can refute your post by saying something along the lines of, "That's not true. I only talked about the finances 263 times. That means I talked about other topics 82 times."
I've *literally* never seen him post on any other topic, and I spend quite a bit of time here and read a lot of random threads.

Now I know he must have thrown up at least a couple of posts on other subjects just for camouflage- it would be too damaging if someone did a search and found *nothing* except incessant concern about finances.

Even so, the only reason I went as high as 5 non-doom posts is...I was gone for a year. =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I see Pebblebrook hasn't seen Arcanaville's awesome Super Pack Revenue post.
Where can I find said post? My Search-Fu failed me so am forced to ask.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Where can I find said post? My Search-Fu failed me so am forced to ask.
He might've been referring to the "600,000 Super Packs" thread. Possibly extrapolated from the "3 million individual superpack cards redeemed" statement from Second Measure's anniversary address, though i think it was mentioned elsewhere also.



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
...the numbers topic is one of the few i can respond to.
Care to tell us why that is? Don't you have thoughts about the game play, any wishes for new power sets, favorite story arcs or events or story contacts, memorable in-game experiences? play the game, right?

I also notice you joined the forums in August of 2010, but how long have you been playing the game? Did you take any time to enjoy THE GAME before diving right into the game of financial forecasts?

I mean...why so serious, dude? Why so serious?

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Care to tell us why that is? Don't you have thoughts about the game play, any wishes for new power sets, favorite story arcs or events or story contacts, memorable in-game experiences? play the game, right?

I also notice you joined the forums in August of 2010, but how long have you been playing the game? Did you take any time to enjoy THE GAME before diving right into the game of financial forecasts?
Heh wow, not sure if i should be concerned or flattered you want to know more about me. Not that i need to justify my forum behavior but i usually don't add to the discussion if what i want to say has already been adequately conveyed...that's why i tend to wait till the discussion matures a bit...and if it has been said to my satisfaction then i refrain from adding to the noise (aside from calls for information that i may have like links to things and such). I don't really have any urges to chit chat with strangers unless further discussion could possibly reveal useful information.

As for the reg date, surely you've been around long enough not to rely on reg dates and post counts. If you dig back i explained that while ago...don't have that link on hand but i can explain again.

Prior to Freedom, i had trouble justifying 2 subbed accounts so i decided to let my main account lapse. Since my secondary had more open server slots i decided to keep that one but my only forum account was tied to my main so i had to register this one at that time...that's the reg date you see. After Freedom i can once again post on that account but i already had several current posts with this one and i don't care to manually migrate all my subscribed threads so i just stayed here.

But if reg date is your thing, i'll reply here shortly with that account.

EDIT: Oh and if you're really interested...i've always had both accounts subbed uninterrupted till that moment. And yes, i've been here since CoH beta but wasn't really into the forums at the time so i only registered when the game asked me to when i created my game account.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I also notice you joined the forums in August of 2010, but how long have you been playing the game?
Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
But if reg date is your thing, i'll reply here shortly with that account.
Not sure if this is to your satisfaction Captain but...go to town.



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
Heh wow, not sure if i should be concerned or flattered you want to know more about me.
Originally Posted by ExChampionPlayer View Post
Not sure if this is to your satisfaction Captain but...go to town.
The truth, Pebblebrook? You want the truth? I'm stalking you. You AND your alter ego. And now I know who that is! Dun dun dun! Actually no. The truth is that you're being silly.

I'm not a big fan of saying something this directly, but Pebblebrook, those comments both show that you missed my point, and I recommend you stop being so serious on the Internet. I came right out and asked what a few people have been hinting at wondering about. Well, we all have an answer, now. Apparently, any other subject beyond Paragon Studios finances are filed away under "chit chat." Because you're serious about that.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I'm not a big fan of saying something this directly, but Pebblebrook, those comments both show that you missed my point, and I recommend you stop being so serious on the Internet. I came right out and asked what a few people have been hinting at wondering about. Well, we all have an answer, now. Apparently, any other subject beyond Paragon Studios finances are filed away under "chit chat." Because you're serious about that.
Shouldn't shy away from asking...that's how information is revealed.

And i always thought i put care into sounding non-antagonistic as much as i can in my posts...guess that comes across as serious.

Though i tried letting my hair down some years ago and i replied on a tv show topic in the comic forum felt weird.



Dude scroll up, you actually had a couple of us (at least) in tin foil hats, wondering about your motives and if you work for someone else. It's not that your posts are antagonistic (they are generally polite), it's the voluminous...voluminousness...well the word attrition comes to mind. Is that the right word? Anyway, come to the bright side. We have cookies. And I don't mean the kind that track your Internet behavior. I mean tastey, gooey, scrumptious, steaming fresh from the oven Superadine-laced cookies.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Dude scroll up, you actually had a couple of us (at least) in tin foil hats, wondering about your motives and if you work for someone else. It's not that your posts are antagonistic (they are generally polite), it's the voluminous...voluminousness...well the word attrition comes to mind.
Oh i saw them, i just don't generally respond to such things. I'm already uncomfortable sidetracking this thread so far off topic but it seemed necessary.

And a stranger offering sweets...hmm, maybe i'll wait when i don't see a parked windowless van.


See what happens when i try...not a pretty picture.



It takes practice. I mean look at me, I wasn't always this much of an expert, but now? Everybody laughs at my jokes. Hey, did you hear about that new form of tick they found that can survive prolonged experience in space? They're called LUNARTICKS!!! HAHAHA!!!


*Crickets chirping.*

*Drives away in a windowless van full of Superadine cookies.*

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH